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The nuclear gene encoding the Rieske iron-sulfur protein of the cytochrome bc1 complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain has been isolated and characterized from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We used a segment of the iron-sulfur protein gene from Neurospora crassa (Harnisch, U., Weiss, H., and Sebald, W. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 149, 95-99) to detect the yeast gene by Southern analysis. Five different but overlapping clones were then isolated by probing a yeast genomic library carried on YEp 13 by colony lift hybridization. Several approaches confirmed that the isolated DNA contained the gene for the Rieske iron-sulfur protein. The yeast gene, which contains no introns, can be expressed in Escherichia coli. A 900-base pair HindIII-EcoRI fragment was subcloned into pUC19 and directed the synthesis of immunodetectable protein. The gene was also identified by disruption of its chromosomal copy by homologous integration. A 400 base pair PstI-EcoRI fragment cloned adjacent to a HIS3 marker in pUC18 was used as an integrating vector. HIS+ transformants were obtained which were unable to grow on the nonfermentable carbon source glycerol. Southern analysis of the respiration deficient (gly-) strains confirmed that the chromosomal copy of the gene was disrupted, and immunoblots of extracts of the transformants indicated a lack of iron-sulfur protein. A respiration-deficient integrant was transformed to GLY+ by a 2-kilobase pair HindIII-BglII fragment, including a complete copy of the gene, carried on a multicopy episomal vector. Immunoblots with monoclonal antibodies to the iron-sulfur protein indicated overproduction of the protein in the complemented strain and revealed expression of approximately equal amounts of mature iron-sulfur protein and of a protein approximately 3 kDa larger than the mature protein in the complemented strain. A 1.2-kilobase pair segment of DNA from the clone which complemented the disrupted strains was sequenced and found to contain an open reading frame of 645 nucleotides, capable of encoding a 21,946-dalton protein. The gene is flanked by consensus signal sequences for initiation and termination which are common in yeast and is preceded by a possible upstream activating sequence. Amino acid sequence analysis of the amino-terminal end of the mature iron-sulfur protein agreed exactly with that predicted by the nucleotide sequence starting at Lys-31.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
A soluble phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC) was purified 58,000-fold from bovine brain. The enzyme, one of six distinct PLC activities detected in brain, accounted for approximately 15% of the soluble phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-phospholipase C (PIP2-PLC) activity in this tissue. The purification scheme included hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose and affinity chromatography on phosphatidylinositol-Sepharose (PI-Sepharose). The enzyme was specifically eluted from the PI-Sepharose with PI, calcium, and detergent. The purified PLC had an estimated molecular weight of 88,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and behaved as a monomeric protein during sedimentation on glycerol gradients. The enzyme required calcium for activity, exhibited a pH optimum of 6.5, and cleaved only phosphoinositides. The rates of PIP2 and phosphatidyl-4-monophosphate hydrolysis exceeded the rate of PI hydrolysis under all conditions tested. These properties are consistent with a potential role for this PLC in the early events involved in cellular calcium mobilization.  相似文献   
Alanine dehydrogenase from Bacillus cereus, a non-allosteric enzyme composed of six identical subunits, was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on blue-Sepharose and Sepharose 6B-CL. Like other pyridine-linked dehydrogenases, alanine dehydrogenase is inhibited by Cibacron blue, competitively with respect to NADH and noncompetitively with respect to pyruvate. The enzyme was inactivated by 0.1 M glycine/HCl (pH 2) and reactivated by 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) supplemented with NAD+ or NADH. The reactivation was characterized by sigmoidal kinetics indicating a complex mechanism involving rate-limiting folding and association steps. Cibacron blue interfered with renaturation, presumably by competition with NADH. Chromatography on Sepharose 6B-CL of the partially renatured alanine dehydrogenase led to the separation of several intermediates, but only the hexamer was characterized by enzymatic activity. By immobilization on Sepharose 4B, alanine dehydrogenase from B. cereus retained 66% of the specific activity of the soluble enzyme. After denaturation of immobilized alanine dehydrogenase with 7 M urea, 37% of the initial protein was still bound to Sepharose, indicating that on the average the hexamer was attached to the matrix via, at most, two subunits. The ability of the denatured, immobilized subunits to pick up subunits from solution shows their capacity to fold back to the native conformation after urea treatment. The formation of "hybrids" between subunits of enzyme from B. cereus and Bacillus subtilis demonstrates the close resemblance of the tertiary and quaternary structures of alanine dehydrogenases from these species.  相似文献   
