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The rapid accumulation of sequence data generated by the various genome sequencingprojects and the generation of expressed sequence tag databases has resulted in the need forthe development of fast and sensitive methods for the identification and characterisation oflarge numbers of gel electrophoretically separated proteins to translate the sequence data intobiological function. To achieve this goal it has been necessary to devise new approaches toprotein analysis: matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray mass spectrometry havebecome important protein analytical tools which are both fast and sensitive. When combinedwith a robotic system for the in-gel digestion of electrophoretically separated proteins, itbecomes possible to rapidly identify many proteins by searching databases with MS data. Thepower of this combination of techniques is demonstrated by an analysis of the proteins presentin the myofibrillar lattice of the indirect flight muscle of Drosophila melanogaster. Theproteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and in-gel proteolysis was performed bothautomatically and manually. All 16 major proteins could quickly be identified by massspectrometry. Although most of the protein components were known to be present in theflight muscle, two new components were also identified. The combination of methodsdescribed offers a means for the rapid identification of large numbers of gel separatedproteins.  相似文献   
Ca(2+)-activated calmodulin (CaM) regulates many target enzymes by docking to an amphiphilic target helix of variable sequence. This study compares the equilibrium Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ dissociation kinetics of CaM complexed to target peptides derived from five different CaM-regulated proteins: phosphorylase kinase. CaM-dependent protein kinase II, skeletal and smooth myosin light chain kinases, and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. The results reveal that different target peptides can tune the Ca2+ binding affinities and kinetics of the two CaM domains over a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations and time scales. The five peptides increase the Ca2+ affinity of the N-terminal regulatory domain from 14- to 350-fold and slow its Ca2+ dissociation kinetics from 60- to 140-fold. Smaller effects are observed for the C-terminal domain, where peptides increase the apparent Ca2+ affinity 8- to 100-fold and slow dissociation kinetics 13- to 132-fold. In full-length skeletal myosin light chain kinase the inter-molecular tuning provided by the isolated target peptide is further modulated by other tuning interactions, resulting in a CaM-protein complex that has a 10-fold lower Ca2+ affinity than the analogous CaM-peptide complex. Unlike the CaM-peptide complexes, Ca2+ dissociation from the protein complex follows monoexponential kinetics in which all four Ca2+ ions dissociate at a rate comparable to the slow rate observed in the peptide complex. The two Ca2+ ions bound to the CaM N-terminal domain are substantially occluded in the CaM-protein complex. Overall, the results indicate that the cellular activation of myosin light chain kinase is likely to be triggered by the binding of free Ca2(2+)-CaM or Ca4(2+)-CaM after a Ca2+ signal has begun and that inactivation of the complex is initiated by a single rate-limiting event, which is proposed to be either the direct dissociation of Ca2+ ions from the bound C-terminal domain or the dissociation of Ca2+ loaded C-terminal domain from skMLCK. The observed target-induced variations in Ca2+ affinities and dissociation rates could serve to tune CaM activation and inactivation for different cellular pathways, and also must counterbalance the variable energetic costs of driving the activating conformational change in different target enzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract Histopathological changes were compared in pigs challenged with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype l and serotype 5 after inoculation with subunit vaccines. The vaccines consisted of outer membrane protein and/or hemolysin protein isolated from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype l or both subunits combined. Twenty-seven cross-bred pigs were separated into six groups: Groups I and IV were vaccinated and boostered with 1500 μg outer membrane protein; Groups II and V were vaccinated and boostered with 250 μg hemolysin protein; Groups III and VI were vaccinated and boostered with a combination of 1500 μg outer membrane protein and 250 μg hemolysin protein. Groups I, II and III were challenged with A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 1; and Groups IV, V and VI were challenged with A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 5. Groups III and VI demonstrated the least severe lung tissue damage, with significantly lower ( P < 0.05) lung involvement as compared to the other groups. Lesions were noted in all six groups. These results showed that complete protection against A. pleuropneumoniae infection was not feasible using a subunit vaccine consisting of just outer membrane protein and hemolysin protein, and that some cross-protection did occur.  相似文献   
