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Fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry has been used in the characterization of non-, mono-, di- and trisulfated disaccharides from chondriotin sulfate, dermatan sulfate and hyaluronan. The positional isomers of the sulfate group of mono- and disulfated disaccharides were distinguished from each other by both positive- and negative-ion fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectra, which gave sufficient information characteristic of the isomers. The anomeric isomers of nonsulfated disaccharides were characterized by the technique in the positive-ion mode. This fast atom bombardment collision induced dissociation mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry technique was also applied successfully to the characterization of trisulfated disaccharide.Abbreviations FABMS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry - MI metastable ion - CID collision induced dissociation - MIKE mass analysed ion kinetic energy - SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry - MS/MS mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - GlcA d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid - CS chondroitin sulfate - DS dermatan sulfate - HA hyaluronan - UA-GalNAc 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-d-galactose - UA-GalNAc4S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA-GalNAc6S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-6-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA2S-GalNAc 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(2-O-sulfo--d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-d-galactose - UA2S-GalNAc4S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(2-O-sulfo--d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA2S-GalNAc6S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(2-O-sulfo--d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-6-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA-GalNAcDiS 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4,6-di-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA2S-GalNAcDiS 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(2-O-sulfo--d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4,6-di-O-sulfo-d-galactose - UA-GlcNAc 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-d-glucose  相似文献   
A protein modification method has been developed for the production of human big endothelin (ET)-1. Production of a large quantity of big ET-1 by the method described here is expected to facilitate future experiments such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance studies, aimed at understanding the tertiary structure of big ET-1 and its dynamics. The plasmid pETB-50 used for the synthesis carries the gene for a fusion protein consisting of 34-amino acid (aa) residues of an N-terminal portion of -galactosidase and the 38-aa residues of big ET-1. The fusion protein ETB-50P contains an arginine residue in the big ET-1 portion at its second C-terminal site and three lysine residues including the C-terminal site in the -galactosidase portion, all of which are susceptible to trypsin. Tryptic digestion of the fusion protein quantitatively produced big ET-1 (1–37), which is depleted in the C-terminal serine. However, a treatment of the fusion protein with 1,2-cyclohexanedione prior to tryptic digestion gave full-length big ET-1 with N7,-N8-(1,2-dihydroxycyclohex-1,2-ylene)-arginine. This modification was reversed to the intact arginine residue when the modified big ET-1 was incubated in 0.5 M TRIS-HCI buffer, pH 8.0. Consequently, a combination of such a reversible protein modification and tryptic digestion gave 1.74 mg of recombinant big ET-1 from 2.01 of culture broth. The procedure described here may be applied to produce other arginine-containing peptides from fusion proteins.  相似文献   
The soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis forms dormant, robust spores as a tactic to ensure survival under conditions of starvation. However, the sporulating culture includes sporulating and non-sporulating cells, because a portion of the cell population initiates sporulation in wild-type strain. We anticipated that the population effect must be considered carefully to analyse samples yielding population heterogeneity. We first built a mathematical model and simulated for signal transduction of the sporulation cue to see what mechanisms are responsible for generating the heterogeneity. The simulated results were confirmed experimentally, where heterogeneity is primarily modulated by negative feedback circuits, resulting in generation of a bistable response within the sporulating culture. We also confirmed that mutants relevant to negative feedback yield either sporulating or non-sporulating subpopulations. To see the effect of molecular mechanism between sporulating and non-sporulating cells in distinct manner, metabolome analysis was conducted using the above mutants. The metabolic profiles exhibited distinct characteristics with time regardless of whether sporulation was initiated or not. In addition, several distinct characteristics of metabolites were observed between strains, which was inconsistent with previously reported data. The results imply that careful consideration must be made in the interpretation of data obtained from cells yielding population heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The sharing of wild plant foods is infrequent in chimpanzees, but in chimpanzee communities that engage in hunting, meat is frequently used as a 'social tool' for nurturing alliances and social bonds. Here we report the only recorded example of regular sharing of plant foods by unrelated, non-provisioned wild chimpanzees, and the contexts in which these sharing behaviours occur. From direct observations, adult chimpanzees at Bossou (Republic of Guinea, West Africa) very rarely transferred wild plant foods. In contrast, they shared cultivated plant foods much more frequently (58 out of 59 food sharing events). Sharing primarily consists of adult males allowing reproductively cycling females to take food that they possess. We propose that hypotheses focussing on 'food-for-sex and -grooming' and 'showing-off' strategies plausibly account for observed sharing behaviours. A changing human-dominated landscape presents chimpanzees with fresh challenges, and our observations suggest that crop-raiding provides adult male chimpanzees at Bossou with highly desirable food commodities that may be traded for other currencies.  相似文献   
