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Homologous recombination (HR) is one of the central processes of DNA metabolism, combining roles in both cell housekeeping and the evolution of genomes. In eukaryotes, HR underlies meiosis and ensures genome stability. The complete sequencing of numerous bacterial genomes has shown that HR has a substantial role in the evolution of microorganisms, especially pathogens. HR systems from different species and their isolated components are finding an expanding field of applications in modern genetic engineering and bio- and nanotechnologies. Recently, much progress has been made in our understanding of HR mechanisms in eukaryotes and the practical applications of HR systems.  相似文献   
In the present study the role of endothelin (ET) and its receptors (ETA-R and ETB-R) in cellular mechanisms underlying the resistance of astroglial cells to low oxygen level and development of hypoxia has been investigated. To define the influences of ET and its receptors on survival and on antigenic as well as morphologic differentiation of rat astroglial cells in normoxic (NC) and hypoxic culture (HC) the selective antagonists of ETA-R (BQ-123) and ETB-R (BQ-788) were used. Treatment of HC with BQ-123 caused an increase in cell number and inhibited the hypoxia-induced apoptosis by 37%. BQ-123 decreased the hypoxia-induced cytotoxicity in HC. These effects of BQ-123 were abolished in cultures simultaneously treated with BQ-123 and BQ-788. Administration of BQ-788 alone decreased the number of living cells in NC, but not in HC. The activity of caspase-3/-7 was not changed by exposure of NC and HC to BQ-788. The protection provided by BQ-123 to astroglial cells against cytotoxicity in NC and HC was similar to that of erythropoietin (EPO), a cytokine with established neuroprotective effects. The functional improvement of astroglial cells and slowing down of their differentiation under exposure to BQ-123, or EPO, or BQ-123 + EPO has been evidenced by an increased number of nestin+/glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive (GFAP+) astrocytes accompanied by decrease of nestin-/GFAP+ cells. The simultaneous treatment with BQ-123 and EPO additionally decreased the activities of caspase-3/-7 (64%) and release of LDH into the medium (94%). The benefits in the functional states of astrocytes obtained by combined treatment of HC with BQ-123 and EPO suggest a new therapeutic strategy in treatment of hypoxic brain injury.  相似文献   
Using a fluorescent dye chlortetracycline, a study was made of the effect of estradiol on the interaction of theophylline and prolactin in the course of Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes, isolated from ovaries at the stage of follicle growth. It is shown that in the presence of estradiol, prolactin does not stimulate Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes. The action of theophylline similarly does not stimulate Ca2+ exit. Unlike, a joint effect of theophylline and prolactin on pig oocytes in the presence estradiol stimulated Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes. These data demonstrated the influence of estradiol on theophylline and prolactin stimulated Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes.  相似文献   
The paper represents an attempt to apply the general principles of modelling vegetation dynamics under climate changes to a study of the long-term vegetation dynamics in the forest-steppe zone of the European territory of Russia, with a purpose to forecast under special climatic scenarios. An original technique is used to construct a Markov chain as a model of vegetation succession. The technique emanated from gebotanic knowledge generalized as a scheme of successional transitions with estimates of the average duration for certain stages of succession. Whenever the knowledge related the stage duration to certain (climate-sensitive) factors of the environment, the fundamental potentiality arises to model the temporal course of succession as a function of a given scenario for how the key factors change. In the formal terms, the model represents a random chain of the Markov kind with a finite number of states and discrete time of transitions by the given scheme. Relative square distributions of succession stages under concern at any time moment (within an adopted scenario) appear as the model outcome (forecasts), as well as estimates of the attainment time for certain states of the vegetation in the territory under study. A method is proposed to describe dynamics of the phytomass production and stores (and the corresponding model trajectories are obtained) for a given scenario.  相似文献   
Preferential binding of ligands to Grb2 SH2 domains in beta-bend conformations has made peptide cyclization a logical means of effecting affinity enhancement. This is based on the concept that constraint of open-chain sequences to bend geometries may reduce entropy penalties of binding. The current study extends this approach by undertaking ring-closing metathesis (RCM) macrocyclization between i and i+3 residues through a process involving allylglycines and beta-vinyl-functionalized residues. Ring closure in this fashion results in minimal macrocyclic tetrapeptide mimetics. The predominant effects of such macrocyclization on Grb2 SH2 domain binding affinity were increases in rates of association (from 7- to 16-fold) relative to an open-chain congener, while decreases in dissociation rates were less pronounced (approximately 2-fold). The significant increases in association rates were consistent with pre-ordering of solution conformations to near those required for binding. Data from NMR experiments and molecular modeling simulations were used to interpret the binding results. An understanding of the conformational consequences of such i to i+3 ring closure may facilitate its application to other systems where bend geometries are desired.  相似文献   
