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The structural-functional organization of cotyledon parenchyma cells of 6-day soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings that were grown on board the space Shuttle Columbia (STS-87) have been studied. The purafil (KMnO4) was used in the experiment for the removing of some part of ethylene that secretes out from seedlings. There were four variants of the experiment: ground control (+purafil), ground control (-purafil), microgravity (+purafil) and microgravity (-purafil). The electron microscopy, srereological, and pyroantimonate cytochemical methods have been used. It is established the some indices of changes of storage substances in cotyledon parenchyma cells under influence of microgravity. It is displayed in the change of cell ultrastructure, the decrease of relative volume of storage cytoplasmic lipid bodies, a disappearance of storage protein body into vacuole and the redistribution of ionized calcium in cell. It was supposed that microgravity is influenced on the acceleration of storage substances catabolism.  相似文献   
The distribution of mitotic, DNA synthesizing and mature goblet cells along crypts of different length, situated in various regions of the colonic wall circumference, was determined. the distribution of proliferating cells can be approximated by a normal curve, and the distribution of mature goblet cells by an exponential curve. Some of the parameters of the distributions, different for various crypt classes, are shown to have common values when normalized by dividing them by the crypt length in a given class. the results are considered as indicating the manifestation of two levels of control of proliferation: one establishing the common pattern of the distributions along different crypts, and the second causing the differences in distributions depending on the region of the colonic wall.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of aeropalynological observations in Kiev, carried out with a gravimetric method, during January–October, 1994. The six most abundant pollen types were: Betulaceae (21%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (10%), Ambrosia (10%), Artemisia (9%) Pinaceae (8%) and Poaceae (6%). Seasonal fluctuations of the atmospheric presence of tree/shrub and herb/grass pollen during the period March–September, 1993 and 1994, are also shown.  相似文献   
The link between endochondral skeletal development and hematopoiesis in the marrow was established in the collagen X transgenic (Tg) and null (KO) mice. Disrupted function of collagen X, a major hypertrophic cartilage matrix protein, resulted in skeletal and hematopoietic defects in endochondrally derived tissues. Manifestation of the disease phenotype was variable, ranging from perinatal lethality in a subset of mice, to altered lymphopoiesis and impaired immunity in the surviving mice. To exclude contribution of strain specific modifiers to this variable manifestation of the skeleto-hematopoietic phenotype, C57Bl/6 and DBA/2J collagen X congenic lines were established. Comparable disease manifestations confirmed that the skeleto-hematopoietic alterations are an inherent outcome of disrupted collagen X function. Further, colony forming cell assays, complete blood count analysis, serum antibody ELISA, and organ outgrowth studies established altered lymphopoiesis in all collagen X Tg and KO mice and implicated opportunistic infection as a contributor to the severe disease phenotype. These data support a model where endochondral ossification-specific collagen X contributes to the establishment of a hematopoietic niche at the chondro-osseous junction.  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is a tick-borne bunyavirus causing outbreaks of severe disease in humans, with a fatality rate approaching 30%. There are no widely accepted therapeutics available to prevent or treat the disease. CCHFV enters host cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis and is subsequently transported to an acidified compartment where the fusion of virus envelope with cellular membranes takes place. To better understand the uptake pathway, we sought to identify host factors controlling CCHFV transport through the cell. We demonstrate that after passing through early endosomes in a Rab5-dependent manner, CCHFV is delivered to multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Virus particles localized to MVBs approximately 1 hour after infection and affected the distribution of the organelle within cells. Interestingly, blocking Rab7 activity had no effect on association of the virus with MVBs. Productive virus infection depended on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity, which meditates the formation of functional MVBs. Silencing Tsg101, Vps24, Vps4B, or Alix/Aip1, components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) pathway controlling MVB biogenesis, inhibited infection of wild-type virus as well as a novel pseudotyped vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) bearing CCHFV glycoprotein, supporting a role for the MVB pathway in CCHFV entry. We further demonstrate that blocking transport out of MVBs still allowed virus entry while preventing vesicular acidification, required for membrane fusion, trapped virions in the MVBs. These findings suggest that MVBs are necessary for infection and are the sites of virus-endosome membrane fusion.  相似文献   
