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Bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate was used to crosslink hemoglobin both in the oxy and deoxy states. This double headed diaspirin was known to crosslink oxy Hb A selectively between Lys 82 beta 1 and Lys 82 beta 2 (Walder, J. A., et al. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 4265) and deoxy Hb A between Lys 99 alpha 1 and Lys 99 alpha 2 (Chatterjee R. Y., et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9929). The autoxidation at 37 degrees C of oxy alpha 99 crosslinked hemoglobin was found to be 1.8 times as fast as that of Hb A while that of the oxy beta 82 crosslinked hemoglobin was only 1.2 times as fast. After 5 hours the formation of methemoglobin in the alpha crosslinked Hb A is 21.3% compared to 10.8% in beta crosslinked Hb A and 6.4% in Hb A. These results may effect the proposed use of alpha 99 crosslinked hemoglobin as a blood substitute by demonstrating the need for protection from autoxidation during storage.  相似文献   
Summary The increased risk of nonocular cancer seen consistently in studies of survivors of retinoblastoma may be caused in part by the presence of a retinoblastoma gene that also predisposes to other cancers. It has been claimed that this gene also increases the risk for cancer among unaffected relatives of genetic retinoblastoma probands. We report here a population-based study of the risk of nonocular cancer in parents and siblings of persons notified to the Danish Cancer Registry with retinoblastoma during 1943–84. No excess was observed among first degree relatives of 61 genetic retinoblastoma probands, whereas a slight (10%) excess was seen among the parents of 115 nongenetic probands. The latter was the result of significant excesses of malignant melanoma (4 observed, 0.4 expected), multiple myeloma (2 observed, 0.2 expected) and osteogenic sarcoma (1 observed, 0.03 expected). The observed risk pattern cannot be explained by the presence of the retinoblastoma gene.  相似文献   
B D James  G J Olsen  J S Liu  N R Pace 《Cell》1988,52(1):19-26
Secondary structure models for the ribonuclease (RNAase) P RNAs of Bacillus subtilis and E. coli were derived by a phylogenetic comparative analysis of published sequences as well as four novel ones. The RNAase P RNA genes from Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus brevis, Bacillus stearothermophilus, and Pseudomonas fluorescens were cloned, sequenced, and compared with the other available sequences. Regions of pairing were identified by the occurrence of homologous complementary sequences that vary among the compared molecules. A common core of primary and secondary structure can be identified in all these RNAase P RNAs. The previously noted striking differences between the Bacillus and the enteric RNAase P RNAs arise not only from point mutations, but from the addition or deletion of structural domains. The primary and secondary structural features that are common to all of the RNAase P RNAs are likely to be the elements involved in the binding and cleavage of tRNA precursors, and in the interaction with the RNAase P protein.  相似文献   
In traditional chlorophytan systems the organizational level was the primary character for the distinction of main groups (classes and orders). For instance, in Fott (1971), the flagellate level corresponds with the Volvocales, the coccoid level with the Chlorococcales, the filamentous level with the Ulotrichales, the siphonocladous level with the Siphonocladales, and the siphonous level with the Bryopsidales. The new system presented here is an elaboration and emendation of recently proposed taxonomies and their underlying phylogenetic hypotheses, and it is mainly based on ultrastructural features which have become available over the last 15 years. The following criteria are used for the distinction of classes and orders: (1) architecture of the flagellate cell (flagellate cells are considered as the depositories of primitive characters); (2) type of mitosis-cytokinesis; (3) place of meiosis in the life history and, consequently, the sexual life history type; (4) organizational level and thallus architecture; (5) habitat type (marine versus feshwater and terrestrial); (6) chloroplast type. The following classes are presented: Prasinophyceae, Chlamydophyceae, Ulvophyceae (orders Codiolales, Ulvales, Cladophorales, Bryopsidales, Dasycladales), Pleurastrophyceae (?), Chlorophyceae s.s. (orders Cylindrocapsales, Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales), Zygnematophyceae, Trentepohliophyceae, Charophyceae (orders Klebsormidiales, Coleochaetales, Charales). The new system no longer reflects the traditional hypothesis of a stepwise evolutionary progression of organizational levels in which the flagellate level represents the most primitive lineage, the coccoid and sarcinoid levels lineages of intermediate derivation, and the filamentous, siphonocladous and siphonous levels the most derived lineages. Instead, it is now hypothesized that these levels have arisen over and over again in different chlorophytan lineages which are primarily characterized by their type of flagellate cell. The flagellate green algal classes Prasinophyceae (with organic body scales) and Chlamydophyceae probably represent bundles of highly conservative lineages that diverged very long ago. Consequently, extant genera and species in these classes can be expected to have emerged long ago. Fossil evidence points to a minimum age of 600 Ma of certain extant Prasinophycean genera, and molecular evidence to a minimum age of 400–500 Ma of a fewChlamydomonas species. On the contrary, the most derived “green algal” lineage, the Angiosperms, can be expected to consist of, on average, much younger genera and species. Fossil evidence points to a minimum age of genera of 5–60 Ma. Lineages of intermediate evolutionary derivation (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Charophyceae) can be expected to encompass genera and species of intermediate age. Fossil and (limited) molecular evidence point to a minimum age of 230–70 Ma of extant genera in Bryopsidales, Dasycladales and Cladophorales (Ulvophyceae) and of 250–80 Ma of extant genera in Charales (Charophyceae).  相似文献   
