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The synthesis of oligopeptide building blocks for the introduction of nonluminescent and luminescent lanthanide(III) chelates to the oligopeptide structure on the solid phase is described. The oligopeptide conjugates synthesized were used in DELFIA-based receptor binding assay (motilin) as well as in LANCE time-resolved fluorescence quenching assay (caspase-3).  相似文献   
There are few little exact epidemiological data on the prevalence and incidence of latex allergy, partly because the diagnostic tools are unsatisfactory and partly because the epidemiological study planning often does not fulfill criteria of good praxis. On the basis of present data, latex allergy in normal population is low, under 1%. Known risk groups such as health care workers, atopic subjects, people with hand dermatitis, and especially spina bifida patients show higher prevalence numbers. The common serological cross-reactivity between latex and a great number of different fruits and vegetables is bound to common plant pathogenesis-related proteins and storage proteins. Despite positive serological tests, only about half of NRL-allergic subjects have clinical symptoms after eating cross-reacting foods.  相似文献   
The Central Park Zoo, one of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Living Institutions in New York, recently renovated an exhibit for dart-poison frogs. Staff developed a new hollow coconut insect feeder in conjunction with this project. When the exhibit change, coconut feeder, and other enrichments were tested for effectiveness, the coconut feeder enrichment produced the greatest increase in frog activity in traditional and new exhibits. This may be due to the coconut feeder's relatively complicated nature, which randomizes the release of insects into the exhibit. The goal of this project was to help develop a best-practices approach to dendrobatid husbandry for zoological facilities to use in the future.  相似文献   
The impact of nutrient enrichment on the phytoplankton community structure, and particularly cyanobacteria, was studied in a 3-week mesocosm experiment conducted in August 2001 in the Archipelago Sea, a part of the northern Baltic Sea. The factorial design experiment included daily additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) at two mass ratios, 1N:1P and 7N:1P, respectively, additions of iron (Fe) and a synthetic chelator, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The floating enclosures (400 l) were sampled for analyses of phytoplankton biomass and community structure, phytoplankton primary production, chlorophyll a, nutrients, and hepatotoxins. Chlorophyll a concentration, phytoplankton biomass and primary production increased most in the 7N:1P treatment. The increase was mainly due to an abundant growth of chlorophytes (Dictyosphaerium subsolitarium, Kirchneriella spp., Monoraphidium contortum, and Oocystis spp.), pennate diatoms (especially Nitzschia spp.), dinophytes and the chroococcalean cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. The nutrient enrichments had no effect on the total biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Nevertheless, the biomass of Anabaena spp. was highest in the enrichments with a low N/P ratio. Chlorophyll a concentration and total phytoplankton biomass were not affected by Fe or EDTA, but Fe alone had a positive effect on the chlorophyte Kirchneriella sp. The N2-fixing cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon sp. responded positively to Fe alone and to both Fe and EDTA added together. The hepatotoxin concentration increased during the experiment, but no clear responses to nutrient enrichments were found. Our study showed species-specific responses to nutrient enrichments among the N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Although the total phytoplankton production was not Fe-limited; the availability of Fe clearly affected the phytoplankton community structure.  相似文献   
It has been often stated that the overall pattern of human maternal lineages in Europe is largely uniform. Yet this uniformity may also result from an insufficient depth and width of the phylogenetic analysis, in particular of the predominant western Eurasian haplogroup (Hg) H that comprises nearly a half of the European mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) pool. Making use of the coding sequence information from 267 mtDNA Hg H sequences, we have analyzed 830 mtDNA genomes, from 11 European, Near and Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Altaian populations. In addition to the seven previously specified subhaplogroups, we define fifteen novel subclades of Hg H present in the extant human populations of western Eurasia. The refinement of the phylogenetic resolution has allowed us to resolve a large number of homoplasies in phylogenetic trees of Hg H based on the first hypervariable segment (HVS-I) of mtDNA. As many as 50 out of 125 polymorphic positions in HVS-I were found to be mutated in more than one subcluster of Hg H. The phylogeographic analysis revealed that sub-Hgs H1*, H1b, H1f, H2a, H3, H6a, H6b, and H8 demonstrate distinct phylogeographic patterns. The monophyletic subhaplogroups of Hg H provide means for further progress in the understanding of the (pre)historic movements of women in Eurasia and for the understanding of the present-day genetic diversity of western Eurasians in general.  相似文献   
Marked endocrine alterations occur after delivery. Most women cope well with these changes, but the postpartum period is associated with an increased risk of depressive episodes. Previous studies of emotion processing have focused on maternal–infant bonding or postpartum depression (PPD), and longitudinal studies of the neural correlates of emotion processing throughout the postpartum period in healthy women are lacking. In this study, 13 women, without signs of post partum depression, underwent fMRI with an emotional face matching task and completed the MADRS-S, STAI-S, and EPDS within 48 h (early postpartum) and 4–6 weeks after delivery (late postpartum). Also, data from a previous study including 15 naturally cycling controls assessed in the luteal and follicular phase of the menstrual cycle was used. Women had lower reactivity in insula, middle frontal gyrus (MFG), and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in the early as compared to the late postpartum assessment. Insular reactivity was positively correlated with anxiety in the early postpartum period and with depressive symptoms late postpartum. Reactivity in insula and IFG were greater in postpartum women than in non-pregnant control subjects. Brain reactivity was not correlated with serum estradiol or progesterone levels. Increased reactivity in the insula, IFG, and MFG may reflect normal postpartum adaptation, but correlation with self-rated symptoms of depression and anxiety in these otherwise healthy postpartum women, may also suggest that these changes place susceptible women at increased risk of PPD. These findings contribute to our understanding of the neurobiological aspects of the postpartum period, which might shed light on the mechanisms underlying affective puerperal disorders, such as PPD.  相似文献   
The capability of Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase to catalyze the oxidation of tyrosine residues of silk sericin was studied under homogeneous reaction conditions, by using sericin peptides purified from industrial wastewater as the substrate. Tyrosinase was able to oxidize about 57% of sericin-bound tyrosine residues. The reaction rate was higher than with silk fibroin, but lower than with other silk-derived model peptides, i.e. tryptic and chymotryptic soluble peptide fractions of silk fibroin, suggesting that the size and the molecular conformation of the substrate influenced the kinetics of the reaction. The concentration of tyrosine in oxidized sericin samples decreased gradually with increasing the enzyme-to-substrate ratio. The average molecular weight of sericin peptides significantly increased by oxidation, indicating that cross-linking occurred via self-condensation of o-quinones and/or coupling with the free amine groups of lysine and, probably, with sulfhydryl groups of cysteine. The high temperature shift of the main thermal transitions observed in the differential scanning calorimetry curves confirmed the formation of peptide species with higher molecular weight and higher thermal stability. Fourier transform-infrared spectra of oxidized sericin samples showed slight changes related to the loss of tyrosine and formation of oxidation products. Oxidized sericin peptides were able to undergo non-enzymatic coupling with chitosan. Infrared spectra provided clear evidence of the formation of sericin-chitosan bioconjugates under homogeneous reaction conditions. Spectral changes in the NH stretching region seem to support the formation of bioconjugates via the Michael addition mechanism.  相似文献   
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