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Chronic hepatitis is a major cause of liver cancer, so earlier treatment of hepatitis might be reducing liver cancer incidence. Hepatitis can be induced in mice by treatment with Concanavalin A (Con A); the resulting liver injury causes significant CD4+ T cell activation and infiltration. In these T cells, Roquin, a ring-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, is activated. To investigate the role of Roquin, we examined Con A-induced liver injury and T cell infiltration in transgenic (Tg) mice overexpressing Roquin specifically in T cells. In Roquin Tg mice, Con A treatment caused greater increases in both the levels of liver injury enzymes and liver tissue apoptosis, as revealed by TUNEL and H&E staining, than wild type (WT) mice. Further, Roquin Tg mice respond to Con A treatment with greater increases in the T cell population, particularly Th17 cells, though Treg cell counts are lower. Roquin overexpression also enhances increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-6, upon liver injury. Furthermore, Roquin regulates the immune response and apoptosis in Con A induced hepatitis via STATs, Bax and Bcl2. These findings suggest that over-expression of Roquin exacerbates T-cell mediated hepatitis.  相似文献   
Melatonin exerts many physiological functions via its G protein-coupled receptors. In the present study, we investigated age-related changes in MT2 melatonin receptor immunoreactivity and its levels in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging. In the postnatal month 1 (PM 1) group, MT2 immunoreaction was well observed in neurons in all subregions of the gerbil hippocampus. In the PM 3 and 6 groups, MT2 immunoreactivity in neurons was decreased compared to that in the PM 1 group. Thereafter, MT2 immunoreactivity in neurons was increased. In the PM 18 and 24 groups, MT2 immunoreactivity in neurons was strong in all subregions of the gerbil hippocampus. In addition, the number of MT2 immunoreactive cells was lowest at PM 3 and highest at PM 24. From western blot analysis, age-dependent change pattern in MT2 level in the gerbil hippocampus was similar to the immunohistochemical result. These results indicate that MT2 immunoreactivity and levels are altered in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging; lowest at young adult stage and highest at aged stage.  相似文献   
MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) derived from the bone marrow have shown to be a promising source of stem cells in a therapeutic strategy of neurodegenerative disorder. Also, MSCs can enhance the TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) expression and DA (dopamine) content in catecholaminergic cells by in vitro co‐culture system. In the present study, we investigated the effect of intrastriatal grafts of MSCs on TH protein and gene levels and DA content in adult intact rats. When MSCs were transplanted into the striatum of normal rats, the grafted striatum not only had significantly higher TH protein and mRNA levels, but also significantly higher DA content than the untransplanted striatum. Meanwhile, the grafted MSCs differentiated into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes; however, TH‐positive cells could not be detected in our study. These experimental results offer further evidence that MSCs are a promising candidate for treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
Advances in biotechnology, gene manipulation, and protein engineering for macromolecule drugs, such as insulin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin, human growth hormone, erythropoietin (EPO), and peptide YY (PYY) allow commercial production in large scale for diverse therapeutic uses. Other macromolecules, such as mucopolysaccharide heparin, have expanded markets through improvements in their pharmacokinetic and pharmacological effects. However, most products are available only as injectable forms and are limited to patients with no alternative therapeutic choices. Orally available macromolecule formulations are still unmet needs for improving patient compliance and expanding administration paradigms and indications. Oral delivery technologies including carrier systems, absorption enhancers, protease inhibitors, and modification by conjugating transporter or receptor recognition molecules have been developed and some are undergoing clinical studies. In this review, we discuss major obstacles for oral absorption of macromolecule drugs and summarize recent strategies to overcome the huddles related to enhancing intestinal permeation.