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The desmid Staurastrum luetkemuellerii Donat et Ruttner and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. were grown in mixed cultures with various phosphate (Pi) additions. One pulse of Pi each day (semi-continuous cultures) favored M. aeruginosa whereas S. luetkemuellerii was favored when the same quantity of Pi was supplied continuously (chemostats). Both species coexisted under P limitation provided that the nutrient was supplied in an appropriate mode. The ability of each species to compete for P depended on their Pi uptake characteristics and their capability to retain the accumulated Pi. High affinity in uptake at low Pi concentrations contributed considerably to the growth eficiency of S. luetkemuellerii under continuous supply of PiM. aeruginosa was, however, consistently superior to S. luetkemuellerii in accuniulatiug the newly added P, but had a high rate of Pi release. In both -types of cultures, a net high of P went from M. aeruginosa to S. luetkemuellerii. The kinetic characteristics of the two species were used to simulate the outcome of competition experiments. Simulations agreed with the experimental data f both uptake and Pi release were considered in the model. The zlariable P*(the concentration of Pi at which the net uptake is equal to μ·QP is a function of uptake and release of Pi but could not explain the chemostat results. S. luetkemuellerii was the winner in many experiments even if its P*was higher thou that of M. aeruginosa. Thus, in the present case Pc (the concentration at which the net uptake is zero) was a better predictor of the ability to compete for Pi under steady state as well as transient conditions in the Pi supply.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk of having a low birthweight infant associated with changes in social, environmental, and genetic factors. DESIGN: Population based, historical cohort study using the Danish medical birth registry and Statistic Denmark''s fertility database. SUBJECTS: All women who had a low birthweight infant (< 2500 g) (index birth) and a subsequent liveborn infant (outcome birth) in Denmark between 1980 and 1992 (exposed cohort, n = 11,069) and a random sample of the population who gave birth to an infant weighing > or = 2500 g and to a subsequent liveborn infant (unexposed cohort, n = 10,211). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk of having a low birthweight infant in the outcome birth as a function of changes in male partner, area of residence, type of job, and social status between the two births. RESULTS: Women in the exposed cohort showed a high risk (18.5%) of having a subsequent low birthweight infant while women in the unexposed cohort had a risk of 2.8%. After adjustment for initial social status, a decline in social status increased the absolute risk of having a low birthweight infant by about 5% in both cohorts, though this was significant only in the unexposed cohort. Change of male partner did not modify the risk of low birth weight in either cohort. CONCLUSION: Having had a low birthweight infant and a decline in social status are strong risk factors for having a low birthweight infant subsequently.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships in the Desmarestiales (Phaeophyceae) were inferred among the monotypic Arthrocladia (Arthrocladiaceae) and 27 isolates from Desmarestiaceae, representing 17 taxa of Desmarestia and the monotypic Antarctic genera Himantothallus and Phaeurus. Phaeurus and Arthrocladia were used as outgroups. Parsimony analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) sequences, in which gaps were both included and excluded, yielded well-resolved trees with a consistent general branching pattern. A parallel analysis of nine morphological and life-history characters and three ecological characters yielded a similar tree but provided little resolution in the terminal clades. The position of the monotypic Arthrocladia villosa within the Desmarestiales is consistent with monophyly for the order, but its position as the most primitive desmarestialean is not resolvable from the molecular data set. The basal position of Phaeurus, the Antarctic Desmarestia species, and Himantothallus is consistent with the hypothesis of a Southern Hemisphere origin for the family Desmarestiaceae. The more recent Northern Hemisphere “aculeata” clade evolved from an Antarctic ancestor. A “D. aculeata-like” species was ancestral to a lineage characterized by annual sporophytes with high sulfuric acid content, which radiated into many species, widely distributed in both hemispheres. Mapping of morphological and ecological characters onto the molecular tree confirm the informativeness of sulfuric acid-containing vacuoles and unilocular sporangial types. There is good congruence between phylogenetic tree topology and temperature impints in relation to biogeographic distribution, supporting the theory that temperature tolerance is a conservative trait.  相似文献   
It was previously shown by others that Pseudomonas sp. strain JS150 metabolizes benzene and alkyl- and chloro-substituted benzenes by using dioxygenase-initiated pathways coupled with multiple downstream metabolic pathways to accommodate catechol metabolism. By cloning genes encoding benzene-degradative enzymes, we found that strain JS150 also carries genes for a toluene/benzene-2-monooxygenase. The gene cluster encoding a 2-monooxygenase and its cognate regulator was cloned from a plasmid carried by strain JS150. Oxygen (18O2) incorporation experiments using Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains that carried the cloned genes confirmed that toluene hydroxylation was catalyzed through an authentic monooxygenase reaction to yield ortho-cresol. Regions encoding the toluene-2-monooxygenase and regulatory gene product were localized in two regions of the cloned fragment. The nucleotide sequence of the toluene/benzene-2-monooxygenase locus was determined. Analysis of this sequence revealed six open reading frames that were then designated tbmA, tbmB, tbmC, tbmD, tbmE, and tbmF. The deduced amino acid sequences for these genes showed the presence of motifs similar to well-conserved functional domains of multicomponent oxygenases. This analysis allowed the tentative identification of two terminal oxygenase subunits (TbmB and TbmD) and an electron transport protein (TbmF) for the monooxygenase enzyme. In addition to these gene products, all the tbm polypeptides shared significant homology with protein components from other bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases. Overall, the tbm gene products shared greater similarity with polypeptides from the phenol hydroxylases of Pseudomonas putida CF600, P35X, and BH than with those from the toluene monooxygenases of Pseudomonas mendocina KR1 and Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) pickettii PKO1. The relationship found between the phenol hydroxylases and a toluene-2-monooxygenase, characterized in this study for the first time at the nucleotide sequence level, suggested that DNA probes used for surveys of environmental populations should be carefully selected to reflect DNA sequences corresponding to the metabolic pathway of interest.  相似文献   
