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Most neuronal Kv1 channels contain Kv1.1, Kv1.2 alpha, and Kvbeta2.1 subunits, yet the influences of their stoichiometries on properties of the (alpha)(4)(beta)(4) variants remain undefined. cDNAs were engineered to contain 0, 1, 2, or 4 copies of Kv1.1 with the requisite number of Kv1.2 and co-expressed in mammalian cells with Kvbeta2.1 to achieve "native-like" hetero-oligomers. The monomeric (Kv1.1 or 1.2), dimeric (Kv1.1-1.2 or 1.2-1.2), and tetrameric (Kv1.1-(1.2)(3)) constructs produced proteins of M(r) approximately 62,000, 120,000, and 240,000, which assembled into (alpha)(4)(beta)(4) complexes. Each alpha cRNA yielded a distinct K(+) current in oocytes, with voltage dependence of activation being shifted negatively as the Kv1.1 content in tetramers was increased. Channels containing 1, 2, or 4 copies of Kv1.1 were blocked by dendrotoxin k (DTX)(k) with similarly high potencies, whereas Kv(1.2)(4) proved nonsusceptible. Accordingly, Kv1.2/beta2.1 expressed in baby hamster kidney cells failed to bind DTX(k); in contrast, oligomers containing only one Kv1.1 subunit in a tetramer exhibited high affinity, with additional copies causing modest increases. Thus, one Kv1.1 subunit largely confers high affinity for DTX(k), whereas channel electrophysiological properties are tailored by the content of Kv1.1 relative to Kv1.2. This notable advance could explain the diversity of symptoms of human episodic ataxia I, which is often accompanied by myokymia, due to mutated Kv1.1 being assembled in different combinations with wild-type and Kv1.2.  相似文献   
We show here that co-expression of murine CAD with either ICAD-L or ICAD-S in Escherichia coli as well as mammalian cells leads to a functional DFF complex, which after caspase-3 activation releases a nucleolytically active DNase. The chaperone activity of ICAD-S is between one and two orders of magnitude less effective than that of ICAD-L, as deduced from cleavage experiments with different activated recombinant DFF complexes produced in E.coli. With nucleolytically active EGFP fusion proteins of CAD it is demonstrated that co-expression of ICAD-S, which lacks the C-terminal domain of ICAD-L, including the NLS, leads to a homogeneous intracellular distribution of the DNase in transfected cells, whereas co-expression of human or murine ICAD-L variants lacking the NLS leads to exclusion of EGFP–CAD from the nuclei in ~50% of cells. These results attribute a particular importance of the NLS in the long isoform of the inhibitor of CAD for nuclear accumulation of the DFF complex in living cells. It is concluded that ICAD-L and ICAD-S in vivo might function as tissue-specific modulators in the regulation of apoptotic DNA degradation by controlling not only the enzymatic activity but also the amount of CAD available in the nuclei of mammalian cells.  相似文献   
The DNA cleavage reaction of topoisomerase II is central to the catalytic activity of the enzyme and is the target for a number of important anticancer drugs. Unfortunately, efforts to characterize this fundamental reaction have been limited by the low levels of DNA breaks normally generated by the enzyme. Recently, however, a type II topoisomerase with an extraordinarily high intrinsic DNA cleavage activity was isolated from Chlorella virus PBCV-1. To further our understanding of this enzyme, the present study characterized the site-specific DNA cleavage reaction of PBCV-1 topoisomerase II. Results indicate that the viral enzyme cleaves DNA at a limited number of sites. The DNA cleavage site utilization of PBCV-1 topoisomerase II is remarkably similar to that of human topoisomerase IIalpha, but the viral enzyme cleaves these sites to a far greater extent. Finally, PBCV-1 topoisomerase II displays a modest sensitivity to anticancer drugs and DNA damage in a site-specific manner. These findings suggest that PBCV-1 topoisomerase II represents a unique model with which to dissect the DNA cleavage reaction of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases.  相似文献   
The 2-ketopropyl-coenzyme M oxidoreductase/carboxylase (2-KPCC) enzyme is the only member of the disulfide oxidoreductase (DSOR) family of enzymes, which are important for reductively cleaving S–S bonds, to have carboxylation activity. 2-KPCC catalyzes the conversion of 2-ketopropyl-coenzyme M to acetoacetate, which is used as a carbon source, in a controlled reaction to exclude protons. A conserved His–Glu motif present in DSORs is key in the protonation step; however, in 2-KPCC, the dyad is substituted by Phe–His. Here, we propose that this difference is important for coupling carboxylation with C–S bond cleavage. We substituted the Phe–His dyad in 2-KPCC to be more DSOR like, replacing the phenylalanine with histidine (F501H) and the histidine with glutamate (H506E), and solved crystal structures of F501H and the double variant F501H_H506E. We found that F501 protects the enolacetone intermediate from protons and that the F501H variant strongly promotes protonation. We also provided evidence for the involvement of the H506 residue in stabilizing the developing charge during the formation of acetoacetate, which acts as a product inhibitor in the WT but not the H506E variant enzymes. Finally, we determined that the F501H substitution promotes a DSOR-like charge transfer interaction with flavin adenine dinucleotide, eliminating the need for cysteine as an internal base. Taken together, these results indicate that the 2-KPCC dyad is responsible for selectively promoting carboxylation and inhibiting protonation in the formation of acetoacetate.  相似文献   
