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Bifidobacteria are considered as one of the key genera in intestinal tracts of animals, and their species composition vary depending on the host. The aim of this study was to identify faecal bifidobacteria from Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), housed in Zoological gardens (Ostrava, Czech Republic). Using culturing, bifidobacteria were found in counts 7.60?±?0.56 log CFU/g. Twenty-six pure strains were isolated from faeces of Asian elephant. The isolates were clustered into two groups according to fingerprinting profiles and fermentation characteristic. Bacteria were identified by a combination of MALDI-TOF MS, PCR methods and sequencing as B. boum (12 isolates) and B. adolescentis (14 isolates). Elephant strains showed different fingerprinting profiles than type and collection strains. Since these two species are frequently isolated from gastrointestinal tract of herbivores, they seem to be typical of animals fed plant diets.  相似文献   
Physical properties of capsids of plant and animal viruses are important factors in capsid self-assembly, survival of viruses in the extracellular environment, and their cell infectivity. Combined AFM experiments and computational modeling on subsecond timescales of the indentation nanomechanics of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid show that the capsid’s physical properties are dynamic and local characteristics of the structure, which change with the depth of indentation and depend on the magnitude and geometry of mechanical input. Under large deformations, the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus capsid transitions to the collapsed state without substantial local structural alterations. The enthalpy change in this deformation state ΔHind = 11.5–12.8 MJ/mol is mostly due to large-amplitude out-of-plane excitations, which contribute to the capsid bending; the entropy change TΔSind = 5.1–5.8 MJ/mol is due to coherent in-plane rearrangements of protein chains, which mediate the capsid stiffening. Direct coupling of these modes defines the extent of (ir)reversibility of capsid indentation dynamics correlated with its (in)elastic mechanical response to the compressive force. This emerging picture illuminates how unique physico-chemical properties of protein nanoshells help define their structure and morphology, and determine their viruses’ biological function.  相似文献   
Tropical tephritids are ideally suited for studies on population divergence and speciation because they include species groups undergoing rapid radiation, in which morphologically cryptic species and sister species are abundant. The fraterculus species group in the Neotropical genus Anastrepha is a case in point, as it is composed of a complex of up to seven A. fraterculus morphotypes proposed to be cryptic species. Here, we document pre‐ and post‐zygotic barriers to gene flow among adults of the Mexican A. fraterculus morphotype and three populations (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru) belonging to two separate morphotypes (Brazilian 1 and Peruvian). We unveiled three forms of pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation resulting in strong assortative mating. In field cages, free‐ranging male and female A. fraterculus displayed a strong tendency to form couples with members of the opposite sex belonging to their own morphotype, suggesting that male pheromone emission, courtship displays, or both intervene in shaping female choice before actual contact and coupling. In addition, males and females of the Peruvian morphotype became receptive and mated significantly later than adults of the Mexican and Brazilian 1 morphotypes. After contact, Mexican females exhibited greater mating discrimination than males when facing adults of the opposite sex belonging to either the Peruvian or the Brazilian 1 morphotype as evidenced by vigorous resistance to penetration once they had been forcefully mounted by heterotypic males. Forced copulations resulted in production of F1 hybrids that were either less viable (and partially fertile) than parental crosses or even sterile. Our results suggest that the Mexican morphotype is a distinct biological entity and that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation through divergence in courtship or male‐produced pheromone and other mechanisms appear to evolve faster than post‐zygotic isolation in the fraterculus species group.  相似文献   
During attempts to obtain axenic the cultures of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans, a microorganism with peculiar features was isolated. This contaminant resisted the physical and antibiotic treatments performed. Subsequent characterization showed that in agar plates this microorganism develops round granular pink colonies. It is a salt-dependent mesophilic and chemoheterotrophic Gram negative bacterium with a rod to ovoid shape, presenting cell motility in young cultures. Cell division occurs by cell budding. The bacterium forms aggregates with a variable number of cells that are stacked by fibrillar glycoproteic material, the holdfast. A tuft of numerous short glycoproteic fimbriae emerges from one pole of the cell. Preeminent granular inclusions, also of glycoproteic nature, are present in the cytoplasm. Several structural and compositional aspects of the cell envelope and cytoplasm are provided. The production of fibrillar material and the existence of the polar appendages suggest that this microorganism should occur in aquatic environments bound to substrates and could be associated with P. micans in natural marine habitats. Based on the characteristics displayed, this microorganism is a member of the Planctomycetes, order Planctomycetales.  相似文献   
