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Type II myosin, the primary component of the thick filament of muscle fibers, is organized as a dimeric high molecular weight protein, and is composed of a pair of heavy chains (MHC) and two pairs of light chains. Myosin II transforms ATP energy into mechanical force. All type II myosins are conserved proteins but they have two variable regions that are located in different places of the molecule. Myosin molecules are encoded by a multigene family and many isoforms are generated. The expression of myosins depends on the developmental stage and on the type and degree of contractile activity and tissue, therefore several myosin isoforms are found in the same organism. Here we describe the use of different techniques that allowed demonstrating the presence of isoforms of the heavy chain type II myosin of Taenia solium cysticerci (larvae) and tapeworms (adults), a cestode parasite of importance in public health in many developing countries. Myosin was purified and used in comparative proteolytic fragmentation, ATPase activity, detection of antigenic differences and electrophoretic separation. The results obtained showed biochemical and immunochemical differences among cysticerci and tapeworms, and demonstrate the presence of myosin isoforms in T. solium that are probably associated to physiological requirements of each developmental stage.  相似文献   
After the nearly complete and irreversible depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes induced by highly pathogenic simian/human immunodeficiency virus chimeric viruses (SHIVs) during infections of rhesus monkeys, tissue macrophages are able to sustain high levels (>10(6) viral RNA copies/ml) of plasma viremia for several months. We recently reported that the virus present in the plasma during the late macrophage phase of infection had acquired changes that specifically targeted the V2 region of gp120 (H. Imamichi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:13813-13818, 2002); some of these SHIV variants were macrophage-tropic (M-tropic). Those findings have been extended by examining the tropic properties, coreceptor usage, and gp120 structure of five independent SHIVs recovered directly from lymph nodes of late-stage animals. All of these tissue-derived SHIV isolates were able to infect alveolar macrophages. These M-tropic SHIVs used CXCR4, not CCR5, for infections of rhesus monkey PBMC and primary alveolar macrophages. Because the starting highly pathogenic T-tropic SHIV inoculum also utilized CXCR4, these results indicate that the acquisition of M-tropism in the SHIV-macaque system is not accompanied by a change in coreceptor usage. Compared to the initial T-tropic SHIV inoculum, tissue-derived M-tropic SHIVs from individual infected animals carry gp120s containing similar changes (specific amino acid deletions, substitutions, and loss of N-linked glycosylation sites), primarily within the V1 and/or V2 regions of gp120.  相似文献   
Established studies in a variety of organisms including amphibians, fish, ascidians, nemerteans, echinoderms, mammals, and even a species of flowering plant, clearly demonstrate that an increase in intracellular egg calcium is crucial to the process of egg activation at fertilization. In echinoderms, egg activation appears to involve an egg phospholipase C gamma (PLCgamma). However, numerous studies in mammalian species suggest that calcium is released from internal egg stores at fertilization by a sperm-derived cytosolic protein factor. Recent studies in the mouse have identified this sperm-derived factor as being a novel sperm-specific PLC isoform with distinctive properties (PLCzeta). Homologues of PLCzeta have since been isolated from human and cynomolgus monkey sperm. In addition, sperm factor activity has been detected in non-mammalian species such as chicken, Xenopus, and a flowering plant. Here we report evidence for the existence of a similar sperm-derived factor in a commercially important species of teleost fish, the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L). Using an established bioassay for calcium release, the sea urchin egg homogenate, we demonstrate that protein extracts obtained from tilapia spermatozoa exhibit PLC activity similar to that seen in mammalian sperm extracts, and also induce calcium release when added directly to the homogenate. Further, tilapia sperm extracts induced calcium oscillations when injected into mouse oocytes.  相似文献   
Glucosinolates, natural compounds found in Brassicaceae, can easily be transformed into desulfo-glucosinolates by action of Helix pomatia sulfatase. The recombinant -O-glucosidase from Caldocellum saccharolyticum does not catalyse glucosinolate degradation but can hydrolyse desulfo-glucosinolates (thio-d-glucosidic substrates) to produce the corresponding pure nitriles, including valuable homochiral representatives.  相似文献   
Cells subjected to sub-lethal doses of stress such as irradiation or oxidative damage enter a state that closely resembles replicative senescence. What triggers stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) and how similar this mechanism is to replicative senescence are not well understood. It has been suggested that stress-induced senescence is caused by rapid telomere shortening resulting from DNA damage. In order to test this hypothesis directly, we examined whether overexpression of the catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT) can protect cells from SIPS. We therefore analyzed the response of four different lines of normal human fibroblasts with and without hTERT to stress induced by UV, gamma-irradiation, and H(2)O(2). SIPS was induced with the same efficiency in normal and hTERT-immortalized cells. This suggests that SIPS is not triggered by telomere shortening and that nonspecific DNA damage serves as a signal for induction of SIPS. Although telomerase did not protect cells from SIPS, fibroblasts expressing hTERT were more resistant to stress-induced apoptosis and necrosis. We hypothesize that healing of DNA breaks by telomerase inhibits the induction of cell death, but because healing does not provide legitimate DNA repair, it does not protect cells from SIPS.  相似文献   
