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Glycosphingolipids are endocytosed and targeted to the Golgi apparatus but are mistargeted to lysosomes in sphingolipid storage disorders. Substrate reduction therapy utilizes imino sugars to inhibit glucosylceramide synthase and potentially abrogate the effects of storage. Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a disorder of intracellular transport where glycosphingolipids (GSLs) and cholesterol accumulate in endosomal compartments. The mechanisms of altered intracellular trafficking are not known but may involve the mistargeting and disrupted function of proteins associated with GSL membrane microdomains. Membrane microdomains were isolated by Triton X-100 and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. High pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric analysis of NPC1(-/-) mouse brain revealed large increases in GSL. Sphingosine was also found to be a component of membrane microdomains, and in NPC liver and spleen, large increases in cholesterol and sphingosine were found. GSL and cholesterol levels were increased in mutant NPC1-null Chinese hamster ovary cells as well as U18666A and progesterone induced NPC cell culture models. However, inhibition of GSL synthesis in NPC cells with N-butyldeoxygalactonojirimycin led to marked decreases in GSL but only small decreases in cholesterol levels. Both annexin 2 and 6, membrane-associated proteins that are important in endocytic trafficking, show distorted distributions in NPC cells. Altered BODIPY lactosylceramide targeting, decreased endocytic uptake of a fluid phase marker, and mistargeting of annexin 2 (phenotypes associated with NPC) are reversed by inhibition of GSL synthesis. It is suggested that accumulating GSL is part of a mislocalized membrane microdomain and is responsible for the deficit in endocytic trafficking found in NPC disease.  相似文献   
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP; also known as gastric inhibitory polypeptide) are incretin hormones that reduce postprandial glycemic excursions via enhancing insulin release but are rapidly inactivated by enzymatic N-terminal truncation. As such, efforts have been made to improve their plasma stability by synthetic modification or by inhibition of the responsible protease, dipeptidyl peptidase (DP) IV. Here we report a parallel comparison of synthetic GIP and GLP-1 with their Ser2- and Ser(P)2-substituted analogs, examining receptor binding and activation, metabolic stability, and biological effects in vivo. Both incretins and their Ser2-substituted analogs showed similar EC50s (0.16-0.52 nm) and IC50s (4.3-8.1 nm) at their respective cloned receptors. Although both phosphoserine 2-modified (Ser(PO3H2); Ser(P)) peptides were able to stimulate maximal cAMP production and fully displace receptor-bound tracer, they showed significantly right-shifted concentration-response curves and binding affinities. Ser2-substituted analogs were moderately resistant to DP IV cleavage, whereas [Ser(P)2]GIP and [Ser(P)2] GLP-1 showed complete resistance to purified DP IV. It was shown that the Ser(P) forms were dephosphorylated in serum and thus in vivo act as precursor forms of Ser2-substituted analogs. When injected subcutaneously into conscious Wistar rats, all peptides reduced glycemic excursions (rank potency: [Ser(P)2]incretins > or = [Ser2] incretins > native hormones). Insulin determinations indicated that the reductions in postprandial glycemia were at least in part insulin-mediated. Thus it has been shown that despite having low in vitro bioactivity using receptor-transfected cells, in vivo potency of [Ser(P)2] incretins was comparable with or greater than that of native or [Ser2]peptides. Hence, Ser(P)2-modified incretins present as novel glucose-lowering agents.  相似文献   
Two adhesive events critical to efficient recruitment of neutrophils at vascular sites of inflammation are up-regulation of endothelial selectins that bind sialyl Lewis(x) ligands and activation of beta(2)-integrins that support neutrophil arrest by binding ICAM-1. We have previously reported that neutrophils rolling on E-selectin are sufficient for signaling cell arrest through beta(2)-integrin binding of ICAM-1 in a process dependent upon ligation of L-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1). Unresolved are the spatial and temporal events that occur as E-selectin binds to human neutrophils and dynamically signals the transition from neutrophil rolling to arrest. Here we show that binding of E-selectin to sialyl Lewis(x) on L-selectin and PSGL-1 drives their colocalization into membrane caps at the trailing edge of neutrophils rolling on HUVECs and on an L-cell monolayer coexpressing E-selectin and ICAM-1. Likewise, binding of recombinant E-selectin to PMNs in suspension also elicited coclustering of L-selectin and PSGL-1 that was signaled via mitogen-activated protein kinase. Binding of recombinant E-selectin signaled activation of beta(2)-integrin to high-avidity clusters and elicited efficient neutrophil capture of beta(2)-integrin ligands in shear flow. Inhibition of p38 and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase blocked the cocapping of L-selectin and PSGL-1 and the subsequent clustering of high-affinity beta(2)-integrin. Taken together, the data suggest that E-selectin is unique among selectins in its capacity for clustering sialylated ligands and transducing signals leading to neutrophil arrest in shear flow.  相似文献   
