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The sre gene (ORF469) of the R4 phage encodes a protein similar to the resolvase-DNA invertase family proteins. Insertional gene disruption of sre prevented a lysogen from entering the lytic cycle, implying that Sre protein is a site-specific recombinase needed for excision of the R4 prophage genome (M. Matsuura, T. Noguchi, T. Aida, M. Asayama, H. Takahashi, and M. Shirai, J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 41:53-61, 1995). To determine whether this sre gene is also necessary for the integration reaction, we studied its function by integration plasmid analysis. When deletions, frameshifts, and site-directed mutations that caused an amino acid substitution of Ser-17 for Ala were introduced into the sre structural gene, transformation efficiency of Streptomyces parvulus 2297 with these plasmid DNAs was severely reduced. However, an adenine insertion just before the possible initiation codon of the sre gene did not significantly decrease the efficiency. These data suggest that the Sre protein is a site-specific recombinase responsible for integration of the R4 phage genome.  相似文献   
In the brain of the intact crayfish, three pairs of non-spiking giant interneurons (G1, G2, G3; NGIs) scarcely responded to substrate tilt about the longitudinal axis of the body either in the dark or in the presence of an overhead light. However, when the statolith was removed, these NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials respectively to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs (2nd–5th pereiopods) and upward movements of the contralateral legs produced by substrate tilt. The relationships between the polarity of the potential and the direction of movement in the contralateral legs were opposite to those in the ipsilateral legs. The amplitude of the responses was proportional to the frequency (0.5-0.05 Hz) and amplitude of tilting. When the legs were moved unilaterally, the NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs and to upward movements of the contralateral legs, respectively. When the legs were moved bilaterally in the same direction by upward or downward movement of the substrate, the NGIs scarcely responded to the leg movements. A hypothetical model is presented to account for the pathways of sensory inputs to the NGIs and the role of NGIs in compensatory oculomotor system.  相似文献   
To determine amino acid sequences of the epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 3C8 and 5C3 directed against Yersinia enterocolitica heat-shock protein (HSP60), a dot blot analysis was perfomed using synthesized peptides of Y. enterocolitica HSP60 such as peptides p316-342, p327-359, p340-366, p316-326, p316-321, p319-323, and p321-326 which represent positions of amino acids in Y. enterocolitica HSP60. The dot blot analysis revealed that 5C3 mAb reacted with p316-342, p316-326 and p321-326, and 3C8 mAb p316-342 and p316-326. These results indicate that the epitopes recognized by the mAbs were associated with eleven amino acids, Asp Leu Gly Gln Ala Lys Arg Val Val Ile Asn, of p316-326. The sequence homology between p316-326 of Y. enterocolitica HSP60 and the rest of the HSP60 family suggests that the five amino acids of Lys, Arg, Val, Ile and Asn, which are highly conserved in the HSP60 family, might be related with the epitope recognized by 3C8. In contrast, it was also demonstrated that three amino acids of Leu, Gly and Val, which are not well conserved in the HSP60 family, might be related to the epitope recognized by 5C3.  相似文献   
Summary Panax ginseng hairy root cultures were established by infecting petiole segments with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain 15834. Hairy root segments including root tips placed onto phytohormone-free 1/2 Murashige and Skoog solid medium and stored at 4 °C in the dark for 4 months, resumed elongation when the temperature was raised to 25 °C in the dark. For cryopreservation, a vitrification method was applied. Root tips precultured with 0.1 mg/l 2,4-D for 3 days and dehydrated with PVS2 solution for 8 minutes prior to immersion into liquid nitrogen had a survival rate of 60 % and could regenerate. The hairy roots regenerated from cryopreserved root tips grew well and showed the same ginsenoside productivity and patterns as those of the control hairy roots cultured continuously at 25 °C. The conservation of T-DNAs in the regenerated hairy roots was proved by PCR analysis.Abbreviations 1/2 MS a half strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) - B5 Gamborg B5 (Gamborg et al. 1968) - WP woody plant (Lloyd and McCown 1980) - RC root culture (Thomas and Davey 1982) - RCI root culture medium containing 100 mg/l myoinositol - HF phytohormone-free - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - PCR polymerase chain reaction - PVS2 plant vitrification solution 2 (Sakai et al., 1990) - FDA fluorecein diacetate  相似文献   
We investigated the metabolism and translocation of two gibberellins(GAs), [3H]GA20 and [3H]GA1, which were applied at low concentrationto the cotyledons of Pharbitis nil (cv. Violet). Seedlings weregrown under three different photoperiodic conditions: continuouslight (CL-CL), continous light followed by short day conditions(CL-DT) and long day conditions followed by short day conditions(DT-DT). Translocation of the applied [3H]GAs from cotyledonsto hypocotyls was promoted by DT for all GAs examined. Whilethe conversion of the translocated [3H]GA1 to [3H]GA8 and itsconjugates was rapid in hypocotyl, the conversion of translocated[3H]GA20 to [3H]GA29 was slow. Radioactivity in epicotyls wasdetected much more rapidly on application of [3H]GA20 than of[3H]GA1, [3H]GA8 and [3H]GA29 and their conjugates. The conversionof [3H]GA20 to [3H]GA1 in the epicotyl was more rapid underCL-CL conditions. This result in consistent with the higherlevel of endogenous GA1 existing in epicotyls under CL-DT thanDT-DT conditions. However, when [3H]GA1 was applied to the cotyledon,only small amounts of [3H]GA8 and its conjugates were detectedin the epicotyl regardless of the photoperiodic conditions.This result may suggest that the translocation and metabolismof [3H]GA20 from cotyledons to epicotyl was faster under CL-CLthan DT-DT conditions and may correlate with the increased epicotylelongation of GA20 treated plants under CL-DT than DT-DT conditions. (Received June 28, 1995; Accepted November 2, 1995)  相似文献   