Four herds of pony mares, each consisting of a stallion and six mares, were used to characterize the nature of herding by the stallion and the factors that induced the herding behavior. Herding behaviors were compared among four successive treatments (six mares alone, stallion added, two new mares added, and entire herd moved to a new pasture). A new treatment was initiated every 7 days and behavior was studied for 5 consecutive days (Days 1-5) for each treatment. Observations were made every 10 min during a 2-h period for each day. The extent of herding was quantitated by the mean distances between mares. The extent of snaking (herding with the head and neck extended and ears held back) was scored 0, 1, 2, or 3 (nil, minimal, intermediate, and maximal, respectively). The mean distance among the original mares on Day 1 when the mares were alone was 5.0 mare lengths and was reduced (P < 0.05) to 1.9 mare lengths when the stallion was added. The mean distance among the original mares of an established stallion/mare herd (3.8 mare lengths) was reduced (P < 0.05) on the day the herd was moved to a new pasture (1.9 mare lengths), similar to the effect of the introduction of the stallion. Scores for the extent of snaking, as well as the extent of herding, were highest (P < 0.05) on Day 1 when the stallion was added or the stallion/mare herd was moved to a new pasture. The extent of herding and snaking decreased (P < 0.05) by Day 2 and was seen only occasionally on Days 3-5. The addition of new mares to the herd did not induce herding of the original mares. However, the new mares maintained mean distances of 8-12 mare lengths from the original mares, resulting primarily from chasing by the stallion. By Day 4, the distances between the new and original mares were not different (P > 0.05) from the distances among the original mares.  相似文献   
In eukaryotic cells, environmental stress signals are transmitted by evolutionarily conserved MAPKs, such as Hog1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spc1 in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and p38/JNK in mammalian cells. Here, we report the identification of the Aspergillus nidulans sakA gene, which encodes a member of the stress MAPK family. The sakA gene is able to complement the S. pombe spc1- defects in both osmo-regulation and cell cycle progression. Moreover, SakA MAPK is activated in response to osmotic and oxidative stress in both S. pombe and A. nidulans. However, in contrast to hog1 and spc1 mutants, the sakA null mutant is not sensitive to high osmolarity stress, indicating a different regulation of the osmostress response in this fungus. On the other hand, the DeltasakA mutant shows development and cell-specific phenotypes. First, it displays premature steA-dependent sexual development. Second, DeltasakA mutant produces asexual spores that are highly sensitive to oxidative and heat shock stress and lose viability upon storage. Indeed, SakA is transiently activated early after induction of conidiation. Our results indicate that SakA MAPK is involved in stress signal transduction and repression of sexual development, and is required for spore stress resistance and survival.  相似文献   
Type III secretion systems (TTSS) are used by Gram-negative pathogens to translocate proteins into eukaryotic host cells. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) has two of these specialized systems, which are encoded on separate Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPI-1 and SPI-2) and translocate unique sets of effectors. The specific roles of these systems in Salmonella pathogenesis remain undefined, although SPI-1 is required for bacterial invasion of epithelial cells and SPI-2 for survival/replication in phagocytic cells. However, because SPI-1 TTSS mutants are invasion-incompetent, the role of this TTSS in post-invasion processes has not been investigated. In this study, we have used two distinct methods to internalize a non-invasive SPI-1 TTSS mutant (invA) into cultured epithelial cells: (i) co-internalization with wild-type S. Typhimurium (SPI-1-dependent) and (ii) complementation with the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin (inv) gene (SPI-1-independent). In both cases, internalized invA mutants were unable to replicate intracellularly, indicating that SPI-1 effectors are essential for this process and cannot be complemented by wild-type bacteria in the same cell. Analysis of the biogenesis of SCVs showed that vacuoles containing mutant bacteria displayed abnormal maturation that was dependent on the mechanism of entry. Manipulation of Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) biogenesis by pharmacologically perturbing membrane trafficking in the host cell increased intracellular replication of wild-type but not mutant S. Typhimurium This demonstrates a previously unknown role for SPI-1 in vacuole biogenesis and intracellular survival in non-phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
The opportunity to study the effects of a powerful hurricane on monkey populations, diet, and behavior via pre- and post-hurricane data was presented when hurricane Iris virtually destroyed the forest along Monkey River in southern Belize on October 8, 2001, including a 52-ha area where black howlers have been subjects since 1999. Before the hurricane, 8 social groups, averaging 6.37 members, had been stable in both group composition and range for q 2 years. The hurricane, which levelled much of the forest, resulted in the complete loss of the forest canopy. The trees that remained standing lost most or all branches and were 100% defoliated. The monkey population in the study area was reduced by 42% and survivers experienced a period of extended social disorganization involving transient individuals, high numbers of solitary monkeys, and small fragmentary social groups. The period of disorganization lasted 12 weeks, after which the number of solitaries reduced and stability of the large groups increased. Within the study area, 5 social groups have been more or less stable since ca. week 15; however, home ranges had yet to stabilize at week 35. The social and ranging effects are similar to what has been described for translocated primates. Post-hurricane diet was limited to fruit and leaves remaining in the deadfall for the first 2 weeks and to new leaves and leaf buds for many weeks after that. Normal fruit consumption in April and May was prevented by the failure of surviving trees to produce fruit. With the loss of forest canopy there has been increased use of low foliage and ground travel, and with the reduction in population density there has been a reduction in vocalization frequency.  相似文献   
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