Phenotypic divergences between modern human populations have developed as a result of genetic adaptation to local environments over the past 100,000 years. To identify genes involved in population-specific phenotypes, it is necessary to detect signatures of recent positive selection in the human genome. Although detection of elongated linkage disequilibrium (LD) has been a powerful tool in the field of evolutionary genetics, current LD-based approaches are not applicable to already fixed loci. Here, we report a method of scanning for population-specific strong selective sweeps that have reached fixation. In this method, genome-wide SNP data is used to analyze differences in the haplotype frequency, nucleotide diversity, and LD between populations, using the ratio of haplotype homozygosity between populations. To estimate the detection power of the statistics used in this study, we performed computer simulations and found that these tests are relatively robust against the density of typed SNPs and demographic parameters if the advantageous allele has reached fixation. Therefore, we could determine the threshold for maintaining high detection power, regardless of SNP density and demographic history. When this method was applied to the HapMap data, it was able to identify the candidates of population-specific strong selective sweeps more efficiently than the outlier approach that depends on the empirical distribution. This study, confirming strong positive selection on genes previously reported to be associated with specific phenotypes, also identifies other candidates that are likely to contribute to phenotypic differences between human populations.  相似文献   
Since currently available markers of alcohol abuse are not satisfactory, searches for novel markers are warranted. Proteomic analyses are promising tools to discover and identify novel biomarkers. Using two different proteomic technologies, surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and agarose fluorescent two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, we could detect and identify a total of 11 potential biomarkers of excessive alcohol consumption. It was noteworthy that the down regulation of the 5.9 kDa protein fragment was consistently seen in habitual drinkers and the diagnostic efficiency was greater than those of conventional markers such as gamma glutamyl transferase and carbohydrate deficient transferrin.  相似文献   
We investigated long-chain fatty acid (LCFA)-degrading anaerobic microbes by enrichment, isolation, and RNA-based stable isotope probing (SIP). Primary enrichment cultures were made with each of four LCFA substrates (palmitate, stearate, oleate, or linoleate, as the sole energy source) at 55 degrees C or 37 degrees C with two sources of anaerobic granular sludge as the inoculum. After several transfers, we obtained seven stable enrichment cultures in which LCFAs were converted to methane. The bacterial populations in these cultures were then subjected to 16S rRNA gene-based cloning, in situ hybridization, and RNA-SIP. In five of seven enrichment cultures, the predominant bacteria were affiliated with the family Syntrophomonadaceae. The other two enrichment cultures contained different bacterial populations in which the majority of members belonged to the phylum Firmicutes and the class Deltaproteobacteria. After several attempts to isolate these dominant bacteria, strain MPA, belonging to the family Syntrophomonadaceae, and strain TOL, affiliated with the phylum Firmicutes, were successfully isolated. Strain MPA converts palmitate to acetate and methane in syntrophic association with Methanospirillum hungatei. Even though strain TOL assimilated [(13)C]palmitate in the original enrichment culture, strain TOL has not shown the ability to degrade LCFAs after isolation. These results suggest that microbes involved in the degradation of LCFAs under methanogenic conditions might not belong only to the family Syntrophomonadaceae, as most anaerobic LCFA-degrading microbes do, but may also be found in phylogenetically diverse bacterial groups.  相似文献   
Resistin, secreted from adipocytes, causes insulin resistance and diabetes in rodents. To determine the relation between serum resistin and diabetic microangiopathies in humans, we analyzed 238 Japanese T2DM subjects. Mean serum resistin was higher in subjects with either advanced retinopathy (preproliferative or proliferative) (P=0.0130), advanced nephropathy (stage III or IV) (P=0.0151), or neuropathy (P=0.0013). Simple regression analysis showed that serum resistin was positively correlated with retinopathy stage (P=0.0212), nephropathy stage (P=0.0052), and neuropathy (P=0.0013). Multiple regression analysis adjusted for age, gender, and BMI, revealed that serum resistin was correlated with retinopathy stage (P=0.0144), nephropathy stage (P=0.0111), and neuropathy (P=0.0053). Serum resistin was positively correlated with the number of advanced microangiopathies, independent of age, gender, BMI, and either the duration of T2DM (P=0.0318) or serum creatinine (P=0.0092). Therefore, serum resistin was positively correlated with the severity of microangiopathies in T2DM.  相似文献   
Synaptic scaffolding molecule (S-SCAM) interacts with a wide variety of molecules at excitatory and inhibitory synapses. It comprises three alternative splicing variants, S-SCAMalpha, -beta, and -gamma. We generated mutant mice lacking specifically S-SCAMalpha. S-SCAMalpha-deficient mice breathe and feed normally but die within 24 h after birth. Primary cultured hippocampal neurons from mutant mice have abnormally elongated dendritic spines. Exogenously expressed S-SCAMalpha corrects this abnormal morphology, while S-SCAMbeta and -gamma have no effect. Active RhoA decreases in cortical neurons from mutant mice. Constitutively active RhoA and ROCKII shift the length of dendritic spines toward the normal level, whereas ROCK inhibitor (Y27632) blocks the effect by S-SCAMalpha. S-SCAMalpha fails to correct the abnormal spine morphology under the treatment of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibitor (AP-5), Ca(2+)/calmodulin kinase inhibitor (KN-62), or tyrosine kinase inhibitor (PP2). NMDA treatment increases active RhoA in dendrites in wild-type hippocampal neurons, but not in mutant neurons. The ectopic expression of S-SCAMalpha, but not -beta, recovers the NMDA-responsive accumulation of active RhoA in dendrites. Phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and Akt and calcium influx in response to NMDA are not impaired in mutant neurons. These data indicate that S-SCAMalpha is a scaffold required to activate RhoA protein in response to NMDA receptor signaling in dendrites.  相似文献   
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