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Freshwater crayfish invasions have been studied around the world, but less so in Africa, a continent devoid of native freshwater crayfish. The present study reviews historical and current information on alien freshwater crayfish species introduced into South Africa and aims to indicate which areas are at risk from invasion. As is the case elsewhere, South Africans have shown a keen interest in both farming and keeping freshwater crayfish as pets, which has resulted in Cherax cainii, Cherax destructor, Cherax quadricarinatus and Procambarus clarkii being introduced to the country. There is evidence of successful establishment in the wild for C. quadricarinatus and P. clarkii in different parts of the country. Species distribution models suggest that the eastern part of the country and parts of the Eastern and Western Cape are at higher risk of invasion. At present, illegal translocations represent the most likely pathway of crayfish spread in South Africa. A continued risk of invasion by freshwater crayfish species in South Africa is highlighted, which reinforces the need for more research, as well as for strong mitigation measures, such as stronger policing of existing regulations, management or eradication where feasible and public education.  相似文献   
鼬獾(Melogale moschata)是食肉目鼬科鼬獾属动物,在我国分布广泛、种群数量丰富,但有关鼬獾的生态研究报导比较少.为掌握鼬獾的活动节律及其影响因素,2017年2月至2019年2月,利用红外相机技术对江西省桃红岭梅花鹿国家级自然保护区、九岭山国家级自然保护区和齐云山国家级自然保护区的鼬獾进行了监测,每个保护...  相似文献   
祁连山大野口流域青海云杉种群数量动态   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
种群数量动态揭示了种群的结构特征及其潜在的驱动机制,有助于预测种群未来的动态,进而为森林生态系统的保护与恢复提供理论依据。本研究基于10.2 hm2青海云杉动态监测样地数据,以种群径级结构代替年龄结构,编制静态生命表,绘制径级结构图、存活曲线、死亡率曲线、消失率曲线和4个生存分析函数曲线,分析青海云杉种群数量特征,并利用种群数量动态变化指数和时间序列模型对种群数量动态进行预测。结果表明:(1)青海云杉种群的年龄结构近似于倒"J"型,幼苗和小树储量丰富;(2)种群存活曲线趋近于Deevey-Ⅱ型,为稳定型种群,死亡率曲线和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致,均在第2、8龄级出现高峰期;(3)生存率曲线呈下降趋势,累计死亡率曲线呈上升趋势,死亡密度曲线缓慢下降,而危险率曲线逐渐上升,该种群具有:前期减少、中期稳定、后期衰退的生长特点;(4)种群数量变化动态指数Vpi>0,表明该种群属于增长型种群,Vpi''>0且趋近于0,则表明该种群趋近于稳定型;(5)时间序列预测分析表明,在未来2、4、6、8个龄级时间后,种群呈稳定增长趋势。研究显示,祁连山大野口流域青海云杉种群为稳定增长型种群,只要未来不遭受强烈干扰,种群数量会保持逐渐增长。针对该种群幼龄个体在前期的更新过程死亡率较高情况,建议在今后的经营管理中应重点加强对第1、2龄级植株生存环境的保护和改善,提高幼苗和小树的存活率。  相似文献   
Fourteen polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from Neogobius kessleri, a benthic fish of Ponto‐Caspian origin which has been recently introduced into the Middle and Upper Danube River. Number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus in a sample of 32 fish individuals ranged from two to four and from 0.13 to 0.75, respectively. These primers will be useful in determining the population structure of N. kessleri. In addition, successful cross‐amplification was obtained for four related species, N. melanostomus, N. fluviatilis, N. gymnotrachelus and Proterorhinus marmoratus. These microsatellite loci may be useful for the evaluation of the origin of non‐native goby populations.  相似文献   


Identifying structurally similar proteins with different chain topologies can aid studies in homology modeling, protein folding, protein design, and protein evolution. These include circular permuted protein structures, and the more general cases of non-cyclic permutations between similar structures, which are related by non-topological rearrangement beyond circular permutation. We present a method based on an approximation algorithm that finds sequence-order independent structural alignments that are close to optimal. We formulate the structural alignment problem as a special case of the maximum-weight independent set problem, and solve this computationally intensive problem approximately by iteratively solving relaxations of a corresponding integer programming problem. The resulting structural alignment is sequence order independent. Our method is also insensitive to insertions, deletions, and gaps.  相似文献   
