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Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) experienced severe declines due to habitat destruction and overfishing beginning in the late 19th century. Subsequent to the boom and bust period of exploitation, there has been minimal fishing pressure and improving habitats. However, lack of recovery led to the 2012 listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act. Although habitats may be improving, the availability of high quality spawning habitat, essential for the survival and development of eggs and larvae may still be a limiting factor in the recovery of Atlantic sturgeon. To estimate adult Atlantic sturgeon spatial distributions during riverine occupancy in the Delaware River, we utilized a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach along with passive biotelemetry during the likely spawning season. We found that substrate composition and distance from the salt front significantly influenced the locations of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River. To broaden the scope of this study we projected our model onto four scenarios depicting varying locations of the salt front in the Delaware River: the contemporary location of the salt front during the likely spawning season, the location of the salt front during the historic fishery in the late 19th century, an estimated shift in the salt front by the year 2100 due to climate change, and an extreme drought scenario, similar to that which occurred in the 1960’s. The movement of the salt front upstream as a result of dredging and climate change likely eliminated historic spawning habitats and currently threatens areas where Atlantic sturgeon spawning may be taking place. Identifying where suitable spawning substrate and water chemistry intersect with the likely occurrence of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River highlights essential spawning habitats, enhancing recovery prospects for this imperiled species.  相似文献   
The oncolytic peptide LTX-315 has been designed for killing human cancer cells and turned out to stimulate anti-cancer immune responses when locally injected into tumors established in immunocompetent mice. Here, we investigated the question whether LTX-315 induces apoptosis or necrosis. Transmission electron microscopy or morphometric analysis of chromatin-stained tumor cells revealed that LTX-315 failed to induce apoptotic nuclear condensation and rather induced a necrotic phenotype. Accordingly, LTX-315 failed to stimulate the activation of caspase-3, and inhibition of caspases by means of Z-VAD-fmk was unable to reduce cell killing by LTX-315. In addition, 2 prominent inhibitors of regulated necrosis (necroptosis), namely, necrostatin-1 and cycosporin A, failed to reduce LTX-315-induced cell death. In conclusion, it appears that LTX-315 triggers unregulated necrosis, which may contribute to its pro-inflammatory and pro-immune effects.  相似文献   
Small, early life stages, such as zebrafish embryos are increasingly used to assess the biological effects of chemical compounds in vivo. However, behavioural screens of such organisms are challenging in terms of both data collection (culture techniques, drug delivery and imaging) and data evaluation (very large data sets), restricting the use of high throughput systems compared to in vitro assays. Here, we combine the use of a microfluidic flow-through culture system, or BioWell plate, with a novel motion analysis technique, (sparse optic flow - SOF) followed by spectral analysis (discrete Fourier transformation - DFT), as a first step towards automating data extraction and analysis for such screenings. Replicate zebrafish embryos housed in a BioWell plate within a custom-built imaging system were subject to a chemical exposure (1.5% ethanol). Embryo movement was videoed before (30 min), during (60 min) and after (60 min) exposure and SOF was then used to extract data on movement (angles of rotation and angular changes to the centre of mass of embryos). DFT was subsequently used to quantify the movement patterns exhibited during these periods and Multidimensional Scaling and ANOSIM were used to test for differences. Motion analysis revealed that zebrafish had significantly altered movements during both the second half of the alcohol exposure period and also the second half of the recovery period compared to their pre-treatment movements. Manual quantification of tail flicking revealed the same differences between exposure-periods as detected using the automated approach. However, the automated approach also incorporates other movements visible in the organism such as blood flow and heart beat, and has greater power to discern environmentally-driven changes in the behaviour and physiology of organisms. We suggest that combining these technologies could provide a highly efficient, high throughput assay, for assessing whole embryo responses to various drugs and chemicals.  相似文献   
Isoflavones (ISOs) are bioactive food ingredients of the traditional East Asian diet and currently discussed as alternatives to classical hormone replacement therapies and for reducing the prevalence of hormone-dependent cancers. Although there are many studies on ISOs, not much is known about their long-term effects.Therefore, we performed an animal experiment analyzing the effects of three different diets: a phytoestrogen-free diet, a diet supplemented with genistein (700 μg/g diet) and an ISO-high diet (232 μg daidzein and 240 μg genistein/g) at two distinct time points, juvenile (21 days) and adult (97 days). Exposure started prior to mating of the parents and throughout the life of the offspring.We observed a stronger increase of uterine wet weights in juvenile offspring with genistein exposure (1018 ± 350 mg/kg BW) than with ISO-high diet (497 ± 133 mg/kg BW). Whereas the expression of proliferation related genes (PCNA; Ki67; IGF-1; IGF-1R), analyzed by real-time-qPCR and Western blot, were significantly down-regulated in juvenile animals exposed to genistein. Additionally, genistein exposure led to estrogenic responses, observed upon increase of complement C3 and decrease of estrogen receptors gene expressions, while the exposure to ISO-high diet did not show these effects.In conclusion, both the time point on which phytoestrogen exposure starts together with the composition of the ingested phytoestrogen containing diet are of great importance for the biological response of the offspring.  相似文献   
The ability of virulent and avirulent strains ofVibrio vulnificus to overcome iron limitations by using iron bound to iron-binding proteins was examined. While no strains were able to obtain iron from lactoferrin or ferritin when these proteins were not fully saturated with iron, growth was enhanced by the iron-saturated form of these proteins. None of the strains was able to scavange iron from 30% saturated transferrin, but there were strain differences in the ability to obtain iron from the saturated form. The virulent strains were able to compete more efficiently with transferrin when it was fully saturated with iron than were the avirulent strains.  相似文献   
We have reconstituted protein translocation across plasma membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli using purified proOmpA and trigger factor, a 63 kd soluble protein. Treatment of membrane vesicles with urea inactivates them for translocation unless a factor present in cytoplasmic extracts is added during the translocation reaction. Sedimentation analysis showed that the stimulatory activity is of distinctly higher mol. wt than trigger factor. Cytoplasmic extracts from a strain that greatly overproduces the SecA protein are highly enriched in the stimulatory activity for untreated membranes and restore translocation to urea-treated membranes, suggesting that this protein is the stimulatory factor. This assay was used to monitor the isolation of SecA protein from the overproducing strain. The purified protein is soluble, yet binds peripherally to membranes with high affinity and supports translocation. Using pure proOmpA, SecA protein, trigger factor and urea-treated membranes, the protein export process was resolved into binding and translocation steps. We find that proOmpA binds to membrane vesicles with or without SecA protein, but that translocation only occurs when SecA was bound prior to proOmpA.  相似文献   
Strigol and some of its synthetic precursors and analogs are known to be germination stimulants for broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) and witchweed (Striga asiatica). Fifteen synthetic terpenoids, similar in structure to one of the four rings of the strigol molecule, were evaluated in two bioassays as seed germination stimulants with broomrape, and nine were found to be active. Five of the more active compounds contained ester groups. Whereas the study was intended primarily to evaluate forced germination of broomrape by aqueous solutions, the results are almost qualitatively identical for broomrape and witchweed. Monocyclic compounds with chemical structures similar to two of the rings of strigol have now been shown to possess significant bioactivity as germination stimulants.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
An update of mouse and human HOX gene nomenclature   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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