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From plate cultures of Campylobacter jejuni grown in room air a particulate protein of 62 kDa was isolated by ion-exchange chromatography. The protein had a square shape from the side view but when viewed from the top it had a star-shaped structure. The molecular size of the whole particle determined by gel filtration was 850 kDa which suggested the presence of 14 subunits of 62 kDa in each particle. The N-terminal 37 amino residues showed more than 80% homology with the sequence of these heat shock protein (HSP) 60 homologs of Chlamydia trachomatis, Helicobacter pylori, and Escherichia coli (GroEL). This protein is immunologically cross-reactive with the antiserum for the 60-kDa HSP of Yersinia enterocolitica. Production of the 62-kDa protein increased under heat stress and growth in an aerobic atmospheric environment. From these observations we concluded that the 62-kDa protein is a Campylobacter stress protein (Cj62) which belongs to the HSP 60 family.  相似文献   
Mouse myeloma cells, MOPC-31C, were incubated in the presence of 2-thiouridine and newly-synthesized RNA which appeared to contain 2-thioUMP as a constituent was separated from preexisting RNA by affinity chromatography using organomercurial agarose as a support. Both pH and salt concentration greatly affected the specific adsorption of the newly-synthesized RNA on the column. Under optimal conditions the rate of adsorption of the newly-synthesized RNA on the column was proportional to the logarithmic concentration of 2-thiouridine in the culture medium. Furthermore, at a given concentration of 2-thiouridine in the medium, a shorter incubation period caused a reduction of the rate of RNA adsorption on the column. The molecular size distributions of both total RNA and the adsorbed fraction, synthesized during 30 min in the presence of 2-thiouridine, were similar to that of RNA synthesized in the absence of the drug.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin heavy chain mRNA was purified from immunoprecipitated polysomes derived from the mouse myeloma tumor, MOPC-31C. The purified mRNA migrated predominantly as a single band upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 98% formamide and the molecular weight of this mRNA was calculated to be 700,000. This mRNA was as active as the purified light chain mRNA when it was employed as a template in a cell-free protein synthesizing system from wheat germ. The translation product had a molecular weight of 55,000 daltons, and migrated slightly faster than mature heavy chain upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. The protein synthesized by the direction of this mRNA was shown to yield tryptic peptides corresponding to those derived from the mature heavy chain protein except that one missing peptide was replaced by another additional peptide. DNA complementary to the mRNA was synthesized by RNA-dependent DNA polymerase from avian myeloblastosis virus. Hybridization kinetic analysis between the heavy chain mRNA and its complementary DNA indicated that the RNA was essentially homogenous with rabbit globin mRNA as a standard.  相似文献   
The G1(G0) arrest induced in NRK cells by picolinic acid was preceded by marked changes in iron metabolism. In contrast, picolinic acid did not significantly prevent zinc uptake and changes in intracellular zinc were small and clearly preceded by changes in iron. A kinetic study revealed that iron uptake by NRK cells was rapidly halted by picolinic acid. Experiments with radioiron-labeled cells indicated that picolinic acid, in a dose dependent manner, effectively removed iron from the cells. The dose of picolinic acid that exactly removed iron from the cells was also the concentration that induced the G1(G0) arrest. Picolinic acid, therefore, may induce the growth inhibition by selectively withholding iron from the cells. These data strongly suggest that iron availability may be a controlling factor in the initiation of DNA synthesis in NRK cells.  相似文献   
A total of 6,120 Japanese males were screened for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD). Five cases with the deficiency were discovered. Two of them and an additional two cases have the same variant, G6PD Ube, characterized by moderate enzyme deficiency, fast moving enzyme activity on electrophoresis, high Ki Nadph, utilization of substrate analogues, kinetics, pH optima, and stability. This variant was distinguished for G6PD A- and from other Oriental variants by biochemical parameters. Differences in the frequency and type of the variants between southern Asia and Japan, suggest that the Japanese who have been isolated on islands where malaria is not endemic, may have developed their own variant traits.  相似文献   
