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A systematic review of the Colombian species of the tribe Pterideae (Pteridaceae) resulted in the discovery of two new species ofPteris:P. muricatopedata andP. albertiae, both in the Deflexa group. Two species are reported for the first time from Colombia:P. bakeri C. Chr. andP. lechleri Mett.  相似文献   
Chromosomal pairing of one triploid and three tetraploid plants of rye, Secale cereale, was analyzed by electron microscopy in surface-spread prophase I nuclei and compared with light microscopic observations of metaphase I cells. Prophase I is characterized by: (i) the weak alignment showed by the three or four unsynapsed or partially homologous synapsed axes; (ii) the low number ber of pairing partner switches (PPSs) displayed by both trivalents and quadrivalents; and (iii) the existence of complex multivalents in which up to 13 chromosomes in the triploid and 22 chromosomes in the tetraploids were involved. However, only few heterologous chromosomal associations were maintained at metaphase I. The results obtained are discussed under the assumptions of the random end pairing model with some modifications.  相似文献   
Summary Candida utilis var. major NRRL-Y-1084 was grown in a defined medium without a phosphorous (P) source. During the exponential phase, cells divided according to a specific growth rate of 0.32 h-1, which is lower than the usual rate for a balanced medium (0.4–0.6 h-1). The relative P content of the biomass decreased from 2.70% to 0.75% over a period of 6 h, including 2 h of cell division arrest. At the end of this period there was another interruption of cell division. After that, multiplication restarted at a considerably lower rate and it deviated slightly from the exponential pattern. The stationary phase began when biomass P content reached 0.4%–0.5%, slowly decreasing afterwards to 0.25–0.20%. Biomass synthesis was less affected than cell division by the relative decrease of endogenous P, the two processes differing partially in their kinetics. Cell lysis started shortly before the stationary phase and affected about 20% of the population by the end of the assay. RNA and P content of the resulting biomass were 2.4% and 0.25% respecitvely, P being mainly incorporated to RNA.The relationship of biomass production to glucose uptake was very low, probably because the marked P deficiency called for an increase in energy consumption for growth and specially for maintenance. Compared with yeasts grown in a balanced medium, 40% increase in glycogen was observed, whereas no mean changes in the content of cell wall carbohydrates (glucan and mannan) and that of true protein were found.Member of the Scientific Researcher's Career of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET). Agrentina  相似文献   
When hypothyroidism is induced surgically in early steps of development in the rat, an increase in serum aldosterone concentration (AC), in absence of changes in plasma renin activity (PRA), is observed. In contrast, in propylthiouracil (PTU) induced hypothyroidism, in adult animals, both AC and PRA decrease. Potassium iodide (KI) or triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) administration to thyroidectomized rats restores AC to normal levels, increasing PRA during the latter treatment. A close relationship between AC and plasma renin concentration (PRC) is observed in these experimental situations. The decrease in urinary aldosterone concentration (ACu), and the relation found between AC/ACu ratio and T3 concentration, suggest that metabolic clearance of aldosterone might be related to peripheric T3 levels in thyroidectomized animals, treated with KI or T3. These observations support the hypothesis, previously reported, which suggests different mechanisms involved in the control of aldosterone and renin release during the two different types of hypothyroidism.  相似文献   
The energy-transducing ATPase and a low-molecular-weight fraction ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus membranes incorporated14C label fromd-[U-14C]glucose fed to the bacteria in synthetic medium. The specific radioactivity of the sugar portion of the ATPase and low-molecular-weight fraction was, respectively, 2.65 and 2.88 times that of their amino acids. Glucose and mannose in approximately equimolar amounts were identified as the main sugars of the glycoprotein ATPase, thus confirming previous structural studies. Glucose, galactose, and mannose (1:1:2) were identified as the main sugars of the low-molecular-weight glycopeptides. These results confirm and extend the notion that glycoprotein are constituents of prokaryotic membranes.