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The analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase reported here suggests that the polymerase structure consists of domains carrying separate biological functions. The HSV-1 enzyme is known to possess 5'-3'-exonuclease (RNase H), 3'-5'-exonuclease, and DNA polymerase catalytic activities. Sequence analysis suggests an arrangement of these activities into distinct domains resembling the organization of Escherichia coli polymerase I. In order to more precisely define the structure and C-terminal limits of a putative catalytic domain responsible for the DNA polymerization activity of the HSV-1 enzyme, we have undertaken in vitro mutagenesis and computer modeling studies of the HSV-1 DNA polymerase gene. Sequence analysis predicts that the major DNA polymerization domain of the HSV-1 enzyme will be contained between residues 690 and 1100, and we present a three-dimensional model of this region, on the basis of the X-ray crystallographic structure of the E. coli polymerase I. Consistent with these structural and modeling studies, deletion analysis by in vitro mutagenesis of the HSV-1 DNA polymerase gene expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has confirmed that certain amino acids from the C terminus (residues 1073 to 1144 and 1177 to 1235) can be deleted without destroying HSV-1 DNA polymerase catalytic activity and that the extreme N-terminal 227 residues are also not required for this activity.  相似文献   
The morphological analysis of nerves in axillary lymph nodes of the rat revealed the presence of two types of axon possessing either a more or a less electron-lucent matrix. The more electron-lucent axons enter the node finely myelinated, do not contain synaptic vesicles and quickly divide to form branches approaching the basement membranes of blood vessels, as well as cellular elements. They may be interpreted as sensory axons. The less electron-lucent axons are unmyelinated, and contain three distinct populations of synaptic vesicles. These may all be present in one axonal varicosity, so that the existence of cotransmitters is highly probable.  相似文献   
Elevational gradients provide an interesting opportunity for studying the effect of climatic drivers over short distances on the various facets of biodiversity. It is globally assumed that the decrease in species richness with increasing elevation follows mainly the decrease in ecosystem productivity, but studies on functional diversity still remain limited. Here, we investigated how resource use and food preferences by both individual ant species and communities foraging in the understory vary with elevation along a complete elevational gradient (200 to 3200 m asl). Five bait types reflecting some of the main ecosystem processes in which ants are involved were tested: mutualism (sucrose and melezitose), predation (live termites), and detritivory (crushed insects and chicken feces). The observed monotonic decrease in both species richness and occurrences with elevation increase was accompanied by changes in some of the tested ecosystem processes. Such variations can be explained by resource availability and/or resource limitation: Predation and bird feces removal decreased with increasing elevation possibly reflecting a decline in species able to use these resources, while insect detritivory and nectarivory were most probably driven by resource limitation (or absence of limitation), as their relative use did not change along the gradient. Consequently, resource attractiveness (i.e., food preferences at the species level) appears as an important factor in driving community structuring in ants together with the abiotic environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Limited information is available on inherent stabilities of four-chain-coils. We have developed a model system to study this folding motif using synthetic peptides derived from sequences contained in the tetramerization domain of Lac repressor. These peptides are tetrameric as judged by both gel filtration and sedimentation equilibrium and the tetramers are fully helical as determined by CD. The four-chain coiled-coils are well folded as judged by the cooperativity of thermal unfolding and by the extent of dispersion in aliphatic chemical shifts seen in NMR spectra. In addition, we measured the chain length dependence of this four-chain coiled-coil. To this end, we developed a general procedure for nonlinear curve fitting of denaturation data in oligomeric systems. The dissociation constants for bundles that contain alpha-helical chains 21, 28, and 35 amino acids in length are 3.1 x 10(-12), 6.7 x 10(-23), and 1.0 x 10(-38) M3, respectively. This corresponds to tetramer stabilities (in terms of the peptide monomer concentration) of 180 microM, 51 nM, and 280 fM, respectively. Finally, we discuss the rules governing coiled-coil formation in light of the work presented here.  相似文献   