The established correlation between neurodegenerative disorders and intracerebral deposition of polyglutamine aggregates motivates attempts to better understand their fibrillar structure. We designed polyglutamines with a few lysines inserted to overcome the hindrance of extreme insolubility and two D-lysines to limit the lengths of β-strands. One is 33 amino acids long (PolyQKd-33) and the other has one fewer glutamine (PolyQKd-32). Both form well-dispersed fibrils suitable for analysis by electron microscopy. Electron diffraction confirmed cross-β structures in both fibrils. Remarkably, the deletion of just one glutamine residue from the middle of the peptide leads to substantially different amyloid structures. PolyQKd-32 fibrils are consistently 10–20% wider than PolyQKd-33, as measured by negative staining, cryo-electron microscopy, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed that the PolyQKd-32 fibrils have 50% higher mass-per-length than PolyQKd-33. This distinction can be explained by a superpleated β-structure model for PolyQKd-33 and a model with two β-solenoid protofibrils for PolyQKd-32. These data provide evidence for β-arch-containing structures in polyglutamine fibrils and open future possibilities for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   
Two dozen hybrid clones were produced by fusion of diploid embryonic stem (ES) cells positive for green fluorescent protein (GFP) with tetraploid fibroblasts derived from DD/c and C57BL-I(I)1RK mice. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated that most cells from these hybrid clones contained near-hexaploid chromosome sets. Additionally, the presence of chromosomes derived from both parental cells was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of polymorphic microsatellites. All hybrid cells were positive for GFP and demonstrated growth characteristics and fibroblast-like morphology. In addition, most hybrid cells were positive for collagen type I, fibronectin, and lamin A/C but were negative for Oct4 and Nanog proteins. Methylation status of the Oct4 and Nanog gene promoters was evaluated by bisulfite genomic sequencing analysis. The methylation sites (CpG-sites) of the Oct4 and Nanog gene promoters were highly methylated in hybrid cells, whereas the CpG-sites were unmethylated in the parental ES cells. Thus, the fibroblast genome dominated the ES genome in the diploid ES cell/tetraploid fibroblast hybrid cells. Immunofluorescent analysis of the pluripotent and fibroblast markers demonstrated that establishment of the fibroblast phenotype occurred shortly after fusion and that the fibroblast phenotype was further maintained in the hybrid cells. Fusion of karyoplasts and cytoplast derived from tetraploid fibroblasts with whole ES cells demonstrated that karyoplasts were able to establish the fibroblast phenotype of the reconstructed cells but not fibroblast cytoplasts. Thus, these data suggest that the dominance of parental genomes in hybrid cells of ES cell/somatic cell type depends on the ploidy of the somatic partner.  相似文献   
The Poland–Fixman–Freire formalism was adapted for modeling of calorimetric DNA melting profiles, and applied to plasmid pBR 322 and long random sequences. We studied the influence of the difference (HGC?HAT) between the helix‐coil transition enthalpies of AT and GC base pairs on the calorimetric melting profile and on normalized calorimetric melting profile. A strong alteration of DNA calorimetrical profile with HGC?HAT was demonstrated. In contrast, there is a relatively slight change in the normalized profiles and in corresponding ordinary (optical) normalized differential melting curves (DMCs). For fixed HGC?HAT, the average relative deviation (S) between DMC and normalized calorimetric profile, and the difference between their melting temperatures (Tcal?Tm) are weakly dependent on peculiarities of the multipeak fine structure of DMCs. At the same time, both the deviation S and difference (Tcal?Tm) enlarge with the temperature melting range of the helix‐coil transition. It is shown that the local deviation between DMC and normalized calorimetric profile increases in regions of narrow peaks distant from the melting temperature.  相似文献   
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