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome includes eight PIN-FORMED (PIN) members that are molecularly diverged. To comparatively examine their differences in auxin-transporting activity and subcellular behaviors, we expressed seven PIN proteins specifically in Arabidopsis root hairs and analyzed their activities in terms of the degree of PIN-mediated root hair inhibition or enhancement and determined their subcellular localization. Expression of six PINs (PIN1–PIN4, PIN7, and PIN8) in root hair cells greatly inhibited root hair growth, most likely by lowering auxin levels in the root hair cell by their auxin efflux activities. The auxin efflux activity of PIN8, which had not been previously demonstrated, was further confirmed using a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell assay system. In accordance with these results, those PINs were localized in the plasma membrane, where they likely export auxin to the apoplast and formed internal compartments in response to brefeldin A. These six PINs conferred different degrees of root hair inhibition and sensitivities to auxin or auxin transport inhibitors. Conversely, PIN5 mostly localized to internal compartments, and its expression in root hair cells rather slightly stimulated hair growth, implying that PIN5 enhanced internal auxin availability. These results suggest that different PINs behave differentially in catalyzing auxin transport depending upon their molecular activity and subcellular localization in the root hair cell.Auxin plays a critical role in plant development and growth by forming local concentration gradients. Local auxin gradients, created by the polar cell-to-cell movement of auxin, are implicated in primary axis formation, root meristem patterning, lateral organ formation, and tropic movements of shoots and roots (for recent review, see Vanneste and Friml, 2009). The cell-to-cell movement of auxin is achieved by auxin influx and efflux transporters such as AUXIN-RESISTANT1 (AUX1)/LIKE-AUX1 for influx and PIN-FORMED (PIN) and the P-glycoprotein (PGP) of ABCB (ATP-binding cassette-type transporter subfamily B) for efflux. Since diffusive efflux of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; pKa = 4.75) is not favorable and PINs are localized in the plasma membrane in a polar manner, PINs act as rate-limiting factors for cellular auxin efflux and polar auxin transport through the plant body. These PINs'' properties explain why representative physiological effects of auxin transport are associated with PINs.Auxin flows from young aerial parts all the way down to the root tip columella in which an auxin maximum is formed for root stem cell maintenance and moves up toward the root differentiation zone through root epidermal cells, where a part of it travels back to the root tip via cortical cells (Blilou et al., 2005). This directional auxin flow is supported by the polar localization of PINs: PIN1, PIN3, and PIN7 at the basal side of stele cells (Friml et al., 2002a, 2002b; Blilou et al., 2005), PIN4 at the basal side in root stem cells (Friml et al., 2002a), and PIN2 at the upper side of root epidermis and at the basal side of the root cortex (Luschnig et al., 1998; Müller et al., 1998). Another interesting aspect of PIN-mediated auxin transport is the dynamics in directionality of auxin flow due to environmental stimuli-directed changes of subcellular PIN polarity, as exemplified for PIN3, whose subcellular localization changes in response to the gravity vector (Friml et al., 2002b).An intriguing question is how different PIN proteins have different subcellular polarities, which might be attributable to PIN-specific molecular properties, cell-type-specific factors, or both. The different PIN subcellular polarities in different cell types seemingly indicate that cell-type-specific factors are involved in polarity. In the case of PIN1, however, both classes of factors appear to affect its subcellular localization because when expressed under the PIN2 promoter, PIN1 localizes to the upper or basal side of root epidermal cells, depending on the GFP insertion site of the protein (Wiśniewska et al., 2006). A recent study demonstrated that the polar targeting of PIN proteins is modulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the central hydrophilic loop of PINs, which is mediated by PINOID (PID; a Ser/Thr protein kinase)/PP2A phosphatase (Michniewicz et al., 2007). The central hydrophilic domain of PINs might provide the molecule-specific cue for PIN polarity, together with as yet unknown cell-specific factors. Different recycling behaviors of PINs, which show variable sensitivities to brefeldin A (BFA), also imply different molecular characters among PIN species. Most PIN1 proteins are internalized by BFA treatment, whereas considerable amounts of PIN2 remain in the plasma membrane in addition to internal accumulation after