Several Cl channels have been described in the native renal tubule, but their correspondence with ClC-K1 and ClC-K2 channels (orthologs of human ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb), which play a major role in transcellular Cl absorption in the kidney, has yet to be established. This is partly because investigation of heterologous expression has involved rat or human ClC-K models, whereas characterization of the native renal tubule has been done in mice. Here, we investigate the electrophysiological properties of mouse ClC-K1 channels heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in HEK293 cells with or without their accessory Barttin subunit. Current amplitudes and plasma membrane insertion of mouse ClC-K1 were enhanced by Barttin. External basic pH or elevated calcium stimulated currents followed the anion permeability sequence Cl > Br > NO3 > I. Single-channel recordings revealed a unit conductance of ~ 40 pS. Channel activity in cell-attached patches increased with membrane depolarization (voltage for half-maximal activation: ~ − 65 mV). Insertion of the V166E mutation, which introduces a glutamate in mouse ClC-K1, which is crucial for channel gating, reduced the unit conductance to ~ 20 pS. This mutation shifted the depolarizing voltage for half-maximal channel activation to ~ + 25 mV. The unit conductance and voltage dependence of wild-type and V166E ClC-K1 were not affected by Barttin. Owing to their strikingly similar properties, we propose that the ClC-K1/Barttin complex is the molecular substrate of a chloride channel previously detected in the mouse thick ascending limb (Paulais et al., J Membr. Biol, 1990, 113:253–260).  相似文献   
Cation–Cl? cotransporters (CCCs) are integral membrane proteins which catalyze the coordinated symport of Cl? with Na+ and/or K+ ions in plant and mammalian cells. Here we describe the first Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCC protein, encoded by the YBR235w open reading frame. Subcellular localization studies showed that this yeast CCC is targeted to the vacuolar membrane. Deletion of the YBR235w gene in a salt-sensitive strain (lacking the plasma-membrane cation exporters) resulted in an increased sensitivity to high KCl, altered vacuolar morphology control and decreased survival upon hyperosmotic shock. In addition, deletion of the YBR235w gene in a mutant strain deficient in K+ uptake produced a significant growth advantage over the parental strain under K+-limiting conditions, and a hypersensitivity to the exogenous K+/H+ exchanger nigericin. These results strongly suggest that we have identified a novel yeast vacuolar ion transporter mediating a K+–Cl? cotransport and playing a role in vacuolar osmoregulation. Considering its identified function, we propose to refer to the yeast YBR235w gene as VHC1 (vacuolar protein homologous to CCC family 1).  相似文献   
Human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (LADH, E3) is a component in the pyruvate-, alpha-ketoglutarate- and branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes and in the glycine cleavage system. The pathogenic mutations of LADH cause severe metabolic disturbances, called E3 deficiency that often involve cardiological and neurological symptoms and premature death. Our laboratory has recently shown that some of the known pathogenic mutations augment the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation capacity of LADH, which may contribute to the clinical presentations. A recent report concluded that elevated oxidative stress generated by the above mutants turns the lipoic acid cofactor on the E2 subunits dysfunctional. In the present contribution we generated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation the conformation of LADH that is proposed to be compatible with ROS generation. We propose here for the first time the structural changes, which are likely to turn the physiological LADH conformation to its ROS-generating conformation. We also created nine of the pathogenic mutants of the ROS-generating conformation and again used MD simulation to detect structural changes that the mutations induced in this LADH conformation. We propose the structural changes that may lead to the modulation in ROS generation of LADH by the pathogenic mutations.  相似文献   
Euglossini bees are among the main pollinators of plant species in tropical and subtropical forests in Central and South America. These bees are known as long-distance pollinators due to their exceptional flight performance. Here we assessed through microsatellite loci the gene variation and genetic differentiation between populations of four abundant Euglossini species populations sampled in two areas, Picinguaba (mainland) and Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. There was no significant genetic differentiation between the island and mainland samples of Euglossa cordata (Fst = 0.008, P = 0.60), Eulaema cingulata (Fst = 0.029, P = 0.29) and Eulaema nigrita (Fst = 0.062, P = 0.38), but a significant gene differentiation between mainland and island samples of Euglossa stellfeldi (Fst = 0.028, P = 0.016) was detected. As expected, our results showed that the water body that separates the island from the mainland does not constitute a geographic barrier for these Euglossini bees. The absence of populational structuring of three out the four species studied corroborates previous reports on those bees, characterized by large populations, with high gene diversity and gene flow and very low levels of diploid males. But the Eg. stellfeldi results clearly point that dispersal ability is not similar to all euglossine bees, what requires the development of different conservationist strategies to the Euglossini species.  相似文献   
Based on a literature survey, we evaluated the periods of cyanobacterial dominance in Brazil. We hypothesized that variability of environmental forces along the country will promote or facilitate temporal and spatial mosaic in cyanobacterial dominance. The most striking outcomes are related to the dominance of Cylindrospermopsis, Dolichospermum, and Microcystis. Although they share important adaptive strategies (e.g., aerotopes, large size and toxins production), our findings suggest that they have different environmental preferences. Dolichospermum and Microcystis dominated mainly in warm-rainy periods whereas Cylindrospermopsis was more common during dry periods and in mixed systems, or formed perennial dominance. Maximum phosphorus concentrations were observed in reservoirs dominated by Cylindrospermopsis. Although the main genera reached high biomass levels individually, different abilities to form dominance and co-dominance were observed. The number of co-dominance of Chroococales and Nostocales was almost the same as the individual occurrence of the main genera from these groups. This dataset reveals patterns of dominance of these cyanobacteria and also indicates that physiological features will cause differences in the mechanisms of interactions between species. The understanding of these processes and their relationship to environmental conditions will promote better understanding of cyanobacterial dominance and increase our ability to predict and manage these events.  相似文献   
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