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Spatial and stochastic models are often straightforward to simulate but difficult to analyze mathematically. Most of the mathematical methods available for nonlinear stochastic and spatial models are based on heuristic rather than mathematically justified assumptions, so that, e.g., the choice of the moment closure can be considered more of an art than a science. In this paper, we build on recent developments in specific branch of probability theory, Markov evolutions in the space of locally finite configurations, to develop a mathematically rigorous and practical framework that we expect to be widely applicable for theoretical ecology. In particular, we show how spatial moment equations of all orders can be systematically derived from the underlying individual-based assumptions. Further, as a new mathematical development, we go beyond mean-field theory by discussing how spatial moment equations can be perturbatively expanded around the mean-field model. While we have suggested such a perturbation expansion in our previous research, the present paper gives a rigorous mathematical justification. In addition to bringing mathematical rigor, the application of the mathematically well-established framework of Markov evolutions allows one to derive perturbation expansions in a transparent and systematic manner, which we hope will facilitate the application of the methods in theoretical ecology.  相似文献   
Molecular structures of native and a pair of modified small interfering RNA-RNA duplexes containing carbocyclic [6?'-(R)-OH/7?'-(S)-methyl]- and [6?'-(S)-OH/7?'-(S)-methyl]-carba-LNA-thymine nucleotides, which are two diastereomeric analogs of the native T nucleotide, incorporated at position 13 in the antisense (AS) strand of siRNA, have been simulated using molecular mechanics/dynamics techniques. The main aim of the project has been to find a plausible structural explanation of why modification of siRNA at T(13) position by the [6?'(R)-O-(p-Toluoyl)-7?'(S)-methyl]-carba-LNA-Thymine [IC(50) of 3.32 ± 0.17 nM] is ca 24 times more active as an RNA silencing agent against the target HIV-1 TAR RNA than the [6?'(S)-O-(p-Toluoyl)-7?'(S)-methyl]-counterpart [IC(50) of 79.8 ± 17 nM] [1]. The simulations reveal that introduction of both C6?'(R)-OH and C6?'(S)-OH stereoisomers does not lead even to local perturbation of the siRNA-RNA duplex structures compared to the native, and the only significant difference between 6?'(S)- and 6?'(R)-diastereomers found is the exposure of the 6?'-OH group of the 6?'(R)-diastereoisomer toward the edge of the duplex while the 6?'-hydroxyl group of the 6?'(S)-diastereoisomer is somewhat buried in the minor groove of the duplex. This rules out a hypothesis about any possible local distortion by the nature of chemical modification of the siRNA-target the RNA duplex, which might have influenced the formation of the effective RNA silencing complex (RISC) and puts some weight on the hypothesis about the 6?'-hydroxy group being directly involved with most probably Ago protein, since it is known from exhaustive X-ray studies [2, 3] that the core residues are indeed involved with hydrogen bonding with the internucleotidyl phosphates. Further systematic investigation is in progress to map the position-dependent functional and nonfunctional interactions of the modified [6?'(R or S)-O-(p-Toluoyl)-7?'(S)-methyl]-carba-LNA-T with the Ago2 protein of the RISC.  相似文献   
In the course of severe pathological conditions, such as acute liver failure and sepsis, toxic metabolites and mediators of inflammation are released into the patient's circulation. One option for the supportive treatment of these conditions is plasmapheresis, in which plasma, after being separated from the cellular components of the blood, is cleansed by adsorption of harmful molecules on polymers or activated carbon. In this work, the adsorption characteristics of activated carbon beads with levels of activation ranging from 0 to 86% were assessed for both hydrophobic compounds accumulating in liver failure (bilirubin, cholic acid, phenol and tryptophan) and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-6). Progressive activation resulted in significant gradual reduction of both bulk density and mean particle size, in an increase in the specific surface area, and to changes in pore size distribution with progressive broadening of micropores. These structural changes went hand in hand with enhanced adsorption of small adsorbates, such as IL-6 and cholic acid and, to a lesser extent, also of large molecules, such as TNF-α.  相似文献   


Loss of GABA-mediated pre-synaptic inhibition after spinal injury plays a key role in the progressive increase in spinal reflexes and the appearance of spasticity. Clinical studies show that the use of baclofen (GABAB receptor agonist), while effective in modulating spasticity is associated with major side effects such as general sedation and progressive tolerance development. The goal of the present study was to assess if a combined therapy composed of spinal segment-specific upregulation of GAD65 (glutamate decarboxylase) gene once combined with systemic treatment with tiagabine (GABA uptake inhibitor) will lead to an antispasticity effect and whether such an effect will only be present in GAD65 gene over-expressing spinal segments.

Methods/Principal Findings

Adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were exposed to transient spinal ischemia (10 min) to induce muscle spasticity. Animals then received lumbar injection of HIV1-CMV-GAD65 lentivirus (LVs) targeting ventral α-motoneuronal pools. At 2–3 weeks after lentivirus delivery animals were treated systemically with tiagabine (4, 10, 20 or 40 mg/kg or vehicle) and the degree of spasticity response measured. In a separate experiment the expression of GAD65 gene after spinal parenchymal delivery of GAD65-lentivirus in naive minipigs was studied. Spastic SD rats receiving spinal injections of the GAD65 gene and treated with systemic tiagabine showed potent and tiagabine-dose-dependent alleviation of spasticity. Neither treatment alone (i.e., GAD65-LVs injection only or tiagabine treatment only) had any significant antispasticity effect nor had any detectable side effect. Measured antispasticity effect correlated with increase in spinal parenchymal GABA synthesis and was restricted to spinal segments overexpressing GAD65 gene.