The mechanism of cytotoxic action of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd) in mouse FM3A cells was investigated. We observed the FdUrd-induced imbalance of intracellular deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools and subsequent double strand breaks in mature DNA, accompanied by cell death. The imbalance of dNTP pools was maximal at 8 h after 1 microM FdUrd treatment; a depletion of dTTP and dGTP pools and an increase in the dATP pool were observed. The addition of FdUrd in culture medium induced strand breaks in DNA, giving rise to a 90 S peak by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation. The loss of cell viability and colony-forming ability occurred at about 10 h. DNA double strand breaks as measured by the neutral elution method were also observed in FdUrd-treated cells about 10 h after the addition. These results lead us to propose that DNA double strand breaks play an important role in the mechanism of FdUrd-mediated cell death. A comparison of the ratio of single and double strand breaks induced by FdUrd to that observed following radiation suggested that FdUrd produced double strand breaks exclusively. Cycloheximide inhibited both the production of DNA double strand breaks and the FdUrd-induced cell death. An activity that can induce DNA double strand breaks was detected in the lysate of FdUrd-treated FM3A cells but not in the untreated cells. This suggests that FdUrd induces the cellular DNA double strand breaking activity. The FdUrd-induced DNA strand breaks and cell death appear to occur in the S phase. Our results indicate that imbalance of the dNTP pools is a trigger for double strand DNA break and cell death.  相似文献   
The interaction between pure transhydrogenase and ATPase (Complex V) from beef heart mitochondria was investigated with transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles in which the two proteins were co-reconstituted by dialysis or dilution procedures. In addition to phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, reconstitution required phosphatidylserine and lysophosphatidylcholine. Transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles catalyzed a 20-30-fold stimulation of the reduction of NADP+ or thio-NADP+ by NADH and a 70-fold shift of the apparent equilibrium expressed as the nicotinamide nucleotide ratio [NADPH][NAD+]/[NADP+][NADH]. In both of these respects, the transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles were severalfold more efficient than beef heart submitochondrial particles. By measuring the ATP-driven transhydrogenase and the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activities simultaneously and under the same conditions at low ATP concentrations, i.e. below 15 microM, the ATP-driven transhydrogenase/oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity ratio was found to be about 3. This value is consistent with the stoichiometries of three protons translocated per ATP hydrolyzed and one proton translocated per NADPH formed and with a mechanism where the two enzymes interact through a delocalized proton-motive force.  相似文献   
The secondary structure of bacterio-opsin (BO), the retinal free protein-component of bacteriorhodopsin (BR), has been determined by Raman spectroscopy. Additional circular dichroism (CD) measurements have revealed only negligible conformational differences between BO in apomembranes and BR in purple membranes. Therefore, the secondary structure of BR was derived from the Raman data of BO. The protein conformation was determined to consist of 72-82% helices, 2-11% beta-strands, and 11-17% beta-turns. Only about half of the helical structures correspond to alpha 1-helices, the other half possess non-alpha 1-helical structures. According to the analysis of the Raman data, the derived secondary structure of BR was obtained with high reliability for all structure classes which can be distinguished by this method within the given uncertainty range. This is a remarkable difference from recently published secondary structural data derived from CD measurements where the helix content was reported to be between 50 and 80%. The inherent experimental and methodological uncertainties of the CD-technique leading to such a range of variation are critically discussed in comparison to the method of Raman spectroscopy. The combined application of Raman and CD spectroscopy, as performed here, is demonstrated to be a substantial improvement in the secondary structure determination of retinal-containing membrane proteins. On the basis of our results, some of the recently proposed structural models of BR with a beta-strand content of more than 11% can be ruled out.  相似文献   