Pulsed-field capillary electrophoresis represents a new tool for rapid and highly efficient separations of large biopolymers. The method has been utilized here to study dependencies of the electrophoretic mobility upon the frequency and pulse shape of applied voltage for large, double-stranded DNA molecules (5-100 kb) migrating in neutral polymer solutions. Two different shapes of alternating electric field (sine- and square-wave impulses) were examined with the frequency values ranging from 1 to 30 Hz. The linear dependence between duration of the forward pulse (at which the DNA molecule experiences a minimum mobility) and the product N.In(N) (where N is the number of base pairs) was experienced in field-inversion gel electrophoresis, while exponential dependence was found with the sinusoidal electric field. The mobility minima were lower in field-inversion electrophoresis than with the biased sinusoidal-field technique. The DNA (5 kb concatamers) was adequately separated using a ramp of frequency in the square-wave electric field, in approximately 1 h. The migration order of DNA fragments was referenced through adding a monodisperse DNA (48.5 kb) into the sample. The band inversion phenomena were not observed under any experimental conditions used in this work.  相似文献   
The Aα mating locus of the woodrotting fungusSchizophyllum commune encodes two multiallelic genes,Y andZ, which regulate the A-pathway of development. TheY alleles contain a homeobox, suggesting that the Y proteins may be DNA-binding regulatory proteins. During mating, development is induced when Y from one mating partner interacts with Z from the other mating partner; self combinations of Y and Z are inactive. Two-hybrid analyses indicate that nonself combinations of Y and Z form heteromultimers and self combinations do not. To understand Y-Z binding and self- nonself recognition further we used mutagenesis and chimeras to identify regions in one allele ofZ(Z5) that are involved in these processes. Here we report the results, which broadly define regions in Z5 that are essential for activity, Y-Z binding and Z5 allelic specificity.  相似文献   
We investigated the prevalence and phenotypic variation of Candida species in oral lichen planus (OLP) and the therapeutic implications of our findings. Eighty patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed cases of OLP (64 non-erosive, 16 erosive) and a control group of 80 healthy individuals with no predisposing factors for oral candidiasis were examined for evidence of Candida infection. Oral swabs and smears were obtained for cytology and culture. Identification, speciation and antifungal susceptibility tests of Candida isolates were performed using an automated microbial identification system. Fifty percent of erosive OLP cases, 28% of non-erosive cases and none of the controls showed evidence of Candida. Candida albicans was found predominantly in non-erosive OLP, while other Candida species were predominate in erosive OLP. Non-Candida albicans isolates (C. glabrata, C. krusei) were resistant to the commonly used antifungals, clotrimazole and fluconazole. Candida infection is common in cases of OLP. We recommend antifungal sensitivity testing prior to antifungal therapy for the erosive form of OLP.  相似文献   
The mouse hybridoma cell line 40-150 secretes antibodies with high affinity toward the cardiac glycosides digoxin and digitoxin. A spontaneous mutant, 40-150 A2.4, produces an antibody which carries a single residue mutation, Ser----Arg, in its heavy chain (H94) and has an altered specificity. A second-order mutant, 40-150 A2.4 P.10, produces two antibody molecules, one the same as 40-150 A2.4, the other lacking two residues at the N-terminus of its H chain, and having a specificity profile approaching that of 40-150 antibody. The N-terminus and the position H94 are distant from the antigen-binding site of the antibody; thus, the structural basis of the specificity changes was not immediately clear. Approximate structures of the 40-150 antibody and its mutants were constructed in the computer, based on atomic coordinates of the homologous mouse antibody McPC 603. Using the program CONGEN, the torsional space of the polypeptide backbone and side chains around position H94 was uniformly sampled, and the lowest energy conformations were analyzed in detail. The results indicate that when Arg-H94 is substituted for Ser, Arg-H94 can hydrogen bond to side chains of Asp-H101, Arg-L46, and Asp-L55. This results in a change in the surface of the combining site which may account for the affinity changes. Deletion of the two N-terminal residues increases solvent accessibility of Arg-H94. The solvation may cause a hydrogen bond between Arg-H94 and Asp-H101 to be lost, restoring the structure to one similar to that of 40-150.  相似文献   
Retraction of F Pili   总被引:24,自引:15,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The disappearance of F pili on Escherichia coli cells in the presence of 10−2 M NaCN was studied by electron microscopy and serum-blocking power. The pili which disappeared from the cell did not appear as free pili in the culture medium, suggesting that the pili had retracted into the cell. New pili were produced at a normal rate approximately 3 min after NaCN was removed. The adsorption of either F pili antibody or R17 bacteriophage to the sides of pili and temperatures below 24 C prevented retraction. The disappearance of pili was accompanied by a loss in the ability of cells to adsorb R17 phage and the type of F pili antibody that inhibits R17 phage infection and mating. The ability to adsorb M13 phage and the type of F pili antibody that inhibits M13 phage infection was not affected. This suggests that the tips of retracted pili are exposed.  相似文献   
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