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Methylglyoxal is a cytotoxic reactive carbonyl compound produced by central metabolism. Dedicated glyoxalases convert methylglyoxal to d-lactate using multiple catalytic strategies. In this study, the DJ-1 superfamily member ORF 19.251/GLX3 from Candida albicans is shown to possess glyoxalase activity, making this the first demonstrated glutathione-independent glyoxalase in fungi. The crystal structure of Glx3p indicates that the protein is a monomer containing the catalytic triad Cys136-His137-Glu168. Purified Glx3p has an in vitro methylglyoxalase activity (Km = 5.5 mm and kcat = 7.8 s−1) that is significantly greater than that of more distantly related members of the DJ-1 superfamily. A close Glx3p homolog from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YDR533C/Hsp31) also has glyoxalase activity, suggesting that fungal members of the Hsp31 clade of the DJ-1 superfamily are all probable glutathione-independent glyoxalases. A homozygous glx3 null mutant in C. albicans strain SC5314 displays greater sensitivity to millimolar levels of exogenous methylglyoxal, elevated levels of intracellular methylglyoxal, and carbon source-dependent growth defects, especially when grown on glycerol. These phenotypic defects are complemented by restoration of the wild-type GLX3 locus. The growth defect of Glx3-deficient cells in glycerol is also partially complemented by added inorganic phosphate, which is not observed for wild-type or glucose-grown cells. Therefore, C. albicans Glx3 and its fungal homologs are physiologically relevant glutathione-independent glyoxalases that are not redundant with the previously characterized glutathione-dependent GLO1/GLO2 system. In addition to its role in detoxifying glyoxals, Glx3 and its close homologs may have other important roles in stress response.  相似文献   
An optical biosensor based on glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) immobilized in a chitosan film for the determination of ammonium in water samples is described. The biosensor film was deposited on a glass slide via a spin-coating method. The ammonium was measured based on β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidation in the presence of α-ketoglutaric acid at a wavelength of 340 nm. The biosensor showed optimum activity at pH 8. The optimum chitosan concentrations and enzyme loading were found to be at 2% (w/v) and 0.08 mg, respectively. Optimum concentrations of NADH and α-ketoglutaric acid both were obtained at 0.15 mM. A linear response of the biosensor was obtained in the ammonium concentration range of 0.005 to 0.5 mM with a detection limit of 0.005 mM. The reproducibility of the biosensor was good, with an observed relative standard deviation of 5.9% (n = 8). The biosensor was found to be stable for at least 1 month when stored dry at 4 °C.  相似文献   
Vibrio mimicus (Vm) haemagglutinins (HAs), such as an extracellular HA/protease (Vm-HA/protease) and a major outer membrane protein-HA (Vm-OMPHA), have been recognized as the putative adherence factors for the bacterium. However, the mechanism by which HAs coordinate the adherence function of the bacterium remains as yet unknown. We report herein the positive interaction between Vm-HA/protease and Vm-OMPHA resulting in significant enhancement of the haemagglutinating ability. In this interaction, no cleaved polypeptide was detected; however, limited proteolysis of Vm-OMPHA was confirmed by SDS-PAGE. The proteolytic activation of the native cell-associated Vm-OMPHA by limited proteolysis was also demonstrated in several V. mimicus strains. Proteolytic activation of OMPHA was also achieved with various proteases from bacterial and eukaryotic sources. These findings may indicate a novel coordination of V. mimicus HAs in the adherence of the bacterium.  相似文献   
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a DNA polymerase cofactor and regulator of replication-linked functions. Upon DNA damage, yeast and vertebrate PCNA is modified at the conserved lysine K164 by ubiquitin, which mediates error-prone replication across lesions via translesion polymerases. We investigated the role of PCNA ubiquitination in variants of the DT40 B cell line that are mutant in K164 of PCNA or in Rad18, which is involved in PCNA ubiquitination. Remarkably, the PCNAK164R mutation not only renders cells sensitive to DNA-damaging agents, but also strongly reduces activation induced deaminase-dependent single-nucleotide substitutions in the immunoglobulin light-chain locus. This is the first evidence, to our knowledge, that vertebrates exploit the PCNA-ubiquitin pathway for immunoglobulin hypermutation, most likely through the recruitment of error-prone DNA polymerases.  相似文献   
