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Colour tests for study of the nuclear apparatus ofChlorella cells are described. It can be concluded from the results thatChlorella cell nucleus contains a relatively large nucleolus; the peripheral layers of the nucleus are rich in chromatin only in the nuclear division phase. The nucleus divides by a simplified form of mitosis, characterized morphologically by simple constriction.  相似文献   
The work is concerned with the question of the effect of humic acids on the biological action of agropyrene, the effective substance from the rootstock of Agropyron repens (L.) P. BEAUV. The test organism was the alga Scenedesmus obliquus (TURP.) KRÜGER, cultivated in mineral solution. The basic biological test was the determination of the number and size of the cells of this alga. It was found that the way in which agropyrene acts on combined application with humus acids depends on which humus fraction is used. It can display a synergic action if humic acid is used, since this substance probably facilitates the penetration of agropyrene into the cells. On the other hand, fulvic acid counteracts the activity of agropyrene and this most probably by mutual binding and blocking of active groups and links.  相似文献   
An investigation was made of the anatomical structure of the shoot apex ofSenecio vulgaris L. a photoperiodically neutral plant, and compared with the formation of successive leaf primordia along the axis up to the initiation of the terminal inflorescence. In the shoot apex of a germinating plant a central zone can first be distinguished from the peripheral zone which is composed of small and intensely stained cells. Later, a rib meristem appears. At the time of the initiation of the middle (the largest) leaves, the shoot apex has a distinct small central zone and a well developed peripheral zone and rib meristem. Between these zones there is a group of cells dividing in all directions, the subcentral zone. At the time of initiation of the last leaves, the central zone extends to the flanks and gradually ceases to be distinguishable. At the same time, the subcentral zone increases in size. This is caused first by cell division and later, with the initiation of the last, most reduced leaves, by enlargement of the cells. Vacuolization in the inner part of the apex and the arrangement of the superficial cells in rows parallel to the surface of the apex, is a preparatory step to the initiation of the inflorescence.  相似文献   
V p?edlo?ené práci je sledován ú?inek humusových látek aplikovaných na listy cukrovky post?ikem. Sou?asně je ově?ována vhodnost kombinace humusových látek s minerálními ?ivinami. Ukazuje se, ?e post?ik humusovými látkami zvlá?tě v kombinaci s minerálními ?ivinami p?íznivě ovlivňuje r?st cukrovky, zvy?uje váhu list? i ko?ene a celkové mno?ství cukru v ko?eni. Ú?inok post?iku humusovými látkami je vět?í u rostlin pěstovaných ve vodní kultu?e a st?íkaných ?ivným roztokem s kompletněj?ím zastoupením minerálních prvk?. Humusové látky p?i aplikaci na list vyvolávají podobné změny v anatomické stavbě pletiv a orgán?, jako p?i jejich aplikaci do ?ivného roztoku ke ko?en?m. Humusové látky zvlá?tě v kombinaci s minerálním roztokem zvy?ují v listech cukrovky mno?ství chlorofylu a zvy?ují intezitu fotosyntézy. Post?ik humusovými látkami zvy?uje sou?asně transpiraci cukrovky.  相似文献   
Nebyl prokázán sensibilizující ú?inek EDTA na muta?ní aktivitu EMS uArabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   
Saxifraga marginata Sternb. is divided into three subspecies:S. m. subsp.marginata, S. m. subsp.bubakii (Rohlena)Chrtek etSoják,S. m. subsp.karadzicensis (Degen etKo?anin)Chrtek etSoják (environments of Skopje, Macedonia).  相似文献   
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