A Danish mire influenced by culture until ca. 100 years ago and since then with incipient growth of Betula pubescens , was analyzed in 1957 and 1981 with regard to height of the Betula trees and cover percentage of plant species in the field layer. In 1957, every m2 along a 110 m transect was examined; in 1981 only 56 m2 representatively selected from the transect were examined. Betula showed considerable changes with a net intake of 10 trees (23%) and a net loss of 23 trees (52%), i.e. a net loss of 13 trees (30%). The mean height of the trees has, however, increased by 80 cm and the sum of the height of the trees per m2 by 29 cm. An increased total cover was found for Em–petrum nigrum, Molinia coerulea , and Erica tetralix , and a decreased total cover for Calluna, Sphagnum magellanicum, S. nemoreum, S. rubellum, Hypnum cupressi–forme, Pleurozium schreberi , and Aulacomnium palustre. An almost unchanged total cover was found for Eriophorum vaginatum, E. angustifolium, Sphagnum recurvum, Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia , and Oxycoccus palustris. On the basis of quantitative changes in the individual plots, a specific index of change is calculated, decreasing in the order Empetrum > Sphagnum magellanicum > S. recurvum = Molinia > Calluna > Hypnum cupressiforme > Pleurozium schreberi> Oxycoccus palustre> Sphagnum nemoreum = S. rubellum = Eriophorum vaginatum = E. angustifolium > Aulacomnium palustre > Erica> Drosera > Andromeda. Analyses from 1981 demonstrate that usually the light conditions and/or the water content and rarely the bulk density of the soil is correlated with the change in cover of the individual species. For some species it is also shown that the change is correlated with the strongly increased cover of Empetrum in particular. The changes are finally illustrated by showing the position of the species along ecological gradients in 1981.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure is described for the determination of octopamine. The method, which is based on the separation on a microparticulate bonded strong cation-exchange resin and measurement of the native fluorescence, has been applied to give a sensitive assay of dopamine β-monooxygenase (EC activity in human serum with tyramine as the substrate. The procedure, which has been designed for use with an-automatic sampler, has a detection limit of about 50 pmoles of octopamine, and the analysis time is approximately 10 min per sample.  相似文献   
Chondrocytes obtained from epiphyseal cartilage of fetal guinea pigs or ear cartilage of young rabbits were cultured in monolayer. The influence of colchicine, cytochalasin B, and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside on secretion of proteoglycans was investigated. Radioactive sulfate was used as a precursor. As observed previously in other systems, β-d-xylosides initiated the synthesis of free chondroitin sulfate chains, competing with the endogenous proteoglycan core protein acceptor. The molecular weights of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized both on the xyloside and on the core-protein acceptor in maximally stimulated cells were similar and significantly lower than in proteoglycans synthesized in the absence of xyloside. The size of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized on the xyloside was inversely related to the concentration of this compound. This finding suggests that the chain length is dependent on the ratio between available acceptor and chain-lengthening enzymes or precursors. Cytochalasin B, a microfilament-modifying agent, inhibited proteoglycan synthesis, without any effect on secretion. Cells treated with cytochalasin B could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize free chondroitin sulfate chains to the same relative degree as cells with intact microfilaments. Colchicine, an antimicrotubular agent, partially inhibited synthesis and secretion of proteoglycan. However, cells treated with colchicine could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize and secrete free chondroitin sulfate chains to about the same relative degree as cells with intact microtubules. The data suggest that microtubules may have a facilitatory rather than an obligatory role in the secretion of proteoglycans and that at least part of the effect of colchicine is located at or after the site of glycosaminoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   
