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A central issue in the understanding of Marfan syndrome deals with the functional architecture of fibrillin-containing microfibrils. Fibrillin-rich microfibrils are long extracellular matrix fibrillar components exhibiting a 50 nm periodic beaded-structure with a width of around 20–25 nm after rotary shadowing and a 10–12 nm diameter when observed in ultra-thin sections. They are composed of fibrillin monomers more or less associated with many other components which are, for the most part, poorly characterized up to date. They are known to be elastic but few data have been accumulated to understand their properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allowed us to morphologically differentiate fibrillin-rich microfibrils from other fibrillar components and to investigate the thin structure of these beaded filaments in their native state. They showed, in AFM, a periodic beaded structure ranging from 50 to 60 nm and a width of about 40 nm. The different sizes of fibrillin-containing microfibrils previously observed after rotary shadowing and in ultra-thin sections was resolved with our technique and is revealed to be 10 nm in diameter. Each beaded microfibril appears to be composed of heterogeneous beads connected by 2–3 arms. An orientation of the microfibrils has been shown, and allows us to propose a complementary model of microfibrillar monomer association.  相似文献   
Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an alternative reproductive tactic found in many animals with parental care. Parasitizing females lay eggs in the nests of other females (hosts) of the same species, which incubate and raise both their own and the foreign offspring. The causes and consequences of CBP are debated. Using albumen fingerprinting of eggs for accurately detecting parasitism, we here analyse its relation to female condition and clutch size in High Arctic common eiders Somateria mollissima borealis. Among 166 clutches in a Svalbard colony, 31 (19%) contained eggs from more than one female, and 40 of 670 eggs (6%) were parasitic. In 6 cases an active nest with egg(s) was taken over by another female. Many suitable nest sites were unoccupied, indicating that CBP and nest takeover are reproductive tactics, not only consequences of nest site shortage. Similarity in body mass between female categories suggests that condition does not determine whether a nesting female becomes parasitised. There was no evidence of low condition in parasites: egg size was similar in hosts and parasites, and parasitism was equally frequent early and late in the laying season. Meta‐analysis of this and 3 other eider studies shows that there is a cost of being parasitised in this precocial species: host females laid on average 7% fewer eggs than other females.  相似文献   
The accumulation of volatile metabolites in cultures of 34 strains comprising ten species of the genus Ceratocystis (Ascomycetes) has been investigated under defined culture conditions. The identified compounds include short-chain alcohols and esters, lower terpenes, terpenoids, and 2-phenylethyl acetate. Certain species can be recognized by a number of common volatiles traced in all strains, although the quantities of these constituents may vary enormously (up to a factor 1:1000) within one species. The formation of some metabolites is restricted to a few strains.  相似文献   
Clutch size control in capital breeders such as large waterfowl has been much debated. Some studies have concluded that clutch size in ducks is determined before the start of laying and does not change in response to egg additions or removals. The response, however, may depend on the timing of tests, and experiments may have been too late for females to alter the number of eggs. We here study clutch size responses to predation of first and second eggs in the common eider, using protein fingerprinting of egg albumen to verify that the same female continues laying in the nest after predation. Sixty of 79 females with early egg predation (one or both of the two first eggs) deserted the nest. Among the 19 females that stayed and continued laying, the mean number of eggs produced was 4.4, significantly higher than the 3.7 in non-predated nests. The staying females had similar egg size and clutch initiation date as females that deserted, and their body mass and clutch initiation date was similar to that of females whose clutches were not predated. Even capital-breeding common eiders may therefore be indeterminate layers, as many females in which early eggs are removed lay more eggs than others. A previous study has shown that they can reduce their laying if eggs are added. Our results add to increasing evidence that ducks have more flexible egg production than previously thought.  相似文献   
