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We carried out an egg-removal experiment on Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis to test the hypothesis that tactile contact between the brood patch and eggs accumulating in the nest during laying was causally related to intraclutch egg-size variation, acting through the development of incubation behaviour. Egg removal had no effect on mean egg mass, relaying interval or clutch size: mean (±s.e.) clutch sizes for first clutches were 4.9 ± 0.9 and 4.7 ± 0.9 eggs for control and experimental females, respectively. We therefore conclude that Barnacle Geese have a determinate pattern of egg laying. Daily removal of all eggs from the first-laid egg did not affect the within-clutch pattern of egg-size variation: in both control and experimental clutches the first egg was relatively small, the second or third egg was largest and there was a linear decline in egg size to the smallest, last-laid egg. There was no significant difference in either the absolute or relative size of the last-laid eggs in control and experimental clutches. Tactile contact with eggs in the nest, therefore, is not required for the expression of intraclutch egg-size variation in Barnacle Geese. In this respect, determinate-laying Barnacle Geese differ from species with indeterminate laying patterns (e.g. gulls) where egg removal does affect the normal pattern of within-clutch egg-size variation. If hormonal changes (e.g. prolactin) associated with onset of incubation are causally related to the intraclutch decrease in egg size, then the stimuli involved appear to differ between determinate and indeterminate layers.  相似文献   
The critical factors required by entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of dipteran leafminers were investigated and compared. The foliar application of Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis sp. (strain UK 211) caused a significant reduction in the numbers of dipteran leafminer larvae. There was no significant difference in efficacy between these nematode species against Liriomyza huidobrensis at 20°C and 85–90% r.h. Application of S. feltiae to all three larval instars of L. huidobrensis significantly reduced larval survival, with application to the second instar being the most effective at 20 ± 2°C and 80 ± 10% r.h. Humidities of >90% significantly enhanced the efficacy of S. feltiae. When S. feltiae was applied to second instar larvae, it was equally effective throughout the temperature range 10–30°C. At 20°C and >90% r.h., sufficient nematodes were able to enter the leaf tissues within the first 12 h after application to reduce larval survival to c. 15%. A comparison between L. huidobrensis, L. bryoniue and Chromatomyia syngenesiue indicated that the efficacy of S. feltiae was affected by the same critical factors for all three species.  相似文献   
The carapace of Recent crustaceans such as myodocope ostracodes and phyllocarids is pervaded with well-developed anastomosing sinuses conveying hemolymph from the metabolizing organs to the dorsal heart. The inner lamella cuticle, which separates the sinuses from seawater, is thin enough to allow gaseous diffusion (e.g., O2 uptake) over its surface. Comparable radiating and/or anastomosing features, of possible vascular origin, are herein recognized in several possible Crustacea from the Cambrian: cambriid, svealutiid, hipponicharionid and beyrichonid Bradoriida and in Carnarvonia from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. The vascular network is basically the same in these groups, consisting of sinuses radiating from supposed adductorial areas or from inferred areas of dorsal attachment of the body. The integumental (carapace sinuses) and branchial (gills) systems of respiration in crustaceans and crustacean-like animals were probably already differentiated by the middle Cambrian. The oldest record of probable integumental circulation is in the bradoriid Petrianna from the early Cambrian of Greenland. Similar circulatory systems may be represented by radiating ridges on the cephalon of other Cambrian arthropod groups such as the arachnomorphs ( Burgessia ) and trilobites ( Naraioa ) and may also be manifest in the carapaces of Ordovician-Devonian leperditicope ostracodes. Organs on the thoracopods of Cambrian supposed crustaceans, such as Canadaspis , resemble the foliaceous thoracic gills of Recent nebaliid phyllocarids and therefore may have served the same (respiratory) function.  相似文献   