We have developed a biophysical model of a pair of reciprocally inhibitory interneurons comprising an elemental heartbeat oscillator of the leech. We incorporate various intrinsic and synaptic ionic currents based on voltage-clamp data. Synaptic transmission between the interneurons consists of both a graded and a spike-mediated component. By using maximal conductances as parameters, we have constructed a canonical model whose activity appears close to the real neurons. Oscillations in the model arise from interactions between synaptic and intrinsic currents. The inhibitory synaptic currents hyperpolarize the cell, resulting in activation of a hyperpolarization-activated inward currentI h and the removal of inactivation from regenerative inward currents. These inward currents depolarize the cell to produce spiking and inhibit the opposite cell. Spike-mediated IPSPs in the inhibited neuron cause inactivation of low-threshold Ca++ currents that are responsible for generating the graded synaptic inhibition in the opposite cell. Thus, although the model cells can potentially generate large graded IPSPs, synaptic inhibition during canonical oscillations is dominated by the spike-mediated component.  相似文献   
The effect of rumen microbes on six mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and deoxynivalenol ) considered to be health risks for domestic animals was investigated. The mycotoxins were incubated with intact rumen fluid or fractions of rumen protozoa and bacteria from sheep and cattle in the presence or absence of milled feed. Rumen fluid had no effect on aflatoxin B1 and deoxynivalenol . The remaining four mycotoxins were all metabolized, and protozoa were more active than bacteria. Metabolism of ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and diacetoxyscirpenol was moderately or slightly inhibited by addition of milled feed in vitro. The capacity of rumen fluid to degrade ochratoxin A decreased after feeding, but this activity was gradually restored by the next feeding time. Ochratoxin A was cleaved to ochratoxin alpha and phenylalanine; zearalenone was reduced to alpha-zearalenol and to a lesser degree to beta-zearalenol; diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin were deacetylated to monoacetoxyscirpenol and HT-2 toxin, respectively. Feeding of 5 ppm (5 mg/kg) of ochratoxin A to sheep revealed 14 ppb (14 ng/ml) of ochratoxin A and ochratoxin alpha in rumen fluid after 1 h, but neither was detected in the blood. Whether such conversions in the rumen fluid may be considered as a first line of defense against toxic compounds present in the diet is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
A 275-MHz exposure system, consisting of a circular waveguide irradiator and a transparent plastic animal cage, has been developed to accommodate rhesus monkeys weighing up to 15 kg. The vertically oriented waveguide is composed primarily of stainless steel and is fitted with an inner cage fabricated from a tubular section of acrylic plastic. Circularly polarized electromagnetic energy at 275 MHz, either pulsed or continuous wave (CW), can be propagated from the removable top section of the waveguide. The cage is designed to function as the monkey's permanent home. It is fitted with a lever-actuated behavioral performance device on which the monkey responds according to a predetermined schedule to obtain a daily food ration. The system can be adapted to provide for the collection of metabolic and physiologic data as well. Dosimetric measurements were conducted with six rhesus monkeys weighing 3.0-7.2 kg and with a 4-kg model. The dosimetric results show that about one-third of the net incident energy is absorbed by a subject in this system at a normalized specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.33 (W/kg)/(mW/cm2).  相似文献   
The effect of rumen microbes on six mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and deoxynivalenol ) considered to be health risks for domestic animals was investigated. The mycotoxins were incubated with intact rumen fluid or fractions of rumen protozoa and bacteria from sheep and cattle in the presence or absence of milled feed. Rumen fluid had no effect on aflatoxin B1 and deoxynivalenol . The remaining four mycotoxins were all metabolized, and protozoa were more active than bacteria. Metabolism of ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and diacetoxyscirpenol was moderately or slightly inhibited by addition of milled feed in vitro. The capacity of rumen fluid to degrade ochratoxin A decreased after feeding, but this activity was gradually restored by the next feeding time. Ochratoxin A was cleaved to ochratoxin alpha and phenylalanine; zearalenone was reduced to alpha-zearalenol and to a lesser degree to beta-zearalenol; diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin were deacetylated to monoacetoxyscirpenol and HT-2 toxin, respectively. Feeding of 5 ppm (5 mg/kg) of ochratoxin A to sheep revealed 14 ppb (14 ng/ml) of ochratoxin A and ochratoxin alpha in rumen fluid after 1 h, but neither was detected in the blood. Whether such conversions in the rumen fluid may be considered as a first line of defense against toxic compounds present in the diet is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Isolated rabbit kidneys were perfused with 37°C Krebs-Henseleit solution aerated with 95% O2 + 5% CO2. Perfusion rate was varied from 1 to 10 ml/min. This was accompanied by parallel changes of perfusion pressure, prostaglandin excretion and release of radioactivity from kidneys with 14C-arachidonic acid incorporated into the tissue lipid pool. It is suggested that enhancement of perfusion rate raises the intrarenal pressure which increases renal prostaglandin release due to increased substrate availability.  相似文献   
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