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Because retrotransposons are the major component of plant genomes, analysis of the target site selection of retrotransposons is important for understanding the structure and evolution of plant genomes. Here, we examined the target site specificity of the rice retrotransposon Tos17, which can be activated by tissue culture. We have produced 47,196 Tos17-induced insertion mutants of rice. This mutant population carries approximately 500,000 insertions. We analyzed >42,000 flanking sequences of newly transposed Tos17 copies from 4316 mutant lines. More than 20,000 unique loci were assigned on the rice genomic sequence. Analysis of these sequences showed that insertion events are three times more frequent in genic regions than in intergenic regions. Consistent with this result, Tos17 was shown to prefer gene-dense regions over centromeric heterochromatin regions. Analysis of insertion target sequences revealed a palindromic consensus sequence, ANGTT-TSD-AACNT, flanking the 5-bp target site duplication. Although insertion targets are distributed throughout the chromosomes, they tend to cluster, and 76% of the clusters are located in genic regions. The mechanisms of target site selection by Tos17, the utility of the mutant lines, and the knockout gene database are discussed. --The nucleotide sequence data were uploaded to the DDBJ, EMBL, and GenBank nucleotide sequence databases under accession numbers AG020727 to AG025611 and AG205093 to AG215049.  相似文献   
The incretins glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) are gut hormones that act via the enteroinsular axis to potentiate insulin secretion from the pancreas in a glucose-dependent manner. Both GLP-1 receptor and GIP receptor knockout mice (GLP-1R(-/-) and GIPR(-/-), respectively) have been generated to investigate the physiological importance of this axis. Although reduced GIP action is a component of type 2 diabetes, GIPR-deficient mice exhibit only moderately impaired glucose tolerance. The present study was directed at investigating possible compensatory mechanisms that take place within the enteroinsular axis in the absence of GIP action. Although serum total GLP-1 levels in GIPR knockout mice were unaltered, insulin responses to GLP-1 from pancreas perfusions and static islet incubations were significantly greater (40-60%) in GIPR(-/-) than in wild-type (GIPR(+/+)) mice. Furthermore, GLP-1-induced cAMP production was also elevated twofold in the islets of the knockout animals. Pancreatic insulin content and gene expression were reduced in GIPR(-/-) mice compared with GIPR(+/+) mice. Paradoxically, immunocytochemical studies showed a significant increase in beta-cell area in the GIPR-null mice but with less intense staining for insulin. In conclusion, GIPR(-/-) mice exhibit altered islet structure and topography and increased islet sensitivity to GLP-1 despite a decrease in pancreatic insulin content and gene expression.  相似文献   
Eumelanin was isolated from a sample of black, Indonesian human hair using three different published procedures: two different acid/base extractions and an enzymatic extraction. The morphology and spectroscopic properties of the isolated pigments differ significantly. The acid/base procedures both yield an amorphous material, while enzymatic extraction yields ellipsoidal melanosomes. Amino acid analysis shows that there is protein associated with the isolated pigments, accounting for 52, 40 and 14% of the total mass for the two acid/base extractions and the enzymatic extraction, respectively. The amino acid compositions do not correlate with those of keratin or tyrosinase. Metal elemental analysis shows that the acid/base extraction removes a majority of many metal ions bound to the pigment. Chemical degradation analysis by KMnO4/H+ and H2O2/OH- indicates significant differences between the pigments isolated by acid/base and enzymatic extraction. After correction for the protein mass in the two pigments, the lower yields of both pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid and pyrrole-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, eumelanin degradation products, indicate acid/base extraction modifies the chemical structure of the melanin, consistent with the result of Soluene solubilization assay. While the optical absorption spectra of the bulk pigments are similar, the spectra of the molecular weight less than 1000 mass fractions differ significantly. The data clearly indicate that pigment obtained from human hair by acid/base extraction contains significant protein, exhibits destruction of the melanosome, and possesses altered molecular structure. The acid/base extracted hair melanin is not representative of the natural material and is a poor model system for studying the physical and biological properties of melanins. The enzymatically extracted hair melanin, on the contrary, retains the morphology of intact melanosomes and is an excellent source of human melanin.  相似文献   
The viability of embryos before flushing from donor mares (n = 5) and after transfer to recipient mares (n = 7) was monitored in mare serum by detecting early pregnancy factor (EPF) using the rosette inhibition test (RIT). The EPF activity was measured in donor mares before and after natural mating at natural estrus; after ovulation on Days 2, 5 and 8; and after embryo flushing (Day 8) on Days 8, 9, 10 and 13 after ovulation. The collected embryos were transferred immediately after flushing. The EPF activity in recipient mares were measured on the day of transfer and after embryo transfer on Days 1, 2, 3 and 5. Pregnancy was confirmed on Day 12 to 14 after embryo transfer. The mean EPF activity of donor mares was increased to the pregnant level (> an RI titer score of 10) on Day 2 after ovulation. Two days after flushing the embryos, the EPF activity of donor mares had decreased to the nonpregnant level. Among the 7 recipient mares, 3 mares were diagnosed pregnant on Day 12 after embryo transfer with ultrasound. The EPF activity of the pregnant recipient mares was increased above the minimum level observed in pregnant mares on Days 2 to 3 after transfer. However, among the nonpregnant recipient mares after embryo transfer, the EPF activity of 3 mares remained at the pregnant level only 2 to 3 d and then declined to the nonpregnant level. In one recipient mare, EPF activity did not reach the pregnant level throughout the sample collection. The results of this study indicated that equine EPF can be detected in serum of pregnant mares as early as Day 2 after ovulation. From our observation, we conclude that the measurement of EPF activity is useful for monitoring the in vivo viability of equine embryos and early detection of embryonic death.  相似文献   


The causative pathogens of healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) remain controversial, and the use of conventional cultivation of sputum samples is occasionally inappropriate due to the potential for oral bacterial contamination. It is also sometimes difficult to determine whether methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a true causative pathogen of HCAP.