Two new loci for hybrid sterility in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Female gamete abortion in Indica-Japonica crosses of rice was earlier identified to be due to an allelic interaction at the S-5 locus on chromosome 6. Recently, in other crosses of rice, similar allelic interactions were found at loci designated as S-7 and S-8, located on chromosomes 7 and 6 respectively. All of them are independent of each other. At the S-5 locus, Indica and Japonica rice have S-5 i and S-5 j alleles respectively and Javanicas, such as Ketan Nangka, have a neutral allele S-5 n .The S-5 i /S-5 j genotype is semi-sterile due to partial abortion of female gametes carrying S-5 j , but both the S-5 n /S-5 i and S-5 n /S-5 j genotypes are fertile. The S-5 n allele is thus a wide-compatibility gene (WCG), and parents homozygous for this allele are called wide-compatible varieties (WCV). Such parents when crossed with Indica or Japonica varieties do not show F1 hybrid sterility. Wide-compatible parents have been used to overcome sterility barriers in crosses between Indica and Japonica rice. However, a Javanica variety, Ketan Nangka (WCV), showed typical hybrid sterility when crossed to the Indian varieties N22 and Jaya. Further, Dular, another WCV from India, showed typical hybrid sterility when crossed to an IRRI line, IR2061-628-1-6-4-3(IR2061-628). By genetic analyses using isozyme markers, a new locus causing hybrid sterility in crosses between Ketan Nangka and the Indicas was located near isozyme loci Est-1 and Mal-1 on chromosome 4, and was designated as S-9. Another new locus for hybrid sterility in the crosses between Dular and the IR2061-628 was identified and was found linked to four isozyme loci, Sdh-1, Pox-2, Acp-1 and Acp-2, on chromosome 12. It was designated as S-15. On the basis of allelic interactions causing female-gamete abortion, two alleles were found at S-9, S-9 kn in Ketan Nangka and S-9 i in N22 and Jaya. In the heterozygote, S-9 kn /S-9 i , which was semisterile, female gametes carrying S-9 kn were aborted. The hybrid of Dular and IR2061-628, with a genetic constitution of S-15 Du /S-15 i , was semi-sterile and the female gametes carrying S-15 Du were aborted. A Japonica tester variety, Akihikari, and an Indica variety, IR36, were found to have neutral alleles, S-9 nand S-15 n, at these loci, in addition to S-7 nand at S-7. The accumulation of three neutral alleles into a breeding line should help solve the hybrid sterility problem in wide crosses of rice.  相似文献   
The effect of -alany-L-histidinato zinc (AHZ) on bone cell function was investigated in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Cells were cultured for 3 days at 37°C in a CO2 incubator in plastic dishes containing -modified minimum essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. After the cultures, the medium was exchanged for that containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin plus AHZ (10–7–10–5 M) or other reagents, and the cells were cultured further for appropriate periods of time. The presence of AHZ (10–7–10–5 M) produced a remarkable increase of alkaline phosphatase activity and protein concentration in osteoblastic cells. Thus increases were seen with the prolonged cultivation (12–21 days). With the culture of 1, 3 and 12 days, the effect of AHZ (10–6 M) to increase alkaline phosphatase activity and protein concentration was more intensive than the effect of zinc sulfate, (10–6 M). The AHZ effects were completely abolished by the presence of cycloheximide (10–6 M), indicating that AHZ stimulates protein synthesis in the cells. The present study suggests that AHZ has a stimulatory effect on cell differentiation, and that this effect is partly involved on protein synthesis in osteoblastic cells.  相似文献   
We evaluated antibody-coated bacteria (ACB) in expectorated sputum to discriminate contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens. We examined 60 expectorated sputum samples from 51 patients with lower respiratory infections (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 25, pneumonia 20, purulent tracheobronchitis 6). All samples were examined with quantitative culture and immunofluorescent demonstration of ACB. From the results of quantitative culture, we divided specimens into pathogen-isolated and pathogen-free samples. Among pathogen-isolated samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogenic organisms at ≥ 107 colony-forming units per ml, 16 of 23 samples were ACB-positive (69.5%). In contrast, among pathogen-free samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogens at < 107 colony forming units per ml or only upper respiratory flora, only 3 of 37 samples were ACB-positive (8.1%). The ACB-positive rate was significantly higher in pathogen-isolated than in pathogen-free samples (P < 0.001). Consequently, detecting ACB in expectorated sputum shows good potential as another criterion for distinguishing contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens.  相似文献   
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