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We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,200-base pair (bp) genomic fragment that includes the kappa-chain constant-region gene (C kappa) from two species of native Australian rodents, Rattus leucopus cooktownensis and Rattus colletti. Comparison of these sequences with each other and with other rodent C kappa genes shows three surprising features. First, the coding regions are diverging at a rate severalfold higher than that of the nearby noncoding regions. Second, replacement changes within the coding region are accumulating at a rate at least as great as that of silent changes. Third, most of the amino acid replacements are localized in one region of the C kappa domain--namely, the carboxy-terminal "bends" in the alpha-carbon backbone. These three features have previously been described from comparisons of the two allelic forms of C kappa genes in R. norvegicus. These data imply the existence of considerable evolutionary constraints on the noncoding regions (based on as yet undetermined functions) or powerful positive selection to diversify a portion of the constant-region domain (whose physiological significance is not known). These surprising features of C kappa evolution appear to be characteristic only of closely related C kappa genes, since comparison of rodent with human sequences shows the expected greater conservation of coding regions, as well as a predominance of silent nucleotide substitutions within the coding regions.   相似文献   
The antibodies to the bovine prion protein were produced by immunizing mice of three lines with five synthetic fragments of the protein and their six analogues. The analogues contained the amino acid substitutions that, according to theoretical calculation, should lead to an increase in the immunogenic activity of peptides. All the peptides, except for one, induced the formation of antibodies. All the sera containing the antipeptide antibodies were tested by an immunohistochemical method. The sera that were effectively bound to the brain preparations from the bovine with spongiform encephalopathy were identified; it was shown that they do not interact with the preparations of normal brain. Therefore, it was shown that the immunization of mice with the synthetic fragments of a prion protein helps obtain specific antibodies suitable for the study and diagnostics of prion diseases.  相似文献   
Abstract  Two new species of Nysius Dallas, N. orarius sp. n. and N. tasmaniensis sp. n. are described from New South Wales and Tasmania (Australia), respectively. A new monotypic genus, Reticulatonysius , with type-species R. queenslandensis sp. n. is described from Queensland, and its systematic relationship with other orsilline genera is discussed.  相似文献   
Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were isolated and expanded from biopsy samples of 4 patients with metastatic melanoma. The patients were treated with autologous expanded TIL and continuous or bolus infusion of Interleukin 2 (IL-2) at a dose of 18 × 106 International Units/m2/day for 5 days starting 36–48 hours after administration of cyclophosphamide at a dose of 1 g/m2. The number of TIL infused ranged from 1010 to 5,56 × 1010 cells. Two patients had stable disease (SD) lasting for 2 1/2 and 4 months respectively and they died 24 and 13 months after therapy. One patient died during therapy due to a pseudomonas septicaemia and another patient developed progressive disease (PD). He died 3 months after the start of therapy. The side effects were substantial but most of them were reversible upon cessation of the treatment.The majority of the expanded TIL of all patients were of the CD8+ phenotype. Cutaneous metastases from two patients, removed after treatment with IL-2 and TIL, showed moderate lymphocytic infiltration also mainly of CD8+ T cells.The treatment with IL-2 and TIL is feasible, but further investigations should continue in an attempt to improve the efficacy of the therapy, to reduce toxicity and to diminish the costs and labour of the culture methods.  相似文献   


Comparative sequence analysis of complex loci such as resistance gene analog clusters allows estimating the degree of sequence conservation and mechanisms of divergence at the intraspecies level. In banana (Musa sp.), two diploid wild species Musa acuminata (A genome) and Musa balbisiana (B genome) contribute to the polyploid genome of many cultivars. The M. balbisiana species is associated with vigour and tolerance to pests and disease and little is known on the genome structure and haplotype diversity within this species. Here, we compare two genomic sequences of 253 and 223 kb corresponding to two haplotypes of the RGA08 resistance gene analog locus in M. balbisiana "Pisang Klutuk Wulung" (PKW).  相似文献   
Potential B epitopes and T-helper epitopes in the N-terminal extracellular domain of the alpha7-subunit of human acetylcholine receptor (AChR) were theoretically calculated in order to reveal peptides that can induce the formation of specific antibodies to this domain. Four peptides structurally corresponding to four alpha7-subunit regions containing 16-23 aa and three of their truncated analogues were synthesized. Rabbits were immunized with both free peptides and protein conjugates of their truncated analogues, and a panel of antibodies to various exposed regions of the N-terminal extracellular domain of the AChR alpha7-subunit was obtained. All of the four predicted peptides were shown to induce the production of antipeptide antibodies in free form, without conjugation with any protein carrier. The free peptides and the protein conjugates of truncated analogues induced the formation of almost equal levels of antibodies. Most of the obtained antisera contained antibodies that bind to the recombinant extracellular N-terminal domain of the rat AChR alpha7-subunit and do not react with the analogous domain of the alpha1-subunit of the ray Torpedo californica AChR.  相似文献   
Case study     
Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) are common forms of malignancy associated with tobacco and alcohol exposures, although human papillomavirus and nutritional deficiency are also important risk factors. While somatically acquired DNA methylation changes have been associated with UADT cancers, what triggers these events and precise epigenetic targets are poorly understood. In this study, we applied quantitative profiling of DNA methylation states in a panel of cancer-associated genes to a case-control study of UADT cancers. Our analyses revealed a high frequency of aberrant hypermethylation of several genes, including MYOD1, CHRNA3 and MTHFR in UADT tumors, whereas CDKN2A was moderately hypermethylated. Among differentially methylated genes, we identified a new gene (the nicotinic acetycholine receptor gene) as target of aberrant hypermethylation in UADT cancers, suggesting that epigenetic deregulation of nicotinic acetycholine receptors in non-neuronal tissues may promote the development of UADT cancers. Importantly, we found that sex and age is strongly associated with the methylation states, whereas tobacco smoking and alcohol intake may also influence the methylation levels in specific genes. This study identifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns in UADT cancers and suggests a potential mechanism by which environmental factors may deregulate key cellular genes involved in tumor suppression and contribute to UADT cancers.Key words: DNA methylation, upper aerodigestive tract, cancer, risk factors, biomarkers  相似文献   
The presence of Ca2+-activated Cl currents (ICl(Ca)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is well established. ICl(Ca) are supposedly important for arterial contraction by linking changes in [Ca2+]i and membrane depolarization. Bestrophins and some members of the TMEM16 protein family were recently associated with ICl(Ca). Two distinct ICl(Ca) are characterized in VSMCs; the cGMP-dependent ICl(Ca) dependent upon bestrophin expression and the ‘classical’ Ca2+-activated Cl current, which is bestrophin-independent. Interestingly, TMEM16A is essential for both the cGMP-dependent and the classical ICl(Ca). Furthermore, TMEM16A has a role in arterial contraction while bestrophins do not. TMEM16A’s role in the contractile response cannot be explained however only by a simple suppression of the depolarization by Cl channels. It is suggested that TMEM16A expression modulates voltage-gated Ca2+ influx in a voltage-independent manner and recent studies also demonstrate a complex role of TMEM16A in modulating other membrane proteins.  相似文献   
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