Virus-specific CD8 T cells after clearance of infection reduce their number in lymphoid organs by apoptotic death and by migration into peripheral tissues. During and after infection, many lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-specific CD8 T cells in lymphoid but not peripheral tissues are in a preapoptotic state, as detected by the early apoptosis marker annexin V. In this report, we investigated the significance of this preapoptotic state and how it may be influenced by viral epitope specificity. Stimulation with anti-CD3 or IL-2 in vitro postponed DNA fragmentation in annexin V+ cells, but adoptive transfer studies in vivo showed that this preapoptotic phenotype precluded the development of functional memory. CD8 T cells specific to LCMV epitopes NP396 and gp33 differed in their preapoptotic state, with NP396-specific T cells binding more annexin V than gp33-specific T cells. These epitope- and tissue-dependent differences were seen in primary, memory, and secondary responses and in mice receiving different displays of Ag by infection with LCMV strains of different tropisms or by infection with vaccinia virus recombinants expressing LCMV proteins. Thus, the epitope-dependent differences in apoptosis were independent of virus tropisms, duration of Ag exposure, and competition within APCs, and were an intrinsic property of the epitope. The tissue-dependent and epitope-dependent preapoptotic state correlated with reduced expression of IL-7Ralpha.  相似文献   
Nogo-66, the extracellular 66 aa loop of the Nogo-A protein found in CNS myelin, interacts with the Nogo receptor and has been proposed to mediate inhibition of axonal regrowth. It has been shown that immunization with Nogo-A promotes recovery in animal models of spinal cord injury through induction of Ab production. In this report, studies were performed to characterize the immune response to Nogo-66 and to determine the role of Nogo in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Immunization of EAE-susceptible mouse strains with peptides derived from Nogo-66 induced a CNS immune response with clinical and pathological similarities to EAE. The Nogo-66 peptides elicited strong T cell responses that were not cross-reactive to other encephalitogenic myelin Ags. Using a large scale spotted microarray containing proteins and peptides derived from a wide spectrum of myelin components, we demonstrated that Nogo-66 peptides also generated a specific Ab response that spreads to several other encephalitogenic myelin Ags following immunization. Nogo-66-specific T cell lines ameliorated established EAE, via Nogo-66-specific Th2 cells that entered the CNS. These results indicate that some T cell and B cell immune responses to Nogo-66 are associated with suppression of ongoing EAE, whereas other Nogo-66 epitopes can be encephalitogenic.  相似文献   
Cost and time reduction are two of the driving forces in the development of new strategies for protein crystallization and subsequent structure determination. Here, we report the analysis of the Thermotoga maritima proteome, in which we compare the proteins that were successfully expressed, purified and crystallized versus the rest of the proteome. This set of almost 500 proteins represents one of the largest, internally consistent, protein expression and crystallization datasets available. The analysis shows that individual parameters, such as isoelectric point, sequence length, average hydropathy, low complexity regions (SEG), and combinations of these biophysical properties for crystallized proteins define a distinct subset of the T. maritima proteome. The distribution profiles of the various biophysical properties in the expression/crystallization set are then used to extract rules to improve target selection and improve the efficiency and output of structural genomics, as well as general structural biology efforts.  相似文献   
