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Limnology - Small microplastic particles < 330 µm, sometimes called mini-microplastics (MMP), are far more abundant than those larger than 330 µm....  相似文献   
Proteorhodopsins (PRs), photoactive retinylidene membrane proteins ubiquitous in marine eubacteria, exhibit light-driven proton transport activity similar to that of the well studied bacteriorhodopsin from halophilic archaea. However, unlike bacteriorhodopsin, PRs have a single highly conserved histidine located near the photoactive site of the protein. Time-resolved Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy combined with visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, and electrical measurements of light-induced charge movements reveal participation of His-75 in the proton translocation mechanism of PR. Substitution of His-75 with Ala or Glu perturbed the structure of the photoactive site and resulted in significantly shifted visible absorption spectra. In contrast, His-75 substitution with a positively charged Arg did not shift the visible absorption spectrum of PR. The mutation to Arg also blocks the light-induced proton transfer from the Schiff base to its counterion Asp-97 during the photocycle and the acid-induced protonation of Asp-97 in the dark state of the protein. Isotope labeling of histidine revealed that His-75 undergoes deprotonation during the photocycle in the proton-pumping (high pH) form of PR, a reaction further supported by results from H75E. Finally, all His-75 mutations greatly affect charge movements within the PR and shift its pH dependence to acidic values. A model of the proteorhodopsin proton transport process is proposed as follows: (i) in the dark state His-75 is positively charged (protonated) over a wide pH range and interacts directly with the Schiff base counterion Asp-97; and (ii) photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton to the Asp-97 counterion disrupts its interaction with His-75 and triggers a histidine deprotonation.A variety of unicellular microorganisms contain primary proton pumps that convert solar energy into a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient, which is subsequently used by membrane ATP synthases to generate chemical energy. Well known examples of such pumps are the haloarchaeal rhodopsins, photoactive, seven-helix membrane proteins, which include the well studied proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR)4 from Halobacterium salinarum and BR homologs in other haloarchaea. Recently, a much larger new family of light-driven proton pumps, the proteorhodopsins (PRs), was identified in marine proteobacteria throughout the oceans (13). Despite the diverse properties of PRs, including different visible absorption maxima and photocycle rates (46), they all share with BR several key conserved residues as well as an all-trans-retinylidene chromophore in their unphotolyzed state, which is covalently bound to transmembrane helix G via a protonated Schiff base linkage.Many of the molecular events that occur in PRs following light activation are similar to those of BR, including an initial ultrafast all-trans→13-cis-retinal isomerization, which triggers a sequence of protein conformational changes, including several intramolecular proton transfer reactions. The two key carboxylate groups involved in proton pumping in helix C of BR are conserved in PRs, and in the first found and most commonly studied PR, the Monterey Bay variant eBAC31A08, also known as green-absorbing proteorhodopsin (GPR), the helix C residues Asp-97 and Glu-108 undergo protonation changes during the photocycle similar to those of the homologous carboxylate residues in BR. Initial FTIR studies on GPR identified the role of Asp-97 as the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor during Schiff base deprotonation and concomitant M formation and Glu-108 as the proton donor that reprotonates the Schiff base during N formation (7, 8). Studies of other variants indicate these roles of the two carboxylic acid residues are general in the proteorhodopsin family.5One major difference between BR and the PRs is the presence of a highly conserved histidine residue at position 75, near the middle of transmembrane helix B in the latter pigments. The His-75 homolog is not present in BR nor thus far found in other microbial rhodopsins (9). The proximity of His-75 to the protein active site and specifically to the Schiff base counterion Asp-97 inferred from the x-ray crystal structure of BR suggests its involvement in spectral tuning of the visible absorption (10) and potentially PR