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Habitat use of mallard Anas platvrhynchos , teal A crecca. wigeon A penelope and goldeneye Bucephala clangula was studied m southern Finland during 1988–1991 Emphasis included evaluation of the importance of food and vegetation structure and revealing of the patterns of habitat use throughout the breeding season Average lake scores of pairs, broods, and juveniles of all species were on the luxunant end of a principal component analysis axis describing habitat structure A more detailed examination, however, revealed clear differences in habitat distributions both between and within species Generally, habitat distributions seemed to shift toward the luxuriant from pairs to broods However, goldeneye juveniles used both the most luxuriant and the poorest habitats more than expected When all phases of the breeding cycle are considered, habitat luxuriance seemed to be more important for dabbling ducks and nektonic invertebrates more important for the goldeneye Emerging insects were most important to the teal  相似文献   
After autumn, early summer is the most important moose–vehicle collision (MVC) season in Finland. We surveyed temporal distributions and long-term changes in the timing of MVCs using data of daily collisions that occurred throughout a 4-month season (April–July) for the period 1989–2011. By uniting the road districts, we first divided Finland into five study regions and calculated the annual dates by which 50 % of all the MVCs of the study season had taken place (median dates). Then, using all of the present nine road districts as areal units, we determined if the beginning of the growing season and the median dates of MVCs were correlated. A total of 13,233 MVCs occurred during the study period. In every region, considering the selected 4-month annual period, the number of MVCs was the lowest in April but started to increase in May and was highest in June or July. The timing of the median dates for MVCs in all regions shifted to an earlier date and was positively correlated with the beginning of the growing season in every road district. We believe that the beginning of the growing season correlates with the timing of moose spring migration from wintering areas to summer pastures and further, with the timing of MVCs. Regardless of the ultimate reason behind our findings, we emphasize the practical importance of our results, namely how the onset of spring can help predict timing of spring MVCs. We recommend that warning campaigns informing road users coincide with the annually changing MVC season.  相似文献   
Density dependence in vital rates is a key issue in population ecology but remains largely unexplored experimentally. We studied breeding success, lake use, and prey availability in wild mallards Anas platyrhynchos on small nemoral lakes in a replicated, two-year cross-over experiment in which pair density was increased. The number of wild mallards that settled on lakes prior to introductions of extra pairs did not differ between control and introduction years. Introductions led to a lake-level reduction in the number of broods observed. However, the number of stage 2+ (almost fledged) ducklings did not differ between treatments, nor did lake utilization by nonbreeding adults, broods and ducklings. Prey resource availability differed greatly among lakes, but it did not correlate with breeding success. Partialling out the possible effect of food competition from wild adult nonbreeding mallards did not change this conclusion. Our study demonstrates sequential density dependence in breeding success; introductions caused a decrease in brood number, but despite fewer broods a similar number of nearly fledged ducklings were produced. We suggest that predation and/or lake change of broods soon after hatching created these patterns. We conclude that using a single and late measure of breeding success such as fledged birds can mask regulatory processes. Implications of density dependence and its relation to individual reproductive success are understood better if breeding success is decomposed into nest success, duckling survival and fledgling survival.  相似文献   
A technique is presented in which two different separation methods are combined. The first separation is carried out in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which is then followed by immunodiffusion in agarose against appropriate antisera. Soluble and insoluble macromolecular carbohydrates were used as substrates in the detection of the various enzymatic activities. These three methods in combination can provide new information on enzymatically active proteins in mixtures, such as isoenzymes, and multiple forms varying in molecular size.  相似文献   
Avian species respond to ecological variability at a range of spatial scales and according to life history stage. Beaver dams create wetland systems for waterbirds that are utilized throughout different stages of the breeding season. We studied how beaver‐induced variability affected mobile pairs and more sedentary broods along with the production of Common Teal Anas crecca at the patch and landscape scale on their breeding grounds. Beavers Castor spp. are ecosystem engineers that enhance waterfowl habitats by impeding water flow and creating temporary flooding. Two landscapes in southern Finland with (Evo) and without (Nuuksio) American Beavers Castor canadensis were used in this study. To investigate the patch‐scale effect, pair and brood densities along with brood production were first compared at beaver‐occupied lakes and non‐beaver lakes in the beaver landscape. Annual pair and brood densities/km shoreline and brood production were compared between beaver and non‐beaver landscapes. Facilitative effects of beaver activity were manifest on brood density at both patch and landscape scales: these were over 90% and 60% higher in beaver patches and landscapes, respectively. An effect of beaver presence on pair density was only seen at the landscape level. Pair density did not strongly affect brood production, as shown earlier for relatively mildly density‐dependent Teal populations. Because the extent of beaver flooding was a crucial factor affecting annual Teal production in the study area, we infer beaver activity has consequences for the local Teal population. Ecosystem engineering by the beaver could therefore be considered a restoration tool in areas where waterfowl are in need of high‐quality habitats.  相似文献   
Toxins of a Stachybotrys atra strain from Finland proved to be soluble in a simulated gastrointestinal system. They were purified and characterized as satratoxin H, satratoxin G, and an unknown macrocyclic trichothecene with a molecular ion of 528.  相似文献   
Breeding success in sympatric mallard Anas platyrhynchos , teal A. crecca and wigeon A. penelope in a boreal watershed in Finland was studied for 12 years. Benthic and surface-emerging prey animals were trapped to obtain annual indices of food abundance. Mallard and teal were equally abundant over the years, being roughly twice as numerous as wigeon.
Pair density, brood:pair ratio and duckling:pair ratio were used to test the hypothesis that per capita breeding success decreases in a density-dependent fashion as either pair density or the number of nesting pairs per available food unit increases. In mallard we found no density-dependent patterns at all. In teal per capita brood production decreased as prey animals became relatively scarcer, but this interpretation may not be robust. In wigeon, however, there were two independent significant patterns of direct density-dependence in a temporal succession, i.e. between pair density and per capita brood production in the early part of the breeding season, and then between per capita abundance of surface-emerging insect prey and the number of ducklings per pair. Despite wide dietary overlap and frequent co-occurrence on single lakes among species in the guild, we found no evidence for interspecific density-dependent effects. We hypothesize that there is no or infrequent food limitation for breeding dabblers in this system, and that behavior may be the process behind the pattern of density-dependence in wigeon.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to identify B-cell epitopes in the minor nucleocapsid (L2) protein of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and characterization of allied antibody response. Serum samples of 513 individuals (323 women with various degrees of cervical atypia, 150 men and 40 small children) were available for the study. Synthetic peptides overlapping the L2 protein of HPV 16 twice were applied in ELISA for epitope scanning and antibody determination. An HPV 16 L2 derived dodecamer SGYIPANTTIPF (amino acids 391-402) proved to be the major B-cell epitope. Both IgA antipeptide antibody positivity (range 7-28%) and mean IgA antibody levels (range 13.2 EIU to 42.4 EIU, P < 0.05) increased with the degree of cervical atypia, whereas antipeptide IgG antibodies showed an opposite trend. During a 2-years follow-up significantly (P < 0.0005) decreasing IgA antibody levels to the SGYIPANTTIPF peptide were associated with regression of koilocytotic atypia. Analysis of anti-peptide IgA antibodies of 118 women with known HPV type revealed that a majority of positives had HPV 16/18 DNA. It was concluded that antibody response to the newly discovered peptide was partially type- and disease-specific. Our results also suggest an impairment of the IgG but not IgA class antibody response to HPV 16 in patients with persistent cervical HPV infection.  相似文献   
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