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Summary The genusDactylococcopsis Hansg. 1888 (Cyanophyceae) is based on the typeD. rupestris, which was later identified as a green algae. Most of the many species described later were also placed to other groups of algae. Several authors even doubted about the existence of the genus. As, however, some species of Cyanophyceae correspond to the original generic diagnosis, the name Dactylococcopsis Hansg. ex R. et F.Chod. 1925 has been proposed as a nomen conservandum, and a new type (D. smithii R. et F.Chod.) has been defined. Further speciesD. linearis Geitl. 1935 and D.Planctonica Teil. 1942 has been unambiguously described till now.  相似文献   
Chromosome counts of some Mongolian plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper gives the chromosome numbers of 45 species from 72 Mongolian localities, belonging to the genera:Amygdalus, Asparagus, Astragalus, Cancrinia, Caragana, Chamaerhodos, Chelidonium, Chesneya, Dianthus, Hypecoum, Lathyrus, Lilium, Oxytropis, Papaver, Potentilla, Schizonepeta, Sibbaldia, Thermopsis, Trifolium, Trigonella, Vicia. Chromosome morphology of three species ofChamaerhodos and taxonomical remarks on some other species are added. A new combinationSibbaldia sericea (Grubov) Soják is proposed.  相似文献   
Serological analysis of eleven strains ofRhizobium japonicum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present communication reports a serological analysis of eleven strains ofRhizobium japonicum. The slow-diffusing thermostable antigens were found to be suitable for the basic differentiation of the somatic serogroups inRhizobium japonicum. One to three precipitation bands of the slow-diffusing thermostable antigens, one to two bands of the fast-diffusing thermostable antigens and one to three bands of the thermolabile antigens were detectable in the whole cell cultures ofR. japonicum by means of the immunodiffusion technique. Two basic somatic serogroups were differentiated on the basis of the slow-diffusing thermostable antigens. The thermolabile antigens were identical in most of the strains.The author is greatly indebted to Mrs. M. Kabelovà for technical assistance.This investigation forms part of a contribution prepared by the Czechoslovak National Committee for the International Biological Programme (Section PP: Production Processes).  相似文献   
Synthesis of two hydroxy-derivatives of nalidixic acid as a result of microbial transformation was demonstrated in certain species of the genusAspergillus. Aspergillus alliaceus produced 7-hydroxy-nalidixic acid andAspergillus niger 6-hydroxy-nalidixic acid. It was demonstrated that the antibacterial activity of both hydroxy-derivatives (tested inEscherichia coli) was lower than that of the initial nalidixis acid.  相似文献   
The inactivation of three genetic markers inBacillus subtilis transforming DNA by UV rays, nitrous acid and hydroxylamine was studied. The inactivation of markers by UV and HNO2 was marker specific, whereas the hydroxylamine inactivates the markers approximately to the same degree.  相似文献   
Summary The authors studied the dependence between the ability of systems regulating the level of peripheral leucocytes to damp the fluctuations of this level, occurring under conditions of repeated stressing of the organism by non-specific stress factors (isolation, starvation, handling for blood withdrawal) and the tolerance of the organism to the action of ionizing radiation (summary exposure to X-rays leading to death at repeated irradiation). This regulatory ability was expressed with the aid of the slope (coefficientb) of regression between the leucocytary valuesx i, fluctuating in time, and the subsequent differences i ( i =x i+1x i ). The highest tolerance to lethal action of radiation is correlated to such a regulatory behaviour of the organism at which the time necessary for adaptation of the system is shortest. The authors point out the suitability of the employed regulatory characteristic for the quantitative study of adaptability and resistance of the organism and its relatedness to the damping ratio, used in the automatic control theory.  相似文献   
Summary The morphology of postnatal differentiation of the Golgi apparatus, the nucleus, the perikaryon, and the dendrites was studied in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum for 30 days after birth using histochemical, histological, and electron microscopic methods.The Golgi apparatus during differentiation undergoes morphological and positional changes. From the 1st to 7th postnatal day, the Golgi apparatus is found in a supranuclear position, and is connected with the axes of differentiating primary dendrites by beam-like processes. From days 8 to 11 this connection disappears, and most of the Golgi apparatus assumes a lateronuclear and infranuclear position. After the 11th or 12th day, the Golgi apparatus is found in perinuclear and peripheral cytoplasmic positions. The formation of granular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the vicinity of the perinuclear Golgi apparatus. The differentiation of cell and nuclear forms requires approximately 20 days. The morphological changes of differentiation are discussed in relation to the participation of the Golgi apparatus in the differentiation of dendrites and in the formation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Summary A second species of the hitherto monotypic genusKymatocalyx Herz. is described and figured in detail. The new combinationKymatocalyx dominicensis (Spruce) comb. nova is proposed.  相似文献   
V práci byly studovány rozdíly v ú?innosti kyseliny β-(3-pyridyl)-propionové (VIII) a β-(3-pyridyl)-akrylové (IX) v závislosti na stupni nenasycení pobo?ného ?etězce. Obě kyseliny inhibují r?st ko?ene i hypokotyluSinapis alba L. a zp?sobují inhibici sukcinátdehydrogenázového enzymového systému. Kyselina IX inhibuje zmíněný systém p?ibli?ně na dvojnásobek inhibice kyseliny VIII. Cytochromoxydázový systém z?stává témě? neovlivněn. Na základě experimen tálních výsledk? byla zp?esněna strukturní podmínka fytotoxické aktivity modelových slou?enin typu I v tom smyslu, ?e v?echny slou?eniny této struktury inhibují kromě r?stu také aktivitu sukcinátdehydrogenázového systému.  相似文献   
In our present work the formation of chromosome aberrations has been studied in dependence on the tima interval between sonication and fixation of the primary root tips of Vicia faba. Maximum occurrence of aberrations was recorded immediately after sonication. The results of our experiments pointed to the fact that the frequency of the induced changes was independent on the sonic waves intensity within the range of 0-2—3-0 W/cm2 and on ultrasond treatment duration within the range of 1—20 min. Studies of the distribution of chromosome abnormalities caused by ultrasound between the large and small chromosomes of theVicia faba meristematic cells in various time intervals showed that the frequency of the aberrations in both chromosome groups was proportional to its total metaphase lengths. Analysis of the type of aberrations observed in various time intervals after sonication indicated the simultaneous formation of chromosome and chromatide abnormalities.  相似文献   
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