LTBP-2 is a matrix protein of unknown function since, unlike other LTBPs, it does not form covalent complexes with latent TGF-beta. We have previously shown that LTBP-2 has widespread association with fibrillin-containing microfibrils in developing aorta and other tissues. We have now shown that full-length human recombinant LTBP-2 specifically binds to the amino-terminal region of fibrillin-1, but not to fibrillin-2, in solid phase assays and overlay blotting. The binding was enhanced by the inclusion of 2 mM Ca2+ ions in the assay buffer and abolished by 5 mM EDTA indicating that the interaction was directly or indirectly Ca2+ ion dependent. The K(d) for the interaction was calculated from the specific binding curve as 9.4 nM. A recombinant carboxyl-terminal fragment of LTBP-2 was shown to a) bind the amino-terminal fragment of fibrillin-1 and b) block completely the binding of full length LTBP-2 to fibrillin-1. This result indicates that the major fibrillin-1 binding site resides close to the carboxyl-terminus of LTBP-2. Further competitive binding studies showed that an analogous carboxyl terminal fragment of LTBP-1 was able to block the binding of LTBP-2 to fibrillin-1 and that the C-terminal fragment of LTBP-2 could block the interaction of the LTBP-1 fragment with the fibrillin. Thus the binding site for LTBP-2 on fibrillin-1 appears to be the same or in close proximity to that for LTBP-1. Immunohistochemical analysis of developing human aorta showed distinctive but extensively overlapping distributions for LTBPs-1 and -2. Both LTBPs showed extensive co-localization with fibrillin-1 and elastic lamellae but LTBP-2 had extensive signal throughout the medial layer whereas LTBP-1 showed strong localization only in the outer medial layer. The finding indicates that there is a possibility for LTBP-2 to compete with LTBP-1 for binding to fibrillin-containing microfibrils throughout the aortic wall but particularly in the outer medial region where the LTBP-1 is predominantly located. Overall, the results support the concept that that LTBP-2 may be an indirect negative modulator for storage of the large latent TGF-beta complex on microfibrils in aorta and other fibrillin-rich tissues.  相似文献   
Gametogenesis is the earliest event after uptake of malaria parasites by the mosquito vector, with a decisive impact on colonization of the mosquito midgut. This process is triggered by a drop in temperature and contact with mosquito molecules. In a few minutes, male and female gametocytes escape from the host erythrocyte by rupturing the parasitophorous vacuole and the erythrocyte membranes. Electron‐dense, oval‐shaped organelles, the osmiophilic bodies (OB), have been implicated in the egress of female gametocytes. By comparative electron microscopy and electron tomography analyses combined with immunolocalization experiments, we here define the morphological features distinctive of male secretory organelles, hereafter named MOB (male osmiophilic bodies). These organelles appear as club‐shaped, electron‐dense vesicles, smaller than female OB. We found that a drop in temperature triggers MOB clustering, independently of exposure to other stimuli. MDV1/PEG3, a protein associated with OB in Plasmodium berghei females, localizes to both non‐clustered and clustered MOB, suggesting that clustering precedes vesicle discharge. A P. berghei mutant lacking the OB‐resident female‐specific protein Pbg377 displays a dramatic reduction in size of the OB, accompanied by a delay in female gamete egress efficiency, while female gamete fertility is not affected. Immunolocalization experiments indicated that MDV1/PEG3 is still recruited to OB‐remnant structures.  相似文献   
Cryo transmission X-ray microscopy in the “water window” of photon energies has recently been introduced as a method that exploits the natural contrast of biological samples. We have used cryo tomographic X-ray imaging of the intra-erythrocytic malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to undertake a survey of the cellular features of this important human pathogen. We examined whole hydrated cells at different stages of growth and defined some of the structures with different X-ray density, including the parasite nucleus, cytoplasm, digestive vacuole and the hemoglobin degradation product, hemozoin. As the parasite develops from an early cup-shaped morphology to a more rounded shape, puncta of hemozoin are formed; these coalesce in the mature trophozoite into a central compartment. In some trophozoite stage parasites we observed invaginations of the parasite surface and, using a selective permeabilization process, showed that these remain connected to the RBC cytoplasm. Some of these invaginations have large openings consistent with phagocytic structures and we observed independent endocytic vesicles in the parasite cytoplasm which appear to play a role in hemoglobin uptake. In schizont stage parasites staggered mitosis was observed and X-ray-dense lipid-rich structures were evident at their apical ends of the developing daughter cells. Treatment of parasites with the antimalarial drug artemisinin appears to affect parasite development and their ability to produce the hemoglobin breakdown product, hemozoin.  相似文献   


In the Netherlands, caesarean sections (CSs) are rarely combined with tubal occlusion (TO), partly because discussing CS/TO near delivery is considered unethical and earlier hypothetical counselling – i.e. suppose you happen to need a CS – is rare. This results in more unintended pregnancies and is inconsistent with informed choice. We explored whether TO should indeed not be made routinely available to eligible women.

