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在不同生境的松林中,人工补充寄主卵都能提高寄生效果。但林地生境不同,寄生率有明显差异。在松阔混交林中补充寄主,其寄生率比对照提高5.5—16.2倍。植被稀疏的纯松林效果较差,补充的寄生率比对照提高3.0倍。 卵蜂种群消长随季节温度而变化,全年以5月中旬至6月下旬和9月中旬至10月中旬为两个寄生高峰。卵蜂种群与松毛虫种群的消长存在较明显的相依关系,卵蜂种群随着松毛虫种群的消长而消长。施药对卵蜂种群有较大影响,施药区比对照区的寄生率约降低一倍。在混交林中填充寄主卵,能促进卵蜂种群世代延续。在逐步改善林地生境的基础上,利用人工补充寄主,可以代替人工繁蜂放蜂。  相似文献   
Summary Rat kidney fibroblasts transformed with SV-40 produce in vitro a significantly lower amount of hydroxyproline-containing material which is collagenase sensitive as compared to normal cells. In contrast to normal fibroblast cultures, no collagenous material was found by histochemical methods in intercellular spaces of transformed cultures.  相似文献   
Abstract— l -DOPA or d -amphetamine administration disaggregates brain polyribosomes in animals maintained in an environment warm enough (26°C) so that the drugs concurrently elevate their body temperatures to above 39°C. The production of equivalent hyperthermia (by keeping control rats at ambient temperatures of 40–44° C) does not cause similar disaggregation of brain polysomes. Hence, the role of hyperthermia in the drug-induced disaggregation is permissive.  相似文献   
T Nowak  M J Lee 《Biochemistry》1977,16(7):1343-1350
The formation of multiple ligand complexes with muscle pyruvate kinase was measured in terms of dissociation constants and the standard free energies of formation were calculated. The binding of Mn2+ to the enzyme (KA = 55 +/- 5 X 10(-6) M; deltaF degrees = -5.75 +/- 0.05 kcal/mol) and to the enzyme saturated with phosphoenolpyruvate (conditional free energy) KA' = 0.8 +/- 0.4 X 10(-6) M; deltaF degrees = -8.22 +/- 0.34 kcal/mol) has been measured under identical conditions giving a free energy of coupling, delta(deltaF degrees) = -2.47 +/- 0.34 kcal/mol. Such a large negative free energy of coupling is diagnostic of a strong positively cooperative effect in ligand binding. The binding of the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate to free enzyme and the enzyme-Mn2+ complex was, by necessity, measured by different methods. The free energy of phosphoenolpyruvate binding to free enzyme (KS = 1.58 +/- 0.10 X 10(-4)M; deltaF degrees = -5.13 +/- 0.04 kcal/mol) and to the enzyme-Mn2+ complex (K3 = 0.75 +/- 0.10 X 10(-6)M; deltaF degrees = -8.26 +/- 0.07 kcal/mol) also gives a large negative free energy of coupling, delta(deltaF degrees) = -3.16 +/- 0.08 kcal/mol. Such a large negative value confirms reciprocal binding effects between the divalent cation and the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate. The binding of Mn2+ to the enzyme-ADP complex was also investigated and a free energy of coupling, delta(deltaF degrees) = -0.08 +/- 0.08 kcal/mol, was measured, indicative of little or no cooperativity in binding. The free energy of coupling with Mn2+ and pyruvate was measured as -1.52 +/- 0.14 kcal/mol, showing a significant amount of cooperativity in ligand binding but a substantially smaller effect than that observed for phosphoenolpyruvate binding. The magnitude of the coupling free energy may be related to the role of the divalent cation in the formation of the enzyme-substrate complexes. In the absence of the activating monovalent cation, the coupling free energies for phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate binding decrease by 40-60% and 25%, respectively, substantiating a role for the monovalent cation in the formation of enzyme-substrate complexes with phosphoenolpyruvate and with pyruvate.  相似文献   
