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Changes in the concentration of progesterone, estrone, estradiol, prostaglandins (PG) E2, 6-keto F1 alpha and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto F2 alpha (PGFM) were measured in peripheral plasma, and in venous effluent from the shell gland and the largest (F1) and the second largest (F2) preovulatory follicles. Tissue concentrations in the F1, F2 and the most recently ruptured follicle and the shell gland also were determined. Changes in these criteria were compared to changes in uterine contraction before the first ovulation of a sequence. Significant increases of PGF2 alpha and PGFM in the peripheral plasma were observed when the frequency of uterine contraction reached a maximum, about 1 h before ovulation. Relative to peripheral plasma, the concentrations in F1 plasma of progesterone, PGF2 alpha and PGFM were increased 20-fold, 150-fold and 15-fold, respectively, at the time of the maximum frequency of uterine contraction. The highest tissue concentrations of PGs were also observed in the F1 follicle. These results suggest that the largest preovulatory follicle is the major source of PG synthesis and release. These PGs may stimulate uterine contraction and may also play a role in follicular rupture and release of the ovum.  相似文献   
The regulation of the gluconeogenic pathway from the 3-carbon precursors pyruvate, lactate, and alanine was investigated in the isolated perfused rat liver. Using pyruvate (less than 1 mM), lactate, or alanine as the gluconeogenic precursor, infusion of the acetoacetate precursors oleate, acetate, or beta-hydroxybutyrate stimulated the rate of glucose production and, in the case of pyruvate (less than 1 mM), the rate of pyruvate decarboxylation. alpha-Cyanocinnamate, an inhibitor of the monocarboxylate transporter, prevented the stimulation of pyruvate decarboxylation and glucose production due to acetate infusion. With lactate as the gluconeogenic precursor, acetate infusion in the presence of L-carnitine stimulated the rate of gluconeogenesis (100%) and ketogenesis (60%) without altering the tissue acetyl-CoA level usually considered a requisite for the stimulation of gluconeogenesis by fatty acids. Hence, our studies suggest that gluconeogenesis from pyruvate or other substrates which are converted to pyruvate prior to glucose synthesis may be limited or controlled by the rate of entry of pyruvate into the mitochondrial compartment on the monocarboxylate translocator.  相似文献   
A strain of Escherichia coli, CP 790302, severely restricts the growth of wild-type bacteriophage T4. In broth culture, most infections of single cells are abortive, although a few infected cells exhibit reduced burst sizes. In contrast, bacteriophage T4 mutants impaired in the ability to modify valyl-tRNA synthetase develop normally on this strain. Biochemical evidence indicates that the phage-modified valyl-tRNA synthetase in CP 790302 is different from that previously described. Although the enzyme is able to support normal protein synthesis, a disproportionate amount of phage structural protein (serum blocking power) fails to mature into particles of the appropriate density. The results with host strain CP 790302 are consistent with either a gratuitous inhibition of phage assembly by faulty modification or abrogation of an unknown role that valyl-tRNA synthetase might normally play in viral assembly.  相似文献   
The pressure-diameter behavior of airways within a collaterally ventilating segment of lung was evaluated radiographically in 12 excised dog lung lobes. The results were compared with the pressure-diameter behavior of airways in a lung region adjacent to the collaterally ventilating segment. Airways in each lung region were dusted with powdered tantalum, and airway diameters were measured during homogeneous and nonhomogeneous lobe inflation. Intrasegmental and extrasegmental airways behaved similarly during homogeneous lobe inflation; airway diameter increased as alveolar pressure increased. The lobe was inflated nonhomogeneously by raising pressure in the collaterally ventilating segment (Ps) while maintaining pressure at the lobar bronchus (Pao) constant at 5, 10, or 15 cmH2O. Increasing Ps at constant Pao reciprocally affected intrasegmental and extrasegmental airways. When Pao was low, intrasegmental airways were expanded, and extrasegmental airways were compressed when Ps was raised. When Pao was high, airway diameter was unaffected by increasing Ps presumably because the airways were already maximally expanded. A comparison of diameters during homogenous and nonhomogenous lobe inflation suggests a very small interdependence effect from the parenchyma surrounding the collaterally ventilating segment. These results demonstrate the combined effects of parenchymal properties and airway pressure-diameter relationships in determining the effect of local lung distortion on airway function.  相似文献   
Cell cycle phase durations of cultures of Amphidinium carteriin light- or nitrogen-limited balanced growth were determinedusing flow cytometry. For both types of growth rate limitation,the increases in generation time caused by increasing degreesof limitation were due solely to expansion of the G1 phase ofthe cell cycle. The durations of the S and G2 + M phases wereindependent of growth rate. Furthermore, when cells were deprivedcompletely of light and nitrogen, they arrested in the G1 phaseof the cell cycle. The results indicate that light- and nitrogen-dependentprocesses are heavily concentrated in the early part of thecell cycle, while DNA replication and cell division, once initiated,are independent of light or nitrogen supply.  相似文献   
