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The screening for new inhibitors of steroid sulfatase requires an efficient test system. To overcome the shortcomings of the available discontinuous fluorimetric assay, several coumarin-type compounds were investigated as potential new substrates. 3,4-Benzocoumarin 7-O-sulfate was found to have appropriate substrate properties for the establishment of the first direct continuous assay of steroid sulfatase.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: This study investigated causes of malaria and how cases were managed at household level, in order to improve the ability to identify malaria and ensure correct use of chloroquine. It was conducted in Nakonde District, Northern Province of Zambia, between 2000 and 2001. Nakonde district is in a hyperendemic malaria province, where Plasmodium falciparum is predominant. The district has a total population of 153, 548 people, the majority of whom are peasant farmers. The main aim of the post intervention survey was to establish the proportion of caretakers of children five years and below, who were able to identify simple and severe malaria and treat it correctly using chloroquine in the home. METHODS: A baseline survey was conducted in five wards divided into intervention and control.Intervention and control wards were compared. Village health motivators and vendors were identified and trained in three intervention wards, as a channel through which information on correct chloroquine dose could be transmitted. A total of 575 carers, who were 15 years old and above and had a child who had suffered from malaria 14 days before the survey commenced, were interviewed. The two control wards received no intervention. 345 caretakers were from the intervention wards, while 230 came from the control wards. Identification of malaria and correct use of anti-malarial drugs was assessed in terms of household diagnosis of malaria in children under five years, type and dose of anti-malarial drugs used, self medication and the source of these anti-malarials. RESULTS: The majority of respondents in the study were females (81%). Chloroquine was the most frequently used anti-malarial (48.5%) in both the intervention and control wards. There was no difference between the intervention and control wards at pre-intervention (P = 0.266 and P = 0.956), in the way mothers and other caretakers identified simple and severe malaria. At baseline, knowledge on correct chloroquine dosage in the under five children was comparable between intervention and control wards. Post-intervention revealed that mothers and other caretakers were 32% and 51%, respectively, more likely to identify simple and severe malaria. There was a 60% increase on correct chloroquine dosage in all age groups among carers living in post-intervention wards. CONCLUSION: Compliance with standard therapeutic doses and correct identification of malaria was poorest in control wards, where no motivators and vendors were trained.  相似文献   
A central theme during development and homeostasis is the generation of cell type-specific responses to the action of a limited number of extant signaling cascades triggered by extracellular ligands. The molecular mechanisms by which information from such signals are integrated in responding cells in a cell-type specific manner remain poorly understood. We have undertaken a detailed characterization of an enhancer that is regulated by DPP signaling and by the homeotic protein Labial and its partners, Extradenticle and Homothorax. The expression driven by this enhancer (lab550) and numerous deletions and point mutants thereof was studied in wild-type and mutant Drosophila embryos as well as in cultured cells. We find that the lab550 enhancer is composed of two elements, a Homeotic Response Element (HOMRE) and a DPP Response Element (DPPRE) that synergize. None of these two elements can reproduce the expression of lab550, either with regard to expression level or with regard to spatial restriction. The isolated DPPRE of lab550 responds extremely weakly to DPP. Interestingly, we found that the inducibility of this DPPRE is weak because it is tuned down by the action of a repressor element. This repressor element and an additional 50 bp element appear to be crucial for the cooperation of the HOMRE and the DPPRE, and might tightly link the DPP response to the homeotic input. The cooperation between the different elements of the enhancer leads to the segmentally restricted activity of lab550 in the endoderm and provides a mechanism to create specific responses to DPP signaling with the help of a HOX protein complex.