Synthetic peptidoliposomes have been designed and prepared according to a chemoselective ligation. Two aldehyde-functionalized lipidic anchors were synthesized and incorporated into the lipidic bilayers of unilamellar liposomes during their preparation. Complementary hydrazino acetyl peptides were synthesized on the solid phase using N,N',N'-tri(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)-hydrazino acetic acid and further coupled to the aldehyde groups displayed at the surface of the vesicles. Coupling yields were measured by amino acid hydrolysis following total acid hydrolysis. The ligation methodology proved superior to the simple insertion of lipopeptides, which was performed for comparison in terms of yields, implementation, and reproducibility. To check whether the grafted-peptides were accessible and functional, cytoplasmic sequences of LAMP protein (lysosomal associated membrane protein), which is involved in intracellular membrane trafficking, have been selected. Using this model, we demonstrated in vitro the specific interaction of the synthetic LAMP-peptidoliposomes with the cytoplasmic adaptor protein AP-3, a result that contributes to the understanding of protein sorting in cells. Thus, these results clearly indicate the usefulness of such peptidoliposomes, easily prepared by hydrazone chemoselective ligation, as a tool for biological investigation.  相似文献   
Graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) response after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) represents one of the most potent forms of immunotherapy against malignant diseases. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are crucial for the induction of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), the most serious complication of allogeneic BMT, but their role in GVL responses is unclear. Using a series of clinically relevant mouse GVL tumor models, we found that APCs and alloantigen expression on tumors are crucial for GVL. Moreover, APCs of host origin predominated in GVL responses although donor APCs contributed as the acuity of tumor burden decreased.  相似文献   
A novel mtDNA ND6 gene mutation associated with LHON in a Caucasian family   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a frequent cause of inherited blindness. A routine screening for common mtDNA mutations constitutes an important first in its diagnosis. However, a substantial number of LHON patients do not harbor known variants, both pointing to the genetic heterogeneity of LHON and bringing into question its genetic diagnosis. We report a familial case that exhibited typical features of LHON but lacked any of the common mutations. Genetic analysis revealed a novel pathogenic defect in the ND6 gene at 14279A that was not detected in any haplogroup-matched controls screened for it, nor has it been previously reported. This mutation causes a substantial conformational change in the secondary structure of the polypeptide matrix coil and may explain the LHON expression. Thus, it expands the spectrum of deleterious changes affecting ND6-encoding subunit and further highlights the functional significance of this gene, providing additional clues to the disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Some recently studied biological noncovalent bonds have shown increased lifetime when stretched by mechanical force. In each case these counterintuitive "catch-bonds" have transitioned into ordinary "slip-bonds" that become increasingly shorter lived as the tensile force on the bond is further increased. We describe analytically how these results are supported by a physical model whereby the ligand escapes the receptor binding site via two alternative routes, a catch-pathway that is opposed by the applied force and a slip-pathway that is promoted by force. The model predicts under what conditions and at what critical force the catch-to-slip transition would be observed, as well as the degree to which the bond lifetime is enhanced at the critical force. The model is applied to four experimentally studied systems taken from the literature, involving the binding of P- and L-selectins to sialyl Lewis(X) oligosaccharide-containing ligands. Good quantitative fit to the experimental data is obtained, both for experiments with a constant force and for experiments where the force increases linearly with time.  相似文献   
Nanometer-scale proteinaceous pores are the basis of ion and macromolecular transport in cells and organelles. Recent studies suggest that ion channels and synthetic nanopores may prove useful in biotechnological applications. To better understand the structure-function relationship of nanopores, we are studying the ion-conducting properties of channels formed by wild-type and genetically engineered versions of Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin (alphaHL) reconstituted into planar lipid bilayer membranes. Specifically, we measured the ion selectivities and current-voltage relationships of channels formed with 24 different alphaHL point cysteine mutants before and after derivatizing the cysteines with positively and negatively charged sulfhydryl-specific reagents. Novel negative charges convert the selectivity of the channel from weakly anionic to strongly cationic, and new positive charges increase the anionic selectivity. However, the extent of these changes depends on the channel radius at the position of the novel charge (predominantly affects ion selectivity) or on the location of these charges along the longitudinal axis of the channel (mainly alters the conductance-voltage curve). The results suggest that the net charge of the pore wall is responsible for cation-anion selectivity of the alphaHL channel and that the charge at the pore entrances is the main factor that determines the shape of the conductance-voltage curves.  相似文献   
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