We evaluated the bacterial diversity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) using molecular and cultivation methods in 82 HCAP patients. BALF specimens were obtained from the lesions of pneumonia using bronchoscopy. The bacterial flora was analyzed according to the clone library method using amplified fragments of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene with universal primers. In addition, sputum cultures and the above specimens were assessed.


Eighty (97.6%) of the 82 BALF samples obtained from the patients with HCAP showed positive polymerase chain reaction results. The predominant phylotypes detected in the BALF in this study included bacteria common in cases of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia. In addition, the phylotypes of streptococci and anaerobes were detected in 19 (23.2%) and 8 (9.8%) cases, respectively. In particular, phylotypes of streptococci were highly detected among the patients 75 of age or older. Staphylococcus aureus was cultured in 23 (28.0%) cases using conventional cultivation methods and detected in only 6 (7.3%) cases as predominant phylotypes according to the clone library method.


The clone library analysis of BALF in the HCAP patients detected heterogeneous bacteria and a high incidence of streptococci compared with that observed using cultivation methods. In addition, the results of our study may indicate a lower incidence of MRSA than previously expected in HCAP patients.  相似文献   
Urodele amphibians have remarkable organ regeneration capability, and their limb regeneration capability has been investigated as a representative phenomenon. In the early 19th century, nerves were reported to be an essential tissue for the successful induction of limb regeneration. Nerve substances that function in the induction of limb regeneration responses have long been sought. A new experimental system called the accessory limb model (ALM) has been established to identify the nerve factors. Skin wounding in urodele amphibians results in skin wound healing but never in limb induction. However, nerve deviation to the wounded skin induces limb formation in ALM. Thus, nerves can be considered to have the ability to transform skin wound healing to limb formation. In the present study, co-operative Bmp and Fgf application, instead of nerve deviation, to wounded skin transformed skin wound healing to limb formation in two urodele amphibians, axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) and newt (Pleurodeles waltl). Our findings demonstrate that defined factors can induce homeotic transformation in postembryonic bodies of urodele amphibians. The combination of Bmp and Fgf(s) may contribute to the development of novel treatments for organ regeneration.  相似文献   
Tobacco smoking is the main risk factor associated with chronic periodontitis, but the mechanisms that underlie this relationship are largely unknown. Recent reports proposed that nicotine plays an important role in tobacco-related morbidity by acting through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) expressed by non-neuronal cells. The aim of this study was to investigate whether α7 nAChR was expressed in periodontal tissues and whether it functions by regulating IL-1β in the process of periodontitis. In vitro, human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells were cultured with 10−12 M of nicotine and/or 10−9 M of alpha-bungarotoxin (α-Btx), a α7 nAChR antagonist. The expression of α7 nAChR and IL-1β in PDL cells and the effects of nicotine/α-Btx administration on their expression were explored. In vivo, an experimental periodontitis rat model was established, and the effects of nicotine/α-Btx administration on expression of α7 nAChR and development of periodontitis were evaluated. We found that α7 nAChR was present in human PDL cells and rat periodontal tissues. The expressions of α7 nAChR and IL-1β were significantly increased by nicotine administration, whereas α-Btx treatment partially suppressed these effects. This study was the first to demonstrate the functional expression of α7 nAChR in human PDL cells and rat periodontal tissues. Our results may be pertinent to a better understanding of the relationships among smoking, nicotine, and periodontitis.  相似文献   
The Wnt-induced planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway is essential for polarized cell migration and morphogenesis. Dishevelled (Dvl) and its binding protein Daam1 mediate RhoA activation in this pathway. WGEF, a member of the Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (Rho-GEF) family, was shown to play a role in Wnt-induced RhoA activation in Xenopus embryos. However, it has remained unknown which member(s) of a Rho-GEF family are involved in Wnt/Dvl-induced RhoA activation in mammalian cells. Here we identified p114-RhoGEF and Lfc (also called GEF-H1) as the Rho-GEFs responsible for Wnt-3a–induced RhoA activation in N1E-115 mouse neuroblastoma cells. We screened for Rho-GEF–silencing short-hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) that are capable of suppressing Dvl-induced neurite retraction in N1E-115 cells and found that p114-RhoGEF and Lfc shRNAs, but not WGEF shRNA, suppressed Dvl- and Wnt-3a–induced neurite retraction. p114-RhoGEF and Lfc shRNAs also inhibited Dvl- and Wnt-3a–induced RhoA activation, and p114-RhoGEF and Lfc proteins were capable of binding to Dvl and Daam1. Additionally, the Dvl-binding domains of p114-RhoGEF and Lfc inhibited Dvl-induced neurite retraction. Our results suggest that p114-RhoGEF and Lfc are critically involved in Wnt-3a– and Dvl-induced RhoA activation and neurite retraction in N1E-115 cells.  相似文献   
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