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The efficacy of human extracellular-superoxide dismutase type C (EC-SOD C) to limit infarct size after ischemia and reperfusion was explored and compared to that of EC-SOD C combined with catalase (CAT) and to that of CAT alone. EC-SOD C binds to heparan sulphate proteoglycan on the cell surfaces. Thirty-two pigs were subjected to 45 min of myocardial ischemia followed by 4 h of reperfusion. Control pigs (group A; n = 8) received 300 mL of saline into the great cardiac vein during a 30-min period started 5 min prior to reperfusion; pigs in group B (EC-SOD C; n = 8) got 16.6 mg of EC-SOD C; pigs in group C (EC-SOD C + CAT; n = 8) got 16.6 mg of EC-SOD C together with 150 mg of CAT. Pigs in group D (CAT; n = 8) received 150 mg of CAT. In groups B, C, and D, the drug was dissolved in saline and infused into the great cardiac. Infarct size expressed as percent of area at risk was smaller in groups B (14.5 +/- 16.7%) and C (40.8 +/- 13.3%) than in groups A (78.8 +/- 8.6%) and D (67.2 +/- 18.6%; p less than .05). Creatine kinase (CK) activity in ischemic myocardium was higher in groups B (1740 +/- 548 U/g) and C (1729 +/- 358 U/g) than in groups A (1184 +/- 237 U/g) and D (1251 +/- 434 U/g; p less than .05). There was an inverse relation (r = -.83) between infarct size and CK content. The EC-SOD C infusions resulted in only minimal increases in plasma SOD activities. In conclusion, the presence of SOD on the cell surfaces is of importance in the prevention of reperfusion injury rather than circulating SOD.  相似文献   
The effects of changes in various visual and olfactory properties of a white card surface on the landing position of male Epiphyas postvittanaexhibiting pheromone-mediated flight were studied in a wind tunnel. Males landed predominantly at the most downwind position of a surface in line with the pheromone source, regardless of the strength of the source. The position on the surface that males landed was strongly influenced by visual factors. The landing position of males appeared to be influenced by visual cues along all three axes of the surface. Decreases in either the dimension horizontally perpendicular to the wind direction or the vertical dimension resulted in greater numbers of males landing farther upwind on the surface than the downwind edge. Visual changes in the axis along the wind direction also affected the position at which males landed. For example, when presented with two white card surfaces with a 4- cm gap between them, males tended to land on the downwind edge of the upwind surface (on which the source was located). When the gap was bridged with clear Mylar, the landing pattern was significantly different, with the greater proportion of males landing on the downwind surface. However, when Mylar was placed on the plexiglass floor of the tunnel (in addition to bridging the gap), the landing pattern on the surface was not significantly different from that on the two surfaces without the Mylar bridge. It is suggested that during the prelanding and landing phases of pheromone-mediated flight, male moths orient to visual features of the surface containing the pheromone source rather than to visual features of the source (conspecific female moth) itself.  相似文献   
The effects of the enantiomers of ibuprofen (0.25 and 0.50 mmol/kg b.w.) and flurbiprofen (0.01, 0.03, and 0.06 mmol/kg b.w.) on the beta-oxidation of palmitate were investigated in the rat. The mean cumulative exhalation of 14CO2 after ip administration of [U-14C]palmitic acid was significantly reduced over 6 h by ibuprofen at the higher dose but not at the lower dose for either enantiomer. There was no difference between the enantiomers, the reduction over 6 h being 31.3 and 33.0% for (R)- and (S)-ibuprofen, respectively. There was also a significant inhibition of beta-oxidation by flurbiprofen at all 3 doses. Again, there was no stereoselectivity evident in this inhibition. Flurbiprofen was much more potent than ibuprofen in eliciting this effect, the 0.01mmol/kg dose giving a similar reduction in beta-oxidation as observed for the 0.50 mmol/kg dose of ibuprofen. The data support the hypothesis that inhibition of the in vivo beta-oxidation of palmitate by ibuprofen and flurbiprofen is primarily via a nonstereoselective noncoenzyme A-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
Spermidine dehydrogenase found in the membrane fraction of Citrobacter freundii IFO 12681 was solubilized with Triton X-100 and further purified to homogeneity. The properties of the membrane enzyme were almost identical to those obtained from the soluble fraction of the organism with respect to molecular and catalytic properties. Thus, binding properties of the enzyme to the bacterial membrane were checked. The ratio of enzyme activity found in the soluble fraction to the membrane fraction was dependent on salt concentration during cell disruption. A hydrophobic interaction was largely involved in anchoring the enzyme to the membrane fraction. Purified spermidine dehydrogenase from the soluble fraction was readily adsorbed into the membrane fraction in the presence of salt. Spermidine dehydrogenase appeared to be a membrane-bound enzyme localized in the cytoplasmic membranes in a manner that makes a partial release of the enzyme possible during mechanical cell disruption. When spermidine oxidation was done with the resting cells of C. freundii, a stoichiometric formation of two reaction products, 1,3-diaminopropane and gamma-aminobutyraldeyde, was observed without any lag time. These facts indicate that the enzyme is localized on the outer surface of the cytoplasmic membranes or in the periplasmic space of the organism.  相似文献   
