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Abstract. 1. Clip cages have been used widely by experimental ecologists to contain insects on plants.
2. Under controlled conditions, the effect of applying clip cages alone and clip cages and the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula on systemic leaf expansion of Rumex obtusifolius was investigated. Treatments were applied to the fully expanded fourth leaf and expansion of leaf 8 was measured over a period of 22 days.
3. The application of clip cages reduced the rate at which leaf area increased and led to reductions in final leaf areas.
4. Clip cages have systemic effects on plant development and these effects are sustained even after the clip cage is removed. Investigators should take this into account in designing experiments.  相似文献   
The apyrene paraspermatogenesis in the freshwater gastropod Pomaceacanaliculata has been studied with electron microscopy. Matureapyrene parasperm result from a cytodifferentiation processwithout maturation division. The atypical condition is recognizedearly. Paraspermatogonia are characterized by voluminous nucleiwith irregular clusters of heterochromatin, numerous dilated cisternaeof the rough endoplasmic reticulum and small electron-dense granulesspread through the cytoplasm. As this process advances, the nucleibecome lobed and chromatin degenerates. The remnant chromatin condensesto form dense bodies which are finally excreted from the cells.At the cytoplasmic level a centriolar multiplication with the consequentflagellogenesis takes place. The axonemal microtubules run alongthe entire length of the cell and emerge from the posteriorend forming a tuft of three or more free flagella. The roughendoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex are involved inthe production of secretory granules, some of which are laterreleased by exocytosis. At the end of paraspermatogenesis matureapyrene parasperm are fusiform-shaped anuclear ciliated cells. (Received 20 January 2000; accepted 18 July 2000)  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare galactose-negative strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus isolated from fermented milk products and known to produce exopolysaccharides (EPSs). METHODS AND RESULTS: The structures of the EPSs were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and their genetic relationships determined using restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Similar groupings were apparent by REA and RAPD, and each group produced an EPS with a particular subunit structure. CONCLUSION: Although none of the strains assimilated galactose, all inserted a high proportion of galactose into their EPS when grown in skimmed milk, and fell into three distinct groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: This information should help in an understanding of genetic exchanges in lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   
The Caenorhabditis elegans genome contains three rac-like genes, ced-10, mig-2, and rac-2. We report that ced-10, mig-2 and rac-2 act redundantly in axon pathfinding: inactivating one gene had little effect, but inactivating two or more genes perturbed both axon outgrowth and guidance. mig-2 and ced-10 also have redundant functions in some cell migrations. By contrast, ced-10 is uniquely required for cell-corpse phagocytosis, and mig-2 and rac-2 have only subtle roles in this process. Rac activators are also used differentially. The UNC-73 Trio Rac GTP exchange factor affected all Rac pathways in axon pathfinding and cell migration but did not affect cell-corpse phagocytosis. CED-5 DOCK180, which acts with CED-10 Rac in cell-corpse phagocytosis, acted with MIG-2 but not CED-10 in axon pathfinding. Thus, distinct regulatory proteins modulate Rac activation and function in different developmental processes.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the fertility of a cohort of formerly bilaterally cryptorchid men in comparison with a group of formerly unilaterally cryptorchid men, and a group of control men. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using a detailed questionnaire concerning paternity and factors related to paternity, a cohort of formerly bilateral cryptorchid men were studied and compared with men who had undergone orchiopexy for unilateral cryptorchidism, and a group of control men. All study subjects had had surgery at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., between 1955 and 1975. A subset of the full cohort underwent clinical evaluation that included a physical examination, serum hormonal determination and semen analyses. RESULTS: Paternity rates are significantly lower among the formerly bilaterally cryptorchid men who have attempted to father a child (65.3%) as compared to the formerly unilaterally cryptorchid (89.7%; p < 0.001) and control men (93.2%; p < 0.001). Differences in the ability to father children are also apparent when semen and hormone levels are compared between the three groups. The bilateral group has significantly lower sperm density and inhibin B levels, and higher FSH and LH levels, than the unilateral and control groups. CONCLUSIONS: Men born with bilateral cryptorchidism have severely compromised fertility in adulthood. This reduction in fertility is clearly shown in comparisons of both paternity rates, and in semen and hormone analyses, between the formerly bilateral, formerly unilateral, and control groups.  相似文献   
Accumulation of lead and zinc was studied in the moss Funariahygrometrica Hedw. collected from mine tailings. Heavy metalaccumulation in gametophytes and sporophytes was quantifiedby graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) andinductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).Pb and Zn accumulation in the placental zone was analysed byx-ray scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) microanalysis. Spectrometry showed that whilemoss gametophytes accumulated considerable concentrations ofheavy metals, sporophytes accumulated only small concentrationsof metals. X-ray SEM and TEM showed that the two metals accumulatedin placental transfer cells on both the gametophytic and sporophyticsides. To investigate the uptake pattern for both metals undercontrolled conditions, F. hygrometrica plants collected froma non-polluted site were treated in the laboratory with separatesolutions of Pb and Zn at two concentrations (10-2and 10-4 M)for 24 or 168 h. Metal accumulation was analysed separatelyin gametophytes and sporophytes using GFAAS and ICP–AES.Each generation had a different accumulation quotient for bothmetals, and gametophytes accumulated significantly more metalthan sporophytes. Concentrations of Zn in sporophytes were alwayshigher than concentrations of Pb. The findings are discussedin relation to the role performed by the gametophyte and theplacenta in the accumulation and sequestration of Pb and Zn.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Atomic spectroscopy, Funaria hygrometrica, gametophyte, Pb and Zn accumulation, sporophyte, x-ray TEM and SEM microanalysis  相似文献   
Following a single acute exposure to chlorine gas, persistenteffects on epicuticular waxes, cuticular transpiration, treegrowth and mortality were studied in foliage of Pinus ponderosaand Pseudotsuga menziesii for three growing seasons. Chlorinegas exposure caused foliar injury to both exposed foliage andfoliage that flushed after exposure (P < 0.05). The tendencyto form films of water rather than droplets was greater in directlyexposed foliage (P < 0.001). Rates of cuticular transpirationwere higher for directly and indirectly exposed foliage of Pinusponderosa up to 1 year after exposure and up to 6 months afterexposure for directly exposed Pseudotsuga menziesii(P < 0.001),after which P. menziesii needles defoliated. Total water content(TWC) and relative water content were significantly correlatedwith foliar injury (P < 0.05). TWC was lower for directlyexposed foliage up to 1 year after exposure (P < 0.001).There was no persistent negative effect on Fv/Fm ratios after1 year. Exposure to chlorine gas did not affect needle lengthor annual shoot increment growth, but exposure was correlatedwith increased bud production. Needle longevity of foliage thatflushed 2 months after exposure was reduced significantly (P< 0.001). Annual stem increment growth for both species decreasedover at least three growing seasons following chlorine gas exposure(P < 0.001), and depended on distance from the spill site.Cone production was lower for exposed Pinus ponderosa treescompared to controls (P < 0.05), and tree mortality was higherwithin approx. 50 m of the release site forPseudotsuga menziesii. Growth responses for both conifers agreed well with predictedpatterns of carbon allocation after defoliation caused by chlorinegas exposure. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, conifers, chlorine gas, leaf wettability, cuticular transpiration, water relations, growth, mortality  相似文献   
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