NADH diferric transferrin reductase in liver plasma membrane   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evidence is presented that rat liver plasma membranes contain a distinct NADH diferric transferrin reductase. Three different assay procedures for demonstration of the activity are described. The enzyme activity is highest in isolated plasma membrane, and activity in other internal membranes is one-eighth or less than in plasma membrane. The activity is inhibited by apotransferrin and antitransferrin antibodies. Trypsin treatment of the membranes leads to rapid loss of the transferrin reductase activity as compared with NADH ferricyanide reductase activity. Erythrocyte plasma membranes, which lack transferrin receptors, show no diferric transferrin reductase activity, although NADH ferricyanide reductase is present. The transferrin reductase is inhibited by agents that inhibit diferric transferrin reduction by intact cells and is activated by CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfate) detergent. Inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport have no effect on the activity. We propose that the NADH diferric transferrin reductase in plasma membranes measures the activity of the enzyme that causes the reduction of diferric transferrin by intact cells. This transmembrane electron transport system requires the transferrin receptor for diferric transferrin reduction. Because the transmembrane electron transport has been shown to stimulate cell growth, the reduction of diferric transferrin at the cell surface may be an important function for diferric transferrin in stimulation of cell growth, in addition to its role in iron transport.  相似文献   
Differentiated neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells NG 108-15 express on their surface specific binding sites for tetanus toxin. 450 sites/cell with a KD of 2 x 10(-11) M were found under "physiological" conditions of pH and salt concentrations. A Hill coefficient of 1.1 indicated noncooperative binding. Specific binding of 125I-toxin to its sites could be prevented either by preincubation of the toxin with a neutralizing monoclonal antibody or by pretreatment of the cells with neuraminidase (Vibrio cholerae). To quantify the action of tetanus toxin on the stimulated release of 14C activity from differentiated cells preincubated with [14C]choline, a new type of perfusion device was designed which could be filled with cells growing in monolayers on Cytodex-3 microbeads. Tetanus toxin inhibited the stimulated 14C release in a time- and dose-dependent manner. A greater than 50% inhibition was found after 2 h of incubation with 10(-12) M toxin. The inhibitory action of tetanus toxin could be prevented with a monoclonal antibody to the toxin or with neuraminidase treatment of the cells. These results suggest that the neuraminidase-sensitive 2 x 10(-11) KD receptors are the productive receptors for tetanus intoxication in differentiated NG 108-15 cells. The possible chemical composition of these receptors is discussed. Differentiated NG 108-15 cells provide a useful model in which picomolar tetanus concentrations produce both measurable saturable binding and inhibition of potassium-evoked, acetylcholine release under physiological conditions of pH and salt concentrations.  相似文献   
Beef heart mitochondrial F1 possesses three pyrophosphate-binding sites, which comprises one high affinity binding site (Kd approximately equal to 1 microM) and two lower affinity sites (Kd approximately equal to 20 microM). High affinity pyrophosphate binding required the presence of Mg2+ in the incubation medium. Pyrophosphate competed with ADP, but not with Pi for binding to mitochondrial F1. Upon binding of 3 mol of pyrophosphate/mol of F1, one of the three tightly bound nucleotides present in native F1 was released. Like ADP and in contrast to Pi, pyrophosphate enhanced the fluorescence intensity of F1-bound aurovertin, and it prevented the photolabeling of F1 by 2-azido-ADP. As aurovertin and 2-azido-ADP are ligands of the beta subunit of F1, it is likely that pyrophosphate binds preferentially to the beta subunit. Whereas the binding affinity of F1 for Pi was increased by concentrations of pyrophosphate lower than 100 microM, it was decreased by a higher concentration of pyrophosphate. This biphasic effect of pyrophosphate on Pi binding was not observed with ADP, which, at all concentrations tested, inhibited Pi binding. Except for the effect of pyrophosphate on Pi binding to F1, for all the other effects, pyrophosphate mimicked ADP. It is suggested that pyrophosphate and ADP share the same binding site on F1 and that pyrophosphate interacts with the same amino acid residues as those interacting with the alpha and beta phosphate groups of ADP.  相似文献   
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