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Pili mediated agglutination of Serratia marcescens in human urine   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Of 51 strains of Serratia marcescens isolated from patients with urinary or respiratory tract infections, 35 agglutinated in human urine. The agglutinating strains possessed numerous pili which were morphologically distinct from common pili or type I pili. The diameter of the pili was 3 nm and the average length was 0.3 micrometer. Electron microscopic examination showed that 80% or more of the cells of the agglutinating strains and 0 to 8% of the cells of the nonagglutinating strains were piliated. When an agglutinating strain was heated at 55 C for 10 min, it lost its agglutinating capacity and concomitantly its pili. These results suggest that the agglutination might occur because of interactions between the pili and some factors in human urine. The urinary slime appears to contain these agglutinating factors.  相似文献   
The mechanism of induction of DNA synthesis in quiescent rat 3Y1 cells by the adenovirus E1A gene was investigated using the 3Y1 derivative cell lines g12-21, gn12RB1, and gn12RB2. The g12-21 cells express the E1A 12S cDNA and the latter two cells express both the E1A 12S cDNA and the human retinoblastoma susceptibility (Rb) gene at different levels in response to dexamethasone (dex). The cDNA sequences of E1A-inducible cell cycle-dependent genes, clone 3 and clone 16, were isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library constructed from dex-treated g12-21 cells. The quiescent 3Y1 cells induced c-fos and c-myc expression within 2 h after serum stimulation and expressed clone 16 and clone 3 transiently at around 8 h before the onset of DNA synthesis (10 h). In contrast, the quiescent g12-21 cells treated with dex expressed a high level of E1A at 6 to 8 h after treatment and expressed clone 16 and clone 3 at around 8 h without stimulation of c-fos and c-myc expression, suggesting that E1A bypasses the cell cycle early in G1. The half-maximal rate of DNA synthesis was reached in a much shorter time in dex-treated g12-21 cells (12 h) than in serum-treated 3Y1 cells (18 h), suggesting that E1A also bypasses the cell cycle at the G1/S boundary. The gn12RB1 and gn12RB2 cells were unable to induce DNA synthesis in response to dex presumably due to lower levels of E1A expression, although gn12RB2 but not gn12RB1 cells could express clone 16 and clone 3. These results suggest that the level of E1A required for bypass at the G1/S boundary is higher than that required early in G1.  相似文献   
Time course changes in the cell shape and in the patterns of microfilament distribution were analyzed quantitatively using cultured porcine aortic endothelial cell monolayers before and after a shear flow exposure. Geometrical parameters of the cell and of the microfilament were measured on fluorescent photomicrographs of the cells stained with rhodamine-phalloidin. After the shear flow exposure (20 dyn cm-2, 0-24 h), the endothelial cells on glass were elongated and oriented to the direction of the flow. Under the no-flow condition, F-actin filaments were mainly localized at the periphery of the cell, although some filaments were seen in the more central portion. The angles of the filaments were randomly distributed. After 3 h, the stress fiber-like structure of an F-actin bundle was formed in the central part of the cells, and these filaments were oriented to the direction of the flow. The degree of orientation increased as the time of exposure to shear stress became longer. This change in F-actin preceded cell elongation and orientation; these changes were statistically significant only after 6 h. After 24 h, peripheral filaments were again observed, and the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine-phalloidin-stained cells was enhanced. These findings suggest that the redistribution of F-actin filaments is one of the early cellular responses to the onset of shear stress and that it is one of the most important factors controlling cell elongation and orientation to the direction of the flow.  相似文献   
Plasma growth hormone (GH) responses to various stimuli were examined in 21 patients with GH-producing pituitary adenomas, classified into three types by the immunohistochemistry of cytokeratin and the glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit distribution. Seven type 1 adenomas were exclusively composed of cells in which the cytokeratin formed a dot-like pattern; they were chromophobic to hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), occasionally positive for GH, and almost completely negative for the alpha-subunit. Thirteen type 2 adenomas were composed of cells with cytokeratin that had a perinuclear distribution; they were eosinophilic to H&E, and diffusely positive for both GH and the alpha-subunit. One patient had a type 3 adenoma which had a mixed pattern of intracellular cytokeratin distribution and was chromophobic and eosinophilic to H&E. Clinically, type 1 is characterized by earlier onset, larger tumor size, and more frequent aggressive extension. Paradoxical GH responses to TRH and OGTT were seen in 1 of 6 patients (16.7%) of type 1 and 8 of 9 patients (88.9%) of type 2, and 0% of type 1 and 62.5% of type 2, respectively. Type 2 cases showed higher plasma GH response to GH-releasing hormone, and a tendency to greater suppression of plasma GH by bromocriptine compared with type 1. Octreotide acetate administration revealed that the nadir/basal ratio of plasma GH levels was 42.9 +/- 6.6% in type 1 and 13.5 +/- 5.8% in type 2. These results suggest that there is a pathophysiological difference between these two distinct types of GH-producing pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   
Haematological and serum biochemical measurements were carried out in 1-year-old hairless and haired hybrids derived from the Mexican hairless dog (MHD). These hybrids included F1 hybrids obtained from male MHD and female Beagles, and BCF1 hybrids obtained from male hairless F1 and female Beagles. There were no significant differences between F1 and BCF1 hybrids, nor between male and female hybrids. Except for red blood cell counts, haemoglobin concentrations and packed cell volumes which were slightly higher in MHD-descendants than in Beagles, there were no differences for haematological and serum biochemical findings between hairless and haired hybrids when compared to age-matched Beagles.  相似文献   
