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Potato leafroll virus induces considerable disturbances of phosphorus metabolism in leafroll-infected potato plants. Each variety reacts differently in this respect on the infection, to some extent being dependent on the susceptibility of the respective variety to leafroll and to the season as well. In varieties particularly susceptible to leafroll as in Apta and Sieglinde there is a decrease of total P after infection. On the contrary, varieties showing medium susceptibility such as varieties Tatranka, Rita and Ambra react to leafroll infection with a considerable increase of total P. In the comparatively less susceptible variety Krasava, there is no change in the level of total P after infection. In autumn, however, a slight decrease of total P even in the medium susceptible variety Tatranka, and the less susceptible variety, Krasava, can be found. Our results shed a new light on existing controversies in literature regarding phosphorus content in leafroll-infected potato plants. When the changes in the contents of various phosphorus fractions in the infected plants are compared we can observe a tendency of lowmolecular fractions to rise. Among the different phosphorus fractions one common feature could be seen, except for the hypersensitive resistant variety Apta, namely, that the acid-soluble organic phosphates in the stems of all varieties examined, were considerably higher than in healthy stems.  相似文献   
The strainCandida utilis T 20 adapted to a high concentration of ethionine, excretes considerable amounts of methionine in a synthetic medium, about 40 times as much as the original non-adapted strain. At the same time, the amount of methionine in yeast cells incrncreased, predominantly in the pool (9 times as much as in the control). This ability to produce greater amounts of methionine in the pool or to excrete it into the medium is not permanent, since after 5 passages on agar with ut ethionine the amount of methionine was practically not increased as compared with the original non-adapted strain. An increase in free methionine and of methionine excreted into the medium was found on cultivating the strain in a molasses-containing medium, too.  相似文献   
(1) The proportion of infected B. megatherium cells which develop lysogenic colonies depends on the number and kind of infecting virus particles and on the culture medium in which the cells are growing. (2) Cells infected with 100 or more T virus particles (from megatherium 899) in yeast extract peptone disintegrate, produce very few virus particles, and less than one lysogenic colony per 107 infected cells. Cells infected with one or a few particles produce 500 to 1000 virus particles each and about 30 lysogenic colonies per 107 infected colonies. (3) T phage obtained from lysogenic magatherium KM cultures produces many more lysogenic cells than does the original megatherium 899 virus. (4) Cells infected with megatherium 899 T virus in peptone medium and then transferred to asparagine medium give rise to 106 lysogenic colonies per 107 infected cells and this transformation will occur even after the infected cells have been in peptone for 60 to 90 minutes and are beginning to produce virus particles. (5) Continued growth of KM strain with either C or T virus from megatherium 899 for several hundred generations in the steady state apparatus results in a lysogenic strain which produces several different types of virus.  相似文献   
Fifth (last) instar nymphs of th e tick Ornithodoros moubata convert ingested 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) to apolar conjugates AP2, which are then converted to th e more polar conjugates API. Only small quantities of free hormone were transferred to th e hemolymph and the carcass within t h e first 2 days after the blood meal. The proportion of radiolabel in these two compartments was highest at the time of the endogenous ecdysteroid peak; however, no traces of free [3H]20E were detected. The conversion probably occurs principally in the intestinal cells. Eleven days after ingestion, 84% of the radiolabel is located in the digestive tract, mainly in the form of API conjugates. API obtained in second instar nymphs fed with [3H]ecdysone ([3H]E) remain stable throughout the following nymphal instars. The ecdysteroid moiety of APT remained unchanged. The hydrolysis, although not complete, always yielded a peak comigrating with the reference E but never 20E or any other clearly distinct peaks that may have corresponded to metabolites of 20E. Less label per individual was present in adults, but its nature remained the same, viz., API mainly located in the digestive tract. In females, 2.5% of the label was transferred to the progeny during the first ovipositional cycle. Apolar products (mainly AP2) that accumulated in eggs of females injected with [3H]E or [3H]20E during vitellogenesis remained unchanged during the whole embryonic development. During the molting cycle of larvae, there was only a slight conversion of AP2 to API, but esterase hydrolysis of these products released the same percentages of E and 20E as in the freshly laid eggs. We conclude that in this tick species apolar conjugates of ecdysteroids are inactivation metabolites that are not reutilized during the development of the animal. These metabolites are mainly retained in the tick, probably because of its peculiar blocked midgut. Several studies have shown that in other arthropod species (ticks, spiders, and insects), these apolar metabolites are excreted in the feces.  相似文献   