In behavioural studies it has been common to quantify plumage colours or ornaments over a range of dates and link them to fitness characteristics without accounting for seasonal changes in these traits. Such changes are likely to be widespread among birds, yet we lack assessments of this variability within individuals. We studied both within‐ and between‐individual temporal changes in Great Tit Parus major ornaments, specifically the melanin‐based black breast stripe and the pigment‐free white cheek patch. During the non‐breeding season both ornaments varied. In juveniles and adult females, the area of the breast stripe first rose and then, from near the end of December, decreased. In adult males there was a linear decrease. In the cheek patch, the irregularity of the cheek borders showed either a linear (adults) or a non‐linear (juveniles) increase as the season progressed. In individuals repeatedly sampled during the same winter, the decrease in the size of the breast stripe was larger for males than females and there was an overall decrease in the regularity of the cheek borders. There was no relationship between the size of the breast stripe and the white cheek patch irregularities or the cheek patch area. These results imply that more attention should be paid to quantification, within individuals, of the components of expression of phenotypic traits. In addition, we suggest that further research should focus on explaining the causes and functions of ornament change.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas oleovorans NRRL B-778 accumulated mixtures of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and medium-chain-length poly(hydroxyalkanoates) (mcl-PHAs) when grown on glucose, octanoic acid or oleic acid, whereas growth on nonanoic acid or undecanoic acid resulted in copolymers of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate (PHB-co-HV). Acetone fractionation verified the presence of PHB/mcl-PHA mixtures. The acetone-insoluble (AIS) fractions of the polymers derived from glucose (PHA-glucose), octanoic acid (PHA-octanoic) and oleic acid (PHA-oleic) were exclusively PHB while the acetone-soluble (AS) fractions contained mcl-PHA composed of differing ratios of 3-hydroxy-acid monomer units, which ranged in chain length from 6 to 14 carbon atoms. In contrast, both the AIS and AS fractions from the polymers derived from nonanoic acid (PHA-nonanoic) and undecanoic acid (PHA-undecanoic) were composed of comparable ratios of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV). The unfractionated PHA-glucose, PHA-octanoic and PHA-oleic polymers had melting temperatures (T m) between 177 and 179°C, enthalpies of fusion (ΔH f) of 20 cal/g and glass transition temperatures (T g) of 3–4°C. This was due to the large PHB content in the polymer mixtures. On the other hand, the PHA-nonanoic and PHA-undecanoic polymers had thermal properties that supported their copolymer nature. In both cases, the T m values were 161°C, ΔH f values were 7cal/g and T g values were −3°C. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 147–153 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000231 Received 30 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 04 November 2001  相似文献   
Amblyomma sculptum (Ixodida: Ixodidae) Berlese, 1888, a member of the Amblyomma cajennense complex, is the major vector of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) in southeastern Brazil. In this study, the genetic diversity of A. sculptum populations in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, was investigated because genetic variability in tick populations may be related to vector competence. Samples of A. sculptum from 19 municipalities in 7 regions of RJ were subjected to DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing of D‐loop, cytochrome oxidase II and 12S rDNA mitochondrial genes. These sequences were used to map the genetic diversity of this tick. Amblyomma sculptum populations are genetically diverse in RJ, especially in the South Centre and Highland regions. Few unique haplotypes were observed in all populations, and the majority of genetic variation found was among ticks within each population. Phylogenetic reconstruction reinforced the assumption that all the haplotypes identified in RJ belong to A. sculptum. However, some RJ haplotypes are closer to A. sculptum from Argentina than to A. sculptum from elsewhere in Brazil. In RJ, A. sculptum has high genetic diversity, although little genetic differentiation. Observations also indicated a high level of gene flow among the studied populations and no evidence of population structure according to region in RJ.  相似文献   
白踝按蚊种团是由很多形态近似的蚊种组成,其中巴拉巴按蚊和白踝按蚊均为东南亚一带的重要传疟媒介。我国过去资料均记载为白踝按蚊,但未从形态上详细鉴定。为了确定该种的分类地位,1963年作者等在海南岛万宁县兴隆附近山林区采集“白踝按蚊”全套标本10批共150多套,1971年后从云南省采集少数标本进行形态鉴定,发现其与Colless(1956,1957)所描述的白踝按蚊Anopheles leucosphyrus leucosphyrus Donitz(1901)有很明显的差别,而与巴拉巴按蚊A.balabacensis balabacensis Balsas(1936)除某些特征略有差异外,余均完全一致。按Colless的分类法,过去我国记载的“白踝按蚊”,应鉴定为巴拉巴按蚊A.balabacensis balabacensis Baisas。  相似文献   
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