Duck and goose fibrinogen were isolated from fresh pooled plasma by three different methods. To minimize proteolytic activity, epsilon-aminocaproic acid and trasylol were used throughout the preparation procedures. Amino acid composition of fibrinogens and carbohydrate content (hexose, hexosamine, sialic acid) as well as phosphorus were analysed. Intact preparations showed single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After reduction and modification of the thiol groups, the material could be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into four bands corresponding to the gamma, partially degraded A alpha, B beta and intact A alpha chain. Intact polypeptide subunits were separated by ion-exchange chromatography or preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their amino acid compositions were determined. Evidences supporting the view that bird fibrinogen is very sensitive to proteolytic degradation and that a partial degradation of the A alpha chain takes place even when inhibitors are used in all steps of the purification procedures are presented.  相似文献   
Systematic thermodynamic studies have been conducted for flavin (FMN, FAD) binding to purified riboflavin-binding proteins from hen egg white and egg yolk. These studies were conducted under a variety of temperature (14, 26, and 38 °C), pH (4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.4, and 9.0), and buffer conditions, and an extensive thermodynamic profile was constructed. Enthalpies of binding FMN to white riboflavin-binding protein and yolk riboflavin-binding protein were ?19.3 and ?14.4 kcal/mol, respectively, at pH 7.4 and 38 °C. FAD bound to white and yolk riboflavin-binding proteins under the same conditions with ΔH values of ?11.7 and ?6.0, respectively. Binding constants of about 105 and 104 were obtained for FMN and FAD, respectively, and were the same for both proteins under all conditions studied. Using established thermodynamic relationships, we were able to calculate entropy and free energy changes. Entropies indicated a large degree of ordering in the system upon flavin binding with FMN (about ?40 cal/mol/ °C) twice as large as FAD (about ?15 to ?25 cal/mol/ °C), which may indicate a structured solvent interaction with the charged phosphate group, or steric limitations placed on the ribityl side chain in the bound state. Our thermodynamic data support the idea that flavin binding is a mixture of forces, with no one predominant. Analysis of the data suggests that the nucleotide may bind both as the mono- or dianion, that flavin binding occurs with no significant change in the pK of any functional group in the system, except at low pH for FAD binding, and that the temperature variation of the enthalpy change is quite small. These findings are combined with other published data to outline a general scheme of flavin binding with a histidine residue implicated in hydrogen bonding to the adenine portion of FAD, which may be in the unstacked form.  相似文献   
Neurotensin (NT) (12-48 micrograms/kg-1/day-1, for 2 days, s.c.), like ACTH (60 micrograms/kg-1/day-1, for 2 days, s.c.), counteracted the dexamethasone (Dx)-induced (120 micrograms/kg-1/day-1, for 4 days, s.c.) adrenal zona-fasciculata cell atrophy. NT notably raised, in Dx-suppressed rats, the plasma concentration of ACTH, which reached about that found after exogenous ACTH administration. However, at variance with ACTH, NT did not enhance either plasma corticosterone (B) level or B production by adrenal quarters in vitro. The conclusion is drawn that NT modulates the function of the rat pituitary-adrenocortical axis, by simultaneously stimulating hypophyseal ACTH release and inhibiting steroidogenesis at the adrenal level.  相似文献   
中国吻额蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了作者1986年采自湖北省神农架林区的吻额蛛属Aprifrontalia一新种:膨大吻额蛛,新种Aprifrontalia afflata sp.nov.。目前,除本新种外,世界仅报道过1种:Aprifrontalia mascula,本新种雄蛛最显著的特征是:其额向前突呈吻状,触肢胫节前端甚膨大。外雌器形成一斜向下方的突起。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung (1) 1991 konnten erstmals 4 mit Kleinsendern ausgerüstete Weißstörche mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie auf Teilstrecken ihres Wegzugs bis zu 46 Tage lang verfolgt werden. Die japanischen Sender betrugen nur etwa 2 % des Körpergewichts der Vögel; die Ortung erfolgte durch das ARGOS-System. Die Versuchsvögel zeigten völlig normales Zugverhalten. — (2) Drei der in Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt markierten Vögel waren Ostzieher und konnten über Strecken von etwa 640–4700 km verfolgt werden, 1 Storch bis zur ägyptisch-sudanesischen Grenze. Ein Westzieher konnte rund 1400 km bis zu den Pyrenäen geortet werden. — (3) Die Vögel wanderten individuell recht verschieden. 