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Natural populations often vary in their degree of ecological, morphological and genetic divergence. This variation can be arranged along an ecological speciation continuum of increasingly discrete variation, with high inter-individual variation at one end and well defined species in the other. In postglacial fishes, evolutionary divergence has commonly resulted in the co-occurrence of a pelagic and a benthic specialist. We studied three replicate lakes supporting sympatric pelagic and benthic European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) morphs in search for early signs of possible further divergence into more specialized niches. Using stomach content data (recent diet) and stable isotope analyses (time-integrated measure of trophic niche use), we observed a split in the trophic niche within the benthic whitefish morph, with individuals specializing on either littoral or profundal resources. This divergence in resource use was accompanied by small but significant differences in an adaptive morphological trait (gill raker number) and significant genetic differences between fish exploiting littoral and profundal habitats and foraging resources. The same pattern of parallel divergence was found in all three lakes, suggesting similar natural selection pressures driving and/or maintaining the divergence. The two levels of divergence (a clear and robust benthic – pelagic and a more subtle littoral – profundal divergence) observed in this study apparently represent different stages in the process of ecological speciation.  相似文献   


Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults is associated with decreased extracellular water volume (ECW). In response to GH replacement therapy (GHRT), ECW increases and blood pressure (BP) reduces or remains unchanged. Our primary aim was to study the association between polymorphisms in genes related to renal tubular function with ECW and BP before and 1 year after GHRT. The ECW measures using bioimpedance analysis (BIA) and bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) were validated against a reference method, the sodium bromide dilution method (Br).

Design and Methods

Using a candidate gene approach, fifteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in nine genes with known impact on renal tubular function (AGT, SCNN1A, SCNN1G, SLC12A1, SLC12A3, KCNJ1, STK39, WNK1 and CASR) were genotyped and analyzed for associations with ECW and BP at baseline and with their changes after 1 year of GHRT in 311 adult GHD patients. ECW was measured with the Br, BIA, and BIS.


Both BIA and BIS measurements demonstrated similar ECW results as the reference method. At baseline, after adjustment for sex and BMI, SNP rs2291340 in the SLC12A1 gene was associated with ECW volume in GHD patients (p = 0.039). None of the SNPs influenced the ECW response to GHRT. One SNP in the SLC12A3 gene (rs11643718; p = 0.024) and three SNPs in the SCNN1G gene [rs5723 (p = 0.02), rs5729 (p = 0.016) and rs13331086 (p = 0.035)] were associated with the inter-individual differences in BP levels at baseline. A polymorphism in the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene (rs1965357) was associated with changes in systolic BP after GHRT (p = 0.036). None of these associations remained statistically significant when corrected for multiple testing.


The BIA and BIS are as accurate as Br to measure ECW in GHD adults before and during GHRT. Our study provides the first evidence that individual polymorphisms may have clinically relevant effects on ECW and BP in GHD adults.  相似文献   
Gill raker divergence is a general pattern in adaptive radiations of postglacial fish, but few studies have addressed the adaptive significance of this morphological trait in foraging and eco-evolutionary interactions among predator and prey. Here, a set of subarctic lakes along a diversifying gradient of coregonids was used as the natural setting to explore correlations between gill raker numbers and planktivory as well as the impact of coregonid radiation on zooplankton communities. Results from 19 populations covering most of the total gill raker number gradient of the genus Coregonus, confirm that the number of gill rakers has a central role in determining the foraging ability towards zooplankton prey. Both at the individual and population levels, gill raker number was correlated with pelagic niche use and the size of utilized zooplankton prey. Furthermore, the average body size and the abundance and diversity of the zooplankton community decreased with the increasing diversity of coregonids. We argue that zooplankton feeding leads to an eco-evolutionary feedback loop that may further shape the gill raker morphology since natural selection intensifies under resource competition for depleted prey communities. Eco-evolutionary interactions may thus have a central role creating and maintaining the divergence of coregonid morphs in postglacial lakes.  相似文献   
There is now strong evidence that foraging niche specialisation plays a critical role in the very early stages of resource driven speciation. Here we test critical elements of models defining this process using a known polymorphic population of Arctic charr from subarctic Norway. We test the long-term stability of niche specialisation amongst foraging predators and discuss the possibility that contrasting foraging specialists are exposed to differing selection regimes. Inter-individual foraging niche stability was measured by combining two time-integrated ecological tracers of the foraging niche (each individual’s δ13C and δ15N stable isotope (SI) signatures and their food borne parasite fauna) with a short-term measure of foraging niche use (stomach contents composition). Three dietary subgroups of predators were identified, including zooplankton, gammarid and benthivore specialists foragers. Zooplanktivorous specialists had muscle low in δ 13C, a high abundance of parasites transmitted from pelagic copepods, a smaller head, longer snout and a more slender body-form than gammaridivorous specialist individuals which had muscle more enriched in δ 13C and high abundance of parasites transmitted from benthic Gammarus. Benthivorous individuals were intermediate between the other two foraging groups according to muscle SI-signals (δ13C) and loadings of parasites transmitted from both copepods and Gammarus. The close relationship between subgroups identified by stomach contents, time-integrated tracers of niche use (SI and parasites) and functional trophic morphology (niche adaptations) demonstrate a long-term temporally stable niche use of each individual predator. Differential habitat use and contrasting parasite communities and loadings, show differential exposure to different suites of selection pressures for different foraging specialists. Results also show that individual specialisation in trophic behaviour and thus exposure to different suites of selection pressures are stable over time, and thus provide a platform for disruptive selection to operate within this sympatric system.  相似文献   