BFA treatment. Recycling and basal polar targeting of PIN1 is dependent on the BFA-sensitive guanine nucleotide exchange factor for adenosyl ribosylation factors (ARF GEFs), GNOM, which is the major target of BFA. In contrast, apical targeting and recycling of PIN2 is independent of GNOM and controlled by BFA-resistant ARF GEFs (Geldner et al., 2003; Kleine-Vehn and Friml, 2008).In contrast to their distinct subcellular localizations, the differential auxin-transporting activities of PINs remain to be studied. The divergent primary structures of PIN proteins are not only indicative of differential subcellular polarity, but also would represent their differential catalytic activities for auxin transport. The auxin efflux activities of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PINs have been demonstrated using Arabidopsis and heterologous systems: PIN1 and PIN5 in Arabidopsis cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Mravec et al., 2009); PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, PIN6, and PIN7 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells (Lee and Cho, 2006; Petrásek et al., 2006; Mravec et al., 2008); PIN1, PIN2, PIN5, and PIN7 in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Blakeslee et al., 2007; Mravec et al., 2009; Yang and Murphy, 2009); and PIN1, PIN2, and PIN7 in HeLa cells (Petrásek et al., 2006; Blakeslee et al., 2007). Among the eight Arabidopsis PIN members, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, PIN6, and PIN7, which share a similar molecular structure in terms of the presence of a long central loop (hereafter called long-looped PINs; Fig. 1A; Supplemental Fig. S1), have been shown to catalyze auxin efflux at the cellular level. On the other hand, PIN5 and PIN8 possess a very short putative central loop (hereafter called short-looped PINs). Although PIN5 was recently shown to be localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and proposed to transport auxin metabolites into the ER lumen, its cellular function regarding its intracellular auxin-transporting activity has not been shown, and the auxin-transporting activity of PIN8 has yet to be demonstrated. In spite of the same transport directionality (auxin efflux) and similar molecular structures, the long-looped PINs exhibit sequence divergence not only in their central loop, but also in certain residues of the transmembrane domains. This structural divergence of long-looped PINs might be indicative of their differential auxin-transporting activities, which have not yet been quantitatively compared.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Differential activities of PINs in the Arabidopsis root hair. A, Two distinctive PIN groups with different central hydrophilic loop sizes. Topology of PIN proteins was predicted by four different programs as described in Supplemental Figure S1. Numbers above indicate the number of transmembrane helices for each N- and C-terminal region, and numbers below indicate the number of amino acid residues of the central hydrophilic domain. B, Representative root images of control (Cont; Columbia-0) and root-hair-specific PIN-overexpressing (PINox; ProE7:PIN-GFP or ProE7:PIN [−]) plants. Bar = 100 μm for all. C, Root hair lengths of control and PINox plants. Six to 12 independent transgenic lines (average = 8.3), and 42 to 243 roots (average = 86.8) and 336 to 2,187 root hairs (average = 727.8) per construct, were observed for the estimation of root hair length. Data represent means ± se. The root hair lengths of PIN5ox lines were significantly longer than those of the control (P = 0.016 for PIN5ox; P < 0.0001 for PIN5-GFP1ox and PIN5-GFP2ox).To comparatively assess the cytological behaviors and molecular activities of different PIN members, it would be favorable to use a single assay system that provides a consistent cellular environment and enables quantitative estimation of PIN activity. In previous studies, we adopted the root hair single cell system to quantitatively assay auxin-transporting or regulatory activities of PINs, PGPs, AUX1, and PID (Lee and Cho, 2006; Cho et al., 2007a). Root hair growth is proportional to internal auxin levels in the root hair cell. Therefore, auxin efflux inhibits and auxin influx enhances root hair growth (Cho et al., 2007b; Lee and Cho, 2008). In addition, the use of a root-hair-specific promoter (Cho and Cosgrove, 2002; Kim et al., 2006) for expression of auxin transporters enables the transporters'' biological effect to be pinpointed to only the root hair cell, thus excluding probable non-cell-autonomous effects that could be caused by the general expression of auxin transporters.In this study, we expressed five long-looped PINs (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7) and two short-looped PINs (PIN5 and PIN8) in root hair cells and compared their auxin-transporting activities and cytological dynamics. To directly measure the radiolabeled auxin-transporting activities of PIN5 and PIN8, we used an additional assay system, tobacco suspension cells. Our data revealed that PINs have differential molecular activities and pharmacological responses and that the short-looped and long-looped PINs have different subcellular localizations.  相似文献   