The abundance and distribution of microorganisms and their potential for mineralizing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in subsurface sediment samples at two geographically separate buried coal-tar sites. At a relatively undisturbed forested site in the northeastern United States, metabolic adaptation to the PAHs was evident: Radiolabeled naphthalene and phenanthrene were converted to 14CO2 in core material from inside but not outside a plume of groundwater contamination. However, at the urban site in the midwestern United States these PAHs were mineralized in sediments from both contaminated and uncontaminated boreholes. Thus, clear qualitative evidence showing an adaptational response by the subsurface microbial community was not obtained at the urban site. Instead, subtler clues suggesting metabolic adaptation by subsurface microorganisms from the urban site were discerned by comparing lag periods and extents of 14CO2 production from radiolabeled PAHs added to samples from contaminated and uncontaminated boreholes. Despite slightly higher PAH mineralization activity in contaminated borehole samples, p-hydroxybenzoate was mineralized equally in all samples from the urban site regardless of location. No striking trends in the abundances of actinomycetes, fungi, and either viable or total bacteria were encountered. However, colonies of the soil bacterium, Bacillus mycoides, were detected on enumeration plates of several samples from unsaturated and saturated zones in both urban boreholes. Furthermore, other common soil bacteria, Myxococcus xanthus and Chromobacterium violaceum, were identified in samples from the uncontaminated urban borehole. The occurrence of bacteria usually restricted to surface soil, combined with the observation of fragments of building materials in many of the core samples, suggested that past excavation and backfilling operations may have caused mixing of surface soil with subsurface materials at the urban site. We speculate that this mixing, as well as non-coal-tar-derived sources of PAHs, contributed to the PAH-mineralizing activity present in the sediment samples from the uncontaminated urban borehole.  相似文献   
Biosynthetically, bovine N-acetylglucosainine ß 1,4-galacto-syltransferase(GalT) catalyses the transfer of galactosyl residues from UDP-Galto the 4-position of GlcNAc units, resulting in the productionof N-acetyllactosamine sequences. UDP-Glc and UDP-GalNAc werealso found to act as donors for this enzyme, allowing the preparationof ßGlc(14)-ßGlcNAc and ßGalNAc(14)ßGlcNActerminating structures on the milligram scale. GalT could thusbe used to add ßGalNAc to ßGlcNAc(12)Manterminating structures, converting them to the ßGalNAc(14)ßGlcNAc(12)Mansequences found on glycoprotein hormones. GalT did not transferGlcNAc residues from UDP-GlcNAc, but it could utilize UDP-GlcNH2as a donor. Synthesis of ßGlcNAc(14)ßGlcNAcsequences could therefore be accomplished by transfer of GlcNH2from its UDP derivative, followed by N-acetylation of the productamino-disaccharide using acetic anhydride in methanol. The productsof the enzymatic reactions were characterized by 1H-NMR-spectroscopyand fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry. This work expandsthe scope of the combined chemical-enzymatic synthesis of complexcarbohydrates, using glycosyltrans-ferases, to the productionof oligosaccharides different from those for which these enzymeswere designed. These unnatural reactions should find applicationin glycoprotein and glycolipid remodelling. galactosyltransferase chemica1-enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides oligosaccharide analogues sugar-nucleotide analogues carbohydrate remodelling  相似文献   
We measured cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2), cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral lactate output during rest, during the execution of mental arithmetic, and during mental stress induced by physical and psychological annoyance. Measurements were performed in healthy volunteers by use of the Kety-Schmidt technique with 133Xe as the inert gas. Electroencephalographic desynchronization and highly significant increases in plasma catecholamines and heart rate verified that the test measurements were performed during conditions differing distinctly from the resting state. In accordance with an earlier study (Sokoloff et al. J. Clin. Invest. 34: 1101-1108, 1985), a minimal and nonsignificant 1% reduction of global CMRO2 during mental arithmetic was observed, signifying that this form of mental activation was unassociated with any detectable increase in overall cerebral synaptic activity. Mental stress induced a slight but highly significant (P less than 0.002) 6% reduction in global CMRO2. This finding is in contrast to results from earlier investigations and contradicts the generally accepted notion of an association between mental arousal and a diffuse upregulation of cerebral synaptic activity. During mental arithmetic and mental stress, cerebral lactate output increased by 207 and 344%, respectively, but because of large individual variations in the measured responses, the elevations reached statistical significance only during mental arithmetic.  相似文献   
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