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Wetlands Ecology and Management - We compared a rapid bioassessment protocol (Traveling Sweep Approach [TSA]) with a more conventional time intensive protocol (Composite Transect Approach [CTA]) to...  相似文献   
Transgenic Research - To inform the ecological risk assessment (ERA) of a transgenic crop with multiple insecticidal traits combined by conventional breeding (breeding stack), a comparative field...  相似文献   
Populus tremuloides is the widest‐ranging tree species in North America and an ecologically important component of mesic forest ecosystems displaced by the Pleistocene glaciations. Using phylogeographic analyses of genome‐wide SNPs (34,796 SNPs, 183 individuals) and ecological niche modeling, we inferred population structure, ploidy levels, admixture, and Pleistocene range dynamics of P. tremuloides, and tested several historical biogeographical hypotheses. We found three genetic lineages located mainly in coastal–Cascades (cluster 1), east‐slope Cascades–Sierra Nevadas–Northern Rockies (cluster 2), and U.S. Rocky Mountains through southern Canadian (cluster 3) regions of the P. tremuloides range, with tree graph relationships of the form ((cluster 1, cluster 2), cluster 3). Populations consisted mainly of diploids (86%) but also small numbers of triploids (12%) and tetraploids (1%), and ploidy did not adversely affect our genetic inferences. The main vector of admixture was from cluster 3 into cluster 2, with the admixture zone trending northwest through the Rocky Mountains along a recognized phenotypic cline (Utah to Idaho). Clusters 1 and 2 provided strong support for the “stable‐edge hypothesis” that unglaciated southwestern populations persisted in situ since the last glaciation. By contrast, despite a lack of clinal genetic variation, cluster 3 exhibited “trailing‐edge” dynamics from niche suitability predictions signifying complete northward postglacial expansion. Results were also consistent with the “inland dispersal hypothesis” predicting postglacial assembly of Pacific Northwestern forest ecosystems, but rejected the hypothesis that Pacific‐coastal populations were colonized during outburst flooding from glacial Lake Missoula. Overall, congruent patterns between our phylogeographic and ecological niche modeling results and fossil pollen data demonstrate complex mixtures of stable‐edge, refugial locations, and postglacial expansion within P. tremuloides. These findings confirm and refine previous genetic studies, while strongly supporting a distinct Pacific‐coastal genetic lineage of quaking aspen.  相似文献   
Autonomous acoustic recorders are an increasingly popular method for low‐disturbance, large‐scale monitoring of sound‐producing animals, such as birds, anurans, bats, and other mammals. A specialized use of autonomous recording units (ARUs) is acoustic localization, in which a vocalizing animal is located spatially, usually by quantifying the time delay of arrival of its sound at an array of time‐synchronized microphones. To describe trends in the literature, identify considerations for field biologists who wish to use these systems, and suggest advancements that will improve the field of acoustic localization, we comprehensively review published applications of wildlife localization in terrestrial environments. We describe the wide variety of methods used to complete the five steps of acoustic localization: (1) define the research question, (2) obtain or build a time‐synchronizing microphone array, (3) deploy the array to record sounds in the field, (4) process recordings captured in the field, and (5) determine animal location using position estimation algorithms. We find eight general purposes in ecology and animal behavior for localization systems: assessing individual animals' positions or movements, localizing multiple individuals simultaneously to study their interactions, determining animals' individual identities, quantifying sound amplitude or directionality, selecting subsets of sounds for further acoustic analysis, calculating species abundance, inferring territory boundaries or habitat use, and separating animal sounds from background noise to improve species classification. We find that the labor‐intensive steps of processing recordings and estimating animal positions have not yet been automated. In the near future, we expect that increased availability of recording hardware, development of automated and open‐source localization software, and improvement of automated sound classification algorithms will broaden the use of acoustic localization. With these three advances, ecologists will be better able to embrace acoustic localization, enabling low‐disturbance, large‐scale collection of animal position data.  相似文献   
Continued Arctic warming and sea‐ice loss will have important implications for the conservation of ringed seals, a highly ice‐dependent species. A better understanding of their spatial ecology will help characterize emerging ecological trends and inform management decisions. We deployed satellite transmitters on ringed seals in the summers of 2011, 2014, and 2016 near Utqia?vik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, to monitor their movements, diving, and haul‐out behavior. We present analyses of tracking and dive data provided by 17 seals that were tracked until at least January of the following year. Seals mostly ranged north of Utqia?vik in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas during summer before moving into the southern Chukchi and Bering Seas during winter. In all seasons, ringed seals occupied a diversity of habitats and spatial distributions, from near shore and localized, to far offshore and wide‐ranging in drifting sea ice. Continental shelf waters were occupied for >96% of tracking days, during which repetitive diving (suggestive of foraging) primarily to the seafloor was the most frequent activity. From mid‐summer to early fall, 12 seals made ~1‐week forays off‐shelf to the deep Arctic Basin, most reaching the retreating pack‐ice, where they spent most of their time hauled out. Diel activity patterns suggested greater allocation of foraging efforts to midday hours. Haul‐out patterns were complementary, occurring mostly at night until April‐May when midday hours were preferred. Ringed seals captured in 2011—concurrent with an unusual mortality event that affected all ice‐seal species—differed morphologically and behaviorally from seals captured in other years. Speculations about the physiology of molting and its role in energetics, habitat use, and behavior are discussed; along with possible evidence of purported ringed seal ecotypes.  相似文献   