2 zogen weitgehend kontinuierlich bis in den Sudan bzw. zu den Pyrenäen, die anderen legten längere Pausen ein. Die ermittelten Zugstrecken verliefen recht geradlinig; Richtungsänderungen erfolgten vor allem an der Donau, den Karpaten, am Mittelmeer und auf der Sinai-Halbinsel. Tagesetappen betrugen mindestens bis zu 370 km, in einem Fall in 21 Tagen durchschnittlich 224 km/Tag. Die Zuggeschwindigkeit lag in der Größenordnung von 30–90 km/h. — (4) Verbesserte Sender mit längerer Lebensdauer und mehreren Ortungen pro Tag dürften es bald ermöglichen, individuelle Wanderrouten von Weißstörchen und anderen Großvögeln praktisch lückenlos zu ermitteln. Begleitmannschaften werden zudem die Zug- und Rastökologie mit Sendern ausgerüsteter Vögel mit erfassen können. Damit dürfte der Vogelschutz auf dem Zug eine neue Dimension gewinnen.
Satellite tracking of White Storks during the autumn migratory period — a pilot study
Summary (1) In 1991 parts of the routes of White Storks migrating in autumn could be recorded for the first time by satellite tracking. Four individuals could be followed for up to 46 days. Transmitter weight accounted for only about 2 % of body mass. Locations were obtained by the ARGOS system. Migratory behaviour of the experimental birds appeared to be absolutely normal. — (2) The birds were equipped with transmitters in eastern Germany. Three of them followed the eastern migration route and could be tracked from 640 up to 4700 km, the latter reaching the borders of Egypt and Sudan. A western migrant could be followed over a distance of about 1400 km towards the Pyrenees. — (3) Migration showed considerable individual variation. Whereas in two birds migration was largely continuous towards the Sudan and the Pyrenees, respectively, the other birds rested for longer periods. The tracked migration routes were fairly straight. Marked directional shifts occurred towards the Danube valley, at the Carpathian mountains, the Mediterranean and on the Sinai. Capacity per day was at least 370 km. One bird covered 224 km/day on average during a period of 21 days. Migration speed ranged in the magnitude of 30–90 km/h. — (4) Improved transmitters with increased lifetime giving several locations per day will presumably allow to record migration routes of White Storks and other large birds more completely in the near future. Escorts should then be able to closely analyse the ecology of migration and staging of their test birds. These possibilities may give a new dimension to bird conservation measures during migration.
The influence of an inhibitor of iodothyronines' extrathyroidal conversion on T4, T3 and rT3 deiodination by adult pig pituitary and cerebral cortical homogenates has been investigated. The homogenates were incubated with T4, T3 and rT3 in the presence of 5 mM dithiothreitol and evaporated diethyl ether extracts of sera obtained from fed and starved (1-14 days) rabbits. The extracts had no influence either on T4 to T3 or on T4 to rT3 conversion in cerebral cortex. Deiodination of rT3 to 3,3'-T2 in that tissue was significantly inhibited only by the extracts of sera obtained from 4 days starved rabbits. Inner-ring deiodination of both rT3 and T3 was not changed by the extracts got from short-term (1-4 days) fasted animals but was significantly reduced by the extracts from long-term (7-14 days) food-deprived subjects. Pituitary conversion of T4 to T3 was diminished by 35% in the presence of sera extracts gained from 1-9 days fasted rabbits and by about 50% on day 14 of fasting, but only the latter change was statistically significant. Short-term fasting inhibited T4 to rT3 conversion on days 2 and 4. Both deiodinations of rT3 and 5-deiodination of T3 were affected by extracts of sera collected during long-term fasting.  相似文献   
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