These data show that treatment with orally bioavailable GABA-mimetic drugs if combined with spinal-segment-specific GAD65 gene overexpression can represent a novel and highly effective anti-spasticity treatment which is associated with minimal side effects and is restricted to GAD65-gene over-expressing spinal segments.  相似文献   
Lung inflammation in Wistar rats was induced by transthoracic inoculation of live and inactivated cultures of Staphylococcus aureus P209. In the former case the rats received phitohemagglutinin and cyclophosphane. A specific nature of inflammatory processes in these conditions was confirmed by histological, histo-cytochemical and bacterioscopic indexes; humoral and cellular immune responses being similar. The data show no direct correlation between inflammatory and immune reactions.  相似文献   
The combined lactic acid, monolaurin, and nisin effects on time-to-detection (optical density at 600 nm) extension were greater (P < 0.05) than any single or paired combination effect, which demonstrates a synergistic interaction among the antimicrobials. Monolaurin exposure caused C12:0 cell membrane incorporation. Lactic acid caused increased monolaurin C12:0 membrane incorporation, while nisin had no influence. We postulate that lactic acid-enhanced monolaurin C12:0 incorporation into the cell membrane increased membrane fluidity resulting in increased nisin activity.  相似文献   


Misfolding and pathological aggregation of neuronal proteins has been proposed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer''s disease (AD) and Parkinson''s disease (PD) are frequent neurodegenerative diseases of the aging population. While progressive accumulation of amyloid β protein (Aβ) oligomers has been identified as one of the central toxic events in AD, accumulation of α-synuclein (α-syn) resulting in the formation of oligomers and protofibrils has been linked to PD and Lewy body Disease (LBD). We have recently shown that Aβ promotes α-syn aggregation and toxic conversion in vivo, suggesting that abnormal interactions between misfolded proteins might contribute to disease pathogenesis. However the molecular characteristics and consequences of these interactions are not completely clear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in potential Aβ/α-syn interactions, immunoblot, molecular modeling, and in vitro studies with α-syn and Aβ were performed. We showed in vivo in the brains of patients with AD/PD and in transgenic mice, Aβ and α-synuclein co-immunoprecipitate and form complexes. Molecular modeling and simulations showed that Aβ binds α-syn monomers, homodimers, and trimers, forming hybrid ring-like pentamers. Interactions occurred between the N-terminus of Aβ and the N-terminus and C-terminus of α-syn. Interacting α-syn and Aβ dimers that dock on the membrane incorporated additional α-syn molecules, leading to the formation of more stable pentamers and hexamers that adopt a ring-like structure. Consistent with the simulations, under in vitro cell-free conditions, Aβ interacted with α-syn, forming hybrid pore-like oligomers. Moreover, cells expressing α-syn and treated with Aβ displayed increased current amplitudes and calcium influx consistent with the formation of cation channels.


These results support the contention that Aβ directly interacts with α-syn and stabilized the formation of hybrid nanopores that alter neuronal activity and might contribute to the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in AD and PD. The broader implications of such hybrid interactions might be important to the pathogenesis of other disorders of protein misfolding.  相似文献   
Gene transfer vectors containing adenovirus (Ad) serotype 35 (Ad35) fibers have shown promise for cancer and stem cell gene therapy. In this study, we attempted to improve the in vitro and in vivo infection properties of these vectors by increasing their affinity to the Ad35 fiber receptor CD46. We constructed Ad vectors containing either the wild-type Ad35 fiber knob (Ad5/35) or Ad35 knob mutants with 4-fold- and 60-fold-higher affinity to CD46 (Ad5/35+ and Ad5/35++, respectively). In in vitro studies with cell lines, the higher affinities of Ad5/35+ and Ad5/35++ to CD46 did not translate into correspondingly higher transduction efficiencies, regardless of the CD46 receptor density present on cells. However, in vivo, in a mouse model with preestablished CD46(high) liver metastases, intravenous injection of Ad5/35++ resulted in more-efficient tumor cell transduction. We conclude that Ad5/35 vectors with increased affinity to CD46 have an advantage in competing with non-CD46-mediated sequestration of vector particles after intravenous injection.  相似文献   
Role of capacitative Ca2+ entry in bronchial contraction and remodeling.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Asthma is characterized by airway inflammation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and airway obstruction by bronchospasm and bronchial wall thickening due to smooth muscle hypertrophy. A rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) may serve as a shared signal transduction element that causes bronchial constriction and bronchial wall thickening in asthma. In this study, we examined whether capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) induced by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores was involved in agonist-mediated bronchial constriction and bronchial smooth muscle cell (BSMC) proliferation. In isolated bronchial rings, acetylcholine (ACh) induced a transient contraction in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ because of Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ stores. Restoration of extracellular Ca2+ in the presence of atropine, an M-receptor blocker, induced a further contraction that was apparently caused by a rise in [Ca2+]cyt due to CCE. In single BSMC, amplitudes of the store depletion-activated currents (I(SOC)) and CCE were both enhanced when the cells proliferate, whereas chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA significantly inhibited the cell growth in the presence of serum. Furthermore, the mRNA expression of TRPC1, a transient receptor potential channel gene, was much greater in proliferating BSMC than in growth-arrested cells. Blockade of the store-operated Ca2+ channels by Ni2+ decreased I(SOC) and CCE and markedly attenuated BSMC proliferation. These results suggest that upregulated TRPC1 expression, increased I(SOC), enhanced CCE, and elevated [Ca2+]cyt may play important roles in mediating bronchial constriction and BSMC proliferation.  相似文献   
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