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Several axenic strains of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Entamoeba histolytica were tested for their capacity to digest native radioactive type I collagen gels and to produce liver abscesses when injected into the liver of newborn hamsters. The results demonstrate that the pathogenic strains of amebas (HM1:IMSS, HM3:IMSS, HM38:IMSS, and HK9) have a collagenolytic activity that closely correlates with their in vivo capacity to produce liver lesions. The nonpathogenic isolate (Laredo) did not show collagenolytic activity and failed to produce lesions in the liver of newborn hamsters. The results also demonstrate that type I collagen obtained from rodents and cats is degraded less by amebic collagenase than is bovine collagen, which is similar to human collagen. These findings suggest that species susceptibility to invasive infection may depend, among other factors, on the characteristics of the extracellular components of host tissues.  相似文献   
The prostaglandin (PG) content of several tissues and fluids from 6 day pregnant rabbits was evaluated following treatment with indomethacin or vehicle . PGE and PGF were measured by radioimmunoassay. More complete depletion of PGE and PGF was accomplished by 3 injections of indomethacin (s.c.) given during the 18 h before sacrifice at a dose of 10 mg indomethacin per kg body weight than was accomplished by 1 injection of the same amount of indomethacin (i.v.) 1.5 h before sacrifice. Levels of PGF were more easily depressed by indomethacin than were those of PGE. PG levels in the kidney and blastocysts were depressed to a greater extent by indomethacin than were those in the uterus, uterine fluid or peritoneal fluid. Evaluation of the effect of indomethacin on a particular physiological function should be interpreted with caution unless the extent of PG depletion in that tissue is also measured.  相似文献   
The experimental evidence reviewed in this article suggests that the kidneys may have an additional function in regulating blood pressure besides their role in controlling both blood volume by urine formation and the relative state of vasoconstriction by the renin-angiotensin system. That is, the kidneys may have an additional influence upon the vasculature of a hormonal vasodilating system. The interstitial cells of the renal medulla appear to be mediating this activity and lipid compounds have been extracted from the renal medulla which display depressor activity. One such compound, the antihypertensive polar renomedullary lipid (APRL), has been demonstrated to consist of specific alkyl ether analogues of phosphatidylcholine. The vascular responses to these compounds include vasodilation of both arterioles and venules, rapid lowering of arterial blood pressure with little or no tachycardia, increased depressor activity in hypertensive animals, and blockade of vascular smooth muscle alpha 1-adrenergic receptors. Most recently, APRL and a synthetic analogue, 1-0-octadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine, have been used to demonstrate alpha-adrenergic receptor blockade on a smooth muscle cell line (DDT1) by radioligand assays. This action may be due to the insertion of these compounds into cell membranes causing subsequent steric interactions and blockade of the alpha-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   
A mathematical analysis for fast changes of ethylene concentration in an open flow system (non-steady-state conditions) is presented and experimentally tested. In this way it becomes possible to determine true values of ethylene production in the minute range following physiological and environmental changes which influence ethylene evolution. By this procedure ethylene kinetics can also be compared in absolute values independent of flow rate and plant chamber volume.  相似文献   
Behavior can be regarded as a result of various processes ofdecision based on the information provided by the sensory organs.In this review the role of the so-called additional heat sense,next to vision, smell and mechanoreception is discussed withrespect to the feeding behavior of snakes. The hierarchy ofthe sensory information in various phases of the feeding behaviordiffers between snakes possessing heat receptors (e.g., speciesof the Crotalinae and Pythoninae) and those without (e.g., speciesof the Viperinae and Colubrinae). Probably depending on theinfluence of ecological demands, visual or chemical cues arethe main information in the behavioral phases before the strikeHowever, in situations with little visual input, e.g., in darkness,rodents' burrows, etc., hunting behavior is guided in the firstplace by radiation of warm objects in Crotalus, Python and Trimeresurusflavoviridis, and by substrate vibrations in Vipera aspis, Pituophismelanoleucus and Boa constrictor. I suggest that in the sensoryhierarchy, heat information functionally replaces the mechanicalinformation which is utilized by snakes without pit organs.Poststrike behavior on the other hand is mainly guided by chemicalcues in all snakes.  相似文献   
Astrocytes can be induced by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) to express class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. This study was undertaken to elucidate the intracellular signaling pathways involved in IFN-gamma induction of class II MHC. We examined the effects of Na+/H+ antiporter and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors on class II expression and Na+ influx in astrocytes. We found that amiloride and ethyl isopropylamiloride, inhibitors of Na+/H+ exchange, blocked IFN-gamma-induced class II gene expression. IFN-gamma stimulated Na+ influx, and this increased influx was inhibited by amiloride. Treatment of astrocytes with the PKC inhibitor H7 also blocked the increase in Na+ uptake induced by IFN-gamma, indicating that IFN-gamma-induced PKC activation is required for subsequent Na+ influx. IFN-gamma treatment produced an increase of total PKC activity, which was associated with a rapid translocation of PKC activity from cytosolic to particulate fraction. H7 and another PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, inhibited IFN-gamma-induced class II gene expression. However, 4 beta-phorbol 12 beta-myristate 13 alpha-acetate, a potent PKC activator, did not affect class II expression. Taken together, our data indicate that both IFN-gamma-induced PKC activation and Na+ influx are required for class II MHC expression in astrocytes but that activation of PKC alone is not sufficient for ultimate expression of this gene.  相似文献   
Heating locally the hypocotyl of Bidens pilosa L. elicits awave of depolarization. The mechanism of the wave has been investigatedby means of microelectrophysiological techniques. The amplitudeof the transmembrane potential variation induced by an extracellularion concentration change (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl) was thesame in the resting conditions as during the slow wave. At pH4.0, the amplitude of the slow wave was reduced by 56% comparedwith the control performed at pH 7.0. In the presence of theuncoupler CCCP, the slow wave was not observed. The Ca2+ -chelatorEGTA and the Ca22+ -channel blocker La3+ reduced, respectively,the amplitude of the slow wave by 78% and 68%. These resultsindicate the involvement of Ca2+ in triggering the slow wave.A transient modification of the electrogenic H+ pump activity(inactivation-activation) and of the transmembrane H+ flux inthe slow wave are discussed. Key words: Slow wave (of depolarization), wounding, electrogenic pump, calcium, Bidens pilosa L  相似文献   
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