Infusion of adenine nucleotides and adenosine into perfused rat livers resulted in stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis, transient increases in the effluent perfusate [3-hydroxybutyrate]/[acetoacetate] ratio, and increased portal vein pressure. In livers perfused with buffer containing 50 microM-Ca2+, transient efflux of Ca2+ was seen on stimulation of the liver with adenine nucleotides or adenosine. ADP was the most potent of the nucleotides, stimulating glucose output at concentrations as low as 0.15 microM, with half-maximal stimulation at approx. 1 microM, and ATP was slightly less potent, half-maximal stimulation requiring 4 microM-ATP. AMP and adenosine were much less effective, doses giving half-maximal stimulation being 40 and 20 microM respectively. Non-hydrolysed ATP analogues were much less effective than ATP in promoting changes in hepatic metabolism. ITP, GTP and GDP caused similar changes in hepatic metabolism to ATP, but were 10-20 times less potent than ATP. In livers perfused at low (7 microM) Ca2+, infusion of phenylephrine before ATP desensitized hepatic responses to ATP. Repeated infusions of ATP in such low-Ca2+-perfused livers caused homologous desensitization of ATP responses, and also desensitized subsequent Ca2+-dependent responses to phenylephrine. A short infusion of Ca2+ (1.25 mM) after phenylephrine infusion restored subsequent responses to ATP, indicating that, during perfusion with buffer containing 7 microM-Ca2+, ATP and phenylephrine deplete the same pool of intracellular Ca2+, which can be rapidly replenished in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Measurement of cyclic AMP in freeze-clamped liver tissue demonstrated that adenosine (150 microM) significantly increased hepatic cyclic AMP, whereas ATP (15 microM) was without effect. It is concluded that ATP and ADP stimulate hepatic glycogenolysis via P2-purinergic receptors, through a Ca2+-dependent mechanism similar to that in alpha-adrenergic stimulation of hepatic tissue. However, adenosine stimulates glycogenolysis via P1-purinoreceptors and/or uptake into the cell, at least partially through a mechanism involving increase in cyclic AMP. Further, the hepatic response to adenine nucleotides may be significant in regulating hepatic glucose output in physiological and pathophysiological states.  相似文献   
Mutagen sensitivity of Neurospora meiotic mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Neurospora meiotic mutants, mei-1, mei-2, mei-3, and mei-4 were tested for cross sensitivity to mutagens. Mei-2 and mei-3 are sensitive to MMS, gamma-irradiation and histidine. Mei-2 is not sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) at 20 degrees C. Tests with recombinants with crossovers to either side of mei-2 or mei-3 show that these traits are the pleiotropic properties of a single gene which also determines meiotic behavior. The mei-2 gene maps to the right of al-3 on linkage group V. It is not allelic to mus-11. Upon backcrossing, the originally dominant meiotic effect of mei-2 becomes recessive to partially dominant. The histidine sensitivity is recessive.  相似文献   
The structure of tomato bushy stunt virus has been determined crystallographically to 2.9 A resolution. Details are presented of both the molecular structure and the methods by which it has been solved. The icosahedrally symmetric viral shell is composed of 180 protein subunits (Mr 43,000), with three similar but distinct modes of subunit bonding. This capacity for alternative packing is due to localized flexibility in the folded polypeptide (hinges between domains) and to multiple conformations for surface side-chains. The polypeptide backbone has an essentially invariant fold within a compact domain. A mechanism for correct positioning of the different modes of subunit interaction is evident from the structure of the TBSV particle. Thirty-five residues of the polypeptide chain fold in an ordered way on 60 of the 180 subunits, forming an internal framework. Interaction of folded domains with this framework permits accuracy of long-range geometry (correct curvature and closure) to be determined by unambiguous switching between alternative local contact angles. RNA packs tightly into the particle interior. Protein-RNA interactions occur through parts of the subunit that are flexibly linked to the well-ordered domains of the shell. This variable interaction imposes minimum restrictions on the folding of the RNA chain.  相似文献   
6-keto prostaglandin E1 (6KE) is a metabolite of PGI2, which we have shown previously inhibits spontaneous myometrial activity. In the present study we examined the effects of 6KE on uterine electrical and mechanical activity in non-pregnant ovariectomized sheep. 6KE stimulated uterine activity in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect was enhanced by pre-treatment with estradiol (E2). It was not influenced by pre-treatment with meclofenamic acid and was not associated with significant changes in the concentrations of 13,14 dihydro 15-keto PGF2 alpha in vena cava plasma. After E2 treatment, 6KE had 0.2-0.3 of the stimulatory activity of PGF2 alpha. In the absence of E2, the uterine response to both 6KE and PGF2 alpha was decreased. In animals in which spontaneous myometrial activity was inhibited by PGI2, the uterus remained responsive to 6KE. We conclude that in the ovariectomized non-pregnant sheep 6KE stimulates uterine activity, and that the effect is independent of endogenous PG production.  相似文献   
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