The circling (cir/cir) mouse is a murine model for human nonsyndromic deafness DFNB6. Transmembrane inner ear (tmie) is the causative gene and its mutation through deletion of a 40-kilobase genomic region including tmie leads to deafness. The function of Tmie is unknown. To better understand the function of Tmie, we focused on the spatiotemporal expression of tmie in the rat cochlea by using a Tmie-specific antibody. Results showed that tmie expression was prominent in early postnatal rat cochleas in the stereocilia bundles of hair cells. The Tmie signal spread from the stereocilia to the hair cell body region and on to organ of Corti cells. No Tmie signal was observed in cell nuclei; Tmie was localized to the cytoplasm. Because Tmie is predicted to have 1 or 2 transmembrane domains, we postulate that it is localized to membrane-based organelles or the plasma membrane. Our results imply that Tmie exists in the cytoplasm and may have a key role in the maturation and structure of stereocilia bundles in developing hair cells. After hair cell maturation, Tmie is thought to be involved in the maintenance of organ of Corti cells.Circling is often observed in mouse and rat deafness mutants and is commonly suggested to be a consequence of inner ear defects that impair vestibular systems.3,12,14 The circling (cir/cir) mouse is a murine model for human nonsyndromic deafness DFNB6; these mice have abnormal circling behavior, suggesting a balance disorder, and profound deafness.6,7 The most notable pathologic phenotypes of circling mice are the almost completely degenerated cochlea and remarkably reduced cellularity in spiral ganglion neurons. The causative gene for circling is transmembrane inner ear (tmie), with a 40-kilobase genomic deletion including tmie.1 tmie is also the causative gene of the spinner (sr/sr) mouse, which has phenotypes similar to circling mice, although the mutation patterns are different.8 Spinner mice also show circling behavior, hearing loss, imbalance, and swimming inability. In addition, spinner mice have 2 mutations in the tmie gene: the 40-kb genomic deletion including tmie and a point mutation that leads to a truncated protein.8In humans, 7 different homozygous recessive mutations in TMIE currently are known to exist in affected members of consanguineous families segregating severe-to-profound prelingual deafness, consistent with linkage to DFNB6.9,10 Although the functions of murine Tmie and human TMIE are unknown, this protein appears to be important for normal hearing and vestibular function.In a previous study, we produced transgenic mice overexpressing tmie that resulted in phenotypic rescue of circling.11 Normal expression of transgenic tmie induced phenotypic rescue in circling homozygous mutants, although some mice did not show amelioration of abnormal behavior, hearing ability, or tissue morphology in the inner ear. Therefore the Tmie protein is required for normal inner ear function in mouse.11To better understand the function of Tmie, we focused on the spatiotemporal expression of tmie. Knowing when, where, and to what extent this protein is produced in the developing inner ear will provide important clues to protein function. In adult mouse and rat, tmie is expressed in various tissues.2,13 Whether Tmie plays an important role in those tissues is uncertain, because circling mice that lack the entire tmie gene have no noteworthy problems in any tissues except those of the inner ear systems.6In this study, we were interested in the postnatal stages before and after the onset of hearing (around postnatal day [P] 12) in rats; therefore, the postnatal period P0 to19 was studied. Although all the cells that form the mature cochlea are present at birth, important conformational changes occur during this period, including the formation of the tunnel of Corti and the establishment or retraction of neuronal connections. The expression pattern of tmie in the developing inner ear during early postnatal development has not been investigated previously. Here we document our use of a Tmie-specific antibody to elucidate the spatial and temporal expression of tmie in the rat inner ear during postnatal development.  相似文献   
