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Nitroarylidenemalononitriles and their cyanoacetamide derivatives with remarkable anti-epimastigote properties, were synthesized attempting to obtain new 3,5-diamino-4-(5'-nitroarylidene)-4H-thiadiazine 1,1-dioxide derivatives, which in previous reports had shown anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity. Tests to evaluate the cytotoxicity of compounds were performed on J774 macrophages. 5-nitro-2-thienyl-malononitrile (5NO2TM), was the only product which maintained a high anti-epimastigote activity at concentrations in which it was no longer cytotoxic, thus it was assayed against intracellular amastigotes. Its anti-amastigote activity was similar to that of nifurtimox. Afterwards in vivo toxicity and anti-chagasic activity were determined. A reduction in parasitemia was observed.  相似文献   
The genus Brevipalpus has over 300 species worldwide. The three most important agricultural pest species in the genus, Brevipalpus californicus (Banks), B. obovatus Donnadieu, and B. phoenicis (Geijskes), have been consistently confused and misidentified for more than 50 years. The present study provides a discussion of the characters and character states used to separate these mites. Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy and traditional light microscopy techniques were used to illustrate the subtle morphological differences between these three species. Morphology of the dorsal propodosoma, opisthosoma, and leg chaetotaxy of all three species was examined and compared. The number of dorsal setae, the number of solenidia (omega) on tarsus II, and dorsal cuticular patterns were the most important characters in the identification of Brevipalpus species. B. phoenicis is similar to B. californicus in having two omega on tarsus leg II and different from B. obovatus which has only one omega on tarsus leg II and similar to B. obovatus in having only one pair of F setae (f3), but differing from B. californicus which has two pairs of F setae (f2-3). The dorsal opisthosomal and propodisomal cuticular patterns frequently used to distinguish between these three species are useful but one must be aware that age, feeding, and mounting techniques can affect the appearance of these characters.  相似文献   
According to published reports from 1906 to 1968, leprosis nearly destroyed the Florida citrus industry prior to 1925. This was supported with photographs showing typical leprosis symptoms on citrus leaves, fruit, and twigs. Support for the past occurrence of citrus leprosis in Florida includes: (1) presence of twig lesions in affected orange blocks in addition to lesions on fruits and leaves and corresponding absence of similar lesions on grapefruit; (2) yield reduction and die-back on infected trees; and (3) spread of the disease between 1906 and 1925. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination of tissue samples from leprosis-like injuries to orange and grapefruit leaves from Florida in 1997, and fruits from grapefruit and sweet orange varieties from Texas in 1999 and 2000 did not contain leprosis-like viral particles or viroplasm inclusions. In contrast, leprosis viroplasm inclusions were readily identified by TEM within green non-senescent tissues surrounding leprosis lesions in two of every three orange leaf samples and half of the fruit samples obtained from Piracicaba, Brazil. Symptoms of leprosis were not seen in any of the 24,555 orange trees examined across Florida during 2001 and 2002. The authors conclude that citrus leprosis no longer exists in Florida nor occurs in Texas citrus based on: (1) lack of leprosis symptoms on leaves, fruit, and twigs of sweet orange citrus varieties surveyed in Florida: (2) failure to find virus particles or viroplasm inclusion bodies in suspect samples from both Florida and Texas examined by TEM; (3) absence of documented reports by others on the presence of characteristic leprosis symptoms in Florida; (4) lack of its documented occurrence in dooryard trees or abandoned or minimal pesticide citrus orchard sites in Florida. In view of the serious threat to citrus in the U.S., every effort must be taken to quarantine the importation of both citrus and woody ornamental plants that serve as hosts for Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), B. californicus (Banks), and B. obovatus Donnadieu (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from countries where citrus leprosis occurs.  相似文献   
Cell transformation by Rous sarcoma virus results in a dramatic change of adhesion structures with the substratum. Adhesion plaques are replaced by dot-like attachment sites called podosomes. Podosomes are also found constitutively in motile nontransformed cells such as leukocytes, macrophages, and osteoclasts. They are represented by columnar arrays of actin which are perpendicular to the substratum and contain tubular invaginations of the plasma membrane. Given the similarity of these tubules to those generated by dynamin around a variety of membrane templates, we investigated whether dynamin is present at podosomes. Immunoreactivities for dynamin 2 and for the dynamin 2-binding protein endophilin 2 (SH3P8) were detected at podosomes of transformed cells and osteoclasts. Furthermore, GFP wild-type dynamin 2aa was targeted to podosomes. As shown by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, GFP-dynamin 2aa and GFP-actin had a very rapid and similar turnover at podosomes. Expression of the GFP-dynamin 2aa(G273D) abolished podosomes while GFP-dynamin(K44A) was targeted to podosomes but delayed actin turnover. These data demonstrate a functional link between a member of the dynamin family and actin at attachment sites between cells and the substratum.  相似文献   
We report the first application of a microfluidic device to observe chemotactic migration in multicellular spheroids. A microfluidic device was designed comprising a central microchamber and two lateral channels through which reagents can be introduced. Multicellular spheroids were embedded in collagen and introduced to the microchamber. A gradient of fetal bovine serum (FBS) was established across the central chamber by addition of growth media containing serum into one of the lateral channels. We observe that spheroids of oral squamous carcinoma cells OSC–19 invade collectively in the direction of the gradient of FBS. This invasion is more directional and aggressive than that observed for individual cells in the same experimental setup. In contrast to spheroids of OSC–19, U87-MG multicellular spheroids migrate as individual cells. A study of the exposure of spheroids to the chemoattractant shows that the rate of diffusion into the spheroid is slow and thus, the chemoattractant wave engulfs the spheroid before diffusing through it.  相似文献   