Sera were taken from 3 sheep that had been infested 5 times with Amblyomma americanum and that exhibited manifestations of humoral depression to homologous antigens and anti-tick resistance. Proteins extracted from the intestine or salivary glands of unfed ticks or salivary glands from partially (3-day) fed ticks were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. Antigens recognized by the sheep in the same materials before and after each infestation were analyzed by western blots. The sheep responded to 44 antigens. Nine to 23 antigens were recognized by the preinfestation sera and the sera of 2 gnotobiotic sheep. Four antigens (34,000, 36,500, 38,000, and 115,000 MW) were revealed conspicuously by the serum of the first infestation but very weakly or not at all by the sera of the third infestation onward. Two antigens (35,500 and 29,000 MW) from fed salivary glands were revealed only by sera taken after manifestations of resistance had appeared. These antigens may be responsible for anti-tick protection. The 29,900 MW antigen was present also in salivary extracts of Boophilus microplus.  相似文献   
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) may be grouped according to the site from which they are isolated and the disease with which they are associated. We recently identified and cloned HPV type 51 (HPV-51) from a low-grade precancerous lesion (G. Nuovo, E. DeVilliers, R. Levine, S. Silverstein, and C. Crum. J. Virol. 62:1452-1455, 1988). Molecular epidemiologic analysis of cervical lesions, including condylomata and low- and high-grade precancers, revealed that HPV-51 was present in about 5% of the samples we examined. We have now determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this virus and compared it with other sequenced HPVs. Our analysis reveals that the 7,808-bp genome is composed of eight open reading frames which are encoded on the same strand and that this virus is most closely related to HPV-31. Sequence comparisons place this virus in the group of high-risk viruses (those with an increased risk of progressing to malignancy) along with HPV-16, -18, -31, and -33. Morphologic transformation experiments demonstrated that HPV-51 had transformation potential and that transformed cells contained RNAs homologous to E6 and E7.  相似文献   
Circular double-stranded replication intermediates were identified in low-molecular-weight DNA of cells of the avian leukemia virus-induced lymphoblastoid cell line 1104-X-5 infected with chicken anemia virus (CAV). To characterize the genome of CAV, we cloned linearized CAV DNA into the vector pIC20H. Transfection of the circularized cloned insert into chicken cell lines caused a cytopathogenic effect, which was arrested when a chicken serum with neutralizing antibodies directed against CAV was added. Chickens inoculated at 1 day of age with CAV collected from cell lines transfected with cloned CAV DNA developed clinical signs of CAV. The 2,319-bp cloned CAV DNA contained all the genetic information needed for the complete replication cycle of CAV. The CAV DNA sequence has three partially overlapping major reading frames coding for putative peptides of 51.6, 24.0, and 13.6 kDa. The CAV genome probably contains only one promoter region and only one poly(A) addition signal. Southern blot analysis using oligomers derived from the CAV DNA sequence showed that infected cells contained double- and single-stranded CAV DNAs, whereas purified virus contained only the minus strand. It is the first time that the genome of one of the three known single-stranded circular DNA viruses has been completely analyzed.  相似文献   
The EHBR is a mutant rat strain with congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia bred from a Sprague-Dawley rat. Transport of conjugated bilirubin, indocyanine green, and tetrabromosulfophtalein from liver to bile is severely impaired in these rats. Serum bilirubin amounts to 6.0 +/- 0.05 mg/dl (n = 4) in adult rats, with 97% conjugates. The bile flow is reduced to about 65% of the control group, whereas total bile acid in 10-min bile samples is similar. Liver histology of 10 week-old rats revealed neither intracellular pigmentation nor architectural abnormalities.  相似文献   
Rat, cow and foal lung extracts contained an inhibitor for the liver NAD biosynthetic-pathway enzyme, nicotinatemononucleotide pyrophosphorylase (carboxylating) [EC]. The inhibitor was not dialyzable, was labile at 100 degrees C, was retained by a 30,000 dalton pore size Amicon membrane and, when partially purified by precipitation at 40-100% ammonium sulfate, inhibited the enzyme stoichiometrically. Lung reportedly does not contain nicotinate-mononucleotide pyrophosphorylase or make NAD de novo. However, the inhibitor would mask detection of the enzyme in lung extracts. We detected a low nicotinatemononucleotide pyrophosphorylase-like activity (0.003 +/- 0.001 nanomoles CO2 produced from quinolinic acid per mg of extract protein) in rat lung but none in foal or cow lung.  相似文献   
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