Acclimation of photosynthesis to growth at elevated CO2 concentration varies markedly between species. Species functionally classified as stress-tolerators (S) and ruderals (R), are thought to be incapable, or the least capable, of responding positively in terms of growth to elevated [CO2]. Is this pattern of response also apparent in leaf photosynthesis of wild S- and R-strategists? Acclimatory loss of a photosynthetic and growth response to elevated [CO2] is assumed to reflect limitation on capacity to utilize additional photosynthate. The doubling of pre-industrial global [CO2] is expected to coincide with a 3 °C increase in mean temperature which could stimulate growth; will photosynthetic capacity at elevated [CO2] be greater when the concurrent temperature increase is simulated? Five species from natural grassland of NW Europe and of contrasting ecological strategy were grown in hemispherical greenhouses, environmentally controlled to track the external microclimate. Within a replicated design, plants were grown at (i) current ambient [CO2] and temperature, (ii) elevated [CO2] (ambient + 340 μmol mol–1) and ambient temperature, (iii) ambient [CO2] and elevated temperature (ambient + 3 °C), or (iv) elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature. After 75–104 days, the CO2 response of light-saturated rates of photosynthesis (Asat) was analysed in controlled-environment cuvettes in a field laboratory. There was no acclimatory loss of photosynthetic capacity with growth in elevated [CO2] or elevated temperature over this period in Poa alpina (S), Bellis perennis (R) or Plantago lanceolata (mixed C-S-R strategist), and a significant (P ? ? bl 0.05) increase in capacity in Helianthemum nummularium (S) and Poa annua (R). Photosynthetic rates of leaves grown and measured in elevated [CO2] were therefore significantly higher than rates for leaves grown and measured in ambient [CO2], for all species. With the exception of Poa alpina, stomatal conductance and stomatal limitation on Asat showed no acclimatory response to growth in elevated [CO2]. Carboxylation efficiency, determined from the initial slope of the response of Asat to intercellular CO2 concentration was significantly increased by elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature in H.nummularium, implying a possible increase in in vivo RubisCO activity. Increased carboxylation efficiency of this species was also reflected by an increase in the CO2- and light-saturated rates of photosynthesis, indicating an increased capacity for regeneration of the primary CO2 acceptor in photosynthesis. The results show that R-strategists and slow-growing S-strategists, are inherently capable of large increases in leaf photosynthetic capacity with growth in elevated [CO2] in contrast to expectations from growth studies. With the exception of P.annua, where there was a significant negative interaction between CO2 and temperature, concurrent increase in growth temperature had little effect on this pattern of response.  相似文献   
  • 1 The interaction between coleopteran predators and baculovirus-infected larvae was studied in the laboratory and the field in order to assess the potential role of predators in the dissemination of a nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV).
  • 2 Preference tests using three carabid species, Harpalus rufipes De Geer, Pterostichus melanarius Illiger and Agonum dorsale Pont, showed no evidence of discrimination between healthy and diseased larvae of the cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as prey items.
  • 3 Virus infectivity was maintained after passage through the predator's gut. NPV mortality ranged from 97% to 20% when test larvae were exposed to faeces collected immediately after and 15 days post-infected meal respectively.
  • 4 The potential for transfer of inoculum in the environment was estimated in the laboratory by soil bioassay. Carabids continuously passed infective virus to the soil for at least 15 days after feeding on infected larvae.
  • 5 Field experiments showed that carabids which had previously fed on diseased larvae transferred sufficient virus to the soil to cause low levels of mortality in larval populations of the cabbage moth at different instars.
A new spionid polychaete, Polydora robi, is described from intertidal and shallow subtidal areas in the Philippine Islands and Bali, Indonesia. Polydora robi belongs to the Polydora ciliata/ websteri species group and is characterized by a rounded prostomium, triangular occipital tentacle, needlelike posterior notosetae, and a pygidium with digitiform composite cirri surrounding the anus. Adults burrow into empty gastropod shells inhabited by hermit crabs. The burrows of the worms typically extend from an external opening in the apex of the shells to an opening in the central body whorls along the columella. The species was found to ingest the fertilized eggs and developing embryos attached to the pleopods of host hermit crabs. The occurrence of egg predation and the symbiotic relationship between polydorids and hermit crabs is discussed. Known egg predators of hermit crabs are reviewed.  相似文献   
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