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The mesopelagic fish community of the northern Scotia Sea was investigated during the austral autumn using multi-frequency acoustics, opening and closing nets and pelagic trawls fished from the surface to 1,000 m. The Family Myctophidae (15 species in 5 genera) dominated the ichthyofauna, with larval notothenids caught over the South Georgia shelf and bathylagids and stomiids abundant in deeper hauls. The biomass of myctophids was estimated to be 2.93 g wet weight 1,000 m−3, with Electrona carlsbergi, E. antarctica, Protomyctophum bolini, P. choriodon, Gymnoscopelus braueri, G. fraseri, G. nicholsi and Krefftichthys anderssoni, being the most abundant species. Analysis of community structure indicated a high level of depth stratification within the myctophids, with evidence of diurnal vertical migration in some, but not all, species. Length-frequencies of G. braueri, G. nicholsi, E. antarctica and K. anderssoni were multimodal, suggesting that all life stages may be present in the northern Scotia Sea. In contrast, P. choriodon, P. bolini, G. fraseri and E. carlsbergi had unimodal distributions despite having multi-year lifecycles, indicating that they probably migrate into the region from warmer areas to the north.  相似文献   
PROMISE: a database of bioinorganic motifs.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The PROMISE (prosthetic centres andmetalions in protein activesites) database aims to present comprehensive sequence, structural, functional and bibliographic information on metalloproteins and other complex proteins, with an emphasis on active site structure and function. The database is available on the WorldWide Web at http://bioinf.leeds.ac.uk/promise/  相似文献   
An inward Shaker K(+) channel identified in Zea mays (maize), ZmK2.1, displays strong regulation by external K(+) when expressed in Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) oocytes or COS cells. ZmK2.1 is specifically activated by K(+) with an apparent K(m) close to 15 mM independent of the membrane hyperpolarization level. In the absence of K(+), ZmK2.1 appears to enter a nonconducting state. Thus, whatever the membrane potential, this maize channel cannot mediate K(+) influx in the submillimolar concentration range, unlike its relatives in Arabidopsis thaliana. Its expression is restricted to the shoots, the strongest signal (RT-PCR) being associated with vascular/bundle sheath strands. Based on sequence and gene structure, the closest relatives of ZmK2.1 in Arabidopsis are K(+) Arabidopsis Transporter 1 (KAT1) (expressed in guard cells) and KAT2 (expressed in guard cells and leaf phloem). Patch-clamp analyses of guard cell protoplasts reveal a higher functional diversity of K(+) channels in maize than in Arabidopsis. Channels endowed with regulation by external K(+) similar to that of ZmK2.1 (channel activity regulated by external K(+) with a K(m) close to 15 mM, regulation independent of external Ca(2+)) constitute a major component of the maize guard cell inward K(+) channel population. The presence of such channels in maize might reflect physiological traits of C4 and/or monocotyledonous plants.  相似文献   
We explored the evidence for a quantitative trait locus (QTL)-specific genotype x alcoholism interaction for an evoked electroencephalogram theta band oscillation (ERP) phenotype on a region of chromosome 7 in participants of the US Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Among 901 participants with both genotype and phenotype data available, we performed variance component linkage analysis (SOLAR version 2.1.2) in the full sample and stratified by DSM-III-R and Feighner-definite alcoholism categories. The heritability of the ERP phenotype after adjusting for age and sex effects in the combined sample and in the alcoholism classification sub-groups ranged from 40% to 66%. Linkage on chromosome 7 was identified at 158 cM (LOD = 3.8) in the full sample and at 108 in the non-alcoholic subgroup (LOD = 3.1). Further, we detected QTL-specific genotype x alcoholism interaction at these loci. This work demonstrates the importance of considering the complexity of common complex traits in our search for genes that predispose to alcoholism.  相似文献   
Phagocytosis is associated with large changes in the membrane potential of macrophages, but the functional significance of this is unknown. Whole cell recordings were made from rat peritoneal macrophages. Sustained (>30 s) depolarization of the cells progressively activated a conductance that remained high (several nanoSeimens) for several tens of seconds. This current: 1) was linearly dependent on potential between -100 and +50 mV; 2) reversed close to 0 mV in a physiological external solution; 3) could also be carried in part by N-methyl-D-glucamine (P(NMDG)/P(Na) 0.7), chloride (P(Cl)/P(Na) 0.5), or calcium (P(Ca)/P(Na) 1.3); and 4) was blocked by intracellular ATP (5 mM) or ADP (10 mM) and by extracellular lanthanum (half-maximal concentration 1 mM). A current with all the same properties was recorded in cells when the intracellular solution contained ADP-ribose (10-300 micro M) or beta-NAD (1 mM) (but not any other nucleotide analogs tested). The results suggest that prolonged depolarization leads to an increased intracellular level of ADP-ribose, which in turn activates this nonselective conductance(s).  相似文献   
