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To examine whether alpha and beta tubulin are glycoproteins, we used a pyridylamino labeling method and a monoclonal antibody, SG3-1, raised against NeuAcalpha2-3Gal structure. Alpha and beta tubulin from both pig brain and HeLa cells were positive for the SG3-1 antibody by immunoblot assay. Sialidase treatment reduced the reactivity of the SG3-1 antibody to alpha and beta tubulin molecules. N-linked oligosaccharide analysis also showed that alpha and beta tubulin are glycosylated. Moreover, immunofluorescence analysis showed that the filamentous structure recognized by the SG3-1 antibody was overlapped with microtubules, especially in the vicinity of the nucleus. These results indicate that alpha and beta tubulin are glycosylated with sialyloligosaccharides.  相似文献   
The nitrogen budget in the rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis wasmeasured by the stable-isotope technique. The budget was estimatedusing the difference in the turnover time between egestion andexcretion. The rotifer was fed on the algae Nannochloropsiswhich was labeled with 15N as a tracer. The turnover time ofegestion and excretion were 20 min and 2.5 hours, respectively. Where77% of the ingested nitrogen was egested, and of the assimilated23%, 18% were devoted to growth and 5% to excretion.As for the unassimilated nitrogen egested as faeces, it recycled tothe rotifer through bacteriovory. When the algae provided as foodwere almost fully consumed, bacteriovory became dominant. Thethreshold occurred when the concentration of algae in the culture wasbetween 1.5 and 0.5 million cells of Nannochloropsis per ml. Ina chemostat operated with un-limited food condition, bacterialnitrogen corresponding to 20% of algal feeding, was consumed by therotifer.In a semi-continuous mass culture where food condition was limited,bacteriovory was more effective in supporting the rotiferreproduction. It contributed to the extremely high nitrogen recoveryfrom the provided foods (algae and oil-yeast) to the harvestedrotifers. The rapid and large nitrogen outflow from rotifersaccelerated the propagation of edible bacteria and can explain thestrange paradox observed in the culture; daily supply of foods didnot cover the sum of growth and excretion.It is not too exaggerated to state that the rotifer mass culture issupported by bacteria. The future strategy for maintenance of masscultures should consider this aspect.  相似文献   
Ornithoptera birdwing butterflies have blue, green, or orange iridescent scales in different species or subspecies. To understand the species‐ or subspecies‐dependent scale color differences, we performed comparative morphometric analyses of iridescent scales from three closely related taxa: O. priamus priamus (green), O. priamus urvillianus (blue), and O. croesus (orange). The three types of Ornithoptera wings exhibited reversible color changes to longer wavelengths with different kinetics upon immersion in methanol, suggesting that their color differences are at least partly based on differences in the size of air cavities made by nanostructures. Cover scales of all three color types were visually semi‐transparent glass scales that exhibited color when placed on a dark background. The dorsoventral differences in coloration were observed in single scales, suggesting the optical importance of scale surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy of cover scales in cross section revealed that all color types exhibited finely sculpted tapered ridges and thick, irregular basal multilayers containing tandemly clustered granular objects and air cavities. Scale thickness, ridge height, and multilayer thickness were significantly different among the three color types, and granular object size was significantly different between orange scales and blue and green scales. We conclude that each of the three taxa of Ornithoptera butterflies possesses unique quantitative size values on tapered ridges and irregular multilayers with granular objects and air cavities to express unique structural color. These species‐ or subspecies‐dependent structural colors might have evolved via quantitative shifts in these microarchitectural traits rather than via changes in the basic developmental or architectural plan for color expression.  相似文献   
Increasing prices and demand for biofuel and cooking oil from importer countries have caused a remarkable expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. In this paper, we attempt to monitor the expansion of oil palm plantations on peat land and in tropical forests. We measure the GHG emissions from the land conversion activities at provincial scale. Using Landsat images from three different periods (1990s, 2000s and 2012), we classified LULC of the Riau Province, which is the largest oil palm producing region in Indonesia. A hybrid method of integration, generated by combining automatic processing and manual analysis, yields the best results. We found that the tropical rainforest cover decreased from ∼63% in the 1990s to ∼37% in the 2000s. By 2012, the remaining tropical rainforest cover was only ∼22%. From the 1990s to the 2000s, conversion of forests and peat lands was the primary source of emissions, total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼26.6 million tCO2.y-1, with 40.62% and 59.38% of the emissions from conversion of peat lands and forests, respectively. Between 2000 and 2012, the total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼5.2 million tCO2. y-1, with 69.94% and 27.62% of the emissions from converted peat lands and converted forests, respectively. The results show that in the Riau Province, the oil palm industry boomed in the period from 1990 to 2000, with transformation of tropical forest and peat land as the primary source of emissions. The decrease of CO2 emissions in the period from 2000 to 2012 is possibly due to the enforcement of a moratorium on deforestation.  相似文献   