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not show a noticeable Pasteur effect (activation of sugar catabolism by anaerobiosis) when growing with an excess of sugar and nitrogen source, but it does do so after exhaustion of the nitrogen source in the medium (resting state). We have found that this different behavior of growing and resting S. cerevisiae seems due to differences in the contribution of respiration to catabolism under both states. Growing S. cerevisiae respired only 3 to 20% of the catabolized sugar, depending on the sugar present; the remainder was fermented. In contrast, resting S. cerevisiae respired as much as 25 to 100% of the catabolized sugar. These results suggest that a shift to anaerobiosis would have much greater energetic consequences in resting than in growing S. cerevisiae. In resting S. cerevisiae anaerobiosis would strongly decrease the formation of ATP; as a consequence, various regulatory mechanisms would switch on, producing the observed increase of the rate of glycolysis. The greater significance that respiration reached in resting cells was not due to an increase of the respiratory capacity itself, but to a loss of fermentation which turned respiration into the main catabolic pathway. The main mechanism involved in the loss of fermentation observed during nitrogen starvation was a progressive inactivation of the sugar transport systems that reduced the rate of fermentation to less than 10% of the value observed in growing cells. Inactivation of the sugar transports seems a consequence of the turnover of the sugar carriers whose apparent half-lives were 2 to 7 h.  相似文献   
The F1-ATPase or BF1 factor was purified from Micrococcus lysodeikticus substrain B grown in a synthetic medium in the presence of tritiated amino acids. When analyzed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-7% polyacrylamide gels, the fresh purified preparation contained α, β, γ subunits (referred as the intrinsic subunits) and two other polypeptides (designated as X and component of relative mobility 1.0) whose status as subunits remains to be established. This overall polypeptide composition was similar to that of the F1-ATPase isolated from the same strain grown in complex medium (J. Carreira, J. M. Andreu, M. Nieto, and E. Muñoz., 1976 Mol. Cell. Biochem.10, 67–76). The distribution of 3H-labeled amino acids into purified F1-ATPase and its constituent polypeptides under different stages of growth was used to investigate the biosynthetic relationship between the different polypeptides. The incorporation of amino acids into purified BF1 factor was slower than that of cytoplasmic and other membrane proteins. In isotope-dilution and chase experiments, F1-ATPase showed one of the slowest rates of decay of the incorporated label. These results point out that F1-ATPase of M. lysodeikticus undergoes slower turnover than the overall cytoplasmic and membrane proteins. Pulse and chase experiments allowed us to conclude that the α, β, γ subunits and the components of relative mobility 1.0 are independent with differences in their turnover and therefore do not bear any apparent relation as precursors-products. The two major subunits represent seemingly the “core” of ATPase, the β subunit behaving like the most stable component. On the other hand, the γ subunit appears to be synthesized independently from this α + β complex.  相似文献   
Two strains ofAspergillus flavus Linkex Fr. and two strains ofA. parasiticus Speare were cultured on crushed moist wheat (Triticum durum var. Pané no. 247) for aflatoxin production studies in correlation with morphological changes. The toxicogenic strains were adapted to the substratum by means of successive transfers at regular intervals (72 h.)The amount aflatoxins synthesized by the toxicogenic strains decreased gradually after succesive subculturing. The decrease was accompanied by marked morphological changes. One of the strains studied,A. flavus NRRL 3251, lost completly the capacity of aflatoxin synthesis after several subcultures, presenting at the same time strong morphological variations.A. flavus CBS 120.62 also lost its toxicogenicity after six subcultures.  相似文献   
Summary A male patient with an interstitial deletion 13q14q31 is described. Our necropsy findings included a left retinoblastoma and several gross internal malformations. In this paper we reaffirm that band 13q14 is involved in cases of retinoblastoma and we propose, after studying accompanying cases of total or partial long arm trisomies 13, that the loss of specific 13q bands, from 13q14 to 13q31 is responsible for the congenital defects we are describing.  相似文献   
The membrane-bound ATPase activity from two substrains ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus, designated as A and B, was inhibited by antibodies raised against the two forms of purified F1-ATPase. Form B of the enzyme, which behaved as a poorer immunogen than form A, also showed less reactivity as an antigen, independent of the physical state of the F1-ATPase form. Antibodies were raised against the two major subunits ( and ) isolated fromM. lysodeikticus F1-ATPase form A, which was the most stable form of the enzyme. Anti-(-subunit) serum strongly inhibited the ATPase activity of membrane-bound ATPase but showed little inhibition of the purified, soluble F1-ATPase. The anti-(-subunit) serum inhibited the soluble F1-ATPase, but to a lesser extent than the membrane-bound enzyme. In any event, the effect of anti- antibodies on the membrane-bound ATPase was smaller than that of anti- antibodies. It was postulated that the subunit ofM. lysodeikticus F1-ATPase plays an essential and regulatory role in the expression of the immunochemical properties of the protein.  相似文献   
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