Bidentate interaction of a T-cell receptor and CD8alphabeta heterodimer with a peptide-MHCI complex is required for the generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. During thymic development, the modification of CD8beta glycans influences major histocompatibility complex class I binding to T-cell precursors called thymocytes. ES mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem MS/MS analysis were used to identify the changes occurring in the CD8beta-glycopeptides during T-cell development. Several threonine residues proximal to the CD8beta Ig headpiece are glycosylated with core-type 1 O-glycans. Non-sialylated glycoforms are present in immature thymocytes but are virtually absent in mature thymocytes. These results suggest how sialylation in a discrete segment of the CD8beta stalk by ST3Gal-1 sialyltransferase creates a molecular developmental switch that affects ligand binding.  相似文献   
Iron(III)-reducing bacteria have been demonstrated to rapidly catalyze the reduction and immobilization of uranium(VI) from contaminated subsurface sediments. Thus, these organisms may aid in the development of bioremediation strategies for uranium contamination, which is prevalent in acidic subsurface sediments at U.S. government facilities. Iron(III)-reducing enrichment cultures were initiated from pristine and contaminated (high in uranium, nitrate; low pH) subsurface sediments at pH 7 and pH 4 to 5. Enumeration of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria yielded cell counts of up to 240 cells ml(-1) for the contaminated and background sediments at both pHs with a range of different carbon sources (glycerol, acetate, lactate, and glucose). In enrichments where nitrate contamination was removed from the sediment by washing, MPN counts of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria increased substantially. Sediments of lower pH typically yielded lower counts of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in lactate- and acetate-amended enrichments, but higher counts were observed when glucose was used as an electron donor in acidic enrichments. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences extracted from the highest positive MPN dilutions revealed that the predominant members of Fe(III)-reducing consortia from background sediments were closely related to members of the Geobacteraceae family, whereas a recently characterized Fe(III) reducer (Anaeromyxobacter sp.) and organisms not previously shown to reduce Fe(III) (Paenibacillus and Brevibacillus spp.) predominated in the Fe(III)-reducing consortia of contaminated sediments. Analysis of enrichment cultures by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) strongly supported the cloning and sequencing results. Dominant members of the Fe(III)-reducing consortia were observed to be stable over several enrichment culture transfers by T-RFLP in conjunction with measurements of Fe(III) reduction activity and carbon substrate utilization. Enrichment cultures from contaminated sites were also shown to rapidly reduce millimolar amounts of U(VI) in comparison to killed controls. With DNA extracted directly from subsurface sediments, quantitative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences with MPN-PCR indicated that Geobacteraceae sequences were more abundant in pristine compared to contaminated environments,whereas Anaeromyxobacter sequences were more abundant in contaminated sediments. Thus, results from a combination of cultivation-based and cultivation-independent approaches indicate that the abundance/community composition of Fe(III)-reducing consortia in subsurface sediments is dependent upon geochemical parameters (pH, nitrate concentration) and that microorganisms capable of producing spores (gram positive) or spore-like bodies (Anaeromyxobacter) were representative of acidic subsurface environments.  相似文献   
In response to drought, plants synthesise the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), which triggers closure of the stomatal pores. This process is vital for plants to conserve water by reducing transpirational water loss. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated the advantages of the Arabidopsis stomatal guard cell for combining genetic, molecular and biophysical approaches to characterise ABA action. However, genetic dissection of stomatal regulation has been limited by the difficulty of identifying a reliable phenotype for mutant screening. Leaf temperature can be used as an indicator to detect mutants with altered stomatal control, since transpiration causes leaf cooling. In this study, we optimised experimental conditions under which individual Arabidopsis plants with altered stomatal responses to drought can be identified by infrared thermography. These conditions were then used to perform a pilot screen for mutants that displayed a reduced ability to close their stomata and hence appeared colder than the wild type. Some of the mutants recovered were deficient in ABA accumulation, and corresponded to alleles of the ABA biosynthesis loci ABA1, ABA2 and ABA3. Interestingly, two of these novel aba2 alleles were able to intragenically complement the aba2-1 mutation. The remaining mutants showed reduced ABA responsiveness in guard cells. In addition to the previously known abi1-1 mutation, we isolated mutations at two novel loci designated as OST1 (OPEN STOMATA 1) and OST2. Remarkably, ost1 and ost2 represent, to our knowledge, the first Arabidopsis mutations altering ABA responsiveness in stomata and not in seeds.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method of performing model-free LOD-score based linkage analysis on quantitative traits. It is implemented in the QMFLINK program. The method is used to perform a genome screen on the Framingham Heart Study data. A number of markers that show some support for linkage in our study coincide substantially with those implicated in other linkage studies of hypertension. Although the new method needs further testing on additional real and simulated data sets we can already say that it is straightforward to apply and may offer a useful complementary approach to previously available methods for the linkage analysis of quantitative traits.  相似文献   
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