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Marigold (Tagetes erecta) flowers are primarily used in industry for their high pigment content. Flower color development implies that chloroplast–chromoplast transition is associated with carotenoid biosynthesis. We report the recovery of undifferentiated pigmented marigold cells, various callus tissues, and their analysis by transmission electron microscopy in order to observe accumulating pigment and development of subcellular structures. Callus was generated from leaf explants and after several rounds of recurrent selection. Green-, yellow-, and brown-colored callus were obtained that showed distinct carotenoid profiles. For green material, violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and β-carotene were produced, while yellow callus generated mainly lutein, as did the brown callus. Chloroplast–chromoplast transition was followed by measuring plastid size and shape in undifferentiated marigold cells by digital image analysis. Cellular alterations were evident in brown callus. Chloroplasts were the main structure in green callus, while yellow callus clearly showed the formation of plastoglobules, structures that are correlated with chloroplast–chromoplast transition. The high number of plastoglobules observed in yellow callus is possibly directly related to pigment synthesis and accumulation.  相似文献   
The increase in the incidence of yeast species causing fungemia in susceptible immunocompromised patients in the last two decades and the low sensitivity of conventional blood culture has led to the need to develop alternative approaches for the early detection and identification of causative species. The aim of this study was to compare the usefulness of molecular testing by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and conventional methods to identify clinical isolates of different species, using the ID32C ATB system (bioMérieux, France), chromogenic culture Chromagar Candida? (CHROMagar, France) and morphogenesis in corn meal agar. We studied 79 isolates, in which the most prevalent species using the system ID32C and PCR was C. albicans, followed by C. tropicalis, C. glabrata and C .krusei. PCR patterns obtained for the identification of clinical isolates were stable and consistent in the various independent studies and showed good reproducibility, concluding that PCR with species-specific primers that amplify genes ITS1 and ITS2 for rRNA or topoisomerase II primers is a very specific and sensitive method for the identification of C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. albicans, and with less specificity for C. tropicalis.  相似文献   
This article documents the addition of 238 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alytes dickhilleni, Arapaima gigas, Austropotamobius italicus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Cobitis lutheri, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Glossina morsitans morsitans, Haplophilus subterraneus, Kirengeshoma palmata, Lysimachia japonica, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Microtus cabrerae, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pallisentis (Neosentis) celatus, Pulmonaria officinalis, Salminus franciscanus, Thais chocolata and Zootoca vivipara. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acanthina monodon, Alytes cisternasii, Alytes maurus, Alytes muletensis, Alytes obstetricans almogavarii, Alytes obstetricans boscai, Alytes obstetricans obstetricans, Alytes obstetricans pertinax, Cambarellus montezumae, Cambarellus zempoalensis, Chorus giganteus, Cobitis tetralineata, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Glossina pallidipes, Lysimachia japonica var. japonica, Lysimachia japonica var. minutissima, Orconectes virilis, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Procambarus clarkii, Salminus brasiliensis and Salminus hilarii.  相似文献   
Measuring the diffusion of genes between diverging taxa through zones of secondary contact is an essential step to understand the extent and nature of the reproductive isolation that has been achieved. Previous studies have shown that the ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida Daudin, 1802) has endured repeated range fragmentation associated with the climatic oscillations of the Plio‐Pleistocene that promoted diversification of many different evolutionary units within the species. However, the oldest divergence within the group is estimated to have occurred much earlier, during the Miocene, around 9 Ma and corresponds to the split between the subspecies Lacerta lepida nevadensis Buchholz (1963) and Lacerta lepida lepida Daudin (1802). Although these two evolutionary units have documented genetic and morphological differentiation, most probably accumulated during periods of allopatry, little is known about patterns of gene flow between them. In this study, we performed a population genetic analysis of a putative area of secondary contact between these two taxa, using mtDNA and microsatellite data. We assessed levels of gene flow across the contact zone to clarify to what extent gene flow may be occurring. Hybridization between the subspecies was observed by the presence of genetically introgressed individuals. However, the overall coincidence of mitochondrial and multilocus nuclear clines and generally steep clines support the idea that this contact zone is acting as a barrier to gene flow. Taken together, these results suggest that L. l. lepida and L. l. nevadensis are in independent evolutionary trajectories and should be considered as two different species.  相似文献   
To define mutations present in 23 exons and flanking intronic sequences of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene in 95 patients from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we carried out single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and automated direct sequencing. Mutation detection was achieved in 45% of the alleles presented, and complete genotyping (two mutated alleles) was accomplished in 34.7% of the patients. Twenty patients (21.1%) were found to carry only one mutation, whereas mutated alleles could not be observed in 42 patients (44.2%). Eleven mutations were found, of which four were characterized as rare mutations: P205S (1.05%), Y1092X (0.53%), S549R (0.53%), and S4X (0.53%). The DF508 mutation in this population sample showed a frequency of 28.42%. The low number of individuals (10 of 95; 10.5%) with compound heterozygous (DF508/non-DF508) genotypes could indicate the presence of another severe mutation leading to the premature death of these individuals. In 4 of the aforementioned 10 individuals with compound heterozygous genotypes, the D-7-2-1-2 (XV2c-KM19-IVS6a-TUB9-M470-T854) haplotype was defined.  相似文献   
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