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Antiviral treatment of HIV-1 infection often fails because of the rapid emergence of resistant virus within weeks of the start of therapy. This raises the question of whether resistant viruses pre-exist in drug-naive patients or whether it is produced after the start of therapy. Here we compare the likelihood of pre-existence with the likelihood of production of resistant virus during therapy. We show that provided resistant virus pre-exists, then a stronger therapy may lead to a greater initial reduction of virus load, but will also cause a faster rise of resistant virus. In this case the total benefit of treatment is independent of the degree of inhibition of sensitive virus. If, on the other hand, resistant mutants do not pre-exist, then the emergence of resistance during treatment depends on the efficacy of the drug. If the drug is sufficiently potent to eradicate sensitive virus, then the probability that resistant mutants first appear during therapy is smaller than the probability that they existed before therapy. If the drug cannot eradicate the sensitive virus, then after sufficiently long time resistant mutants will appear. However, mutants that are unlikely to pre-exist may taken long time to appear.  相似文献   
We consider two-state automata playing repeatedly the Prisoner's Dilemma (or any other 2 × 2-game). The 16 × 16-payoff matrix is computed for the limiting case of a vanishingly small noise term affecting the interaction. Some results concerning the evolution of populations of automata under the action of selection are obtained. The special role of win-stay, lose-shift-strategies is examined.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung (1) 1991 konnten erstmals 4 mit Kleinsendern ausgerüstete Weißstörche mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie auf Teilstrecken ihres Wegzugs bis zu 46 Tage lang verfolgt werden. Die japanischen Sender betrugen nur etwa 2 % des Körpergewichts der Vögel; die Ortung erfolgte durch das ARGOS-System. Die Versuchsvögel zeigten völlig normales Zugverhalten. — (2) Drei der in Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt markierten Vögel waren Ostzieher und konnten über Strecken von etwa 640–4700 km verfolgt werden, 1 Storch bis zur ägyptisch-sudanesischen Grenze. Ein Westzieher konnte rund 1400 km bis zu den Pyrenäen geortet werden. — (3) Die Vögel wanderten individuell recht verschieden. 2 zogen weitgehend kontinuierlich bis in den Sudan bzw. zu den Pyrenäen, die anderen legten längere Pausen ein. Die ermittelten Zugstrecken verliefen recht geradlinig; Richtungsänderungen erfolgten vor allem an der Donau, den Karpaten, am Mittelmeer und auf der Sinai-Halbinsel. Tagesetappen betrugen mindestens bis zu 370 km, in einem Fall in 21 Tagen durchschnittlich 224 km/Tag. Die Zuggeschwindigkeit lag in der Größenordnung von 30–90 km/h. — (4) Verbesserte Sender mit längerer Lebensdauer und mehreren Ortungen pro Tag dürften es bald ermöglichen, individuelle Wanderrouten von Weißstörchen und anderen Großvögeln praktisch lückenlos zu ermitteln. Begleitmannschaften werden zudem die Zug- und Rastökologie mit Sendern ausgerüsteter Vögel mit erfassen können. Damit dürfte der Vogelschutz auf dem Zug eine neue Dimension gewinnen.
Satellite tracking of White Storks during the autumn migratory period — a pilot study
Summary (1) In 1991 parts of the routes of White Storks migrating in autumn could be recorded for the first time by satellite tracking. Four individuals could be followed for up to 46 days. Transmitter weight accounted for only about 2 % of body mass. Locations were obtained by the ARGOS system. Migratory behaviour of the experimental birds appeared to be absolutely normal. — (2) The birds were equipped with transmitters in eastern Germany. Three of them followed the eastern migration route and could be tracked from 640 up to 4700 km, the latter reaching the borders of Egypt and Sudan. A western migrant could be followed over a distance of about 1400 km towards the Pyrenees. — (3) Migration showed considerable individual variation. Whereas in two birds migration was largely continuous towards the Sudan and the Pyrenees, respectively, the other birds rested for longer periods. The tracked migration routes were fairly straight. Marked directional shifts occurred towards the Danube valley, at the Carpathian mountains, the Mediterranean and on the Sinai. Capacity per day was at least 370 km. One bird covered 224 km/day on average during a period of 21 days. Migration speed ranged in the magnitude of 30–90 km/h. — (4) Improved transmitters with increased lifetime giving several locations per day will presumably allow to record migration routes of White Storks and other large birds more completely in the near future. Escorts should then be able to closely analyse the ecology of migration and staging of their test birds. These possibilities may give a new dimension to bird conservation measures during migration.
