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Population differentiation and evolution in the common guillemot Uria aalge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Common (Uria aalge) and Brünnich's guillemots (U. Iomvia) are colonial seabirds that nest in temperate to arctic oceans throughout the Northern hemisphere. They are very similar in the characteristics of ecology, demography and life history that are thought to determine the extent of differentiation among populations, yet geographic variation in morphology is notably greater in common guillemots. Despite evidence of strong natal philopatry, previous analyses of allozymes and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene revealed little genetic differentiation among North Atlantic colonies of Brünnich's guillemots. To determine if the more extensive morphological variability in common guillemots reflects greater genetic variability, we sequenced part of the cytochrome b gene for 160 common guillemots from 10 colonies distributed throughout the Northern hemisphere. Genotype frequencies and phylogenetic relationships among genotypes both indicated that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct. Genetic divergence among genotypes suggested that differentiation of these populations has resulted from separation by Pleistocene glaciers and the Bering Landbridge, as well as by currently unsuitable breeding habitat in the Arctic Ocean. Cytochrome b genotype frequencies also differed among Atlantic colonies, and appeared to define a cline similar to that described for morphological characters. Analyses of sequence variation suggested that this variation probably results from secondary contact between two refugial populations from the Pleistocene glaciations, rather than from isolation by distance or selection. In contrast, the Atlantic population of Brünnich's guillemots appears to have arisen through recent expansion of a single homogeneous refugial population.  相似文献   
The most biologically significant property of actin is its ability to self-associate and form two-stranded polymeric microfilaments. In living cells, these micro filaments form the actin cytoskeleton, essential for maintenance of the shape, passive mechanical properties and active motility of eukaryotic cells. Recently discovered actin-related proteins (ARPs) appear to share a common ancestor with conventional actin. At present, six classes of ARPs have been discovered, three of which have representatives in diverse species across eukaryotic phyla and may share functional characteristics with conventional actin. The three most ubiquitous ARPs are predicted to share a common core structure with actin and contain all the residues required for ATP binding. Surface residues involved in protein protein interactions, however, have diverged. Models of these proteins based on the atomic structure of actin provide some clues about how ARPs interact with each other, with conventional actin and with conventional actin-binding proteins.  相似文献   
The effect of vaccination with diphtheria toxoid (AD-M) on TNF and IL-6 production has been studied in humans. In the present study it was demonstrated that immunization with AD-M resulted in changes of in vitro TNF and IL-6 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. TNF release was suppressed but IL-6 production was stimulated. On the other hand, serum levels of TNF were markedly increased over a period of 3 weeks. It was also demonstrated that the postvaccinal cytokine production disturbances may be corrected by pretreatment with a new synthetic hexapeptid (Imunofan((R))). It is possible that the imunofan treatment could prevent some postvaccinal complications.  相似文献   
Ormia depleta(Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tachinidae), a South American fly that homes on the calling songs of its hosts, was brought from Piracicaba, Brazil; colonized; and released in Florida for the biological control ofScapteriscusspp. mole crickets. It became established at some release sites and rapidly spread through most of peninsular Florida. The seasonal distributions of phonotactic females in Florida differed from the single summer peak recorded at Rio Claro and Piracicaba, Brazil (23° S). Near Bradenton (27° N), spring and fall peaks with a summer hiatus were quickly established and remain evident. At two sites near Gainesville (30° N), a strong fall peak and a modest-to-none spring peak developed. Peaks of phonotactic females seem to follow times of peak host availability and sometimes coincide with minima of host availability. Limits to geographical expansion ofO. depletaare poorly understood. At Gainesville, the site of earliest introduction, establishment was rapid and soundtrap catches increased for the first 3 years, exceeding 1000 per year at one site. Catches then declined for 3 years, almost reaching zero in 1994. On the other hand, annual sound-trap catches ofO. depletaat Bradenton exceeded 1000 in <2 years and have remained above that level for 5 years. Winters in Gainesville are more severe than those in Bradenton, but minimum winter temperatures in Gainesville were substantially lower duringO. depleta's increase than during its decline. Perhaps mild winters cause the flies to become active early—only to starve for lack of adequate winter nectar sources.O. depletamay yet spread to the northern limits of itsScapteriscushosts as present populations adapt to new environments. Or farther spread may require that new strains be introduced from more southerly sites in South America.  相似文献   