We have previously reported the isolation and characterization of UAA suppressors from a haploid strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing the ψ+ non-Mendelian determinant which increases the efficiency of action of certain suppressors (Ono et al., 1979). Most of the suppressors caused the insertion of either tyrosine or serine. In contrast, the pattern of suppression of nutritional markers suggested that the rare suppressor, SUP26, inserted in an amino acid other than tyrosine or serine. In this investigation we report the characterization of additional suppressors, similar to SUP26, that were isolated on a medium lacking uracil and containing canavanine; this medium is expected to exclude serine-inserting suppressors because they do not suppress the ura4-1 marker, and to exclude tyrosine-inserting suppressors because they suppress the can1-100 marker. The total of 155 revertants similar to the SUP26 suppressor were analyzed genetically and these could be assigned to one or another of the six distinct loci SUP26, SUP27, SUP28, SUP29, SUP32 and SUP33. The SUP26, SUP27 and SUP29 loci mapped on chromosomes XII, IV and X, respectively. The detailed map position of the SUP29 suppressor suggests that it may be allelic to the SUP30 suppressor reported by Hawthorne &; Mortimer (1968). These six suppressors had the same pattern of suppression of UAA nutritional markers and all of them had a similar low efficiency of action on the iso-1-cytochrome c mutation cyc1-72. The efficiency of each of these suppressors was increased by a chromosomal allo-suppressor, sal. Each of the six suppressors caused the insertion of leucine in iso-1-cytochrome c at the UAA site of the cyc1-72 mutation. It is suggested that the gene products of these suppressors are redundant forms of the same leucine transfer RNA.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have measured serotonin (5-HT) within large and small neurosomata which are vitally stained by Neutral Red dye. A micro-radioenzymatic technique which is sensitive to 50fmol of 5-HT was employed on intact ganglia, 75 μm Retzius Cells (RZ) and a 10 μm ventro-lateral cell (VL) taken from the leech Macrobdella decora. The stain does not affect the levels of 5-HT in either ganglia or RZ. The VL cell body contains 5-HT at concentrations of at least 100 m m . Microspectrofluorometry of all the ganglionic neurosomata which fluoresce following the Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde condensation reaction detected rapidly-fading emission peaks of 509–523 nanometers. We conclude that all seven fluorescent neurons in the leech ganglion very probably contain serotonin.  相似文献   
Changes in the pattern of soluble proteins that accumulatedat the growth phase, interphase and late-aggregation phase ofthe cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum were studiedby two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Amongthe 300 proteins detected during the early development, themost soluble do not change during the growth and aggregationphases, but about 90 proteins show changes in their relativeintensities on staining. During the transition from growth tothe interphase, the predominant changes were the disappearanceof 16 spots, the decrease in 30 spots, the appearance of 13new spots, and the increase in 14 spots. In contrast, from theinterphase to the late-aggregation phase, there were remarkableprogressive increases in 13 spots, an overall increase in 6spots, a decrease in 16 spots, the appearance of 8 new spotsand the disappearance of 4 spots. (Received July 13, 1979; )  相似文献   
Anti-rat islet serum was prepared in guinea pigs by multiple subcutaneous inoculations of rat islets homogenates emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). The anti-rat islet serum was cytotoxic against rat spleen cells in the presence of complement and the nonspecific antibodies were observed with homogenates of rat livers and spleens. After absorption, the serum lost the cytotoxicity against the rat spleen cells yet showed specific cytotoxicity against the rat islet cells. The binding capacity of anti-rat islet antibody was determined by the indirect immunofluorescence test using FITC conjugated rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG serum. As the guinea pig anti-rat islet serum contained anti-insulin antibody, the role of this antibody in this cytotoxic activity and surface immunofluorescence was studied. However, the anti-insulin antibody used as the control showed neither cytotoxicity nor surface immunofluorescence. After neutralizing the anti-insulin antibody in the antiserum with insulin, the serum remained cytotoxic to the rat islet cells and a surface immunofluorescence appeared. These data show that specific anti-rat islet cell surface antibody can be produced in guinea pigs by multiple inoculations of rat islets homogenates with CFA.  相似文献   
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