Fluorescent probes are widely used to study cell structure and function. However, few reports were devoted to a quantitative analysis of the intracellular distribution of fluorescent markers. In the present work, we describe the topographical changes of surface and cytoskeletal markers on individual cells subjected to adhesive or mechanical interaction. Conjugates were prepared with a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clone and target cells. Specific antigens, membrane phospholipids, surface glycoconjugates, and polymerized actin were labeled with fluorescent antibodies or biochemical probes. The analysis of fluorescence distributions in conjugates demonstrated a selective reorganization of the plasma membrane with a gathering of some molecular species in the intercellular adhesion area. Furthermore, individual phagocytic cells were sucked into glass micropipets, then stained with fluorescent phallacidin to analyze the effect of mechanical efforts on the cytoskeleton organization. The concentration of polymerized actin was found to be similar in mechanicallyinduced protrusions and whole cells. It is concluded that adhesive interactions may result in marked cell polarization and formation of membrane zones with a particular biochemical composition. The submembranar cytoskeleton might play a role in this process.  相似文献   
The growth and development of plants is regulated by light viathe action of photoreceptors which are responsive to the red/far-red,blue and UV regions of the spectrum. Phytochrome B (the apoproteinof which is encoded by the PHYB gene) is one of the red/far-redabsorbing photoreceptors active in this process. In this paper,the isolation and characterization of three new EMS-inducedmutations of Arabidopsis which confer phytochrome B deficiencyare described. Complementation analysis showed that these mutations(phyB-101, phyB-102 and phyB-104) were allelic with PHYB. DNAsequence analysis showed that all three mutants contain nucleotidesubstitutions in the PHYB-101 gene sequence. phyB-101 carriesa nucleotide substitution within the second exon of the PHYBgene. This G-to-A substitution is a missense mutation that convertsa glutamate residue at position 812 of the phytochrome B apoproteinto a lysine residue. phyB-102, another missense mutant, carriesa C-to-T substitution which converts a serine residue at position349 of the phytochrome B apoprotein to a phenylalanine residue.phyB-104 carries a premature stop codon as a result of a G-to-Amutation 1190 bp down-stream of the ATG start codon of the PHYBsequence. The missense mutations in phyB-101 and phyB-102 causesignificant alterations in the predicted second ary structureof their respective mutant polypeptides, and identify aminoacid residues playing crucial roles in phytochrome B function,assembly or stability. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochromet, phyB mutants, missense mutations  相似文献   
The impact of low humidity in ambient air on water relations,nitrate uptake, and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogen,was investigated in 5-week-old tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill cv. Ailsa Craig) plants grown hydroponically in a completenutrient solution. Plants were subjected to dry air (relativehumidity 2–4% for 6 h. The transpiration rate increasedseveral-fold and the shoot water content decreased by almost20%, whereas root water content was unaffected. No effect onin vitro nitrate reductase (NR) activity was detected when usingan EDTA-contraining assay buffer. Replacement of EDTA with Mg2+revealed a significant decline in shoot NR activity, which suggestsphosphorylation of the enzyme during the stress treatment. Plantswere grown in a split-root system, in which one root half wasfed 15N-nitrate during the treatment, in order to determinenitrate uptake and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogenin the plants. Uptake of nitrate was substantially inhibited,but the proportion of absorbed 15N that was translocated tothe shoots was only slightly affected. In untreated plants,71% of the 15N recovered in roots had been retranslocated fromthe shoots, whereas in plants subjected to stress the deliveryof 15N from shoots to roots appeared to be completely inhibited.The data show that lowered humidity in air has significant effectson both uptake of nitrate as well as translocation of nitrogenwithin the plants. Some of these effects appear to be commonwith those observed in plants subjected to reduced water potentialsin the root environment and point to the possibility of theshoot water relations being highly influential on nitrogen uptakeand translocation. Key words: Air humidity, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase activity, nitrogen translocation, tomato, water stress  相似文献   
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