A new combination of ibuprofen (NSAID) and famotidine (H2 receptor antagonist) was recently approved by the FDA. It was formulated to relief pain while decreasing the risk of ulceration, which is a common problem for patients receiving NSAID. A rapid and simple derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method is proposed for the simultaneous analysis of this combination in their pharmaceutical preparation. The method is based upon measurement of the native fluorescence intensity of the two drugs at λex = 233 nm in acetonitrile. The emission data were differentiated using the first (D1) derivative technique. The plots of derivative fluorescence intensity versus concentration were rectilinear over a range of 2–35 and 0.4–8 µg/mL for both ibuprofen (IBU) and famotidine (FAM), respectively. The method was sensitive as the limits of detection were 0.51 and 0.12 µg/mL and limits of quantitation were 1.70 and 0.39 µg/mL, for IBU and FAM respectively. The proposed derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method was successfully applied for the determination of the two drugs in their synthetic mixtures and tablets with good accuracy and precision. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
E-values have been the dominant statistic for protein sequence analysis for the past two decades: from identifying statistically significant local sequence alignments to evaluating matches to hidden Markov models describing protein domain families. Here we formally show that for “stratified” multiple hypothesis testing problems—that is, those in which statistical tests can be partitioned naturally—controlling the local False Discovery Rate (lFDR) per stratum, or partition, yields the most predictions across the data at any given threshold on the FDR or E-value over all strata combined. For the important problem of protein domain prediction, a key step in characterizing protein structure, function and evolution, we show that stratifying statistical tests by domain family yields excellent results. We develop the first FDR-estimating algorithms for domain prediction, and evaluate how well thresholds based on q-values, E-values and lFDRs perform in domain prediction using five complementary approaches for estimating empirical FDRs in this context. We show that stratified q-value thresholds substantially outperform E-values. Contradicting our theoretical results, q-values also outperform lFDRs; however, our tests reveal a small but coherent subset of domain families, biased towards models for specific repetitive patterns, for which weaknesses in random sequence models yield notably inaccurate statistical significance measures. Usage of lFDR thresholds outperform q-values for the remaining families, which have as-expected noise, suggesting that further improvements in domain predictions can be achieved with improved modeling of random sequences. Overall, our theoretical and empirical findings suggest that the use of stratified q-values and lFDRs could result in improvements in a host of structured multiple hypothesis testing problems arising in bioinformatics, including genome-wide association studies, orthology prediction, and motif scanning.  相似文献   
This communication reports on the Mycetoma Research Centre of the University of Khartoum, Sudan experience on 6,792 patients seen during the period 1991–2014.The patients were predominately young (64% under 30 years old) males (76%). The majority (68%) were from the Sudan mycetoma belt and 28% were students. Madurella mycetomatis eumycetoma was the most common type (70%). In 66% of the patients the duration of the disease was less than five years, and 81% gave a history of sinuses discharging mostly black grains (78%). History of trauma at the mycetoma site was reported in 20%. Local pain was reported in 27% of the patients, and only 12% had a family history of mycetoma. The study showed that 57% of the patients had previous surgical excisions and recurrence, and only 4% received previous medical treatment for mycetoma. Other concomitant medical diseases were reported in 4% of the patients. The foot (76%) and hand (8%) were the most commonly affected sites. Less frequently affected sites were the leg and knee (7%), thigh (2%), buttock (2%) and arm and forearm (1%). Rare sites included the chest wall, head and neck, back, abdominal wall, perineum, oral cavity, tongue and eye. Multiple sites mycetoma was recorded in 135 (2%) of cases. At presentation, 37% of patients had massive lesions, 79% had sinuses, 8% had local hyper-hydrosis at the mycetoma lesion, 11% had regional lymphadenopathy, while 6% had dilated tortuous veins proximal to the mycetoma lesions. The diagnosis of mycetoma was established by combined imaging techniques and cytological, histopathological, serological tests and grain culture. Patients with actinomycetoma received a combination of antimicrobial agents, while eumycetoma patients received antifungal agents combined with various surgical excisions. Surgical excisions in the form of wide local excision, debridement or amputation were done in 807 patients, and of them 248 patients (30.7%) had postoperative recurrence. Different types of amputations were done in 120 patients (1.7%).  相似文献   
Mycetoma is a unique neglected tropical disease which is endemic in what is known as the “mycetoma belt”. The disease has many devastating impacts on patients and communities in endemic area and is characterised by massive deformity, destruction and disability. Mycetoma is commonly seen in the foot and hand and less frequent in other parts of the body. Mycetoma of the head and neck is a rarity and is associated with high morbidity and even mortality if not treated early. In this communication we report on 49 patients with head and neck mycetoma followed up at the Mycetoma Research Centre in Khartoum. Most of the reported patients had actinomycetoma and the majority were young adult males from mycetoma endemic areas in the Sudan. Most of them were students, farmers and workers. Prior to presentation the majority had long disease duration and the cause was multifactorial. Advanced disease with massive lesion, deformity and disability was the common presentation. There was no obvious history of local trauma, familial tendency or other predisposing factor identified in this group of patients. MRI and CT scan were the most accurate diagnostic tools to determine the disease extent. The treatment outcome was rather poor and characterised by low cure rate, poor outcome and high follows-up dropout. Such a gloomy outcome calls for structured and objective health education programs.  相似文献   
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