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In order to reveal features of the brain reactions to external stimuli in the course of consciousness recovery after a severe craniocerebral injury, component P300 of acoustic evoked potential was analyzed in 9 patients with chronic and 32 patients with reversible unconsciousness. In patients with chronic unconsciousness, P300 parameters displayed a linear correlation with the current functional state. However, this component remained significantly different from its normal shape and varied only in a narrow range. In patients with reversible unconsciousness, time course of changes in amplitude and latency between recovery stages was of linear character with a tendency to normalization. The findings suggest that, in reversible unconsciousness states, processing of sensory information at different recovery stages may be performed with various functional systems that determine varying quality of processing, whereas changes in chronic unconsciousness are caused by a decrease in the number of active elements within the same functional system.  相似文献   
Event-related potentials (ERP) are informative indicators of higher nervous activity of healthy people and patients in pathological states. Traditionally, methods of ERP processing include peak-time characteristics, topographical mapping and localization of equivalent dipole sources. At the same time, estimation of ERP synchronization is complicated by a short duration of the process. The wavelet analysis makes it possible to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional Furrier analysis and to calculate characteristics of ERP synchronization, in particular, phase synchronization. A new approach to estimation of the auditory ERP in healthy persons is proposed in the article. The method is based on the analysis of phase wavelet-synchronization of ERP individual components under conditions of differentiation of different degrees of attention concentration in healthy persons.  相似文献   
The concern of the work was in detection and analysis of P300 component of the acoustic evoked potential in healthy subjects in different experimental situations. During counting the rare sounds, P300 was most pronounced in the frontocentral and parietooccipital areas mainly of the left-hemisphere. The response shape was correlated with characteristics of the basic rhythm of the background EEG. Responses of simple and complex shapes were distinguished. The simplest responses were recorded in subjects with hypersynchronous alpha-rhythm. Analysis of three-dimensional dipole source localization showed that structures of the brainstem, limbic system, and frontal lobes participate in generation of the wave. In all the subjects, the decisive role in response generation was played by the brainstem structures. In persons with hypersynchronous alpha-rhythm, the contribution of the frontal lobes was less pronounced. During "passive" listening of sounds, P300 parameters significantly differed from those observed during counting only in 46% of cases (in persons having no hypersynchronous alpha-rhythm). A simplification of the response shape during "passive" listening was observed in these cases, the area of the maximal response expression was shifted to symmetrical areas of the right-hemisphere, the number of dipole sources reduced due to a decrease in the contribution of the frontal and limbic structures into the response generation.  相似文献   
西藏墨脱格当乡野生虎捕食家畜现状与保护建议   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
曾经在西藏东南的阔叶林中广泛分布的孟加拉虎,目前仅有一个小种群残留在墨脱县境内。2000年5-6月间,在大型家畜遭受野生虎捕食最严重的墨脱县格当乡展开调查,试图寻找减轻虎害的方法。结果表明:1994-1995年虎的捕食率达到最高,对牛和骡马的捕食率分别是17.9%和9.4%;但1996年后,捕食率分别降低到7.8%和1.8%,这可能与1996年当地曾捕杀过一头虎有关。1993-1999年间,全乡牛的数量下降了11%,但骡马数量上升了23%,这是因为当地为增加运输能力而从别处购得骡马。据反映,目前格当乡境内大约有4-5头虎。1997年和1999年,均见母虎和小虎同行,说明该种群尚有繁殖。在抽样的21户居民家中,1999年4月到2000年5月间,66.6%的人家有大型牲畜遭虎捕杀,共损失牛27头,马12匹,而自1993年以来,21户中共有18户(85.8%),有牲畜被杀记录,共计损失117头。其中对牛的捕食率达19.7%,对马达11.9%,平均每户损失牛1.2头,骡马0.5匹。非法狩猎减少了虎的猎物如野猪、羚牛等的数量,是老虎转向家畜的主要原因之一。虎害已对格当乡群众的经济造成较大负面影响。但格当乡以及周边地区保护着中国最后的野生孟加拉虎种群,为确保虎的长期生存同时减少人-虎冲突,建议改变目前放牧方式,尽可能联合放牧、增加看护;改善放牧地条件,清除牧场周围蕨草丛;减少对羚牛等有蹄类的猎杀,以减少对老虎猎物种群的破坏;对部分家畜移入棚内试行圈养,既保护家畜,又提高乳制品产量和增加农家肥料;实行多种经营方法,建议养一些山羊和家禽;政府应该帮助安置好部分愿意外迁的居民,这样既满足这些居民的需要,同时也减轻对当地野生动物种群的压力。  相似文献   
Human Physiology - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0362119722440025  相似文献   