Methods and Findings

A questionnaire was mailed to 515 Para ≥2 who underwent in the past ≥1 CS. 498 (96.7%) responded. They were on average 35.3 years old, had 2.5 children, had undergone 1.6 CSs, and 3.3 years had passed since their index delivery, either a CS (393) or vaginal birth (105) after a previous CS. 87% of the 498 believed that pregnant mothers with ≥1 children should be routinely counselled about CS/TO. Indeed, 58% and 85% respectively, thought women/couples expecting their second or third child should still be given the TO option days before delivery, if omitted earlier. Counselled women, 138/498 (27.8%), were far more often satisfied than those without CS/TO option. 33/393 had a CS/TO. None indicated regret in the questionnaire. Another 119 also would have elected a CS/TO if given that option. Therefore, 152 (38.7%) of 393 Para ≥2 had or would have liked a concurrent TO. 118/119 wrote they still regretted missing this opportunity. The exception''s husband had had a vasectomy. 100/119 were good TO candidates: they were ≥28 years when they delivered an apparently healthy baby of ≥37 weeks. The current contraceptive use of these 100 suggests that this group will have at least 8 unintended pregnancies before age 50.


The experiences and opinions of previous potential candidates for a CS/TO do not support the reluctance of Dutch obstetricians to counsel pregnant Para ≥1 about the TO option for a (potential) CS.  相似文献   
In Dutch, variation occurs in the formation of noun-noun compound words. Some compounds always add the linking element -en- between the two nouns; some compounds never use such a linking element; and still others allow both options. The element -en- is homophonous with the regular plural ending in Dutch, and we therefore investigated if plural semantics creates a preference for the linking element -en- in novel Dutch noun-noun compounds. We also investigated if the preference for linking -en- is influenced by just meaning (i.e., a semantic plural), form (i.e., a formal plural), or perhaps both. The influence of native language on preferences for Dutch compounds was also investigated. In study 1, we tested native speakers of Dutch; in study 2, Frisian-Dutch bilinguals; and, in study 3, speakers of German with Dutch as a second language. Plurality played a role in the preferences for Dutch compound formation in all tested groups. For native speakers of Dutch, Frisian, and German, moreover, the preference for a linking element in novel Dutch compounds was influenced by both the semantic plural and the formal plural. However, these effects were smaller for the native speakers of German. These findings confirm the findings of earlier studies (e.g. Schreuder et al. in Language and Cognitive Processes 13(5):551–573, 1998) showing linking -en- to carry an intrinsic plural meaning. Kiparsky’s level-ordering hypothesis (Linguistics in the morning calm, pp. 3–91, 1982) and Pinker’s words-and-rules theory (Words and rules: the ingredients of language, 1999) are re-considered in light of the present findings.  相似文献   
The interactions of microfibril-associated glycoprotein (MAGP)-2 have been investigated with fibrillins and fibrillin-containing microfibrils. Solid phase binding assays were conducted with recombinant fragments covering fibrillin-1 and most of fibrillin-2. MAGP-2, and its structure relative MAGP-1, were found to bind two fragments spanning the N-terminal half of fibrillin-1 and an N-terminal fragment of fibrillin-2. Blocking experiments indicated that MAGP-2 had a binding site(s) close to the N terminus of the fibrillin-1 molecule that was distinct from that for MAGP-1 and an additional, more central binding site(s) that may be shared by the two MAGPs. Immunogold labeling of developing nuchal ligament tissue showed that MAGP-2 had regular covalent and periodic (about 56 nm) association with fibrillin-containing microfibrils of elastic fibers in this tissue. Further analysis of isolated microfibrils indicated that MAGP-2 was attached at two points along the microfibril substructure, "site 1" on the "beads" and "site 2" at the "shoulder" of the interbead region close to where the two "arms" fuse. In contrast, MAGP-1 was located only on the beads. Comparison of the MAGP-2 binding data with known fibrillin epitope maps of the microfibrils showed that site 1 correlated with the N-terminal MAGP-2 binding region, and site 2 correlated with the second, more central, MAGP-2 binding region on the fibrillin-1 molecule. Of particular note, immunolabeling at site 2 was markedly decreased, relative to that at site 1, on extended microfibrils with bead-to-bead periods over 90 nm, suggesting that site 2 may move toward the beads when the microfibril is stretched. The study points to MAGP-2 being an integral component of some populations of fibrillin-containing microfibrils. Moreover, the identification of multiple MAGP-binding sequences on fibrillins supports the concept that MAGPs may function as molecular cross-linkers, stabilizing fibrillin monomers in folded conformation within or between the microfibrils, and thus MAGPs may be implicated in the modulation of the elasticity of these structures.  相似文献   
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