Urease, the most efficient enzyme so far discovered, depends on the presence of nickel ions in the catalytic site for its activity. The transformation of inactive apo-urease into active holo-urease requires the insertion of two Ni(II) ions in the substrate binding site, a process that involves the interaction of four accessory proteins named UreD, UreF, UreG and UreE. This study, carried out using calorimetric and NMR-based structural analysis, is focused on the interaction between UreE and UreG from Sporosarcina pasteurii, a highly ureolytic bacterium. Isothermal calorimetric protein–protein titrations revealed the occurrence of a binding event between SpUreE and SpUreG, entailing two independent steps with positive cooperativity (Kd1 = 42 ± 9 μM; Kd2 = 1.7 ± 0.3 μM). This was interpreted as indicating the formation of the (UreE)2(UreG)2 hetero-oligomer upon binding of two UreG monomers onto the pre-formed UreE dimer. The molecular details of this interaction were elucidated using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. The occurrence of SpUreE chemical shift perturbations upon addition of SpUreG was investigated and analyzed to establish the protein–protein interaction site. The latter appears to involve the Ni(II) binding site as well as mobile portions on the C-terminal and the N-terminal domains. Docking calculations based on the information obtained from NMR provided a structural basis for the protein–protein contact site. The high sequence and structural similarity within these protein classes suggests a generality of the interaction mode among homologous proteins. The implications of these results on the molecular details of the urease activation process are considered and analyzed.  相似文献   
The establishment of type 2 responses driven by allergic sensitization prior to exposure to helminth parasites has demonstrated how tissue-specific responses can protect against migrating larval stages, but, as a consequence, allow for immune-mediated, parasite/allergy-associated morbidity. In this way, whether helminth cross-reacting allergen-specific antibodies are produced and play a role during the helminth infection, or exacerbate the allergic outcome awaits elucidation. Thus, the main objective of the study was to investigate whether house dust mite (HDM) sensitization triggers allergen-specific antibodies that interact with Ascaris antigens and mediate antibody-dependent deleterious effects on these parasites as well as, to assess the capacity of cross-reactive helminth proteins to trigger allergic inflammation in house dust mite presensitized mice. Here, we show that the sensitization with HDM-extract drives marked IgE and IgG1 antibody responses that cross-react with Ascaris larval antigens. Proteomic analysis of Ascaris larval antigens recognized by these HDM-specific antibodies identified Ascaris tropomyosin and enolase as the 2 major HDM homologues based on high sequence and structural similarity. Moreover, the helminth tropomyosin could drive Type-2 associated pulmonary inflammation similar to HDM following HDM tropomyosin sensitization. The HDM-triggered IgE cross-reactive antibodies were found to be functional as they mediated immediate hypersensitivity responses in skin testing. Finally, we demonstrated that HDM sensitization in either B cells or FcγRIII alpha-chain deficient mice indicated that the allergen driven cell-mediated larval killing is not antibody-dependent. Taken together, our data suggest that aeroallergen sensitization drives helminth reactive antibodies through molecular and structural similarity between HDM and Ascaris antigens suggesting that cross-reactive immune responses help drive allergic inflammation.  相似文献   
The adaptive radiation of the Antarctic notothenioid ancestral benthic fish stock within the chronic freezing waters of the Southern Ocean gave rise to five highly cold adapted families. Their stenothermy, first observed from several high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, has been of increasing recent interest given the threat of rising polar water temperatures from global climate change. In this study we determined the heat tolerance in a geographically diverse group of 11 Antarctic species as their critical thermal maximum (CTMax). When acclimatized to their natural freezing water temperatures, environmental CTMaxs ranged from 11.95 to 16.17 °C, well below those of fishes endemic to warmer waters. There was a significant regional split, with higher CTMaxs in species from the more northerly and thermally variable Seasonal Pack-ice Zone. When eight of the Antarctic species were warm acclimated to 4 °C all showed a significant increase over their environmental CTMaxs, with several showing plasticity comparable in magnitude to some far more eurythermal fishes. When the accrual of heat tolerance during acclimation was followed in three high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, it was found to develop slowly in two of them, which was correlated with their low metabolic rates.  相似文献   
We investigated informativeness and effectiveness of different marker types (ISSR, IRAP, REMAP, RGAP and LP-PCR that employ primers based on the conservative sequences of abiotic stress response genes) to study genetic diversity of Iris pumila L. By the number of amplicons per primer, number of polymorphic amplicons per primer and resolving power index (Rp), ISSR-markers were the most efficient followed by LP-PCR-markers. In order of decreasing value of indicators of genetic diversity “the percentage of polymorphic bands”, and “the average Jaccard? genetic distance between plants”, marker systems may be arranged as follows: ISSR > RAPD > LP-PC > RGAP ≈ IRAP. For ISSR-markers, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 1.3–1.7 times higher than for the others, and the average genetic distance was 1.2–1.3 times higher. Different marker systems were ranked by the value of Nei? gene diversity and the Shannon? index as follows: ISSR > RAPD ≈ LP-PCR > RGAP ≈ IRAP, with the highest and the lowest values differing 1.4 times. Genetic population structure was investigated with program Structure 2.3. The data of all marker systems suggest that all genomes under study belonged to one population. The PCoA and cluster analyses based on genetic distances showed distinctions in clustering generated from different markers data and summarized data, as well as the lack of strong clusters. Mantel test revealed significant positive correlation between the matrices of genetic distances generated by the data of almost all marker systems. The strongest correlation was found between RGAP- and IRAP-markers (r = 0.452, p = 0.01) and between RGAP and ISSR (r = 0.430, p = 0.01). ISSR, RAPD and LP-PCR proved to be more effective for the study of I. pumila genetic diversity, nevertheless, joint use of different marker systems will provide a more comprehensive assessment of variation in different genomic regions.  相似文献   
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