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Numerous studies have shown that drugs of abuse induce changes in protein expression in the brain that are thought to play a role in synaptic plasticity. Drug-induced plasticity can be mediated by changes at the synapse and more specifically at the postsynaptic density (PSD), which receives and transduces synaptic information. To date, the majority of studies examining synaptic protein profiles have focused on identifying the synaptic proteome. Only a handful of studies have examined the changes in synaptic profile by drug administration. We applied a quantitative proteomics analysis technique with the cleavable ICAT reagent to quantitate relative changes in protein levels of the hippocampal PSD in response to morphine administration. We identified a total of 102 proteins in the mouse hippocampal PSD. The majority of these were signaling, trafficking, and cytoskeletal proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. Among the proteins whose levels were found to be altered by morphine administration, clathrin levels were increased to the largest extent. Immunoblotting and electron microscopy studies showed that this increase was localized to the PSD. Morphine treatment was also found to lead to a local increase in two other components of the endocytic machinery, dynamin and AP-2, suggesting a critical involvement of the endocytic machinery in the modulatory effects of morphine. Because alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors are thought to undergo clathrin-mediated endocytosis, we examined the effect of morphine administration on the association of the AMPA receptor subunit, GluR1, with clathrin. We found a substantial decrease in the levels of GluR1 associated with clathrin. Taken together, these results suggest that, by causing a redistribution of endocytic proteins at the synapse, morphine modulates synaptic plasticity at hippocampal glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   
Our previous data illustrated that activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway was enriched in triple-negative breast cancer and associated with reduced overall survival in all patients. To determine whether Wnt signaling may be a promising therapeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer, we investigated whether β-catenin was necessary for tumorigenic behaviors in vivo and in vitro. β-catenin expression level was significantly reduced in two human triple-negative breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and HCC38, using lentiviral delivery of β-catenin-specific small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs). Upon implantation of the cells in the mammary fat pad of immunocompromised mice, we found that β-catenin shRNA HCC38 cells formed markedly smaller tumors than control cells and grew much more slowly. In in vitro assays, β-catenin silencing significantly reduced the percentage of Aldefluor-positive cells, a read-out of the stem-like cell population, as well as the expression of stem cell-related target genes including Bmi-1 and c-Myc. β-catenin-knockdown cells were also significantly impaired in their ability to migrate in wound-filling assays and form anchorage-independent colonies in soft agar. β-catenin-knockdown cells were more sensitive to chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin and cisplatin. Collectively, these data suggest that β-catenin is required for triple-negative breast cancer development by controlling numerous tumor-associated properties, such as migration, stemness, anchorage-independent growth and chemosensitivity.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are a major intracellular organelle for drug targeting due to its functional roles in cellular metabolism and cell signaling for proliferation and cell death. Mitochondria-targeted treatment strategy could be promising to improve the therapeutic efficacy of cancer while minimizing the adverse side effects. Over the last decades, several studies have explored and focused on mitochondrial functions, which has led to the emergence of mitochondria-specific therapies. Molecules in the mitochondria are considered to be prime targets, and a wide range of molecular strategies have been designed for targeting mitochondria compared with that of the cytosol. In this review, we focused on the molecular mechanisms of mitochondria-specific ligand targeting and selective drug action strategies for targeting mitochondria, including those premised on mitochondrial targeting of signal peptides (MTS), cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), and use of lipophilic cations. Furthermore, most research has concentrated on specific conjugation of ligands to therapeutic molecules to enhance their effectiveness. There are several variations for the ideal design and development for mitochondrial-targeted drugs, such as selecting a suitable ligand and linker targets. However, some challenges related to drug solubility and selectivity could be resolved using the nanocarrier system. Nanoparticles yield excellent advantages for targeting and transmitting therapeutic drugs, and they offer elegant platforms for mitochondria-specific drug delivery. We explain many of the advanced and proven strategies for multifunctional mitochondria-specific targets, which should contribute to achieving better anticancer therapies in a promising future.