photochemical reactions. Because the pKa of histidine in solution is close to neutral pH (11), its imidazole group often plays a major role in intramolecular proton transfers in enzymes, including NADPH oxidase (12), alcohol dehydrogenase (13), carbonic anhydrase II (14), and serine proteases (15).In this study we have used a combination of time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy, visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, kinetic charge displacement measurements, and site-directed mutagenesis to study the role of His-75 in GPR. We report evidence that protonated His-75 interacts directly with Asp-97 in the unphotolyzed protein and during the photocycle undergoes a deprotonation in response to the protonation of Asp-97.  相似文献   
Cytochrome bd is one of the two terminal quinol oxidases in the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli. The enzyme catalyzes charge separation across the bacterial membrane during the oxidation of quinols by dioxygen but does not pump protons. In this work, the reaction of cytochrome bd with O(2) and related reactions has been studied by time-resolved spectrophotometric and electrometric methods. Oxidation of the fully reduced enzyme by oxygen is accompanied by rapid generation of membrane potential (delta psi, negative inside the vesicles) that can be described by a two-step sequence of (i) an initial oxygen concentration-dependent, electrically silent, process (lag phase) corresponding to the formation of a ferrous oxy compound of heme d and (ii) a subsequent monoexponential electrogenic phase with a time constant <60 mus that matches the formation of ferryl-oxo heme d, the product of the reaction of O(2) with the 3-electron reduced enzyme. No evidence for generation of an intermediate analogous to the "peroxy" species of heme-copper oxidases could be obtained in either electrometric or spectrophotometric measurements of cytochrome bd oxidation or in a spectrophotometric study of the reaction of H(2)O(2) with the oxidized enzyme. Backflow of electrons upon flash photolysis of the singly reduced CO complex of cytochrome bd leads to transient generation of a delta psi of the opposite polarity (positive inside the vesicles) concurrent with electron flow from heme d to heme b(558) and backward. The amplitude of the delta psi produced by the backflow process, when normalized to the reaction yield, is close to that observed in the direct reaction during the reaction of fully reduced cytochrome bd with O(2) and is apparently associated with full transmembrane translocation of approximately one charge.  相似文献   
The qualitative and quantitative composition of low-molecular exometabolites in roots of pea (Pisum sativum L.) was studied with a cultivar Triumph and its parental forms (a symbiotically effective variety k-8274 and a modern highly productive cv. Classic). A relationship between root exudation and the ability of cultivars to establish symbiosis was analyzed. In the early stages of plant growth, the roots of cv. Triumph exhibited low exudation of organic acids, sugars, and amino acids. The quantitative composition of organic acids in the root exudates of cv. Triumph was close to that of cv. k-8274, whereas the composition of sugars and amino acids was similar to that of cv. Classic. In the field experiment, the effect of inoculation with a mixture of rhizobium strains and mycorrhizal fungus on plant growth was more evident in cv. Triumph than in cvs. Classic and k-8274. The results suggest that the high symbiotic potential of cv. Triumph is related to exudation of pyruvic and succinic acids that were the major components of root exometabolites both in Triumph and k-8274 cultivars.  相似文献   
The Karpas-620 human myeloma cell line (HMCL) expresses high levels of Cyclin D1 (CCND1), but has a der(8)t(8;11) and a der(14)t(8;14), and not a conventional t(11;14). Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) studies suggest that der(14)t(11;14) from a primary translocation underwent a secondary translocation with chromosome 8 to generate der(8)t(8;[14];11) and der(14)t(8;[11];14). Both secondary derivatives share extensive identical sequences from chromosomes 8, 11, and 14, including MYC and the 3′ IgH enhancers. Der(14), with MYC located ~700 kb telomeric to the 3′ IGH enhancer, expresses MYC. By contrast, der(8), with both CCND1 and MYC repositioned near a 3′ IGH enhancer, expresses CCND1, which is telomeric of the enhancer, but not MYC, which is centromeric to the enhancer. The secondary translocation that dysregulated MYC resulted in extensive regions from both donor chromosomes being transmitted to both derivative chromosomes, suggesting a defect in DNA recombination or repair in the myeloma tumor cell.  相似文献   