A several-fold greater counting efficiency is observed for protein labeled with [3H]leucine than for free [3H]leucine using a conventional filter disk assay. A similar, though less marked, effect is noted for 14C-labeled molecules. These results are comparable to those reported by others for counting efficiencies of labeled DNA and deoxynucleotides and illustrate the generality of this effect with regard to macromolecules and their low-molecular weight precursors. This phenomenon, presumably due to differences in the distribution of large and small molecules within filters, gives rise to errors in the quantitation of macromolecule synthesis if a counting efficiency identical to that of the precursor is assumed to apply. A convenient method for determining counting efficiencies of various molecules bound to filters is presented which eliminates this problem.  相似文献   
In 8 female patients carbohydrate tolerance was proved by means of glucose infusion test 3 days after cholecystectomy. Parameters analyzed in portal and peripheral vein blood are compared with that of 47 healthy persons. All patients demonstrate a pathological carbohydrate tolerance after cholecystectomy, further characterized by an increased lipolysis, a paradoxical rise of HGH, a diminished insulin secretion during the early and increased IRI output in the second phase. There is a significant positive correlation between portal and peripheral vein IRI concentration despite the rising portalperipheral venous IRI difference with raised portal venous IRI concentration. Corresponding differences for proinsulin concentrations can be established in the early phase only. Relations existing between blood glucose and IRI are shown by multiple regression analysis. They suggest that the altitude of IRI concentration is determined by previous blood glucose concentration.  相似文献   
Neuronal synaptic functional deficits are linked to impaired learning and memory in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We recently demonstrated that O-GlcNAc, a novel cytosolic and nuclear carbohydrate post-translational modification, is enriched at neuronal synapses and positively regulates synaptic plasticity linked to learning and memory in mice. Reduced levels of O-GlcNAc have been observed in AD, suggesting a possible link to deficits in synaptic plasticity. Using lectin enrichment and mass spectrometry, we mapped several human cortical synaptic O-GlcNAc modification sites. Overlap in patterns of O-GlcNAcation between mouse and human appears to be high, as previously mapped mouse synaptic O-GlcNAc sites in Bassoon, Piccolo, and tubulin polymerization promoting protein p25 were identified in human. Novel O-GlcNAc modification sites were identified on Mek2 and RPN13/ADRM1. Mek2 is a signaling component of the Erk 1/2 pathway involved in synaptic plasticity. RPN13 is a component of the proteasomal degradation pathway. The potential interplay of phosphorylation with mapped O-GlcNAc sites, and possible implication of those sites in synaptic plasticity in normal versus AD states is discussed. iTRAQ is a powerful differential isotopic quantitative approach in proteomics. Pulsed Q dissociation (PQD) is a recently introduced fragmentation strategy that enables detection of low mass iTRAQ reporter ions in ion trap mass spectrometry. We optimized LTQ ion trap settings for PQD-based iTRAQ quantitation and demonstrated its utility in O-GlcNAc site mapping. Using iTRAQ, abnormal synaptic expression levels of several proteins previously implicated in AD pathology were observed in addition to novel changes in synaptic specific protein expression including Synapsin II.  相似文献   
Artemisinin, in the form of artemisinin‐based combination therapies (ACTs), is currently the most important compound in the treatment of malaria. The current commercial source of artemisinin is Artemisia annua, but this represents a relatively expensive source for supplying the developing world. In this study, the possibility of producing artemisinin in genetically modified plants is investigated, using tobacco as a model. Heterologous expression of A. annua amorphadiene synthase and CYP71AV1 in tobacco led to the accumulation of amorphadiene and artemisinic alcohol, but not artemisinic acid. Additional expression of artemisinic aldehyde Δ11(13) double‐bond reductase (DBR2) with or without aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) led to the additional accumulation dihydroartemisinic alcohol. The above‐mentioned results and in vivo metabolic experiments suggest that amorphane sesquiterpenoid aldehydes are formed, but conditions in the transgenic tobacco cells favour reduction to alcohols rather than oxidation to acids. The biochemical and biotechnological significance of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
The synthesis of phosphoramidite of 5-fluoro-4-thio-2'-O-methyluridine is described. An appropriate set of protecting groups was optimized including the 4-thio function introduced via 4-triazolyl as the 4-(2-cyanoethyl)thio derivative, and the t-butyldimethyl silyl for 2' and 3' hydroxyl protection, enabling efficient synthesis of the phosphoramidite. These protecting groups prevented unwanted side reactions during oligonucleotide synthesis. The utility of the proposed synthetic route was proven by the preparation of several oligonucleotides via automated synthesis. Photochemical experiments confirmed the utility of the synthon.  相似文献   
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