Laurentian Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are hosts to lamprey species, including native Silver Lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis) and invasive Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Silver Lamprey coevolved with Lake Sturgeon and cause negligible mortality, but Sea Lamprey can negatively affect Lake Sturgeon populations. Sea Lamprey abundance in Lake Erie has been above targets set by resource managers, with the St. Clair – Detroit River System (SCDRS) suspected as a source of Sea Lamprey production into Lake Erie. This study summarizes lamprey marking on Lake Sturgeon captured during agency assessment surveys in the SCDRS since 1996 and provides insight on the potential for Sea Lamprey to negatively affect Lake Sturgeon in the SCDRS. Lamprey marks (any lamprey species) were noted on 48.2% of Lake Sturgeon (2.5 marks/fish) and 3.3% of Lake Sturgeon assumed to be susceptible to mortality by Sea Lamprey (<760 mm TL; 0.06 marks/fish). Silver Lamprey were the only lamprey species found attached to Lake Sturgeon and there was no difference between oral disc diameters of Silver Lamprey and marks measured on Lake Sturgeon in Lake St. Clair and the lower St. Clair River (p = .45). Based on logistic regression, probability of at least one lamprey mark increased with Lake Sturgeon total length and was highest in Lake St. Clair. The probability of observing at least one lamprey mark on a 760 mm Lake Sturgeon was 8.1% or less for each sampling location in the SCDRS aside from Lake St. Clair (28.1%). Results suggest that parasitism of Lake Sturgeon by Sea Lamprey in the SCDRS is rare, particularly for Lake Sturgeon <760 mm TL. Low incidence of lamprey marks on Lake Sturgeon assumed to be susceptible to mortality from Sea Lamprey parasitism and zero occurrence of Sea Lamprey being observed attached to a Lake Sturgeon suggest Sea Lamprey at their current abundance likely have little effect on the Lake Sturgeon population in the SCDRS. Caution should be taken when using mark size to assign marks to lamprey species as there is substantial overlap among species oral disc diameters, potentially inflating the perceived impact of Sea Lamprey on Lake Sturgeon in areas with native lampreys.  相似文献   
Background and AimsUnderstanding impacts of altered disturbance regimes on community structure and function is a key goal for community ecology. Functional traits link species composition to ecosystem functioning. Changes in the distribution of functional traits at community scales in response to disturbance can be driven not only by shifts in species composition, but also by shifts in intraspecific trait values. Understanding the relative importance of these two processes has important implications for predicting community responses to altered disturbance regimes.MethodsWe experimentally manipulated fire return intervals in replicated blocks of a fire-adapted, longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem in North Carolina, USA and measured specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and compositional responses along a lowland to upland gradient over a 4 year period. Plots were burned between zero and four times. Using a trait-based approach, we simulate hypothetical scenarios which allow species presence, abundance or trait values to vary over time and compare these with observed traits to understand the relative contributions of each of these three processes to observed trait patterns at the study site. We addressed the following questions. (1) How do changes in the fire regime affect community composition, structure and community-level trait responses? (2) Are these effects consistent across a gradient of fire intensity? (3) What are the relative contributions of species turnover, changes in abundance and changes in intraspecific trait values to observed changes in community-weighted mean (CWM) traits in response to altered fire regime?Key ResultsWe found strong evidence that altered fire return interval impacted understorey plant communities. The number of fires a plot experienced significantly affected the magnitude of its compositional change and shifted the ecotone boundary separating shrub-dominated lowland areas from grass-dominated upland areas, with suppression sites (0 burns) experiencing an upland shift and annual burn sites a lowland shift. We found significant effects of burn regimes on the CWM of SLA, and that observed shifts in both SLA and LDMC were driven primarily by intraspecific changes in trait values.ConclusionsIn a fire-adapted ecosystem, increased fire frequency altered community composition and structure of the ecosystem through changes in the position of the shrub line. We also found that plant traits responded directionally to increased fire frequency, with SLA decreasing in response to fire frequency across the environmental gradient. For both SLA and LDMC, nearly all of the observed changes in CWM traits were driven by intraspecific variation.  相似文献   

The Niagara River, which connects two Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) and forms a border between Canada and the United States, has experienced decades of abiotic and biotic disturbance as well as long-term restoration efforts. Given the iconic riverscape and importance as a binational fisheries resource, a biodiversity assessment of the mainstem Niagara River fish assemblage is overdue. Here, fish assemblage and habitat data from a standardized boat electrofishing program of the Niagara River were combined with species trait data related to substrate associations, diet preferences, reproductive strategies, and body size to quantify biodiversity patterns among river sections (sites above and below Niagara Falls), seasons (spring, summer, fall), and years (2015–2017). Sixty-five species were captured representing a variety of trait combinations. Significant differences in functional dispersion and divergence (i.e., functional diversity) were observed between river sections, seasons, and (or) years. The fish community captured in the lower river in spring 2015 had both the highest average functional dispersion (2.08?±?0.32 SD) and divergence (0.88?±?0.04 SD) compared to the other seasonal sampling efforts, but relatively few fishes were captured (n?=?686). Although non-native fishes represented a small portion of the catch over the 3 years (8.6% of catch), the seasonal presence (spring and fall) of mostly introduced large-bodied salmonids expanded functional trait space in the lower river during these periods. The importance of rare species on functional diversity metrics suggests further insight on local species detection probabilities is needed to understand if differences in functional diversity reflect ecological patterns or are driven by sampling design.

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