Propagation of interastrocyte Ca2+ waves is mediated by diffusion of extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and may require regenerative release of ATP. The ability of ATP to initiate release of intracellular ATP was assessed by labeling adenine nucleotide pools in astrocyte cultures with 14C-adenine. The 14C-purines released during exposure to ATP were then identified by thin-layer chromatography. ATP treatment caused a five-fold increase in release of 14C-ATP but not 14C-ADP or 14C-AMP, indicating selectivity for release of ATP. Other P2 receptor agonists also caused significant 14C-ATP release, and the P2 receptor antagonists suramin, reactive blue-2 and pyridoxalphosphate-6-azo(benzene-2,4-disulfonic acid) (PPADS) inhibited ATP-induced 14C-ATP release to varying degrees, suggesting the involvement of a P2 receptor. ATP-induced 14C-ATP release was not affected by chelation of intracellular Ca2+ with BAPTA-AM, or by blockers of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores or of extracellular Ca2+ influx, suggesting a Ca2+-independent response. ATP-induced 14C-ATP release was significantly inhibited by non-selective anion channel blockers but not by blockers of ATP-binding cassette proteins, gap junction hemichannels, or vesicular exocytosis. Release of adenine nucleotides induced by 0 Ca2+ was, in contrast, not selective for ATP, and was susceptible to inhibition by gap junction blockers. These findings indicate that astrocytes are capable of ATP-induced ATP release and support a role for regenerative ATP release in glial Ca2+ wave propagation.  相似文献   
Inefficient adenoviral vector (AdV)-mediated gene transfer to the ciliated respiratory epithelium has hindered gene transfer strategies for the treatment of cystic fibrosis lung disease. In part, the inefficiency is due to an absence of the coxsackie B and adenovirus type 2 and 5 receptor (CAR) from the apical membranes of polarized epithelia. In this study, using an in vitro model of human ciliated airway epithelium, we show that providing a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked AdV receptor (GPI-CAR) at the apical surface did not significantly improve AdV gene transfer efficiency because the lumenal surface glycocalyx limited the access of AdV to apical GPI-CAR. The highly glycosylated tethered mucins were considered to be significant glycocalyx components that restricted AdV access because proteolytic digestion and inhibitors of O-linked glycosylation enhanced AdV gene transfer. To determine whether these in vitro observations are relevant to the in vivo situation, we generated transgenic mice expressing GPI-CAR at the surface of the airway epithelium, crossbred these mice with mice that were genetically devoid of tethered mucin type 1 (Muc1), and tested the efficiency of gene transfer to murine airways expressing apical GPI-human CAR (GPI-hCAR) in the presence and absence of Muc1. We determined that AdV gene transfer to the murine airway epithelium was inefficient even in GPI-hCAR transgenic mice but that the gene transfer efficiency improved in the absence of Muc1. However, the inability to achieve a high gene transfer efficiency, even in mice with a deletion of Muc1, suggested that other glycocalyx components, possibly other tethered mucin types, also provide a significant barrier to AdV interacting with the airway lumenal surface.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to demonstrate the involvement of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the early-phase isoflurane-induced hypotension and to ascertain whether this NOS is neuronal NOS (nNOS) or endothelial NOS (eNOS). Mean arterial pressures (MAPs) were directly measured from the femoral arteries of urethane-anesthetized rats. Isoflurane-induced changes in MAP were monitored in rats following pretreatment with vehicle or one of the following NOS inhibitors: L-NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), which is non-selective; L-NG-nitro arginine (L-NOARG), which is more selective for nNOS and eNOS; and 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), which is selective for nNOS. Exposure to 2% isoflurane in oxygen produced a triphasic reduction in MAP, including an early phase in which mean arterial pressure (MAP) fell by 25-30% during the initial 2½ min. This early hypotensive response, but not subsequent phases, was abolished by i.v. pretreatment with either L-NMMA or L-NOARG. The early-phase hypotension was also significantly attenuated by i.p. pretreatment with 7-NI; however, the blockade was not as complete as with L-NMMA or L-NOARG. Cerebella and aorta were removed from vehicle- and 7-NI pretreated rats and assayed for NOS activity by determining the conversion of [14C]L-arginine to [14C]L-citrulline. The 7-NI pretreatment significantly reduced NOS activity in the cerebellum but not the aorta. These findings indicate that the early-phase isoflurane-induced hypotension may involve nNOS as well as eNOS. The nNOS may participate in regulation of isoflurane-induced neuronal release of endogenous opioid peptide, which produces a vasodilation that is dependent on NO derived from an action of eNOS.  相似文献   
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