A large-scale preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) method that uses a 1.5- or a 2.0-cm-thick slab gel has been developed for the purification of NAD-dependent dehydrogenases. With the 2.0-cm-thick gel, a maximum volume (up to about 160 ml) of enzyme sample was applied to a gel plate, resulting in the application of a large amount of protein and enzyme. After the electrophoretic run, the enzyme band on the gel was detected by activity staining and recovered from the gel by extraction with a fairly loose-fitting glass-Teflon homogenizer. NAD-dependent alanine dehydrogenase, leucine dehydrogenase, and glycerol dehydrogenase were purified in high yields (more than 80%) by the preparative PAGE method. The method can be carried out using a simple slab gel apparatus, which is modified from the conventional analytical apparatus for the purpose of preparative PAGE under conditions used for routine analytical runs. Thus, the method may be suitable for use in purifying NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenases and many other enzymes after conventional chromatography such as dye-ligand affinity chromatography or ion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   
The interaction between the binding site of a polysaccharide (called compact colony forming active substance (CCFAS)), obtained from the cell surface of a strain of Staphylococcus, and human fibrinogen (HF) was investigated. The CCFAS was found to bind specifically to both the B beta and gamma chains of HF at pH 7.0 and 8.0, and the A alpha chain at pH 5.0. The binding of CCFAS with fibrinogen fragments obtained by digestion with plasmin were also investigated. Fragments with Mr of 55,000, 24,000, and 19,000 were the major bands precipitated by CCFAS at pH 7.0 and 8.0. Fragments with Mr of 85,000 and 75,000 bound to CCFAS at pH 5.0. Binding of CCFAS (7 micrograms) with fibrinogen could be inhibited by 1.2 micrograms of B beta chain and 1.5 micrograms gamma chain at alkaline pH or 6.2 micrograms of the A alpha chain at pH 5.0. CCFAS was, therefore, assumed to be specifically bonded with HF molecules, in the alkaline range at least, resulting in compact colony forming activity in serum soft agar and paracoagulation.  相似文献   
Subepithelial blood vessels of the rat lingual papillae and their spatial relations to the connective tissue papillae and surface structures were demonstrated by light and scanning electron microscopy. In the rat, four types of papillae were distinguished on the dorsal surface of the tongue, i.e. the filiform, fungiform, foliate and circumvallate papillae. Vascular beds of various appearance were found in all four types of lingual papillae: a simple or twisted capillary loop in the filiform papilla; a basket- or petal-like network in the fungiform papilla; a ring-like network in the foliate papilla, and a conglomerated network surrounded by double heart-shaped capillary networks in the circumvallate papilla. These characteristic vascular beds corresponded to the shape of the connective tissue papillae and surface structures. The vascular bed beneath the gustatory epithelium in the fungiform, foliate and circumvallate papilla consisted of fine capillary networks next to the taste buds.  相似文献   
A ferritin particle consists of 24 ferritin proteins (FTH1 and FTL) and stores iron ions within it. During iron deficiency, ferritin particles are transported to lysosomes to release iron ions. Two transport pathways have been reported: macroautophagy and ESCRT-dependent endosomal microautophagy. Although the membrane dynamics of these pathways differ, both require NCOA4, which is thought to be an autophagy receptor for ferritin. However, it is unclear whether NCOA4 only acts as an autophagy receptor in ferritin degradation. Here, we found that ferritin particles form liquid-like condensates in a NCOA4-dependent manner. Homodimerization of NCOA4 and interaction between FTH1 and NCOA4 (i.e., multivalent interactions between ferritin particles and NCOA4) were required for the formation of ferritin condensates. Disruption of these interactions impaired ferritin degradation. Time-lapse imaging and three-dimensional correlative light and electron microscopy revealed that these ferritin–NCOA4 condensates were directly engulfed by autophagosomes and endosomes. In contrast, TAX1BP1 was not required for the formation of ferritin–NCOA4 condensates but was required for their incorporation into autophagosomes and endosomes. These results suggest that NCOA4 acts not only as a canonical autophagy receptor but also as a driver to form ferritin condensates to facilitate the degradation of these condensates by macroautophagy (i.e., macroferritinophagy) and endosomal microautophagy (i.e., microferritinophagy).  相似文献   
We have cloned and sequenced rRNA operons of Clostridium perfringens strain 13 and analyzed the sequence structure in view of the phylogenesis. The organism had ten copies of rRNA operons all of that comprised of 16S, 23S and 5S rDNAs except for one operon. The operons clustered around the origin of replication, ranging within one-third of the whole genome sequence as it is arranged in a circle. Seven operons were transcribed in clockwise direction, and the remaining three were transcribed in counter clockwise direction assuming that the gyrA was transcribed in clockwise direction. Two of the counter clockwise operons contained tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs, and the other had a tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs and a tRNAAsn gene in the place of the 5S rDNA. Microheterogeneity was found within the rRNA structural genes and spacer regions. The length of each 16S, 23S and 5S rDNA were almost identical among the ten operons, however, the intergenic spacer region of 16S-23S and 23S-5S were variable in the length depending on loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome. Nucleotide sequences of the helix 19, helix 19a, helix 20 and helix 21 of 23S rDNA were divergent and the diversity appeared to be correlated with the loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome.  相似文献   
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