Angiotensin II (Ang II), one of the main vasoactive hormones of the renin-angiotensin system, contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis by inducing vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) migration. Although previous studies have shown that Ang II upregulates low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) expression in VSMCs and increases VSMCs migration, the role of LRP1 in Ang II-induced VSMCs migration remains unclear. Here, we reveal a novel mechanism by which LRP1 induces the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) and thereby promotes the migration of rat aortic SMCs (RAoSMCs). Knockdown of LRP1 expression greatly decreased RAoSMCs migration, which was rescued by forced expression of a functional LRP1 minireceptor, suggesting that LRP1 is a key regulator of Ang II-induced RAoSMCs migration. Inhibition of ligand binding to LRP1 by the specific antagonist receptor-associated protein (RAP) also led to reduced RAoSMCs migration. Because MMPs play critical roles in RAoSMCs migration, we examined the expression of several MMPs and found that the expression of functional MMP2 was selectively increased by Ang II treatment and decreased in LRP1-knockdown RAoSMCs. More interestingly, reduced MMP2 expression in LRP1-knockdown cells was completely rescued by exogenous expression of mLRP4, suggesting that MMP2 is a downstream regulator of LRP1 in Ang II-induced RAoSMCs migration. Together, our data strongly suggest that LRP1 promotes the migration of RAoSMCs by regulating the expression and function of MMP2.  相似文献   
Intracellular proteins are degraded by a number of proteases, including the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP). Impairments in the UPP occur during the aging of a variety of tissues, although little is known in regards to age-related alterations to the UPP during the aging of adipose tissue. The UPP is known to be involved in regulating the differentiation of a variety of cell types, although the potential changes in the UPP during adipose differentiation have not been fully elucidated. How the UPP is altered in aging adipose tissue and adipocyte differentiation and the effects of proteasome inhibition on adipocyte homeostasis and differentiation are critical issues to elucidate experimentally. Adipogenesis continues throughout the life of adipose tissue, with continual differentiation of preadipocytes essential to maintaining tissue function during aging, and UPP alterations in mature adipocytes are likely to directly modulate adipose function during aging. In this study we demonstrate that aging induces alterations in the activity and expression of principal components of the UPP. Additionally, we show that multiple changes in the UPP occur during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells into adipocytes. In vitro data link observed UPP alterations to increased levels of oxidative stress and altered adipose biology relevant to both aging and differentiation. Taken together, these data demonstrate that changes in the UPP occur in response to adipose aging and adipogenesis and strongly suggest that proteasome inhibition is sufficient to decrease adipose differentiation, as well as increasing oxidative stress in mature adipocytes, both of which probably promote deleterious effects on adipose aging.  相似文献   
We studied fluctuations in the production of Hwangchil lacquer and major essential oils byDendropanax morbifera Lev. Considerable seasonal as well as intraspecific (individual-tree) variations were observed. Yields of Hwangchil lacquer as well as ß-elemene, α-selinene, ß-selinene, germacrene D, and δ-cadinene also depended on harvesting time, with levels being generally higher in July and August.  相似文献   
Summary In the production of L-cysteine from D,L-ATC stability of the relevant enzymes produced byPseudomonas sp. was tested, and strategies to improve the stability of L-ATC hydrolase were investigated in view of water activity and ionic strength. Among the three enzymes which participate in L-cysteine production, i.e., ATC racemase, L-ATC hydrolase, and S-carbamyl-L-cysteine hydrolase, L-ATC hydrolase is the least stable. Various mixtures of salts and sorbitol were added to adjust the water activities of the tested solutions. As water activity decreased from 0.93 to 0.80, the stability of L-ATC hydrolase was sharply enhanced. In the absence of sorbitol the stability of L-ATC hydrolase increased in proportion to ionic strength. Even though enzyme stability was not good at a low ionic strength, it was enhanced by lowering water activity with addition of sorbitol. The half life of L-ATC hydrolase in sorbitol-salt mixtures increased by tenfold to twentyfold compared to that of a control.  相似文献   
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