To clarify the contributions of amidophosphoribosyltransferase (ATase) and its feedback regulation to the rates of purine de novo synthesis, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and cell growth, mutated human ATase (mhATase) resistant to feedback inhibition by purine ribonucleotides was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in CHO ade (-)A cells (an ATase-deficient cell line of Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts) and in transgenic mice (mhATase-Tg mice). In Chinese hamster ovary transfectants with mhATase, the following parameters were examined: ATase activity and its subunit structure, the metabolic rates of de novo and salvage pathways, DNA and protein synthesis rates, and the rate of cell growth. In mhATase-Tg mice, ATase activity in the liver and spleen, the metabolic rate of the de novo pathway in the liver, serum uric acid concentration, urinary excretion of purine derivatives, and T lymphocyte proliferation by phytohemagglutinin were examined. We concluded the following. 1) ATase and its feedback inhibition regulate not only the rate of purine de novo synthesis but also DNA and protein synthesis rates and the rate of cell growth in cultured fibroblasts. 2) Suppression of the de novo pathway by the salvage pathway is mainly due to the feedback inhibition of ATase by purine ribonucleotides produced via the salvage pathway, whereas the suppression of the salvage pathway by the de novo pathway is due to consumption of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate by the de novo pathway. 3) The feedback inhibition of ATase is more important for the regulation of the de novo pathway than that of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate synthetase. 4) ATase superactivity leads to hyperuricemia and an increased bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in T lymphocytes stimulated by phytohemagglutinin.  相似文献   
Y Hino  J E Rothman 《Biochemistry》1985,24(3):800-805
Glucosidase II removes the inner two alpha-linked glucose residues from freshly transferred Asn-linked oligosaccharide chains in the endoplasmic reticulum. This enzyme, whose activity could be measured by the hydrolysis of an artificial substrate (p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside), was purified 240-fold from a rat liver microsome fraction by DEAE-cellulose, concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The apparent molecular weight of the active polypeptide was 123 000 as estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Glucosidase II has at least one high-mannose oligosaccharide chain that can be cleaved by endoglycosidase H. Trypsin readily cleaved the 123-kilodalton (kDa) form of glucosidase II into a fully active 73-kDa core. The pattern of this cleavage suggests a domain structure for this enzyme. We demonstrate that trypsin first removes a glycosylated 25-kDa domain to yield an apparently unglycosylated 98-kDa product which is further cleaved to yield the active 73-kDa core.  相似文献   
The genes in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens that encode the enzymes involved in butyrate production were sequenced. In a type I strain (ATCC 19171(T)), the genes coding for the enzymes that catalyze the conversion from acetyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA, thl (thiolase), crt (crotonase), hbd (beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), bcd (butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), etfB (electron transfer flavoprotein [ETF]-beta), and etfA (ETF-alpha), were found to be clustered and arranged in this order. A type II strain (ATCC 51255) had the same clustered genes with the same arrangement, except that crt was not present in the clustered genes. The deduced amino acid sequences of these enzymes did not greatly differ between the two strains, and even between B. fibrisolvens and clostridia. Amino acid identity appeared to be higher within the same type than between types I and II. The clustered genes were shown to be cotranscribed, and constitutively transcribed without being affected significantly by culture conditions.  相似文献   
Previous study demonstrated that anti-H-43a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response of H-43b CWB (H-2b) stain carrying non-major histocompatability complex (MHC) genes of C3H and F1 strains raised by crossing CWB with various H-43b strains was restricted exclusively by self H-2Kb (Kb). In the present study, newly produced C3W strain (H-2k, H-43b), which is H-43-congenic to C3H/HeN (H-2k, H-43a), was used as H-43b mice, and possibility of immunodominance of Kb was examined. No anti-H-43a CTL response could be induced in C3W strain and F1 strains raised by crossing C3W with other H-43b strains not carrying Kb. Thus, the possibility of immunodominance of Kb over the other MHC class I alleles could not be supported. We also examined possibility of epistatic effect of I region genes and non-MHC genes on the Kb restriction. (C3W x C57BL/6)F1(I-Ak/b) and (C3W x B6.CH-2bm12)F1(I-Ak/bm12)mice showed equally anti-H-43a CTL response restricted exclusively by self Kb, and (C3W x B10.MBR)F1(Ik/k) mice also showed anti-H-43a CTL response restricted solely by self Kb. Cold target competition experiments demonstrated that H-43b C57BL/10 or A.BY mice, which do not have non-MHC genes of C3H mounted anti-H-43a CTL response restricted solely by self Kb. Thus, no relation of I region genes or non-MHC genes to the Kb restriction was shown. All the results indicate that H-43b mouse strains, including F1, can not achieve anti-H-43a CTL response unless they carry Kb allele. Notably, (C3W x C57BL/6)F1 mice mounted self Kb-restricted anti-H-43a CTL response, whereas (C3W x B6.CH-2bm1)F1 mice carrying mutated Kb could not mount anti-H-43a CTL response at all. These findings indicate strongly that Kb itself is classical Ir gene of anti-H-43a CTL response and directs self Kb restriction of the response.  相似文献   
Primary productivity of the phytoplankton was evaluated by the 14C and dissolved oxygen methods in December 1981 at the Barra Bonita Reservoir (São Paulo State, Brazil). The primary production varied between 0.17 to 14.51 mg C m−3h−1 at 4 and 0 m depth, respectively. About 57 to 94% of the photosynthetic activity was due to phytoplankton > 50 μm. The highest value of assimilation rate (3.36 mg C mg Chl−1h−1) was found in the surface water. Dissolved nutrient concentrations were very high and consisted mainly of nitrate. Light penetration was low, the aphotic zone accounting for about 90% of the water column. Enrichment with nitrate and phosphate showed that both N and P stimulated the production of biomass (chlorophyll a), mainly due to the addition of phosphate. The enrichment experiment also indicated that phosphate addition has a significant stimulatory effect on the growth of Melosira sp. The limiting effect of light penetration on photosynthetic activity is more severe than that of nutrients.  相似文献   
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