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Subterranean estuaries (STEs), the zones in which seawater and subsurface groundwater mix, are recognized as hotspots for biogeochemical reactions; however, little is known of the microbial communities that control many of those reactions. This study investigated the potential functions of microbes inhabiting a cenote and an offshore submarine spring (Pargos) in the near-coastal waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The inland cenote (Cenote Siete Bocas; C7B) is characterized by a chemocline that is host to an array of physicochemical gradients associated with microbial activities. The chemocline includes an increasing gradient in sulfide concentrations with depth and a decreasing gradient in nitrate concentrations. The microbial community within the chemocline was dominated by Sulfurimonas and Sulfurovum of the Campylobacteria, which are likely responsible for sulfide oxidation coupled with nitrate reduction. Although C7B has not been directly connected with Pargos Spring, water discharging from the spring has physicochemical characteristics and microbial community structures similar to C7B, strongly suggesting biogeochemical processing in the STE impacts groundwater composition prior to discharge. This work yields insight into the microbial communities and biogeochemical reactions in STEs in karstic aquifers and provides evidence for the importance of Campylobacteria in controlling nitrate concentrations exported to marine springs.  相似文献   


Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has special pro-inflammatory roles, affecting the functions of macrophages and lymphocytes and counter-regulating the effects of glucocorticoids on the immune response. The conspicuous expression of MIF during human implantation and early embryonic development also suggests this factor acts in reproductive functions. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate Mif expression by trophoblast and embryo placental cells during mouse pregnancy.  相似文献   
The mechanisms and rates of mercury methylation in the Florida Everglades are of great concern because of potential adverse impacts on human and wildlife health through mercury accumulation in aquatic food webs. We developed a new PCR primer set targeting hgcA, a gene encoding a corrinoid protein essential for Hg methylation across broad phylogenetic boundaries, and used this primer set to study the distribution of hgcA sequences in soils collected from three sites along a gradient in sulfate and nutrient concentrations in the northern Everglades. The sequences obtained were distributed in diverse phyla, including Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Methanomicrobia; however, hgcA clone libraries from all sites were dominated by sequences clustering within the order Syntrophobacterales of the Deltaproteobacteria (49 to 65% of total sequences). dsrB mRNA sequences, representing active sulfate-reducing prokaryotes at the time of sampling, obtained from these sites were also dominated by Syntrophobacterales (75 to 89%). Laboratory incubations with soils taken from the site low in sulfate concentrations also suggested that Hg methylation activities were primarily mediated by members of the order Syntrophobacterales, with some contribution by methanogens, Chloroflexi, iron-reducing Geobacter, and non-sulfate-reducing Firmicutes inhabiting the sites. This suggests that prokaryotes distributed within clades defined by syntrophs are the predominant group controlling methylation of Hg in low-sulfate areas of the Everglades. Any strategy for managing mercury methylation in the Everglades should consider that net mercury methylation is not limited to the action of sulfate reduction.  相似文献   
Summary Hybridization probes produced from DNA sequences have proven to be a powerful tool in the rapid and sensitive analysis of natural microbial communities. By using function-specific probes, such as those identifying genes coding for photosynthesis, the potential a microbial community has for performing a given function may be rapidly determined. Gene probes have also been used in the identification and isolation of a specific catabolic genotype in less than one-fourth the time required for the conventional culture enrichment technique. Species-specific probes constructed from portions of genes coding for ribosomal RNA have been used for the rapid identification and enumeration of bacterial species in environmental samples. The use of reassociation kinetics as a measure of community diversity and complexity is also discussed. The successful application of this technique to community analysis may reduce the time required from 1 year, for conventional analysis, to 2 weeks.  相似文献   
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