We examined relationships between mortality rate, relative growth rate (RGR), and spatial patterns of three growth stages (small, medium, and large trees) for 11 dipterocarp species in the Pasoh 50-ha plot. Mortality rates for these species tended to be positively correlated with RGRs, although the correlation was significant only at the small-tree stage. Seven species with high growth and mortality rates exhibited peaks in spatial aggregation at small distances (<100 m) in small trees, but this aggregation disappeared in medium and large trees. In contrast, the other four species with low growth and mortality rates aggregated at large distances (>200 m) throughout the three growth stages in all but one species. Negative associations between different growth stages were observed only for the high-mortality species, suggesting density-dependent mortality. The high-mortality species showed habitat associations with topography, soil type, and the forest regeneration phase after gap formation, whereas the three low-mortality species only had associations with the forest regeneration phase. A randomization procedure revealed that these habitat associations explained little of their spatial aggregation. Our results suggest that the growth strategy has a large effect on the structuring of the spatial distribution of tree species through mortality processes.  相似文献   
A species-specific RNA colony blot hybridization protocol was developed for enumeration of culturable Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio mimicus bacteria in environmental water samples. Bacterial colonies on selective or nonselective plates were lysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the lysates were immobilized on nylon membranes. A fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probe targeting a phylogenetic signature sequence of 16S rRNA of V. cholerae and V. mimicus was hybridized to rRNA molecules immobilized on the nylon colony lift blots. The protocol produced strong positive signals for all colonies of the 15 diverse V. cholerae-V. mimicus strains tested, indicating 100% sensitivity of the probe for the targeted species. For visible colonies of 10 nontarget species, the specificity of the probe was calculated to be 90% because of a weak positive signal produced by Grimontia (Vibrio) hollisae, a marine bacterium. When both the sensitivity and specificity of the assay were evaluated using lake water samples amended with a bioluminescent V. cholerae strain, no false-negative or false-positive results were found, indicating 100% sensitivity and specificity for culturable bacterial populations in freshwater samples when G. hollisae was not present. When the protocol was applied to laboratory microcosms containing V. cholerae attached to live copepods, copepods were found to carry approximately 10,000 to 50,000 CFU of V. cholerae per copepod. The protocol was also used to analyze pond water samples collected in an area of cholera endemicity in Bangladesh over a 9-month period. Water samples collected from six ponds demonstrated a peak in abundance of total culturable V. cholerae bacteria 1 to 2 months prior to observed increases in pathogenic V. cholerae and in clinical cases recorded by the area health clinic. The method provides a highly specific and sensitive tool for monitoring the dynamics of V. cholerae in the environment. The RNA blot hybridization protocol can also be applied to detection of other gram-negative bacteria for taxon-specific enumeration.Vibrio cholerae is autochthonous to the aquatic environment, but some strains produce enterotoxins and are capable of causing epidemics of the human disease cholera. Strains of V. cholerae are classified by their O antigen, with over 210 serogroups recognized to date. Seven cholera pandemics have occurred since 1832: while microbiologic data on the earlier pandemics are not available, the last two are known to have been caused by strains within serogroup O1, with the major pathogenic factor being production of cholera toxin. The genes encoding cholera toxin and other pathogenic factors have been shown to reside in a mobile genetic element of phage origin, designated CTXΦ (20).Standard microbiologic methods for isolation of V. cholerae present in natural waters rely primarily on a method originally developed for clinical diagnosis, namely, enrichment in alkaline peptone water, followed by subculture on selective media and confirmation using selected biochemical and immunological tests (7). The alkaline nature of the enrichment broth allows differential multiplication of Vibrio species but renders this method inappropriate for enumeration. PCR methods and oligonucleotide hybridization have been used to detect and enumerate toxigenic V. cholerae bacteria (3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21). These methods typically rely on amplification of or hybridization to pathogenic markers, such as O1/O139 wbe, tcpA, and ctxA DNA sequences.However, occasional localized outbreaks of cholera have been caused by non-O1, non-O139 V. cholerae, which may be toxigenic