Subgroup D avian sarcoma and leukosis viruses can penetrate a variety of mammalian cells in addition to cells from their natural host, chickens. Sequences derived from the gp85-coding domain within the env gene of a mammal-tropic subgroup D virus (Schmidt-Ruppin D strain of Rous sarcoma virus [SR-D RSV]) and a non-mammal-tropic subgroup B virus (Rous-associated virus type 2) were recombined to map genetic determinants that allow penetration of mammalian cells. The following conclusions were based on host range analysis of the recombinant viruses. (i) The determinants of gp85 that result in the mammal tropism phenotype of SR-D RSV are encoded within the 160 codons that lie 3' of codon 121 from the corresponding amino terminus of the gp85 protein. (ii) Small linear domains of the SR-D RSV gp85-coding domain placed in the subgroup B background did not yield viruses with titers equal to that of the subgroup D virus in a human cell line. (iii) Recombinant viruses that contained subgroup D sequences within the hr1 variable domain of gp85 showed modest-to-significant increases in infectivity on human cells relative to chicken cells. A recombinant virus that contained three fortuitous amino acid substitutions in the gp85-coding domain was found to penetrate the human cell line and give a titer similar to that of the subgroup D virus. In addition, we found that the subgroup D virus, the mutant virus, and recombinant viruses with an increased mammal tropism phenotype were unstable at 42 degrees C. These results suggest that the mammal tropism of the SR-D strain is not related to altered receptor specificity but rather to an unstable and fusogenic viral glycoprotein. A temperature sensitivity phenotype for infectivity of mammalian cells was also observed for another mammal-tropic avian retrovirus, the Bratislava 77 strain of RSV, a subgroup C virus, but was not seen for any other avian retrovirus tested, strengthening the correlation between mammal tropism and temperature sensitivity.  相似文献   
Summary Hybrid (1-3,1-4)--glucanase genes were constructed by extension of overlapping segments of the (1-3,1-4)--glucanase genes from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and B. macerans generated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Four hybrid genes were expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The mature hybrid enzymes contain a 16, 36, 78, or 152 amino acid N-terminal sequence derived from B. amyloliquefaciens (1-3,1-4)--glucanase followed by a C-terminal segment derived from B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase. Biochemical characterization of parental and hybrid enzymes shows a significant increase in thermostability of three of the hybrid enzymes when exposed to an acidic environment thus combining two important enzyme characteristics within the same molecule. At pH 4.1, 85%-95% of the initial activity was retained after 1 h at 65° C in contrast to 5% and 0% for the parental enzymes from B. amyloliquefaciens and B. macerans. After 60 min incubation at 70° C, pH 6.0, the parental enzymes retained 5% or less of the initial activity whilst one of the hybrids still exhibited 90% of the initial activity. Of the parental enzymes B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase had the lower specific activity while the hybrid enzymes exhibited specific activities that were 1.5- to 3-fold higher. These experimental results demonstrate that exchange of homologous gene segments from different species may be a useful technique for obtaining new and improved versions of biologically active proteins.Abbreviations AMY mature form of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (1-3,1-4)--glucanase; - MAC mature form of B. macerans (1-3,1-4)--glucanase - SUB mature form of B. subtilis (1-3,1-4)--glucanase - H(A16-M), H(A36-M), H(A78-M), H(A107-M), H(A152-M) mature forms of hybrid enzymes having 16, 36, 78, 107, 152 N-terminal amino acids, respectively, derived from AMY with the remaining amino acids derived from MAC  相似文献   
The photosynthetic apparatus of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is comprised of three types of pigment-protein complex: the photochemical reaction centre and its attendant LH1 and LH2 light-harvesting complexes. To augment existing deletion/insertion mutants in the genes coding for these complexes we have constructed two further mutants, one of which is a novel double mutant which is devoid of all three types of complex. We have also constructed vectors for the expression of either LH1, LH2 or reaction-centre genes. The resulting system allows each pigment-protein complex to be studied either as part of an intact photosystem or as the sole complex in the cell. In this way we have demonstrated that reaction centres can assemble independently of either light-harvesting complex in R. sphaeroides. In addition, the isolation of derivatives of the deletion/insertion mutants exhibiting spontaneous mutations in carotenoid biosynthesis provides an avenue for examining the role of carotenoids in the assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus. We show that the LH1 complex is assembled regardless of the carotenoid background, and that the type of carotenoid present modifies the absorbance of the LH1 bacteriochlorophylls.  相似文献   
The complete primary structure (967 amino acids) of an intestinal human aminopeptidase N (EC was deduced from the sequence of a cDNA clone. Aminopeptidase N is anchored to the microvillar membrane via an uncleaved signal for membrane insertion. A domain constituting amino acid 250-555 positioned within the catalytic domain shows very clear homology to E. coli aminopeptidase N and contains Zn2+ ligands. Therefore these residues are part of the active site. However, no homology of the anchor/junctional peptide domain is found suggesting that the juxta- and intra-membraneous parts of the molecule have been added/preserved during development. It is speculated that this part carries the apical address.  相似文献   
M Givskov  L Olsen    S Molin 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(12):5855-5862
From a genomic library of Serratia liquefaciens, a cloned DNA fragment comprising a two-gene operon was isolated and expressed in Escherichia coli. One of the gene products was identified as a phospholipase A1, and the enzyme was found to be excreted to the outer environment from S. liquefaciens as well as from E. coli. Both genes were sequenced, and the relationship between open reading frames in the DNA sequence and in vitro-expressed polypeptides was established. The length of the phospholipase polypeptide was found to be 319 amino acids. In the amino-terminal end of the coding sequence was a stretch of about 20 hydrophobic amino acids, but, in contrast to consensus signal peptides, no basic residues were present. The length of the second polypeptide was 227 amino acids. It was found that expression of the phospholipase gene in both E. coli and S. liquefaciens was growth phase regulated (late expression).  相似文献   
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