Atelocauda koae, a rust of the native HawaiianAcacia koa, is considered as a demicyclic species, having spermogonial, aecial, and telial states, but is unusual in production of aeciospores simultaneously with teliospores rather than consecutively. Host inoculation with spores of each state separately confirmed that the life cycle was perpetuated by the telial state, but the aeciospores, while capable of germination and stomal penetration, did not produce detectable infection. This rust therefore behaves as a microcyclic species, and appears to be in evolutionary transition toward this reduced state. Teliospores produced vestigial, permanently attached basidiosopores which germinated to produce infective hyphae. The hyphae entered the host either through stomata or penetrated the epidermis directly, with the latter method being more common. Unusual nuclear associated with teliospore germination, in which meiosis occurs in more than one diploid nucleus was observed, in confirmation of an earlier study.  相似文献   
Summary First divisions of embryogenic cells were studied in leaves of plantlets of aCichorium hybrid (C. intybus L. ×C. endivia L.) cultured in vitro in a liquid agitated medium, at 35 °C in the dark. Stages of reactivation of competent cells were characterized by increase of nucleus and nucleolus diameter, migration of the nucleus in the centre of the cell and thickening of the cell wall. The first division of reactivated embryogenic cells was symmetrical and anticlinal in regard to the xylem vessels orientation. Embryogenic structures consisted in I-type tetrads or in rows of 4–8 cells. Then the divisions occurred in thickness at one end, without polarization or formation of a suspensor-like structure.Abbreviations EC embryogenic cell - ES embryogenic structure  相似文献   
Two Pelargonium 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase cDNAs (GAC-1 and GAC-2) were identified and characterized. GAC-1 is 1934 bp long with a 1446-bp open reading frame encoding a 54.1-kD polypeptide. GAC-2 is a 1170-bp-long ACC synthase polymerase chain reaction fragment encoding 390 amino acids. Expression of GAC-1 and GAC-2 together with a previously identified ACC oxidase (GEFE-1) was examined in different Pelargonium plant parts, and leaves were subjected to osmotic stress (sorbitol), metal ion stress (CuCl2), auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2,4-D]), and ethylene. GAC-1 expression was not detectable in any of the plant parts tested, whereas high levels of GAC-2 were expressed in the leaf bud, young leaf, young floret, fully open floret, and senescing floret. GAC-2 was expressed to a lesser degree in fully expanded leaves or roots and was undetectable in old leaves and floret buds. GEFE-1 was detectable at all leaf ages tested, in young and fully open florets, and in the roots; however, the highest degree of expression was in the senescing florets. GAC-1 was induced by sorbitol. Both GAC-1 and GAC-2 were only slightly affected by CuCl2 and induced indirectly by 2,4-D. GEFE-1 was highly induced by sorbitol, CuCl2, and 2,4-D. GAC-1, GAC-2, and GEFE-1 were unaffected by ethylene treatment. These results suggest that GAC-1 is only induced by stress and that GAC-2 may be developmentally regulated, whereas GEFE-1 is influenced by both stress and development.  相似文献   
Summary Genetic studies have demonstrated biparental inheritance of plastids in alfalfa. The ratio of paternal to maternal plastids in the progeny varies according to the genotypes of the parents, which can be classified as strong or weak transmitters of plastids. Previous cytological investigations of generative cells and male gametes have provided no consistent explanation for plastid inheritance patterns among genotypes. However, plastids in the mature egg cells of a strong female genotype (6–4) were found to be more numerous and larger than in mature eggs of a weak female genotype (CUF-B), and the plastids in 6–4 eggs are positioned equally around the nucleus. In CUF-B, the majority of plastids are positioned below (toward the micropyle) the mid level of the nucleus, which is the future division plane of the zygote. Since only the apical portion of the zygote produces the embryo proper, plastids in the basal portion were predicted to become included in the suspensor cells and not be inherited. In the present study, we examined zygotes and a two-celled proembryo from a cross between CUF-B and a strong male genotype (301), a cross that results in over 90% of the progeny possessing paternal plastids only. Our results indicate that the distribution of plastids observed in the CUF-B egg cell is maintained through the first division of the zygote. Further, paternal plastids are similarly distributed; however, within the apical portion of the zygote and in the apical cell of the two-celled proembryo, the number of paternal plastids is typically much greater than the number of maternal plastids. These findings suggest that maternal and paternal plastid distribution within the zygote is a significant factor determining the inheritance of maternal and paternal plastids in alfalfa.  相似文献   
T. A. Becker  W. Nagl 《Protoplasma》1995,185(3-4):166-169
Summary Variable aggregates, composed of tubules with a mean diameter of 19 nm, were found exclusively within polyploid nuclei of the midgut, Malpighian tubes, cyst cells, testis epithelium, and trophocytes ofGerris najas. The nuclear inclusions are always in direct contact with the nucleoplasm, and no other structures are associated with them. They appear most abundant within degenerating nuclei of the midgut surface epithelium, where they form paracrystalline bodies or spindle-shaped inclusions with tapered ends. Smaller fusiform inclusions occur in younger epithelial nuclei but not in the diploid nuclei of regenerative cells. In other tissues, mainly spindle-shaped inclusions can be observed, the longest (4.5 m) in cyst cell nuclei. The mean diameter of the tubules determined from transverse sections, resembles that of cytoplasmic microtubules and was verified statistically. The inclusions within trophocyte nuclei failed to react with monoclonal anti--tubulin antibody, although the antibodies could penetrate the nuclei after extensive lysis of the cells.  相似文献   
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