High repeatability among assemblages of closely related but ecologically distinct ecotypes implies predictability in evolution and assembly of communities. The conditions under which ecotype assemblages form predictably, and the reasons, have been little investigated. Here, we test whether repeatability declines as the number of ecotypes builds.


Postglacial lakes with a circumboreal distribution.

Time Period

Data were extracted from studies published between 1982 and 2019.

Major Taxa Studied

Ecotype assemblages from two Salmonid genera – Salvelinus and Coregonus. Fish in postglacial lakes commonly occur as pairs of ecotypes, typically with a pelagic and a littoral/benthic form, but in Salvelinus and Coregonus, assemblages commonly contain multiple sympatric ecotypes.


We used a meta-analysis of Salvelinus and Coregonus to empirically assess how repeatability varies across assemblages of two to seven ecotypes. We examined repeatability of use of broad niche categories as well as underlying phenotypic traits.


Within Coregonus, repeatability across multi-ecotype assemblages did not break down with the addition of a third or fourth ecotype. However, in Salvelinus, repeatability was largely absent and independent of the number of ecotypes. Repeatability of trait frequency distributions was absent in both genera, yet associations between trait means and niche categories were evident, especially in Coregonus.

Main Conclusions

These results show that repeatability can vary greatly between lineages; that repeatability need not break down as the number of ecotypes builds; and that high repeatability of broad niche categories may result despite marked differences in the underlying frequency distribution of trait means. These findings not only affirm the presence of repeatable ecotype assembly and early stages of divergence in postglacial fishes at a global scale, but also highlight variability among taxa and underlying phenotypic traits.  相似文献   
We scrutinised the seasonal food-niche utilisation of river dwelling Atlantic salmon parr and alpine bullhead in order to examine potential mechanisms that may facilitate coexistence of species with similar niches. Fish were sampled monthly during the ice-free season, and diet composition and feeding strategy of the two species were compared by analyses of stomach contents. The dietary niches and feeding strategy of salmon parr and bullheads were highly similar both at the individual and population levels, with high within-phenotype contributions to niche width and pronounced generalisation observed during time periods with severe resource limitations. Our findings suggest that competitive coexistence with similar niches may be facilitated by a generalisation of niche width as predicted by optimal foraging theory, rather than the specialised niche width predicted by classic niche theory as a response to interspecific competition. Competitive coexistence may be particularly widespread in spatially and temporally dynamic habitats such as northern lotic systems, which thus may select for generalisation and convergence of ecological niches.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated glucose concentrations on complement receptor– and Fcγ receptor–mediated phagocytosis in normal human neutrophils. D-Glucose at 15 or 25 mM dose-dependently inhibited both complement receptor– and Fcγ receptor– mediated phagocytosis, as compared to that at a normal physiological glucose concentration. The protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors GF109203X and Go6976 both dose dependently and completely reversed the inhibitory effect of 25 mM D-glucose on phagocytosis. Complement receptor– mediated phagocytosis was dose-dependently inhibited by the cell permeable diacylglycerol analogue 1,2-dioctanoylsn- glycerol (DAG), an effect that was abolished by PKC inhibitors. Furthermore, suboptimal inhibitory concentrations of DAG and glucose showed an additive inhibitory effect on complement receptor–mediated phagocytosis. The authors conclude that elevated glucose concentrations can inhibit complement receptor and Fcγ receptor–mediated phagocytosis in normal human neutrophils by activating PKCα and/or PKCβ, an effect possibly mediated by DAG.  相似文献   
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