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The fatal disease induced by SIVsmmPBj4 clinically resembles endotoxic shock, with the development of severe gastrointestinal disease. While the exact mechanism of disease induction has not been fully elucidated, aspects of virus biology suggest that immune activation contributes to pathogenesis. These biological characteristics include induction of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferation, upregulation of activation markers and Fas ligand expression, and increased levels of apoptosis. To investigate the role of immune activation and viral replication on disease induction, animals infected with SIVsmmPBj14 were treated with one of two drugs: FK-506, a potent immunosuppressive agent, or PMPA, a potent antiretroviral agent. While PBMC proliferation was blocked in vitro with FK-506, pig-tailed macaques treated preinoculation with FK-506 were not protected from acutely lethal disease. However, these animals did show some evidence of modulation of immune activation, including reduced levels of CD25 antigen and FasL expression, as well as lower tissue viral loads. In contrast, macaques treated postinoculation with PMPA were completely protected from the development of acutely lethal disease. Treatment with PMPA beginning as late as 5 days postinfection was able to prevent the PBj syndrome. Plasma and cellular viral loads in PMPA-treated animals were significantly lower than those in untreated controls. Although PMPA-treated animals showed acute lymphopenia due to SIVsmmPBj14 infection, cell subset levels subsequently recovered and returned to normal. Based upon subsequent CD4(+) cell counts, the results suggest that very early treatment following retroviral infection can have a significant effect on modifying the subsequent course of disease. These results also suggest that viral replication is an important factor involved in PBJ-induced disease. These studies reinforce the idea that the SIVsmmPBj model system is useful for therapy and vaccine testing.  相似文献   
To identify genetic changes underlying dog domestication and reconstruct their early evolutionary history, we generated high-quality genome sequences from three gray wolves, one from each of the three putative centers of dog domestication, two basal dog lineages (Basenji and Dingo) and a golden jackal as an outgroup. Analysis of these sequences supports a demographic model in which dogs and wolves diverged through a dynamic process involving population bottlenecks in both lineages and post-divergence gene flow. In dogs, the domestication bottleneck involved at least a 16-fold reduction in population size, a much more severe bottleneck than estimated previously. A sharp bottleneck in wolves occurred soon after their divergence from dogs, implying that the pool of diversity from which dogs arose was substantially larger than represented by modern wolf populations. We narrow the plausible range for the date of initial dog domestication to an interval spanning 11–16 thousand years ago, predating the rise of agriculture. In light of this finding, we expand upon previous work regarding the increase in copy number of the amylase gene (AMY2B) in dogs, which is believed to have aided digestion of starch in agricultural refuse. We find standing variation for amylase copy number variation in wolves and little or no copy number increase in the Dingo and Husky lineages. In conjunction with the estimated timing of dog origins, these results provide additional support to archaeological finds, suggesting the earliest dogs arose alongside hunter-gathers rather than agriculturists. Regarding the geographic origin of dogs, we find that, surprisingly, none of the extant wolf lineages from putative domestication centers is more closely related to dogs, and, instead, the sampled wolves form a sister monophyletic clade. This result, in combination with dog-wolf admixture during the process of domestication, suggests that a re-evaluation of past hypotheses regarding dog origins is necessary.  相似文献   
A side effect of radiation therapy in the head and neck region is injury to surrounding healthy tissues such as irreversible impaired function of the salivary glands. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is clinically used to treat radiation-induced damage but its mechanism of action is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the molecular pathways that are affected by HBOT in mouse salivary glands two weeks after radiation therapy by microarray analysis. Interestingly, HBOT led to significant attenuation of the radiation-induced expression of a set of genes and upstream regulators that are involved in processes such as fibrosis and tissue regeneration. Our data suggest that the TGFβ-pathway, which is involved in radiation-induced fibrosis and chronic loss of function after radiation therapy, is affected by HBOT. On the longer term, HBOT reduced the expression of the fibrosis-associated factor α-smooth muscle actin in irradiated salivary glands. This study highlights the potential of HBOT to inhibit the TGFβ-pathway in irradiated salivary glands and to restrain consequential radiation induced tissue injury.  相似文献   
Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inadvertent inclusion of weevil‐infested seeds when evaluating seed predation by vertebrates, and particularly rodents, may lead to an overestimation of predation rates, thereby confusing the roles of rodents and invertebrates as ecological filters. A study of weevils, rodents and Syagrus romanzoffiana palm seeds indicates the usefulness of X‐rays to improve evaluation of invertebrate seed predation.  相似文献   
Molecular diversity of SIVsmm/PBj and a cognate variant, SIVsmm/PGg   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The molecular diversity of SIVsmm/PBj proviral genomes in tissues of an infected macaque was analyzed. Molecular clones derived directly from intestinal tissue DNA were heterogenous, and contained LTRs with one or two NF-kB binding sites. LTRs with one NF-kB site predominated (approximately 75%). Virions derived from biologically active chimeric DNA clones with one or two NF-kB sites did not induce the acute death syndrome characteristic of PBj infection. These results suggest that either the duplicated NF-kB site acts in concert with other important viral determinants, or plays no role in producing the PBj syndrome.  相似文献   
Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin™ as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin™ for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes.  相似文献   
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