Cells of obligate methylotrophic Gram-negative bacterium Methylobacillus flagellatum KT which can only grow on methanol and methylamine media possess three different carriers mediating uptake of methylamin depending on growth conditions. All three uptake systems are energy-dependent, the methylamine uptake was inhibited by oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler and respiratory inhibitors. The first active transport system for methanol in the cells of obligate methylotroph was also demonstrated. The parameters of this system were measured, their dependence on energy, presence of respiratory inhibitors and uncoupler was shown.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonyl cyanide p-(trichloromethoxy)-phenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide  相似文献   
To expand the mink map, we established a new panel consisting of 23 mink-mouse clones. On the basis of statistical criteria (Wijnen et al. 1977; Burgerhout 1978), we developed a computer program for choice of clones of the panel. Assignments of the following mink genes were achieved with the use of the hybrid panel: glyoxalase (GLO), Chromosome (Chr) 1; acetyl acylase (ACY), Chr 5; creatine phosphokinase B (CKBB), Chr 10; alcohol dehydrogenase-2 (subunit B) (ADH2), Chr 8. Using a series of clones carrying rearrangements involving mink Chr 1 and 8, we assigned the gene for ME1 to the short arm of Chr 1 and that for ADH2 to Chr 8, in the region 8p12-p24. Mapping results confirm the ones we previously obtained with a mink-Chinese hamster panel. However, by means of an improved electrophoretic technique, we revised the localization of the gene for purine nucleoside phosphorylase (NP), which has been thought to be on mink Chr 2. It is reassigned to mink Chr 10.  相似文献   
The template reaction between salicylaldehyde S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazone and 2-formylpyridine in presence of nickel(II) or copper(II) salts yields two new coordination compounds with general formula [NiL1]2(1) and [CuL2]2(2) (L1 = the dianionic (N1-salicylidene)(N4-(hydroxy(pyridin-2-yl)methyl) S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazide) ligand and L2 = the doubly deprotonated (N1-salicylidene)(N4-(picolinoyl) S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazide) ligand). In the complex 1, the formed L1 ligand appears as result of an addition reaction of the precursors, while for 2 a redox mechanism is implicated in the formation of L2. Despite the fact that the initial organic precursors are the same, the resulting ligands obtained in the template reaction are different. In 1, the Ni(II) metal ion adopts a square-planar geometry and the [NiL1] units are forming dimerized chains through weak Ni···Ni interactions (3.336 and 3.632 Å). In 2, the Cu(II) metal ions adopt a square-pyramidal geometry and form dinuclear species through weak Cu···O (phenoxo) interactions. The magnetic susceptibility measurements of the complexes reveal the diamagnetic nature of 1 as expected for a square planar Ni(II) complex and a paramagnetic behavior for 2 with weak intra-dimer antiferromagnetic interaction (J/kB = −2.1(1) K).  相似文献   
The sequential interaction of the envelope glycoprotein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with CD4 and certain chemokine coreceptors initiates host cell entry of the virus. The appropriate chemokines have been shown to inhibit viral replication by blocking interaction of the gp120 envelope protein with the coreceptors. We considered the possibility that this interaction involves a motif of the gp120 that may be structurally homologous to the chemokines. In the amino acid sequences of most chemokines there is a Trp residue located at the beginning of the C-terminal α-helix, which is separated by six residues from the fourth Cys residue. The gp120 of all HIV-1 isolates have a similar motif, which includes the C-terminal part of a variable loop 3 (V3) and N-terminal part of a conserved region 3 (C3). Two synthetic peptides, derived from the relevant gp120 sequence inhibited HIV-1 replication in macrophages and T lymphocytes in sequence-dependent manner. The peptides also prevented binding of anti-CXCR4 antibodies to CXCR4, and inhibited the intracellular Ca(2+) influx in response to CXCL12/SDF-1α. Thus these peptides can be used to dissect gp120 interactions with chemokine receptors and could serve as leads for the design of new inhibitors of HIV-1.  相似文献   
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