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Wheat germ acetyl CoA carboxylase was purified 600-fold over the crude homogenate. The purified enzyme gave rise to complex electrophoretic patterns in dissociating gels. As isolated, the activity of wheat germ acetyl CoA carboxylase exhibited profound dependence on the composition of the reaction mixture. In addition to the substrates MgATP, HCO3, and acetyl CoA, the enzyme required both free Mg2+ and K+ for optimal activity. The effects of the two ions were additive. At pH 8.5, Mg2+ activated the carboxylase by adding to the enzyme prior to the other reactants in an equilibrium ordered reaction mechanism.  相似文献   
Summary Addition of the polyene antibiotic filipin (50 m) to the outside bathing solution (OBS) of the isolated frog skin resulted in a highly significant active outward transport of K+ because filipinper se increases the nonspecific Na+ and K+ permeability of the outward facing membrane. The K+ transport was calculated from the chemically determined changes in K+ concentrations in the solution bathing the two sides of the skin. The active transepithelial K+ transport required the presence of Na+ in the OBS, but not in the inside bathing solution (IBS), and it was inhibited by the Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain. The addition of Ba++ to the IBS in the presence of filipin in the OBS resulted in an activation of the transepithelial K+ transport and in an inhibition of the active Na+ transport. This is in agreement with the notion that Ba++ decreases the passive K+ permeability of the inward facing membrane. In the presence of amiloride (which blocks the specific Na permeability of the outward facing membrane) and Ba++ there was a good correlation between the active Na+ and K+ transport. It is concluded that the active transepithelial K+ transport is carried out by a coupled electrogenic Na–K pump, and it is suggested that the pump ratio (Na/K) is 1.5.  相似文献   
Summary A large family is reported in which mental retardation associated with the fragile site at Xq28 was found. Three normal males seemed to have transmitted the trait through their daughters to affected grandchildren.A total of 19 family members were investigated cytogenetically. Mentally retarded males showed macroorchidism and the fragile X. Three mentally retarded females were found, with the fragile X in a high percentage of cells; in contrast, the obligate carriers showed no or only few cells with the fragile X.  相似文献   
In two fully-crossed, three-way, two-by-three-by-three, factorially arranged experiments, female weanling rats were fed a basal diet supplemented with iron at 15 and 45 μg/g, nickel at 0, 5, and 50 μg/g, and copper at either 0, 0.5, and 5 μ/g (Expt. 1) or 0, 0.25, and 12 μg/g (Expt. 2) A gram of basal diet contained in Expt. 1 approximately 16 ng of nickel, 2.3 μg of iron, and 0.47 μg of copper; and in Expt. 2, 20 ng of nickel, 1.3 μg of iron, and 0.39 μg of copper. Expt. 1 was terminated at 11 weeks, and Expt. 2 at 8 weeks because, at those times, some rats fed no supplemental copper and the high level of nickel began to lose weight, or die from heart rupture. The findings demonstrated that relationships are complex among nickel, copper, and iron. Nickel interacted with copper and this interaction was influenced by dietary iron. Signs of copper deficiency were more severe when nickel was supplemented to the diet provided that copper deprivation was neither very severe nor mild. Iron deprivation apparently enhanced the antagonism by exacerbating copper deficiency. Signs of copper deficiency that were made more severe by nickel supplementation were depressed weight gain (Expt. 2), hematocrit (Expt. 1), hemoglobin, and plasma alkaline phosphatase activity; and elevated ratios of heart wt/body wt, kidney wt/body wt, and liver wt/body wt. Because nickel and copper have similar physical and chemical properties, the interactions between those two elements were probably the result, of isomorphous replacement of copper by nickel at various functional sites that interfered with some biological processes.  相似文献   
The effects of calcium ion on the adenylate cyclase system was studied in isolated, renal basal-lateral plasma membranes of the rat. Bovine parathyroid hormone (bPTH) and a guanyl triphosphate analogue, Gpp(NH)p were used to stimulate cyclase activity. Under conditions of maximal stimulation, calcium ions inhibited cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) formation, the formation rate falling exponentially with the calcium concentration. Fifty percent inhibition of either bPTH- or Gpp(NH)p-stimulated activity was given by approximately 50 μM Ca++. Also the Hill coefficient for the inhibition was close to unity in both cases. The concentration of bPTH giving half-maximal stimulation of cAMP formation (1.8 × 10?8 M) was unchanged by the presence of calcium. These data suggest that calcium acts at some point other than the initial hormone-receptor interaction, presumably decreasing the catalytic efficiency of the enzymic moiety of the membrane complex.  相似文献   
Cleavage of host defense proteins from reproductive secretions was investigated as a potential virulence mechanism for Tritrichomonas foetus extracellular proteinases. Three categories of susceptibility to digestion were found among the defense proteins tested. Cleavage of fibrinogen, fibronectin, and albumin occurred rapidly with more than 50% of these digested within 30 min. Lactoferrin, immunoglobulin G1, and immunoglobulin G2 were more than 50% digested after 4 h. Transferrin, immunoglobulin M, and immunoglobulin A were the most resistant to the Tritrichomonas foetus extracellular proteinases, since 50% or more of the parent molecule remained after 24 h. The responsible proteinases were classified as cysteine (thiol) proteinases because cleavage was inhibited by the cysteine proteinase specific inhibitor, trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane and not by the serine proteinase specific inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. In addition, alpha 2-macroglobulin, but not alpha 1-antitrypsin, inhibits the action of the proteinases. The ratio of this naturally occurring inhibitor to the quantity of proteinases released may determine whether the above substrates are cleaved in vivo. Since these substrates are implicated in iron acquisition, cell adherence, and acquired immunity, Tritrichomonas foetus proteinases are likely to play a role in host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   
The genetic locus of Yersinia pestis encoding synthesis of a 46-kDa heat-inducible outer membrane protein (Omp2) was cloned into pBR322 plasmid. The Omp2 was shown to be analogous to previously described YopH and Yop2b proteins. The fifth HindIII fragment of 48-MDa calcium dependence plasmid pCad358 mediates production of 31- and 28-kDa proteins, irrespective of orientation of the insertion. A 31-kDa polypeptide seems to correspond to the YopJ described elsewhere. The maps of BamHI and HindIII of pCad358 region studied differed from those described for pCD1 plasmid of Y. pestis KIM. The products encoded by genes from the fragment cloned in the Pgm+ background give rise to considerable growth of Y. pestis within mouse peritoneal macrophages but were not sufficient to cause lethal infectious process.  相似文献   
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