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor (FGFR) signaling controls the migration of glial, mesodermal, and tracheal cells in Drosophila melanogaster. Little is known about the molecular events linking receptor activation to cytoskeletal rearrangements during cell migration. We have performed a functional characterization of Downstream-of-FGFR (Dof), a putative adapter protein that acts specifically in FGFR signal transduction in Drosophila. By combining reverse genetic, cell culture, and biochemical approaches, we demonstrate that Dof is a specific substrate for the two Drosophila FGFRs. After defining a minimal Dof rescue protein, we identify two regions important for Dof function in mesodermal and tracheal cell migration. The N-terminal 484 amino acids are strictly required for the interaction of Dof with the FGFRs. Upon receptor activation, tyrosine residue 515 becomes phosphorylated and recruits the phosphatase Corkscrew (Csw). Csw recruitment represents an essential step in FGF-induced cell migration and in the activation of the Ras/MAPK pathway. However, our results also indicate that the activation of Ras is not sufficient to activate the migration machinery in tracheal and mesodermal cells. Additional proteins binding either to the FGFRs, to Dof, or to Csw appear to be crucial for a chemotactic response.  相似文献   
Fluorescently labeled d-erythro-sphingosines have been successfully synthesized in 9 and 12 steps starting from commercially available Garner aldehyde. Determining the influence of the nature, position and linkage of the label on the in vitro phosphorylation rate by sphingosine kinases 1 and 2 resulted in the identification of a pyrene- and a NBD-labeled sphingosine which are both phosphorylated with efficiency comparable to the natural substrate.  相似文献   
Microbes that are beneficial to plants are used to enhance the crop growth, yield and are alternatives to chemical fertilizers. Trichoderma and Bacillus are the predominant plant growth-promoting fungi and bacteria. The objective of this study was select, characterize, and evaluate isolates of Trichoderma spp. and Bacillus spp. native from the northern region of Sinaloa, Mexico, and assess their effect on growth promotion in maize (Zea mays L.). In greenhouse conditions, four Trichoderma isolates and twenty Bacillus isolates, as well as two controls, were tested in a completely randomized design with three replicates. We selected the two best strains of Trichoderma and Bacillus: TB = Trichoderma asperellum, TF = Trichoderma virens, B14 = Bacillus cereus sensu lato and B17 = Bacillus cereus, which were evaluated in the field in a completely randomized blocks in factorial arrangement design with three replicates applying different rates of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 150 kg N/ha, and 300 kg N/ha). Treatments 5 (B17 = B. cereus) and 11 (TF = T. virens) both fertilized with 150 kg N/ha showed similar yields and they did not reveal significant differences from the treatments fertilized with 300 kg N/ha. This indicated that treatment 5 (B17= B. cereus with 150 kg N/ha) and treatment 11 (TF= T. virens with 150 kg N/ha) were efficient as growth promoters, by not showing significant differences in root volume and dry weight of foliage. The results indicated a reduction of 50% in the rate of nitrogen to fertilizer required for maize (Zea mays L.) crops. These microorganisms Trichoderma and Bacillus could be an alternative to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers in maize.  相似文献   
The increase in the juvenile hormone (JH) III titer in the hemolymph of Lymantria dispar larvae that were parasitized by the endoparasitoid braconid, Glyptapanteles liparidis, during the host's premolt to third instar, coincided with the molt of the parasitoid larvae to the second instar between day 5 and 7 of the fourth host instar. It reached a maximum mean value of 89 pmol/ml on day 7 of the fifth instar while it remained below 1 pmol/ml in unparasitized larvae. Only newly molted fifth instar hosts showed a low JH III titer similar to that of the unparasitized larvae. JH II, which is the predominant JH homologue in unparasitized gypsy moth larvae, also increased relative to controls in the last two samples (days 7 and 9) from parasitized fourth and fifth instars. Compared to unparasitized larvae, a generally reduced activity of JH esterase (JHE) was found in parasitized larvae throughout both larval stages. The reduction in enzyme activity at the beginning and at the end of each instar, when the JHE activity in unparasitized larvae was high, may be in part responsible for the increased JH II and JH III titers in parasitized larvae. Ester hydrolysis was the only pathway of JH metabolism in the hemolymph of unparasitized and parasitized gypsy moth larvae as detected by chromatographic assays. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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