Biophysics - Severe traumatic brain injury can cause long-term impairment of consciousness with different clinical manifestations, for which differentiation and outcome prediction are difficult. In...  相似文献   
The amplitude and temporal parameters of the N1 component of the auditory cognitive evoked potential (EP) were analyzed in ten people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident (the liquidators) and ten healthy subjects aged 47 ± 6.0 and 50.5 ± 4.0 years, respectively. In the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the amplitudes of the N1 component of the auditory EP were decreased in all cortical areas. This decrease was the greatest in the central and frontal areas. The changes in response to stimuli of different significances in the liquidators were inverted as compared to the healthy subjects of the same age. The differences between the control group and the liquidators were the most pronounced in the temporal characteristics of the N1 component. The latent periods (LPs) for all stimuli presented under all experimental conditions were significantly shorter in the group of liquidators, and this effect was even stronger for the significant stimulus in the case of stimulus counting. In the liquidators, the maximum changes in the LPs of the N1 component were observed in the frontal area of the left hemisphere, and they were associated with an inversion of the LP asymmetry. Changes in this parameter were smaller in the central areas and were similar in the parietal areas in both groups studied. Changes in the amplitude and temporal characteristics of the N1 component of the auditory cognitive EP observed in the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident indicate the impairments of their involuntary attention and its capacity due to weakening of inhibition processes as compared to healthy subjects. This effect is similar to that found in elderly subjects. Our data support the hypothesis on the accelerated aging of the brain in the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident due to the effect of low doses of irradiation. The data also suggest that irradiation results in pathological aging.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) in West Africa has been closed down at the end of 2002. All subsequent control will be transferred to the participating countries and will almost entirely be based on periodic mass treatment with ivermectin. This makes the question whether elimination of infection or eradication of onchocerciasis can be achieved using this strategy of critical importance. This study was undertaken to explore this issue. METHODS: An empirical approach was adopted in which a comprehensive analysis was undertaken of available data on the impact of more than a decade of ivermectin treatment on onchocerciasis infection and transmission. Relevant entomological and epidemiological data from 14 river basins in the OCP and one basin in Cameroon were reviewed. Areas were distinguished by frequency of treatment (6-monthly or annually), endemicity level and additional control measures such as vector control. Assessment of results were in terms of epidemiological and entomological parameters, and as a measure of inputs, therapeutic and geographical coverage rates were used. RESULTS: In all of the river basins studied, ivermectin treatment sharply reduced prevalence and intensity of infection. Significant transmission, however, is still ongoing in some basins after 10-12 years of ivermectin treatment. In other basins, transmission may have been interrupted, but this needs to be confirmed by in-depth evaluations. In one mesoendemic basin, where 20 rounds of four-monthly treatment reduced prevalence of infection to levels as low as 2-3%, there was significant recrudescence of infection within a few years after interruption of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Ivermectin treatment has been very successful in eliminating onchocerciasis as a public health problem. However, the results presented in this paper make it almost certain that repeated ivermectin mass treatment will not lead to the elimination of transmission of onchocerciasis from West Africa. Data on 6-monthly treatments are not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions.  相似文献   
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