or nontoxigenic. Conversely, many environmental V. cholerae O1 strains isolated from areas of endemicity do not harbor ctx genes (9). It has also been shown that CTXΦ is capable of lysogenic conversion of strains that are CTXΦ negative (20). Additionally, the cholera toxin (CTX) prophage has also been detected in clinical strains of V. mimicus, and V. mimicus has been proposed as a natural reservoir for CTXΦ (2). Furthermore, ecological studies of V. cholerae are often hampered by the fact that toxigenic strains represent only a small percentage of the total V. cholerae population in the environment, especially in areas where cholera is not endemic. These facts underline the need for a method of detection of the total number of V. cholerae bacteria present in environmental samples.The many copies of 16S rRNA molecules in each V. cholerae cell offer appropriate targets for species-specific enumeration. In this study, the probe Vchomim1276, previously described by Heidelberg et al. (4-6), was employed in an RNA colony blot hybridization protocol. The specificity and sensitivity of the probe were tested using type strains and environmental and clinical isolates. The method was evaluated using laboratory microcosms to which cells of V. cholerae were added, and the protocol was used to enumerate V. cholerae bacteria in samples collected from ponds in a region of cholera endemicity in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
We investigated the diet and aspects of foraging effort among Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at three colonies on Ross Island, in the southwestern Ross Sea – Capes Royds, Bird and Crozier – during the chick-provisioning period of three austral summers, 1994–1995, 1995–1996 and 1996–1997. During the study period, pack-ice cover differed in waters offshore of these colonies, by colony, seasons and year. Diet differed among colonies only slightly. The fish Pleuragramma antarcticum was the most important prey, especially during years or periods within years when little pack ice was present. With respect to krill, which composed the remainder of diet, juvenile Euphausia crystallorophias were consumed predominantly in a year of heavy pack-ice cover; more adult krill were consumed in 2 years when pack ice was sparse. Foraging trip duration differed by colony, season and year and was related directly to distance from the colony to the nearest pack ice. The amount of food brought to chicks increased as trip duration increased, to a point (2 days), but then decreased as duration increased further (up to 4 days). On the basis of data on mass of parents and of meal sizes to chicks, it appeared that on the longest trips more of the food gathered by parents was used for self maintenance; on the longest trips, parents lost body mass. Successful foraging during chick rearing, the period when adult foraging is most intense, appears to depend on the proximity of pack ice to nesting colonies for this penguin species. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 25 April 1998  相似文献   
Males of the European elm scale, Gossyparia spuria (Erioccoccidae) have two Malphigian tubules, each made up of mononucleate and binucleate cells. Both types of cells may contain heterochromatic (H) chromosomes which form an H body. The cells with H bodies (H cells) usually appeared singly anywhere along the tubule. However, when two or more H cells were present they tended to be closer to each other than would be expected by chance. The possible origin of this tendency is discussed. Following squashing, the nuclei of the binucleate cells were much larger than those of most other somatic cells, suggesting that they were highly endopolyploid. However, the H bodies of the cells of the tubules were of about the same size as those of the other cells. These observations suggested that the H chromosomes of the binucleate cells did not replicate while the euchromatic chromosomes of these cells replicated several times. The great majority of the nuclei of the H cells contained a single H body per nucleus. An analysis of the number of H bodies in binucleate cells indicated that when two H bodies were present in the same nucleus they usually did not fuse. Thus, they were believed also not to fuse in the mononucleate cells. Since almost all the mononucleate H cells had only a single H body (rather than 2) it was concluded that they did not originate from binucleate cells by nuclear fusion.  相似文献   
Meat-eating was observed for the first time among a population of wild orang utans at Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra. An adult female who was consorting with an adult male consumed a gibbon (Hylobates lar) carcass. There was no food sharing between the consort pair. The absence of food sharing is interpreted as indicative of the anti-social attitude of adult orang utans.  相似文献   
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