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - The study assessed trace element selenium (Se) and a heavy metal lead (Pb) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its associated proteinuria....  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to investigate a new mathematical model that describes the interactions between Hepatitis B virus (HBV), liver cells (hepatocytes), and the adaptive immune response. The qualitative analysis of this as cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) cells and the antibodies. These outcomes are (1) a disease free steady state, which its local stability is characterized as usual by R 0 < 1, (2) and the existence of four endemic steady states when R 0 > 1. The local stability of these steady states depends on functions of R 0. Our study shows that although we give conditions of stability of these steady states, not all conditions are feasible. This rules out the local stability of two steady states. The conditions of stability of the two other steady states (which represent the complete failure of the adaptive immunity and the persistence of the disease) are formulated based on the domination of CTL cells response or the antibody response.  相似文献   
Saccharification of five cellulosic wastes, i.e. rice husks, wheat bran, corn cobs, wheat straw and rice straw by three cellulytic fungi, i.e. Aspergillus glaums MN1, Aspergillus oryzae MN2 and Penicillium purpurogenum MN3, during solid-state fermentation (SSF) was laboratory studied. Rice husks, wheat bran, and corn cobs were selected as inducers of glucose production in the tested fungi. An incubation interval of 10 days was optimal for glucose production. Maximal activities of the cellulases FP-ase, CMC-ase, and p-glucosidase were detected during SSF of rice husks by P. purpurogenum; however, a-amylase activity (7.2 U/g) was comparatively reduced. Meanwhile, the productivities of FP-ase, CMC-ase, and β-glucosidase were high during SSF of rice husks by A glaucus; however, they decreased during SSF of corn cobs by P. purpurogenum. Addition of rock phosphate (RP) (75 mg P2O5) decreased the pH of SSF media. (NH4)2SO4 was found to be less inducer of cellulytic enzymes, during SSF of rice husks by A. glaucus or A. oryzae; it also induced phytase production and solubilization of RP. The organic acids associated with saccharification of the wastes studied have also been investigated. The highest concentration of levulinic acid was detected (46.15 mg/g) during SSF of corn cobs by P. purpurogenum. Likewise, oxalic acid concentration was 43.20 mg/g during SSF of rice husks by P. purpurogenum.  相似文献   
Opiates produce significant and persistent changes in synaptic transmission; knowledge of the proteins involved in these changes may help to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying opiate dependence. Using an integrated quantitative proteomics and systems biology approach, we explored changes in the presynaptic protein profile following a paradigm of chronic morphine administration that leads to the development of dependence. For this, we isolated presynaptic fractions from the striata of rats treated with saline or escalating doses of morphine, and analyzed the proteins in these fractions using differential isotopic labeling. We identified 30 proteins that were significantly altered by morphine and integrated them into a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network representing potential morphine-regulated protein complexes. Graph theory-based analysis of this network revealed clusters of densely connected and functionally related morphine-regulated clusters of proteins. One of the clusters contained molecular chaperones thought to be involved in regulation of neurotransmission. Within this cluster, cysteine-string protein (CSP) and the heat shock protein Hsc70 were downregulated by morphine. Interestingly, Hsp90, a heat shock protein that normally interacts with CSP and Hsc70, was upregulated by morphine. Moreover, treatment with the selective Hsp90 inhibitor, geldanamycin, decreased the somatic signs of naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal, suggesting that Hsp90 upregulation at the presynapse plays a role in the expression of morphine dependence. Thus, integration of proteomics, network analysis, and behavioral studies has provided a greater understanding of morphine-induced alterations in synaptic composition, and identified a potential novel therapeutic target for opiate dependence.  相似文献   
In Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies, the microtubule-associated protein tau can undergo aberrant hyperphosphorylation potentially leading to the development of neurofibrillary pathology. Anesthetics have been previously shown to induce tau hyperphosphorylation through a mechanism involving hypothermia-induced inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity. However, the effects of propofol, a common clinically used intravenous anesthetic, on tau phosphorylation under normothermic conditions are unknown. We investigated the effects of a general anesthetic dose of propofol on levels of phosphorylated tau in the mouse hippocampus and cortex under normothermic conditions. Thirty min following the administration of propofol 250 mg/kg i.p., significant increases in tau phosphorylation were observed at the AT8, CP13, and PHF-1 phosphoepitopes in the hippocampus, as well as at AT8, PHF-1, MC6, pS262, and pS422 epitopes in the cortex. However, we did not detect somatodendritic relocalization of tau. In both brain regions, tau hyperphosphorylation persisted at the AT8 epitope 2 h following propofol, although the sedative effects of the drug were no longer evident at this time point. By 6 h following propofol, levels of phosphorylated tau at AT8 returned to control levels. An initial decrease in the activity and expression of PP2A were observed, suggesting that PP2A inhibition is at least partly responsible for the hyperphosphorylation of tau at multiple sites following 30 min of propofol exposure. We also examined tau phosphorylation in SH-SY5Y cells transfected to overexpress human tau. A 1 h exposure to a clinically relevant concentration of propofol in vitro was also associated with tau hyperphosphorylation. These findings suggest that propofol increases tau phosphorylation both in vivo and in vitro under normothermic conditions, and further studies are warranted to determine the impact of this anesthetic on the acceleration of neurofibrillary pathology.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to evaluate selenium (Se) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) status in patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) before and after induction therapy. Twenty-five patients with newly diagnosed AML and 15 healthy age- and sex-matched control subjects were included in this study. Serum Se level by the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric technique and GPX activity by an adaptation of Beutler method was performed for the patients before and after receiving the induction therapy. Serum Se level was significantly lower in patients with AML versus control subjects (63.1?±?8.8 versus 77?±?8.8 µg/L before therapy with a P value <0.01 and 69?±?6.8 versus 77?±?8.8 µg/L after therapy with a P value <0.01).GPX activity was significantly lower in patients with AML versus control subjects (1.6?±?0.4 versus 3.4?±?0.7 µ/g protein pretreatment with a P value <0.01and 1.9?±?0.6 versus 3.4?±?0.7 µ/g protein post induction treatment with P value <0.01).Se level and GPX activity significantly increased in AML patients after treatment. Patients who accomplished complete remission after induction harbored significantly higher Se levels than resistant patients before and after treatment. There was no significant correlation between serum Se level and GPX activity. Decreased Se level and reduced GPX activity in AML patients support the association of carcinogenesis and subnormal Se states.  相似文献   
Flavescence dorée (FD) is a grapevine disease that afflicts several wine production areas in Europe, from Portugal to Serbia. FD is caused by a bacterium, “Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis,” which is spread throughout the vineyards by a leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus (Cicadellidae). After collection of S. titanus specimens from FD-contaminated vineyards in three different areas in the Piedmont region of Italy, we performed a survey to characterize the bacterial microflora associated with this insect. Using length heterogeneity PCR with universal primers for bacteria we identified a major peak associated with almost all of the individuals examined (both males and females). Characterization by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis confirmed the presence of a major band that, after sequencing, showed a 97 to 99% identity with Bacteroidetes symbionts of the “Candidatus Cardinium hertigii” group. In addition, electron microscopy of tissues of S. titanus fed for 3 months on phytoplasma-infected grapevine plants showed bacterial cells with the typical morphology of “Ca. Cardinium hertigii.” This endosymbiont, tentatively designated ST1-C, was found in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic and vitellogenic ovarian cells, in the follicle cells, and in the fat body and salivary glands. In addition, cell morphologies resembling those of “Ca. Phytoplasma vitis” were detected in the midgut, and specific PCR assays indicated the presence of the phytoplasma in the gut, fat body and salivary glands. These results indicate that ST1-C and “Ca. Phytoplasma vitis” have a complex life cycle in the body of S. titanus and are colocalized in different organs and tissues.  相似文献   
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